#EGGBaby Twit­ter Party

Join Blog­gin Mamas & Egg as we host the #EGGBaby Twit­ter Party on October 9th! Join us as we celebrate a gender neutral baby shower and discuss the benefits of gender neutral clothing and toys. Plus, there will be some prizes too!
Date: Tuesday, October 9th, 2018 (10/9/18)
Time: 9p ET/ 6p PT
Hash­tag: #EGGBaby
Spon­sored By: @eggbysusanlazar
Promo images- Please see attached.
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This is a sponsored post on behalf of the Egg by Susan Lazar. All opinions expressed are our own.

Join Blog­gin Mamas & Egg by Susan Lazar as we host the #EGGBaby Twit­ter Chat on Tuesday, 10/9/18 at 9p EST! Join us as we celebrate a gender neutral baby shower and discuss the benefits of gender neutral clothing and toys. Plus, there will be some prizes too!

Date: Tuesday, October 9th, 2018

Time: 9:00–10:00pm EST / 6:00–7:00pm PST

Hash­tag: #EGGBaby

Spon­sored By: @eggbysusanlazar

Pre­sented by: @BlogginMamas

Mod­er­a­tors: Eng­lish– @HeLoEnterprises Span­ish– @BBabushka

Co-hosts: @EnzasBargains, @HaveSippy, @DonnaHup @CoolChillMom @MamasMission

Panelist: @BabySavers

About Egg’s New Gender Neutral Collection

Egg considers it a top priority to nurture little ones so that moms and dads can be sure that their children are dressed in the softest natural fabrics, and styles to suit every child’s special and unique personality. This is why Egg is launching their brand new gender-neutral collection for babies. To offer the latest trends and provide options for everyone.

Gender-neutral clothing is the perfect answer for expecting parents and their loved ones that prefer to wait until their little one comes into the world to discover their gender. These adorable pieces offer wonderful options for parents to prepare for their precious newborn’s arrival and make ideal gifts for friends and family to celebrate this exciting time.

Gender-neutral children’s clothing has also become popular with many families that choose to allow their little one’s personality and style to develop organically -without the pressure of traditional gender roles affecting their choices and aspirations.

As recent studies have shown that rigid gender expectations can have a negative impact on children later in life, some clothing brands and toy manufacturers are moving away from traditional pinks and blues and embracing more inclusive themes and colors to inspire young minds. A variety of celebrity parents have also adopted this concept, including Pink, Adele, Angelina Jolie, Bryce Dallas Howard, and Will Smith.

Egg wants to ensure their children’s ranges offer options that include all parenting ideals, and choices to suit the taste of every unique little one.

This collection is created in the softest natural fabrics to nurture delicate baby skin. Discover their cute sets, snuggly footies, cozy snowsuits, and the warmest winter accessories -all in the purest neutral colors. Visit Egg-Baby.com to learn more!

Follow Egg

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2- $25 EGG Gift Codes (ARV $25)

1- $50 EGG Gift Code (ARV $50)

First Prize

1- $75 EGG Gift Code (ARV $75)

Grand Prize

1- $100 EGG Gift Code (ARV $100)

RSVP Prize

1- $50 EGG Gift Code (ARV $50)

RSVP Below!!

Terms and Conditions


By RSVP’ing to this event and uti­liz­ing the #EGGBaby hash­tag, the atten­dees acknowl­edge hav­ing read and agreed to these terms and conditions.

Twit­ter Party Prize Give­away begins October 9th, 2018 at 9:00 pm ET and ends no later than October 9th, 2018 at 10:30pm ET (the “Twit­ter Party Entry Period”). Entrants enter via fol­low­ing @eggbysusanlazar and @BlogginMamas, and post­ing a tweet with the #EGGBaby dur­ing the Twit­ter Party Entry Period. Five (5) Win­ners will be drawn ran­domly by random.org at approx­i­mately 12 minute inter­vals dur­ing the Twit­ter Party Entry Period. One (1) Win­ner will be drawn ran­domly via random.org from the event RSVP’s on the Mr. Linky widget.

Prizes include:

One (1) $25 EGG Gift Code. Total approx­i­mate retail value (“ARV”) $25, for each of two (2) winners.

