Fun and Unique Ways to Celebrate a Milestone Birthday

All birthdays are a special and exciting day. You’re one year older and wiser.
Milestone birthdays are especially exciting to celebrate because they don’t come around
as often. Though the novelty of birthdays may have worn off for you by now, it definitely
hasn’t for your kids. Here are some fun ideas for to use to celebrate your kids’ milestone

Even though during their first milestone at age one your child won’t really remember
or even truly appreciate the day, it’s a big deal. For a long time, families celebrated a
child’s first birthday because so few children actually made it to age one. And you both
deserve some celebration after the tumultuous first year of your baby’s life. Make the
theme of the day something unique like crayons, rubber ducky, teddy bears, Legos, or
balloons that the kids will enjoy. Pick your child’s favorite games or time of the day and
plan the theme around that. If you choose crayons, you could line your walls, floor, or
tables with butcher paper so the kids can draw on everything. Plan around naptime and
invite baby’s friends over. Decorate the house to differentiate the day in your child’s eyes
and provide plenty of easy finger foods. Consider tiny cupcakes instead of a big cake so
small hands and mouths can easily enjoy the birthday treat.

Many of those ideas will translate really easily to a five-year-old child’s birthday
as well. Though by five your child will be more developed and have a personality
completely her own and will be able to help you plan according to her favorite colors,
movies, toys, or games. If you want to plan either birthday away from the house, think
about doing a zoo or petting zoo party, or a party at the [Read more…]

Daily Deals- Coupons, Savings, and More!

Carter’s is offering up to 70% OFF on baby clothing. They have a ton of onesie’s for sale, sets of clothing and more at pretty good prices! The onesie above is only $6.
They also have these cute shoes and sock sets for $14.40- plus they have BOGO sale on select baby shoes.

Toys R Us

Toys R Us is having a Big BOGO Bonanza sale right now. Buy One Get One 40% OFF right now on select items. From Star Wars, NERF, Playskool and much more. Great time to snag some toys at a discounted price and save for gifts for birthdays and other holidays!

Bath & Body Works has some great sales right now. You can grab the[Read more…]

How to Plan a Family Picnic

So, the family’s decided to go on a picnic. When it comes to planning that kind of
event, most people would probably think that it’s a pretty easy thing to do. After all, what
do you need besides a blanket, some food and a basket?

If you want an average kind of picnic, nothing.

But if you want one that will seem like more than eating tuna sandwiches outside for
lunch, here are some recommended steps that can make your family picnic a fun and
memorable experience.

Determine the time of day you want to go. If you have younger
children (that are on a sleep schedule), then you’ll probably want to do the traditional
midday kind of picnic. But if your kids are older, who said that a picnic has to be at
noon? Instead of Saturday morning cartoons, maybe have a breakfast-themed picnic,
instead. Or, perhaps opt for watching the sunset by having a picnic at dusk.

Select the perfect location. When it comes to just about everything
in life, “Location, location, location!” is key. Picnics tend to be more enjoyable when
there’s not a lot of traffic, people or even pets around (to try and join in on your dining
experience). Therefore, instead of automatically going to the closest or most popular
park, think of other places that would be just as good (if not better). It could be at the
backyard of a family friend’s home or somewhere by a lake. Or, you can stay close to
home and build a tent in the backyard or even eat in the back of your pickup truck.

Make the cuisine a collaborative effort. Once you’ve decided
when to have the picnic, it’s the time to determine what will go on the menu. Sure,
deli sandwiches will work, but there’s [Read more…]

Giveaway Gala- Come by, link up, and Win! #CMediaMagic

Welcome to the Giveaway Gala. A collection of featured giveaways from 5 blog’s including a linky for you to link up your giveaways!

This linky will be hosted on 5 blog’s giving you the benefit of reaching all of our combined readers. So feel free to check out giveaways and link up your giveaways. We only ask you link directly to your giveaway, any links to your homepage will be removed.

Week 6/04 Featured Host Giveaways:

Just Like June:
$50 Swimppot [Read more…]

Hop Along Friday!

Welcome to the Hop Along Friday!
As most of you may be aware of, GFC will no
longer be available to self hosted blogs and non blogger blogs
shortly. We don’t want to leave all of those people out! So, we are
adjusting our hop to include everyone! There are other ways to
follow blogs such as Google+, Networked Blogs, and various other
options. We want everyone to link up!

Here is what we would love for you to do. Please link up your blog and
at the end of it, leave how you would like to be followed.

Example: Chubby Cheeks Thinks *Google+”

This way, readers aren’t coming to your blog and are at a loss for how
to follow you. It is simple [Read more…]

Find Today’s Best Deals

Belle Chic has these adorable chalk boards on sale for $8.99 right now! This is great for baby announcement pictures like the one above! Plus you could use it for any other fun idea you come up with!! Just love this!!!

Click Here to print a coupon for 15% off your entire order at The Children’s Place!! Plus they have summer clothing on sale. This coupon expires 6/3!

Carters You can also snag 20% OFF Any $40 or more at Carter’s! Click Here to print this coupon! It is good now through [Read more…]

Fab Finds For Fathers

Do you dread Father’s Day because you can never find the perfect gift? The Collective Media Magic team, Closer To Lucy, Have Sippy Will Travel, Just Like June, 3 Princes and a Princess 2, and That’s What She Said, have found awesome gifts for any dad. Whether he’s high tech, healthy, or laid back, we’ve got a gift that’s sure to please. Join us and our friends as we make dads feel like a king!

One Grand Prize Winner will receive a prize pack of the following [Read more…]

How to Put Your Bad Habits to Rest

Every January we make a list of resolutions, in a wild attempt to change our bad
habits. Want to lose weight? Eat better, exercise more? Stop spending so much money
on QVC? We’ll often assess all the things we don’t like about ourselves and declare that
this is the year it all changes. The problem is, we make these commitments without any
idea how to actually follow through. I mean, if we really knew how to drop those fifteen
pounds and keep them off, we wouldn’t be committing to losing them every single year,
right? Changing a bad habit requires a plan, and it isn’t really about willpower. It’s about
changing your approach in a way that makes it feel like less effort. As humans, we just
want things to be easy. So why fight it? Go with it, and you could put your bad habits to
rest permanently.

The first step will be setting up a conditioning period. The basic idea is to design
a situation where you can create a new, more positive habit without sapping your
willpower completely. This is going to be the most important part of the process. Start
with a set time period for this conditioning phase. Thirty days is a good idea, because
it’s long enough to really lay the foundation for a habit change but short enough to feel
possible. Your only job for those thirty days will be making your new behavior habitual.
It could take longer for it to happen without effort. Experts say habituation takes around
sixty-six days, but focus in on your new habit regardless of results for the full thirty days,
and the rest will follow.

The next thing you’ll have to consider is that there can’t be any days off. Take
exercise as an example. You decide that you’ll take the kids out in their stroller for a
brisk, sixty-minute walk. But since you’re schedule is so busy and you don’t want to push
your willpower, [Read more…]