Yes, yes- this is the UK poster- but variety is the spice of life! Muppets Most Wanted opens today in the USA- March 21. Takes time to get across the pond and all that.
Who doesn’t love the Muppets? My husband and I have been watching them since we were kids, and loved the last movie that came out. A sequel is always welcome. We would, in fact, welcome a sequel to the sequel- but would really love the Muppet Show to make a return to TV. (Make it so, Disney channel! Get poppin’! ) As they sing in this new movie, they are “considered a viable franchise”, so why not, right? JUST DO IT!
OK, now that I’ve made my stand for Muppet Show equality, on to the movie. I loved the addition of Constantine, and his tet-a tets with Ricky Gervais (AKA Dominic Badguy) were some of my favorite parts of the movie. My favorite song was also via Constantine- but I won’t give away any spoilers, you will just have to watch it. I guess I just have a soft spot for bad frogs. Or Russian accents? Or Ricky Gervais. Or all of the above. Anyway.
All the Muppet gang were present, although I would have liked to have seen a little more Rolf and Gonzo. There is just never enough Gonzo- although he did finally achieve a dream of his in this movie, much to the dismay of Salma Hayek.
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