8 Incredible Bible Verse iPhone Apps

What do you do if you want to regularly expose yourself to Bible verses
but you don’t want to always have to have a Bible on hand or to have to
seek out new verses each time you want new verses to ponder? That’s
easy. Just turn to your iPhone. Here are 8 incredible Bible verse iPhone
apps and some of the blessings that they can bestow upon you.

New Verses On A Regular Basis

These iPhone apps can give you Bible verses to mull over anytime you
want. You can get new ones daily, hourly, or just whenever you want
a new one to think about. You may not have large amounts of time to
sit down and read the Bible on a daily basis but to be active in your faith
you need to be studying it always. These Bible verse iPhone apps are an
excellent addition to any Bible study regimen.


These verses can help to provide you with inspiration. It is common for
people to get distracted by life and to forget to live up to their religious
ideals but these verses can provide the inspiration that will help you to do
that. These verses are priceless when you face tough times and when you
need to remember the presence of God in all things and all people.


When you aren’t sure what to do in your life then these verses can
provide guidance in addition to comfort and inspiration. They can help
you to make the right decisions and to keep your faith in mind no matter
what you may be doing. If you are looking for some direction in your life
then what better place is there to turn than the Bible itself?

Bible Verse Search

Some of these apps allow you to search for specific Bible verses just in
case you want to review your favorites or if you want to search for various
topics. If the Bible verses that you are receiving from the random verse
generator aren’t quite giving you what you need on any given day then
this is a wonderful option for you to use. As you build up your knowledge
of Bibles verses then this tool will be more helpful as you wish to revisit
the ones most relevant for you at any point in time.

The Whole Bible

Not all of these apps are limited to giving you random verses from a bank
of verses. Some can generate random verses but they also give you the
option of reading the entire Bible. The verses are a nice addition to any
study regimen but for true understanding of the Bible you will want to
be constantly reading passages. Some of the apps below even create
a program for you so that you can complete the entire Bible in only one
year’s time. This is a fantastic option if you are not doing that already.

1. Bible Memory Verses
2. ABC Bible Verses
3. Bible HD
4. Bible Verses Free
5. Fighter Verses
6. iBibleSpace
7. God’s Bible
8. Daily Bible Audio

Tom H. Reinecker is quite passionate about Christian education
and connecting students with accredited Christian online colleges.

Disclosure- this is a sponsored guest post.   I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

Nutrisystem Nation- Week 1

I am almost done with my first week of Nurtisystem, and it has been very interesting!  I have to say it is a bit hard to get used to at first- I am a carb-queen, and those are BIG no-nos on this diet!  It’s a very different way of eating.  Honestly, I was hungry sometimes, and sometimes VERY hungry.  But after day 4, it was better.  Like all things, it takes getting used to, and no change is ever really easy, is it?

So.  The food is what you get in the mail- breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a dessert daily.  This, plus you can eat veggies, fruit, some dairy and proteins.  Everything but some of the veggies are in small, weighed, or measured quantities.  This is tough at first, but will help you with portion size and control in the long run.  Remember- we didn’t get overweight because we DON’T like to eat, am I right?  LOL

I love food- so it’s good to be re-trained after all these years.  The food ranges- you are going to need to try a lot your first month to see what you like.  Breakfast has been good every day so far.  Better then I would have guessed, honestly!  Lunchtime has been rough, LOL.  Dinner has been touch and go- and desserts, again, better then I would have thought- twice, actually something I would be happy to eat while NOT dieting, LOL.

I will not lie and say its fabulous food fare- because you all know I love to cook, bake, and EAT- so, shelf stable food has it’s drawbacks in that department sometimes.  BUT- the payout?  I lost over 5 pounds so far- and it has not yet been a week!  Amazing, right?  No extreme exercise either- just what I normally do.  Fab, right?  I think it’s best to know what you are getting into before you do it- will I stay on Nutrisystem?  YOU BET!  Will I recommend it?  YOU BET!  It’s hard, and not always pleasant- but so it motherhood, and we all know that you have to take the good with the bad to get great results and be happy, right?

Two days ago I had a moment that was like- whoa!  I am actually FULL, and I feel really good!  My skin looks good, I feel more energetic…I think it’s starting to work!  It was my “aha!” moment- where I knew this would work.  Or felt confidant, anyway, LOL.

I can’t wait to tell you how it’s going and keep you updated- I’m excited.  I look better already- and more importantly- I feel better already!  Woot!

