Renting a car gives you and your family a chance to really spend hours and hours of uninterrupted time together. These days there is always something interrupting quality time in the car at home. Cell phones, in-car movies and game systems literally make people that travel together everyday into little digital islands. At first the togetherness of a car rental can be overwhelming but after the first few hours and teaching, βthe ants go marching one-by-one,β to your children the together time takes on a special quality.
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Budget Travel & High Flying with Kids
Weekend Hop Along- Weekends with Lucy and Sam :) @CloserToLucy @ChicnSavvy
5 Must-Haves for Long Distance Road Trips
Sugar-free snacks. Hoo-boy! You only have to get trapped in an enclosed space with the kids when they’re bouncing off the walls (literally) on a sugar high once and you’ll never do it again. In fact, forget the high-energy phase; what about the crash that follows close on its heels, complete with irritation, fatigue, and in most cases, a meltdown of some sort? It’s definitely a good idea to have snacks on hand so you don’t have to pull over every five minutes, but for goodness sake forego sodas, candy bars, and anything else that has artificial sugar. Your best bet is to include fruits, which have natural sugars (and plenty of fiber to balance out all the fast food), vegetables (most kids will happily munch carrot sticks and celery with a bit of peanut butter), and more filling items like string cheese and trail mix. And instead of soda, stock your car with water. Bonus tip: don’t forget the trash bags! Spills and car sickness are bound to occur, and you definitely don’t want the flooring area of the back seat to turn into one giant repository for empty food wrappers and uneaten scraps.
Daily Deals- Coupons, Savings, and More!
Free Shipping on Little Tikes Gas n Go Mower! This would make a Perfect Easter Gift! (valid 3-24 & 3-25-12)
This toy lawn mower lets children mimic the activity they see every day in the world around them. The sounds and hands-on features of this kids lawn mower encourage pretend play and get kids moving β and mowing!
OR Snag Free Shipping on Little Tikes Princess Cozy Shopping Cart! This is Valid 3-24-12 & 3-25-12 as well.
The Princess Cozy Coupe has been combined with a toy grocery cart to create the perfect play shopping cart. Kids can take their dolls for a ride while gathering their play food, or imagining a trip to the grocery store.
Right [Read more…]
How to Naturally Increase Fertility
Daily Deals- Coupons, Savings, and More!
Right now at Sweaty Betty’s Snag Free Shipping on US Orders With Code: SpringFS12
at checkout! Sweaty Betty carries a wide variety of items for working out. From long sleeved tops, to skirts, socks, and much more!! So if you are in need of new workout gear, I suggest checking it out!! Some of their items are marked down so you could snag a few good deals with this free shipping offer! has some New Spring Cleaning Items up for grabs. Plus you only h=pay $4.95 for shipping and handling!! Not to shabby!! With Spring Here it is time to take on the Spring Cleaning Task! I have done some stuff here and there. I am trying to organize more, so I thought sharing this site might be great for all of you!!
Nutrisystem is celebrating 40 years with 40% savings on our best program ever PLUS 1 WEEK [Read more…]
Finding New Friends- H0P 4 Ways!
Pearls of Wisdom, Thank You Friend
Words of advice, given by a friend…..
*Don’t love the Heart that hurts you and don’t hurt the Heart that loves you.
*Don’t cry over anyone who won’t cry over you.
*Good friends are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget.
*Most people walk in and out of your life, but only friend’s leave footprints in your heart.
*True friendship “never” ends. Friends are forever.
*People are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges.
*If we are incapable of finding peace in ourselves, it is pointless to search elsewhere.