Wednesday’s Deals

Buy 3, Get 1 Free on All Nursing Bras at Destination Maternity. To score this deal, add 4 bras into your cart, and the lowest priced bra will be deducted off the total value. This offer is Valid 06/05-06/31 2012 .

Snag a variety of cookie jars for only $27.50 right now, normally $48!! Great deal on these fun jars. Limited supply of each item, so offer good while items are in stock.


Vista Print is at it again! You can get 140 FREE Return Address Labels! The labels are free – just pay shipping and processing! Click Here [Read more…]

Tuesday’s Best Deals

Right now you can get a Size: 20 X 30 Rug for only $3.99 at Shopko! They have 4 different colors to choose from! Not to shabby of a deal!

NorthCrest San Juan 20″x 30″ Rug

  • Accent Rugs are Machine Washable or Dry Clean
  • Colors are Bright and Fade-resistant
  • Made from 100% Soft, Durable Olefin Yarn
  • Made in the USA
  • 20″x 30″ Rug

Here is a Target Deal/Freebie you might want to get!
Comet Stainless Steel Powder Cleanser $1.88
Use $1/1 PRINT
Stack with $1/1 Target Coupon
Total Cost: FREE

Right now Best Buy has a Brother – P-Touch Home & Office Electronic [Read more…]

Top 5 Tips for Getting the Most Out of a Parent Teacher Conference

Parent teacher conferences, though a dying practice, are essential components to
helping kids do as well as possible academically, emotionally, and socially during their
early schooling years. That 30 minutes appointment with your child’s teacher is the best
way for you and your spouse and your child’s teacher to get on the same page about
your child’s development. Here are 5 tips to help you get the most of your conference.

When you know you have your conference looming, start preparing. Take plenty of time
to develop a thorough list of questions or concerns to discuss during the meeting. 30
minutes will fly by so the more prepared you are, the more effective and efficient your
meeting will be. Ask your child about school, the teacher, the class, friends, and anything
else leading up to the conference. This will not only let you see school through your
child’s eyes, you’ll also be able to write down any concerns over what your child has to

Do your best to pick a time when both parents can attend the conference and then
don’t forget to go! Many teachers report that parents ditch conferences way too often. If
you can’t even make it to one 30-minute conference a year, what does that show your
children about the importance of education?

Start the meeting by listening to what the teacher has to say and make sure you actually
[Read more…]

Wordless Wednesdays- Disney Days

Fun Games and Activities for Family Camping Trips

A camping trip is not a vacation that’s all that extraordinary. People do it all of the
time. But when you’re packing up the family to do it these days, it can be
hard to have an authentic experience if everyone has their cell phones, laptops and/or
tablets in tow. On the other hand, if you “ban” them from the trip, it might be challenging
to try and come up with ways to keep everyone entertained.

If you’re getting a bit nervous about how to pull off a fun camping trip, just think of it
this way: people have been going camping for years. Way before there was an Apple,
Inc. company, way before there was even any electricity and so with a bit of preplanning,
you’ll be just fine.

Bring along some card games. If you’re going thirty minutes away
from home or you’re taking a half-day road trip, card games are a fun way to pass the
time. Uno, Spades, Old Maid, Go Fish are all classics that basically anyone at any age
can participate in.

Hold camping skills contests. If you’re going the traditional
camping route, once you arrive, you’ll need to take out an hour or two (or four) to set
everything up. For the kids especially, this will seem more like washing the dishes at
home than anything to get excited over. So, make it fun by having speed (and accuracy)
contests [Read more…]

Krill Oil and NovaFlex- a great way to keep healthy

Krill Oil is the newest cure all of the supplement industry. Maybe you have all heard something about it, maybe not. I did a bit of research and found out why krill oil is so good for us. Krill is a very small animal found in deep waters. Krill is the bottom of the food chain, just about everything that eats meat in the ocean eats krill. Krill oil is what the fish digest to have fish oil in them. The fish oil is digested, assimilated krill oil. So if we eat krill oil, we get the benefits of fish oil- only better, because our body will do the same, and that is what is thought to happen to our bodies with krill oil. Krill Oil compares to fish oil like this:

More Omega 3s. Krill Oil contains the richest supply of DHA and EPA attached in phospholipid form. Phospholipids are much more absorbable by the body which means… more DHA and EPA at each serving.

Phospholipids. Krill Oil is rich in brain-essential “good fats” found in phospholipid form – the same as the human body which means there are no conversions or extra work the body needs to do. This makes absorption faster, easier and more effective. You won’t get fish burps, upset stomach or unpleasant side effects from Krill Oil.

Antioxidant power. Krill Oil contains astaxanthin, the carotenoid that gives shrimp, krill, lobster and other foods their pink color. Astaxanthin is a powerful antioxidant. Everest Nutrition Krill Oil has an ORAC value of 431 – 54X more antioxidant power than fish oil.
[Read more…]

To The Top- Gain New Followers

Welcome to

Take Over Tuesday Social Media Hop

Gain Friends and Followers

In All The Right Places

Your Hostesses are:

Add your link to any or all of the Social Media Follow Groups below! Follow as many people as you would like and be certain to leave a comment on their page to let them know you are a fan!

Please be certain to follow your hostesses. Your presence and participation [Read more…]

Win a Rubbermaid Clean and Dry Plunger @rubbermaid

We’re talking about plungers today.
Why are we talking about plungers? ‘Cause we all have bathrooms and let’s face it, your bathroom isn’t complete without a plunger. It’s that least favorite tool in the house but one you need to have on hand. It’s used for a dirty job that every household ends up dealing with sooner or later, so let’s face the dirty facts.
Watch out I’m armed!
The first time you use a plunger it becomes a home to bacteria like no other. Not only that guess what’s dripping on your floor or worse your feet? Yeah those said bacteria swarming all over your plunger. Set the plunger on the floor for a few minutes? Yup you guess it. That makes me cringe. Been there done that, and bet if not all of you most of you have been there as well. Say no more to the puddles of that dripping liquid! Rubbermaid has come up with a great product that I can honestly say have been tested and approved in this house.

  1. The Rubbermaid Clean and Dry Plunger
It’s coated with NeverWet, that not only repels water, but germs as well. The water just beads and runs right off instantly before you even move it and have to set it back down. No more drips, no more rings [Read more…]