Want to lose weight and get healthy on Nutrisystem? Join today by calling 1-888-853-4689 or by visiting http://www.nutrisystem.com/nsblog

DISCLOSURE: I am receiving Nutrisystem products free of charge in exchange for my reviews and all opinions are my own I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

Thank You!

I just wanted to thank you all for being a part of my site, and a part of my bloggy-life.  I’m so happy to have you all here!  I hope you are enjoying the bashes I have here for you- I have a few more Birthday Bash prizes for you, and I hope you are enjoying everything so far!  Make sure you visit my co-host, 3 Princes and a Princess 2, and check out her Birthday Bash prizes, too!  🙂  Back To School with Style hosted by Collective Media Magic has just begun, and I know you moms will love what is coming up.  Happy reading, and thanks for being a part of Have Sippy Will Travel!  🙂


39 Dollar Glasses Review and Contest

Since I don’t wear glasses- this review is done by daddy!  Take is away, daddy!   🙂
(Reader beware- he is a weirdo and says strange things, LOL)

When is the last time you left the eyeglass store and felt good about it?  Put down your hard earned money and actually felt like you got a bargain, not just did something you had to?  Well I did and only a few days ago.  Also I was able to pick out the glasses in my underwear and no police were involved.

39Dollarglasses.com is the store I ‘went’ to and when I checked out it cost alot less then you would think glasses would cost.  At $39Glasses, they have absolutely great prices on perfect frames, not only are they great frames but they can also tint your lenses for sunglasses, and give them a UV coating to help with computer glare.  Lenses themselves come in 4 flavors, full time wear, reading glasses, regular bifocals and even progressives.  Just about every option you can think of for glasses is available from 39dollarglasses.com, metal frames, plastic frames, you name it.  The shipping was super fast too.  As fast if not faster then the big glasses chain or the optometrist.

Well now for the fun part, what is the catch?  How come its so cheap and so fast and able to do it from home?  The answer:  You need a prescription in order to order.  Go to your eye doctor, get an exam and ask for your prescription.  They HAVE TO give it to you.  Do not take no for an answer and you probably need an update to your prescription anyway.  After you have your prescription you are set.  pick your frames, pick your lenses, input some values and measurements and you are well on your way to a new pair of glasses for so cheap you can get 2 of them for less then the price of one from a brick and mortar.

I’m back!  🙂
One of my lucky readers will win a pair of glasses from 39 Dollar Glasses.  Here is how to enter!

Mandatory entry


You must be a public follower on Google Friend Connect.
Leave me your email so I can contact you if you win.  In  your comment, please.

Extra Entries
Leave a separate comment for each entry.

– Follow 39 Dollar Glasseson FaceBook.  This is not mandatory, and Facebook is in no way sponsoring this giveaway.

-Follow 39 Dollar Glasses on Twitter

-“Like” me on Facebook -feel free to give me some comment love!  🙂  This is not mandatory, and Facebook is in no way sponsoring this giveaway.
+2 entries

-Subscribe to Have Sippy Will Travel by email, and confirm subscription  or via RSS
+3 entries

Follow me on Twitter ( or you can use my adorable button to the side!) and tweet about this contest
#Win 39 Dollar Glasses Review and Contest http://t.co/EPhjMoB @HaveSippy @39dollrglasses #B2S

*can be done daily

Please make sure you follow first!
+2 entries


– Follow any of the Collective Media Magic Back To School event Bloggers’ sites! 

3 Princes and a Princess 2, Closer to Lucy, Have Sippy Will Travel, and The Thrifty Things.  You can Follow GFC, Twitter, or Facebook- each is worth an entry. 

– Email a friend about this contest, with a CC to me at  kangabunnie@gmail.com
(you get an extra entry if they enter, too!)

-Add my button to your blog, and leave me the link so I can find it

– Follow me on “Networked Blogs”

– blog about this giveaway, and link back to this contest (leave me the URL in comment, please)

-Add me to your blogroll, with a link back to me

– Vote for me on “We’re On The Fence!”  (Just Click the Button to the left that says “We’re On the Fence” until it confirms you voted for your’s truly!)   *Can be done daily

– enter another one of my giveaways

– comment on a non-giveaway post

– Like this post on Facebook, Stumble it, or hit G+1 button  (each is worth one entry)

OOO, so many ways to win! Good luck!

DISCLOSURE: I will  receive the above products  for review . I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.
No purchase necessary.  Void where prohibited by law.  Open to US shipping addresses only.  Limited to US residents; 18 years old and above.  Sponsor is responsible for providing and mailing prize. Ends Aug 24, 2011.


Win a CookBook!

