Guaranteed Shipping for Valentine’s Day! AND A C0NTEST with Swiss Colony

Swiss Colony has been making mouths water since 1926. Since then, their reputation has only grown and gained favor with all those looking for fun and delicious fare that they can order from the ease of their own homes, whether by phone, catalog, or website.

There is a huge assortment of great edibles to be found on The Swiss Colony’s website, but lets not forget the adorable gift sets- like this Plush Bear and Truffles set for only $21.95! I have to say, this would melt any heart. I want it for myself- but I would love to give it to my son. He loves teddies, and of course, his chocolates! But if my husband wanted to send it to me…well, I surely wouldn’t send it back 🙂

If your love has a super sweet tooth, take a look at this festive assortment of Valentine’s Day Candies. It comes with six sections of premium candy, just in time for your special night out. Jelly Belly Jelly beans, sour cherry balls, juju hearts, and more- all wrapped [Read more…]

Finding New Friends- H0P 4 Ways!

Welcome back to week 45 of Finding New Friends Weekend Blog Hop hosted by Shelly from My Saving Game, Sam from Have Sippy Will Travel and Jeannette from The Adventures of J-Man and MillerBug! Thank you all for helping make this hop so successful! We love you tons! Now what are you waiting for? Let’s get to hopping! We are finding some fabulous blogs through this hop and having a great time getting to know so many of you! So thank you for linking up again this week to those of you who are hop veterans and welcome to those who are new! Let’s continue to make new bloggy friends and increase our traffic! We do have a few simple rules for you – nothing too tough though. So here we go!
1. Please follow your hostesses My Saving Game, Have Sippy Will Travel and The Advetures of J-Man and MillerBug on one of our social media platforms.Leave us a comment [Read more…]

Educating Your Teen About the Dangers of Drunk Driving

There are several reasons that teens are considered a high-risk group when it comes to driving. First
and foremost, they are inexperienced, which means they may not have the knowledge and skills needed
to make appropriate and well-timed decisions on the road. Further, they often have a delusion of
invincibility that can lead them to act in ways that are far from safe or prudent. And finally, they are
generally susceptible to peer pressure to the point that they are willing to ignore their safety training and
make poor decisions while operating a vehicle in order to impress their friends. As if all of this wasn’t
frightening enough for parents, many teens also begin experimenting with alcohol during their adolescent
years. So it behooves you to educate your teen driver about the dangers of getting behind the wheel after
drinking if you want to do everything in your power to ensure his safety.

But where should you start? While you can certainly assault your teen with a slew of statistics about the
number of teens involved in accidents each year, how many of those are fatal, and how many cited the
involvement of alcohol (check the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, or NHTSA, website
for fact sheets), you might be better off taking a more personal approach rather than a clinical one. Sit
your teen down to discuss the possibility of drinking and driving and tell him why you don’t want him to.
If you’ve ever had a drinking and driving incident yourself, explain what led to your poor decision and
why you will never do [Read more…]

Minute to Pin It- Weekly Pinterest Party! Find New Followers

Pin Me, Pin You- Come H0P on Over!!!

re pin hop

Please follow the hostesses and we will follow you back.

Follow Me on PinterestRandom Deals

Follow Me on PinterestHave Sippy Will Travel

Follow Me on PinterestBlessed Elements Create

Choose your hop or hop on both:
For this one:
Go Grab the Pin It Button For Your Tool Bar and Go Hop From Blog To Blog. Those listed on this linky have posted pictures on their blog to share pictures with you that you can Re-pin on your boards.
Join [Read more…]

Should You Stay Home With the Kids or Get a Job?

Most women these days labor under the assumption that they can do it all. And while there is certainly
something to be said for maintaining a fulfilling and rewarding career outside the home while also raising
a family, the truth is that any woman who splits her priorities in this manner generally ends up giving
more to one or the other, and not enough to either. The important thing to remember in life is that it is
all about compromise, so if you want to truly excel in one area, you’re probably going to have to sacrifice
another. So should you get a job or stay home with the kids? Here are just a few things you’ll want to
consider before you make your choice.

The first thing to address is the state of your finances, since this could be a determining factor in whether
you stay home or get a job. A second but equally important consideration is your earning potential, and
the two go hand in hand. Although you may desperately need a second income in order to make ends
meet, the truth of the matter is that childcare is pretty expensive. And if you can only count on minimum-
wage work, your entire paycheck could be going straight to daycare services, leaving you without any
extra money and your kids in the care of strangers. This is hardly ideal for any of the parties involved. Of
[Read more…]

Camping and Kayaking down the St. Lawrence River in Canada

During this week long trip, we saw all sorts of creatures from beluga whales to seals. One thing we DIDN’T see were lights and any other influences from modern civilization- it was a beautiful, wonderful time to be out in nature. Just a few people on their kayaks, a few packs of food, and tents. The end. Not for kids, perhaps- but “sometimes you just gotta get away”, as [Read more…]

Sneezy Wheezy Day- Cute Kids Book Review and C0NTEST

Don’t you hate it when your kids get sick? I don’t mean the, ” I feel sick, I can’t go to school today” sick I mean, miserable, stuffy, achy, hurt-y sick. The kind where the only thing that will make them feel better is some attention and some sleep. Maybe some soup, too 🙂

There is a new book out called the Sneezy Wheezy Day, which takes this theme of getting sick and has fun with it. The story is about a pair of sibling cougar cubs, one a boy and one a girl. The brother cub has a cold, so the two of them venture about in the forest trying to get him relief. There are some very silly remedies that don’t help even for an instant, but frustrate [Read more…]