Xbox Kinect Bundle Giveaway

Check out this fun giveaway- one any gamer would love to win! Perfect timing for those dog-days of summer- days when it’s just tooooo hot to go outside 🙂
Read on, enter, and win!

Have you heard? We are having a Techy Summer over at Mom to Bed by 8, the ‘Iowa Mom‘ and want to help you continue on with your sensational summer by offering you a chance to win an Xbox Kinect Bundle Pack (including Xbox 360 console, Kinect Sensor and Kinect Adventures Game). Retail value $299.
Special thanks to our lovely co-hosts TechyTribe, I Love To Gossip, Giveaway Bandit, As Mom Sees It and Couponing4you for their support in bringing this gamer giveaway to life!

Xbox 360 4GB Console with Kinect
Product Description
The Xbox 360 4GB Console with Kinect. Kinect brings games and entertainment to life in extraordinary new ways – no controller required. Easy to use and instantly fun, Kinect gets everyone off the couch moving, laughing and cheering. See a ball? Kick it. Control an HD movie with a wave of the hand. Want to join a friend in the fun? Simply jump in. Wi-Fi is built-in for easier connection to the world of entertainment on Xbox LIVE, where HD movies and TV stream in an instant. Xbox 360 is more games, entertainment and fun.

Product Features

Kinect Sensor: With the Kinect sensor, you can experience gaming like never before. Easy to use and fun for everyone, the Kinect sensor utilizes revolutionary full-body tracking to put you in the center of the fun. This amazing new technology allows the sensor to recognize your body and mirror your movements in the game, making you the controller. With Kinect Xbox 360 now has the best controller ever made – YOU.

Built-in Wi-Fi: The new Xbox 360 is the only console with 802.11n Wi-Fi built-in for a faster and easier connection to Xbox LIVE. Stream HD movies and TV or download games from Xbox LIVE in 1080p and 5.1 surround sound from anywhere in the house. Compatible with b/g/n networks.

Xbox LIVE: Xbox LIVE brings a world of entertainment to you. Instantly watch movies [Read more…]

Fun Kids Games for Long Car Rides

If you’ve decided to make this summer’s family vacation a road trip, you’re probably
already wondering how the little ones will fare during those unending hours on the open
road. It’s a great opportunity to show your kids the country, while seeing several different
destinations much more cheaply than if you flew everywhere. But it’s also all too easy
for boredom to set in, leading to stressful arguments and frustrating misbehavior. You
can combat all of these potential issues in advance by planning out a bunch of games
and activities to keep your kids occupied while on the road. Many cars come with built-in
televisions, but if you don’t want your kids zoning out to movies the whole time, here are
some fun kids games for long car rides.

The first option is more an activity than a game, but one your adventure-minded
children will love. Get them a map of your journey so they can keep track of your
progress. They can draw on it in highlighter, keeping up with each mile you cross during
the day. Older children may love pulling out a compass and helping mom and dad
navigate. And for younger children, consider showing them how to make their own map.
Draw your part of the country on a large sheet of paper, with home at one end and the
destination at the other. Every time you stop somewhere, have them draw their favorite
sights from along the way.

The license plate game is another classic option that modern kids still love. Print out
a map of the United States, ideally one that shows each state’s license plate. Then have
your kids keep an eye out to spy the license plates of [Read more…]

Pinterest Hop

Have you found ideas, recipes, crafts that you have pinned on to your Pinterest boards?

Maybe you found something that made you say “I wish I had found that!”

Ever found something that makes you go “AH! Now that is an IDEA that just makes so much sense!”

We want to know! Please share those great pins with us!