Hey guys- my friend over at Social Studies Momma is giving away a really great cookbook- Check it out
The entries are easy-breazy, and it’s SUPER LOW ENTRY.   It would make a great Christmas or Birthday gift for the family chef, or for yourself if you love to cook  🙂
Have fun, and good luck!  🙂 


Cleavitz- they have your “girls” COVERED! Review and Contest

Ladies!  I have another good one for you!  If you are like me, you are constantly- CONSTANTLY trying to figure out how to keep your “girls” in, or not have so much of them showing.  Between certain popular styles and trends, and cuts of clothing, and the fact that I have been very….um, blessed?  in the chest area, I am ALWAYS struggling to keep them in, and not shake what my mama gave me, LOL.   No one needs to see ALL that, ha!  Come on now, need I remind you of those bathing suits?  LOL.

OKOK, so!  Pulling on t-shirts and tank tops underneath everything is usually what I do to hide my…ample bosom, but it’s hot, and this can also be bulky, which I hate.  I hate being hot, and I hate looking bulky.  Do you know a woman who is like- hey yeah!  Bring on the bulk!  Seriously.  NO.  But those little covers that they sell in most stores do NOTHING for me!  NOTHING!  And then- do I find something fab.  These are called “Cleavitz“.  Where have you been all my life????   I can wear whatever, and not be embarrassed, or worried about a “clothing malfunction”.  😛

I like my chest.  Sort of.  But I don’t like to look like….well, you know.  I’m a mother!  And a wife, and I am not 18 years old, nor am I at the beach, or a club…at 18 years old, lol.  I am always so limited in what I can wear, or have to go up a few sizes to accommodate the girls- then I look like I am wearing a bag.  Cleavitz are a lifesaver!  I feel so much more confident, and even though yes, it shows less skin- it’s sexier, in my opinion.  I feel better, I look better, and I am more confident knowing that my chest will stay where I want it to.  AWAY!

Cleavitz has so many styles to choose from, there will be some you like, for sure.  I had a very hard time choosing what to try out.  Too many that looked great, easy to wear and match.
[Read more…]

Glide Bikes Review and Giveaway

Every child needs to learn how to ride a bike at some point of his or her life.  It is just a part of childhood!  We all remember when it was our turn, the excitement, the fear, the crashes, the boo-boos, the joy once we finally figured it out!  It is one of those “moments”, a coming of age.  And something we will always remember doing.  I don’t know what it is about our first bike– but it’s a magic thing, and it will always stay with you.
Teaching our kids to ride a bike can be a little different, because there is a new bike in town.  It’s called “Glide Bike“, and it uses a relatively new concept for us here in North America.  No pedals.
I know, I know- I bike with no pedals?  What?  and Why?   Well- it may seem really strange, but there is a motive.  Children will learn to balance on the bike, without having to rely on the training wheels, or third wheel of a bike.  After all, balance is key for riding a two-wheeler, or “big kid” bike, isn’t it?  Once your child has that mastered- it will be nothing at all to switch to a pedaled bike and ride like the wind!

notice how they are not using the pedals?  they can’t do it- or they don’t feel steady enough to

see again- the girl in the back, not using her pedals?  Little Man is ZOOMING by, LOL

As a Pre-K teacher, i LOVE to see something that helps kids learn and builds confidence!  If it also gives them exercise, and fun to boot?  I’m IN!  

One other thing I have noticed- small kids, many times, won’t use the pedals, anyway.  They just use their feet and push along the ground, and the pedals are unused at all.  Perhaps they are not ready for the pedals, perhaps they don’t know how to use them- I’m not sure.  But at least half of the kids here at the Pre-K don’t use the pedals on the trikes that we have.  And they ALL want the Glide Bike whenever I bring it!  It is easier, and more fun for them.  Plus, they feel like big kids.

Here is a little more information on Glide Bikes-
“A balance bike, or glide bike is a training bike that helps kids learn to balance and steer a bike safely. Balance bikes do not have pedals, crank set, and chain or training wheels. Glide Bikes are built for small children and special needs kids who are ready to learn how to ride a bike. Glide bikes utilize Downhill mountain bike geometry to achieve a very low speed balance point of less than 2mph and are light weight 8lbs for the Mini Glider and 10 for the Go Glider. “

Mandatory entry

You must be a public follower on Google Friend Connect.
Leave me your email so I can contact you if you win.  In  your comment, please.

 Extra Entries
Leave a separate comment for each entry.

