Make new friends & gain followers. Please follow hosts @lifesandcastle @Nightowlmama and @HaveSippy- we will follow back. If you don’t [Read more…]
From the Mouths of Babes….
Hershey’s Easter Candy Review and Giveaway
Here comes Peter cotton tail. And of course its time to fill little plastic eggs and wicker baskets with chocolates and other delectable sweets.
My suggestion is to go with the good stuff, because in the end who is going to be eating the “left-overs”?
That’s right, mom and dad. In this case? Dad- maybe before Little gets into it, LOL.
You know the best stuff- Hershey’s!
Their products range from the milk chocolate greatness of Hershey Kisses in Easter colors to Jolly Rancher Sours Bunnies. Maybe even some Cookies n Creme Drops. The drops are candy coated chocolate pieces, these are white chocolate with little chocolate cookies pieces, perfect for letting them melt in your mouth a few at a time. If the bunnies theme floats your boat, take a look at the Mini Robin Eggs in a bunny themed Easter wrapper. (This one will be Little’s fav, just because of the bunny wrap.)
Hershey’s are great for their taste, price and [Read more…]
Cover Reveal
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Extra Value Checks has a few great saving opportunities going on right now!
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ABC Mouse Learning is subscription-based ($7.95/Month or $79/Year), with no advertising, pop-up ads, or links to other sites. Children can learn and explore with their parents, or on their own (depending on age and ability), in a safe and secure online educational environment. has tons of shoes marked down to $19.99 and under! This is a great time to [Read more…]
Re-Tweet Club! Come On Over and get Re-Tweeted! @MryJhnsn @Blessed_Elements @CloserToLucy
North American Bear Review and C0NTEST #Easter @NABearCo
My son love, loves, loves Easter. As holiday fun goes, he likes Christmas- but he LOVES Easter. He’s a wacky kid, what can I say? As a lover of all things cute and cuddly, my sweet boy gets very excited about hugging the Easter Bunny, and the bunny coming to our house to leave him a basket. Dying eggs, the special church service- it’s all special to him. And we all know that Easter food is the best of the year! (If you disagree- you are clearly NOT Italian! LOL)
I love finding fun Easter toys for him. One of my favorite finds is North American Bear Co, not just because thee toys are cute- which they are. They are also innovative, interesting, and machine washable.
Yes- you read that right. Almost all the toys can be machine washed. If your child has ever vomited, pooped, or even dropped his or her toy into something….unsavory… know what a lifesaver this is. We have all scrubbed our little pumpkin’s favorite “lovie” in a sink because it had “ew” all over it and it couldn’t be washed in your machine. WHY, toy makers, why do this to your customers? Not North American Bear! They make toys with both mom’s and kids in mind- safe for even the youngest babies, loved by kids of all ages, and coveted by mommies everywhere- since they won’t be spending an hour washing it in a sink after thier little [Read more…]
New HexBugs Scarab Review and Contest @HEXBUG
HexBugs are back and they brought a new friend- the Scarab. The Scarab is a six-legged, battery operated bug which has bug like behavior patterns and can flip itself over when upside down. Little Man thoroughly enjoys this one. It moves at a very quick pace, much quicker then the other HexBugs we have seen. Although it doesn’t seem as complex as the larva, the Scarab is still quite interesting and a very smart robot.
It will skitter and run around, and when met with an obstacle it moves with such speed it actually bounces about and [Read more…]