Dougie in Disguise- Cute Kids Movie

Ready to throw your imagination into high gear and use some stickers? YAY stickers!! LOL

Dougie is a little boy, who like most little kids love to play with stickers. Instead of simply putting them on a wall, a window or even- that slim chance- a sheet of paper, Dougie puts his stickers to work. Dougie uses the stickers and imagination and changes his disguises- but you will have to watch and see how. In doing so, and with the viewers’ help, he solves problems and continues on his journey. [Read more…]

Marvel’s “The Avengers” beat out “Harry Potter” in the Box Office!

The Walt Disney Studios announced today that Marvel’s The Avengers posted an estimated $200.3 million in its domestic debut May 4-6, shattering previous records and positioning the film as the highest-grossing domestic debut of all time. The film’s cumulative global box office gross is an estimated $641.8 million over 12 days in release, making it the Number 1 top box office hit for opening weekend in North America!

In just three days, Marvel’s the Avengers is the fastest movie to reach $200 million domestically. The domestic debut kicked off Friday, May 4 and marks the second highest single day take of all time at $80.5 million. Saturday’s box office gross of $69.7 million is the highest Saturday take of all [Read more…]

Nelly and Caesar

In nature there are a lot of cute little creatures in all shapes and sizes. From little mice, who are cute as long as they are in a cage and not running around a kitchen or across Grandma’s foot during Christmas dinner to a slippery frog hopping about the garden munching flies. A frog and a mouse are the stars of a new Kids Collection from Organa Kids called Nelly and Caesar. This collection comes to us from France in a neat mix of 2D and 3D animation. Some is CGI and some is hand drawn, at least that’s what it looks like to me. The effect is a whimsical look which is distinct and special. To the dads out there [Read more…]

My Baby Brother Got Married Last Night…..

My baby brother! I can’t believe it…..We never thought this one would settle down. Congrats, little brother. I’m so happy for you. And I’m proud of the man you are becoming.

my bother and his new bride
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Giveaway Gala- Come by, link up, and Win!

Welcome to the Giveaway Gala. A collection of featured giveaways from 5 blog’s including a linky for you to link up your giveaways!

This linky will be hosted on 5 blog’s giving you the benefit of reaching all of our combined readers. So feel free to check out giveaways and link up your giveaways. We only ask you link directly to your giveaway, any links to your homepage will be removed.

Week 5/06 Featured Host Giveaways:

Just Like June:

Fincredibles Pet 5/11

Gloves Off Eco-Cleaner 5/11

Pringles Chips Assortment 5/11

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7 Tips to Prepare Your Family for International Travel

Travelling the world isn’t just an activity for single people, or for those without kids. There’s no reason that you can’t take your family with you to London, for example, or still have a wonderful time in Paris with three kids in tow. Travelling internationally will be a memory that lasts them for a lifetime, and one that you’ll want to share.Yet, travelling as a family is different in many ways than travelling alone, or without kids. In addition to the normal types of preparation, there are some things you need to do to get ready for a family jaunt across the ocean, including:

  1. Get your passports. You might not realize it, but it can take quite a while to get a passport today. While the stated wait time is six to eight weeks, it can arrive much sooner. Still, if you’re going to be travelling in the next two months, you’ll want to consider getting an expedited passport. It will cost more, but you can get your passport in less than a week using expedited service. (Sometimes, you can even have it in hand in just a couple of days).
  2. Get your vaccinations. When you’re traveling overseas, you’re going to be exposed to a number of different types of illnesses, viruses, germs, and more. You’ll want to make sure you have both yourself and your children in for a well visit to your doctor within about two months of departure. You’ll need to make sure you get the recommended immunizations. Your doctor should have access to a list of which immunizations are recommended for which overseas destinations.
  3. Talk to your kids about cultural differences. If you’re travelling to Sydney, things might not seem all that different to [Read more…]

Guest Post- Finding Love in Nepal

This guest post is written by Brenda Stampton, who enjoys writing about travel and culture.

Well it’s holiday time again and I feel a deep need to tap into my love of traveling and love is the right word when talking about travel with my greatest love being the small but wonderful country of Nepal. How lucky I feel that I have had the luck to visit such a beautiful spot on my first foray overseas and found love in such unexpected ways. I very much hope others can find that too.

The greatest love Nepal ignited in me is the love of the simple. I have a habit of over complicating things but I discovered on my first trip overseas that a love of the simple translates into less is more. It lead to a much more stress-free way of traveling. Less clothes meant less foraging day and night into my bag which helped me feel lighter psychologically and I suppose more carefree and that is what holidays are all about. It also taught me that freedom in simply attained. I love that I’ve discovered that I don’t need much materially and it’s been a suprisingly easy learning curve. There is great beauty in traveling to your favorite places with a feeling of being unencumbered.

I found a love of the local people who taught me so much. I would watch what they did as things got hard and I learned that I too could cope when days were longer than expected. I loved that I learned that when times got tough through snow, heat, exhaustion or homesickness that you don’t panic you just break the day into smaller bits and keep the vision of that cup of tea that feels so nurturing at the end of a long day. I developed a love and trust in the [Read more…]

Lenox Iris Vase Review and Giveaway

Still looking for a pretty gift for Mother’s Day?

This beautiful Lenox vase is shaped like a flower with an iris on it, its called the Iris Vase.It is elegant and perfectly made, as all Lenox items are.
This particular vase is sculpted and hand painted, fluted fine China. It would look perfect on a mantle top, with an floral arrangement peeking out of it. This would also. of course, make a good gift for mother’s day. I know my mom would love it- but I think my grandmother would like it even more.

It also has a bit of weight to it which is nice. Doesn’t feel like its made [Read more…]