– Follow Glide Bikes on FaceBook.  This is not mandatory, and Facebook is in no way sponsoring this giveaway.  
– Follow the Glide Bikes on Twitter
-“Like” me on Facebook -feel free to give me some comment love!  🙂  This is not mandatory, and Facebook is in no way sponsoring this giveaway. 
+2 entries

-Subscribe to Have Sippy Will Travel by email, and confirm subscription  or via RSS
+3 entries

Follow me on Twitter ( or you can use my adorable button to the side!) and tweet about this contest
#Win Glide Bikes Review and Giveaway http://t.co/AKoqTgo @GlideBike @HaveSippy #kids #birthdaybash
*can be done daily

Please make sure you follow first!
+2 entries

– Follow any of the Collective Media Magic Back To School event Bloggers’ sites! 

3 Princes and a Princess 2, Closer to Lucy, Have Sippy Will Travel, and The Thrifty Things.  You can Follow GFC, Twitter, or Facebook- each is worth an entry. 

– Email a friend about this contest, with a CC to me at  kangabunnie@gmail.com
(you get an extra entry if they enter, too!)

 -Add my button to your blog, and leave me the link so I can find it

– Follow me on “Networked Blogs”

– blog about this giveaway, and link back to this contest (leave me the URL in comment, please)

-Add me to your blogroll, with a link back to me

– Vote for me on “We’re On The Fence!”  (Just Click the Button to the left that says “We’re On the Fence” until it confirms you voted for your’s truly!)   *Can be done daily

– enter another one of my giveaways

– comment on a non-giveaway post

– Like this post on Facebook, Stumble it, or hit G+1 button  (each is worth one entry)

OOO, so many ways to win! Good luck!

DISCLOSURE: I will  receive the above products  for review . I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.
No purchase necessary.  Void where prohibited by law.  Open to US shipping addresses only.  Limited to US residents; 18 years old and above.  Sponsor is responsible for providing and mailing prize. Ends Aug 23, 2011.


SecuraChild.com Helps Parents Find Missing Children Faster

This information was provided to me, so that you moms, dads, and grandparents out there can help keep your kiddos safe!   Thanks! ~Samantha

Seconds after parents upload a missing child report SecuraChild.com notifies network of
social media websites and SecuraChild.com members to begin the search

LOS ANGELES, CA – Every 40 seconds someone’s son or daughter is reported missing, totaling
2,160 missing children a day or about 800,000 missing children in the United States each year. From
the days of printing children’s faces on milk cartons and posting on highway electronic billboards the
alert systems available to help locate missing children have gone hi-tech. SecuraChild powered by
SecuraTrac is the latest advancement in these systems, combining the power of various social media
networks, including Facebook and Twitter, with email and text message notifications whenever a
child is reported missing through the site.

SecuraChild is entirely free for parents and guardians to use. An account can be created for any child
with a minimum of important identifying information including: height, weight, hair color, and eye
color. A parent can include other meaningful information including medical conditions, unique and
descriptive features as well as posting images, videos and other content that could be used to help
find their missing child quickly. The site is fully encrypted and each account is protected to ensure
the security of all information. Also, parents can choose exactly what details they want to save
on the profile that they create. If a parent’s son or daughter should ever go missing, the parent can
quickly login to their account to provide basic details such as where the child was last seen, what the
child was wearing, and where they may be going or ties to an area or community. SecuraChild then
broadcasts the information and the child’s detailed portfolio to thousands via social networking sites,
text messages and emails, creating a nearly instantaneous network of searchers.

In addition, when a missing child is reported, SecuraChild emails the parents a free PDF document
that packages all of the stored information on the missing child. Parents can provide this document
to law enforcement to expedite the process of registering their missing child with local law
enforcement and the issuance of a traditional Amber Alert.

“If your child goes missing it is nearly, if not totally, impossible to remain calm,” said SecuraTrac
CEO Chris Holbert. “Our mission in creating SecuraChild is to provide parents with a free, go-to
service that they can access in an emergency to print out the vital information they need to provide
law enforcement about their child. Details cannot be forgotten because of stress and panic this way.
Also, unlike other services that exist today, SecuraChild is free for parents to use to create profiles
for their children, and we broadcast the notification they send us when their child is missing to
Facebook, Twitter and our members to create a vast network of searchers in seconds. By using
SecuraChild parents can crowd source thousands of willing parents and child protection networks to
mobilize a search party quickly as every minute counts. We recommend that parents also work with
local law enforcement to report their child missing and to register for traditional Amber Alerts and
provide ready-made information packets to facilitate that process. ”

Provide yourself with peace-of-mind and your child with an instant search party should he or she
ever go missing. Sign-up today at www.securachild.com.

(There was no compensation or review provided to me for this post.)