Is Your House Too Small for Your Growing Family?

When you first plunged into the world of home ownership it was just you and your husband, and you ran
from corner to corner of your house, rejoicing in all the open space. But what happens as the years go by,
and kids, dogs, cats, in-laws and visitors come into the picture? Suddenly that dream house may start
feeling cramped. It’s entirely understandable, especially if you have small children, with playpens and
toys strewn everywhere. As tight as your house may feel, keep in mind that we have it way better than our
grandparents’ generation. Back in 1950, the average size of a single-family home was 983 square feet. As
of 2004, that average house size had skyrocketed to over 2,300 square feet. Clearly we’ve got more room
to play than past generations. But that’s no consolation when you feel like your family is bursting at the
seams in your current house. So is the house truly too small for your growing family?

First off, you have to keep in mind that there are several benefits to staying in a small home, even if it
takes some careful maneuvering and impressive organizational skills. Smaller houses cost less, and not
just when it comes to your monthly mortgage. Taxes are lower, utility bills are lower, and any renovations
you want to make are much less expensive. You’ll also save a ton of time living in a smaller space. It’s
less square footage to clean and maintain, and less outdoor space to prune and mow. Since you have less
space, you’ll also collect less stuff. There’s simply nowhere to put it all, so you’ll effortlessly embrace a
simpler lifestyle. And if you do want to upgrade or renovate part of the space, it will be much cheaper
than the same job in a larger home. So before you rush to put your small house up for sale, consider all
the saved time and money, and talk seriously with your partner [Read more…]

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Wordless Wednesday (with linky!)

Morey’s Piers Coupon- Wildwood, NJ

Hey Jersey! It’s summer time, and a time-honored summer time activity around here is hitting up Wildwood. In Wildwood there is a ton of fun stuff to do, but one of the most unique and endearing is a stroll down the boardwalk and a stop at Morey’s Piers for an afternoon or evening of rides and attractions (and even fireworks!) What could be more awesome then Morey’s Piers? How about a coupon for Morey’s Piers? YAY for fun and savings together 🙂

Morey’s Piers, located on the [Read more…]

Ginormous Savings! $1.00 off any 1 package of Pepperidge Farm Jingos

$1.00 off any 1 package of Pepperidge Farm Jingos

Active [Read more…]

Couponalicious! $1.50 off When You Buy 1 Bag Of Purina Wonders

$1.50 off When You Buy 1 Bag Of Purina Wonders

Active [Read more…]

Woohoo! $2.00 off one (1) Similac Prenatal Vitamin

$2.00 off one (1) Similac Prenatal Vitamin

Active Date: [Read more…]