A Brief Florida Visit

Because I am monster exhausted, I am going to keep this one short and sweet- but I just met up with a long time internet buddy for the first time ever. Fun!

We hung out at Ponce De Leon National Park, then went for dinner at Pittmasters BBQ (where I ate WAY too much and can promise you I was not, not, not on any kind of Nutrisystem! LOL)

It was so nice to meet Miss Grace [Read more…]

To The Top! Come Hop with Us- and NEW Google G+

Welcome Back to Take Over Tuesday, a Facebook,Twitter, and Google+ hop.

Your Hostesses are:

Closer to Lucy

Just Like June (formerly The Thrifty Things)

Have Sippy Will Travel

3 Princes and a Princess 2

Each week we will have either hop on Twitter, Facebook, G+ Hop.

This week is G+

*****In fact because of the pending GFC changes we thought we’d take a [Read more…]

Bialetti non-stick eco pan- Get Yours Here!

When you think of an non-stick eco friendly pan what comes to mind? Maybe an old pan plated in recycled fabric? Well no, actually it’s much more interesting than that, and a whole heck of a lot of more useful.
Bialetti has produced a new line of pots and pans called the Aeternum Collection. The key characteristic of these pans is this: nano-ceramics. These pans are coated in nano-ceramic coating on the interior, then an aluminum core and a high temperature silicon exterior. The nano-ceramic is very interesting. The coating is applied at a lower temperature then other non-stick coatings, less heat, less fire-less CO2. The material itself is PFQA free, PTFE free, and cadmium free. This collection has a bright red exterior from the high temp silicon and a clean white interior courtesy of the nano-ceramic.

Not only are these pans nice to look at in their package, but once you actually use them it is really neat to see a white cooking surface. I like the way you can get a light browning to food without over doing it. I also like how the surface of the pan is easy to clean. So far everything wipes right off it. As of yet, I have made over easy eggs, breakfast sausage, and a few different sauces. All of which cleaned off very easily. I was quite impressed, even the sauce and bubbles up and burns onto the rim of the pan, it didn’t even need the steel wool.
I definitely suggest these for anyone who cooks.

Here are a few more fun points-

  • Features nano-ceramic technology – it performs like nobody’s business and is PFOA, PTFE and Cadmium free
  • Clean up is a *snap*. It’s non-stick cooking without the non-stick coating
  • This is just like using a Teflon pan with the exception that it’s healthier AND longer lasting (no teflon coating means longer lifetime for the pan. This sucker’ll last you decades)
  • It’s lightweight yet extremely durable. The silicone handle keeps things cool around your digits, while the aluminum core evenly distributes heat
  • At 10.25″ in diameter, this generously sized pan prepares dishes for 2-4 people (more if it’s a side dish). It’s a popular and versatile size and one you’ll reach for every day
  • Comes standard with a 5-year manufacturers warranty against defects. Bialetti is a recognized leader in quality (not to mention it features clean Italian lines and design)
  • See [Read more…]

Create Your Holiday Spending Budget

The holidays are here again, and with them the attendant orgy of spending that puts thousands of
people in the poorhouse every year. But before you go on a massive shopping spree to secure pricy
gifts for everyone from friends and relatives to business associates and social acquaintances, perhaps
you should take a moment to sit down and think about just what it is you’re really doing. Do you really
need to spend your hard-earned money on all of these people? Half of them don’t even expect to get
something (and they won’t reciprocate). And the rest wouldn’t want you going into debt for gifts they
don’t really need (or even want, in some cases). So perhaps it’s time to rethink your holiday strategy by
formulating a budget – and sticking to it! Here are some tips to help you out.

1. Be honest about what you can afford. Hey, we’re in a recession. You’re not the only one
looking to spend less this year, so don’t worry too much about what other people are going
to think if their gifts are somewhat less lavish than in years past. Whether your budget is a
hundred dollars or a thousand you can find ways to make it work. But you have to start by
setting yourself a strict limit and finding a plan to make it work so that you don’t “accidentally”

2. Use cash. Unless you want to enter the New Year with a mountain of credit card debt (and
spend the next six months paying double for every gift, thanks to interest), think about locking
up your credit cards this holiday season and buying only with the extra cash you have on hand.
You may have to be frugal and get creative, but it will definitely [Read more…]

Not So Wordless-Not So Wednesday, Either!

OK, so you clearly understand I am an Italian girl- you all know this, yeah?
But you know you are in a REAL USA-Italian-tastic town when you go to your town’s tree lighting, and who is the main [Read more…]

Leapster Explorer- Check it out!

Do you know what it feels like to be wrong? I mean really wrong. Well my wife decided to grab Little Man a Leapster. All I thought they were were glorified gameboys that play only educational games.
Well I was wrong. The newest Leapesters are so much more. On surface the Leapster explorer looks like a larger, bigger screened gameboy advance, difference is it long looks that way on the outside. Once it is actually turned on its a different story. The Explorer has a high resolution screen and very nice graphics. The features of this little guy are astounding, its an e-reader, can download games and apps from online, has an interactive globe, and the ability to attach a still and video camera. Just to name a few. Take a a look at the full list.

A few stand out features for me are the ability to track your progress online and the ability of the Explorer to adjust its difficulty automatically. So not only can you tell how your little ones are doing and what they are doing well at, but it also will adjust so what they are playing/working on isn’t difficult to the point of putting the Explorer down and walking away in aggravation.
This unit gives your kids all the fun and educational usage of a gameboy/tablet/laptop with the safety of a Leap Pad. There is nothing your child shouldn’t see or do on the Explorer.

The games available for the Explorer are all [Read more…]

Giveaway Gala

Welcome to the Giveaway Gala. A collection of featured giveaways from 4 blogs, including a linky for you to link up your giveaways! This linky will be hosted on 4 blogs giving you the benefit of reaching all of our combined readers. So feel free to check out giveaways and link up your giveaways. We only ask you link directly to your giveaway, any links to your homepage will be removed.

Closer to Lucy
World Vision Ornament [Read more…]

Warning Signs of Vision Problems in Children

Many parents don’t realize that their infants, toddlers, and school-age children can be just as susceptible
to vision problems as adults. The major difference is that if these issues go untreated, their vision
may never develop normally (even with later treatments). For this reason it is imperative that parents
be aware of the warning signs that indicate ocular issues. Although you might think that a tendency
to run into things, misjudge distances, and topple over is natural at some stages of growth (and it is,
for most toddlers), it’s better to be safe than sorry. You should not only be aware of stages of visual
development in children, but have a good idea of what could be abnormal. So here are just a few signs
to look for if you fear that your child may develop vision problems.

To begin with, you should know that infants don’t see very well. They’re born without a fully developed
sense of sight that continues to mature over several months. Your child will likely see quite well at 3-
6 months of age, but their visual senses may take up to eight months to form fully. And over the next
few years it is imperative that they learn to interact with their environment through visual cues. If their
eyesight is somehow impaired during that time, it may never return to full strength. So it behooves you
to watch for certain markers that they’re suffering from vision loss.

And there are plenty of indicators that something is wrong. Cataracts, while relatively rare in children,
are by no means unheard of. Some babies are born with these milky spots on their eyes while others
develop them in early childhood. Either way, they must be treated immediately [Read more…]