Have Sippy Will Travel, The Spring Mount 6 Pack, and Hobbies on a Budget and Beck Valley [Read more…]

@UPrinting – Win Beautiful Business Cards

It’s summer time, and in these hot summer days, we can all use a little rest and relaxation. A vacation is due indeed, if its international, interstate or simply inter-city. It is time to get out there and enjoy your friends and loved ones somewhere else. But there is one little thing to keep in mind- Make connections. When somewhere, else touring or just exploring you will never know who you will meet. New people could further your professional life, others could further your life socially. There is nothing quite as fulfilling as having a great time with a new vacation pal then finding out the two of you could have a mutually beneficial professional relationship, and on vacation! I know this is kind of like working on vacation, but if you are a social butterfly to begin with, (cough) then this is just more getting to know your fellow travelers.

The most important part of meeting new people is having them remember you. One good way to do that is with [Read more…]

Around the World in 80 Bricks- A Mini(land) Photo Essay

We recently spent some time in Florida’s newest theme park- Legoland. And while I have a lot to tell you about our time there, I was really fascinated by MiniLand USA– where entire replicas of cities and famous buidings were built painstakingly out of LEGO bricks.
How many places can you go to for worldwide travel, while never leaving the same spot? LOL.

The only real way to show you how fabulous this is, is with a [Read more…]

Is It Better to Raise Your Kids in the City or the Suburbs?

That incredible day all hopeful moms wish and pray for has finally arrived. You
come home from your doctor’s office with the knowledge that you and your partner are
going to be parents. It’s an amazing feeling, full of all the hopes and dreams of who your
child will be, and what kind of life they will grow up to have. But one decision you will
make on their behalf can do a great deal to shape that future they will experience. And
that’s whether to raise your child in the city, or in the suburbs. As with many decisions
involving your kids, you’ll probably go over the pros and cons of each option for days,
and in the end you may never know for sure if you’re making the right decision. It may
just come down to a preference, and if you raise your child with love, respect, and a solid
set of rules, they will grow into amazing adults in either environment. But here are some
of the issues you should consider if you find yourself wondering whether you should
raise your kids in the city or the suburbs.

First of all, consider the neighborhood. In the suburbs, your child will have lawns to
play on, space to grow, and roads that could be empty for several hours of the day. The
suburbs are known for serenity and continuity. Each day is sure to be like the last, and
for the most part, there won’t be many surprises. In the city, every day is an adventure.
Your child will grow up playing in parks surrounded by buildings and busy streets, with
near constant activity. The suburbs are safe; the city is somewhat uncertain. If you have
an adventurous spirit, and want your children to experience the same, the city may be
your best option. But if you’re a homebody, and want your child to have consistency and
security, the suburbs are probably for you.

Next, consider the activities your kids will be able to take advantage of. The [Read more…]

Find Today’s Best Deals

Best Offer Buy Weekly Deal: Cute Spiderman Toothbrush Holder (2 Pc) @ USD $1.80 Shipped!! With the new Spider Man coming out, this would be a fun little thing to have for your kiddo’s!!

Taco Bell has a delicious deal right now! You can snag a coupon: Buy One Get One Free Cantina Bowl at Taco Bell Coupon on their Facebook Page. They will send you an email and you can print it or show it to them on your phone, to score this sale!

50% OFF 12×12 Photo Books at Shutterfly! 7/6 – 7/11. Just use Code: SAVE50 to score this sale! Plus
new customer [Read more…]

Win a Doll from @JcToys

My girls love dolls, they’d give you an earful of what kinds they like and what accessories they need, which seems larger than their own wardrobe at times.

We or I should say my daughters were able to review a doll from JC Toys. It’s one of the many specialty dolls that any young girl would love to have and hold. The site really offers a doll for any child, whether they want a certain color, size even soft or vinyl you can find it all right there. We had the chance to pick one of the adorable huggable dolls designed by Berenguer. Huggable it is !

This cuddle baby is one of four in the Lots to Cuddle Animal Theme, the others are cat, cow and lamb. My youngest daughter picked the Giraffe as it was just too cute for words in her eyes.
Each huggable doll comes with their own themed outfit and of course a cute little [Read more…]