When you’re pregnant, everyone has advice to give. So much so, in fact, that while
their intentions may be good, if you were really honest with them about it, on a good day,
it can get to be a bit annoying, while on a bad one, it has the potential to make you a bit
paranoid; especially when it comes to discussions about your up-and-coming labor or
contracting some kind of illness or infection.
In both instances, remain calm. Being pregnant is a miraculous time that you should
enjoy, and even with all of the information that you are given, simply focus on the things
that will make your pregnancy the most pleasant and stress-less time for
One of the ways that you can do that is to protect yourself. Here are five things that
you can do to guard yourself against the risk of contracting an infection during this very
special time.
Always wash your hands. This is something that we all should be
in the habit of doing, whether we’re pregnant or not. Unfortunately, we tend to overlook it
at times like when we’re eating out or preparing food. If you don’t always have soap and
water nearby, remember to purchase some portable antibacterial gels. You can even
make your own by combining half a cup of alcohol to two cups of Aloe Vera gel.
Don’t share your utensils. The older we get, the less a lot of us
tend to eat after other people unless they are our spouse or child. However, during the
time of your pregnancy, you are far more susceptible to contracting a virus than before,
so even when it comes to your own family members, try and always use your own
utensils and cups.
Make sure it’s “well done”. Before you got pregnant, you might
have preferred to eat your meat with a little pink on the inside. Until that baby is born,
though, that [Read more…]