Grace over at Blessed Elements has written a GREAT post about Friends for Seals, and we thought it would be a great follow-up for the guest post done by Denise Perrin (founder of FFS) here a few months ago. As you all know by now, both Grace and Friends for Seals are fabulous- and I hope you enjoy her post!
Making The Right Decision
It occurred to me the other day that even if we don’t make a decision to take a stand for our beliefs that we still unknowingly make a decision.
When we don’t make a decision to stand for our beliefs then we make a decision for the side we don’t support morally.
Recently I decided to take a stand to raise my voice to Save The Seals. I can remember the plight of the seals while I was still in high school and wondering what was the justification for the brutality where you actually take a club and smash the skull of an innocent creature and go to sleep at night thinking you are okay with the universe?
My thoughts, against, did not produce any action for supporting the seals. Perhaps that is why this slaughter is still occurring thirty-seven years later.
I am truly amazed that we have not grown as a human race and now my
thoughts also stray to wandering if these people are as proud of their accomplishments as the KKK which stood in photos by the human beings they hung and tortured.
Why have we not grown as a society to stand together and scream at the top of our lungs for it to stop?
Does not our humanity and evolution somewhat hinge on our attitudes towards the other creatures of God?
Everyone has a choice to make who is reading this post right now. You have two choices, Head over to the Friends for the Seals on Facebook ‘Like’ their page and take a step for the cause.
Denise has posted several ‘baby steps’ to begin getting involved for people to take in the direction to add volume to the voice that is screaming, “Enough!”
There are petitions (and you can withhold your name to stay anonymous.) Look in their info section for links that will take you to the petitions.
You can sign a boycott and not buy the foods from the manufactures who buy and sell seafood from Canada. You can refuse to eat at certain restaurants.
You can raise public awareness by blogging for this cause or simply just talking about it to friends (please let me know if you do and I’ll link to you and put your button on my blog).
This week end I raised public awareness just by saying no to eating at Red Lobster.
We went out with friends and they suggested we go to Red Lobster to eat. I told them I’d prefer another restaurant because I had signed a pledge to boycott Red Lobster.
I explained to them the practice of beating the brains out of seals (there is a season that targets baby seals) with a club. They could not get over the brutality and in return will boycott for the seals.
Last presidential election we voted for someone who offered us “A Change” and the majority voted and elected him because we so desperately needed ‘A Change’
That change does not rest with one person. As Americans we must let our voices be heard on what we no longer will tolerate.
Clicking off this post without going to Friends for the Seals on Facebook is choosing the club for the next baby seal. Going to the link is believing if we all stand together we can make a difference.
What will your choice be?