One (1) $50 EGG Gift Code. Total approx­i­mate retail value (“ARV”) $50, for one (1) winner.

One (1) $75 EGG Gift Code. Total approx­i­mate retail value (“ARV”) $75, for one (1) First Prize winner.

One (1) $100 EGG Gift Code. Total approx­i­mate retail value (“ARV”) $100, for one (1) Grand Prize winner.

One (1) $50 EGG Gift Code. Total approx­i­mate retail value (“ARV”) $50, awarded to one (1) win­ner who RSVP’s via the Mr. Linky widget.

Each win­ner receives one (1) prize pack. Entrants who fail to com­plete said actions will be dis­qual­i­fied and an alter­nate win­ner will be selected from all entrants who entered dur­ing the Twit­ter Party Entry Period. Win­ners will be noti­fied via DM (Direct Mes­sage) on Twit­ter with a request for an email address to send prize claim infor­ma­tion. Win­ners will have 48 hours to complete the prize claim form or an alter­nate win­ner will be selected from amongst all entries received dur­ing the Twit­ter Party Entry Period. All prizes will be awarded pro­vided they are validly claimed by October 12th, 2018 at 11:59AM EST.

Entrants agree to release and hold harm­less the Blog­gin’ Mamas, Heather Lopez Enter­prises, LLC, Twit­ter, and any other orga­ni­za­tions respon­si­ble for spon­sor­ing, ful­fill­ing, admin­is­ter­ing, adver­tis­ing or pro­mot­ing this give­away, and their respec­tive par­ent, sub­sidiaries, and affil­i­ates and each of their respec­tive offi­cers, direc­tors, mem­bers, employ­ees, agents and sub­con­trac­tors (col­lec­tively the “Released Par­ties”) from and against any and all claims, expenses, and lia­bil­ity, includ­ing but not lim­ited to neg­li­gence and dam­ages of any kind to per­sons and prop­erty, includ­ing but not lim­ited to inva­sion of pri­vacy (under appro­pri­a­tion, intru­sion, pub­lic dis­clo­sure of pri­vate facts, false light in the pub­lic eye or other legal the­ory), defama­tion, slan­der, libel, vio­la­tion of right of pub­lic­ity, infringe­ment of trade­mark, copy­right or other intel­lec­tual prop­erty rights, prop­erty dam­age, or death or per­sonal injury aris­ing out of or relat­ing to a participant’s entry, cre­ation of an entry or sub­mis­sion of an entry, par­tic­i­pa­tion in this give­away, accep­tance or use or mis­use of prize. Entrant agrees to indem­nify, defend and hold harm­less the Released Par­ties from and against any and all claims, expenses, and lia­bil­i­ties (includ­ing rea­son­able attorney’s fees) aris­ing out of or relat­ing to an entrant’s par­tic­i­pa­tion in this give­away and/or entrant’s accep­tance, use or mis­use of prize, includ­ing, with­out lim­i­ta­tion, lia­bil­ity for per­sonal injury, dam­age, or loss.

The Released Par­ties make no war­ranties, and hereby dis­claims any and all war­ranties, express or implied, con­cern­ing any prize fur­nished in con­nec­tion with the give­away.





Dis­clo­sure: Blog­gin’ Mamas is being com­pen­sated for man­ag­ing this Twit­ter Party. Indi­vid­ual co-hosts are being com­pen­sated for their par­tic­i­pa­tion. All prize ful­fill­ment is the respon­si­bil­ity of the sponsor.

Volunteers Set to Restore Public Lands from Coast to Coast

On September 22, 2018, volunteers are expected to turn out in droves at parks, forests, beaches, rivers, and other public lands throughout the country to celebrate the 25th annual National Public Lands Day (NPLD). Organized each year by the National Environmental Education Foundation (NEEF), National Public Lands Day promotes the connection between people and the environment by inviting everyone to get outside. With support from NPLD national corporate sponsor Toyota, eight federal agency partners, hundreds of state and local partners, and dozens of nonprofit organizations, National Public Lands Day is the nation’s largest single-day volunteer effort.

“Whether it’s an iconic place like Yellow Stone National Park, the soccer fields down the street, or a strip of greenspace in the middle of the city, our nation’s public lands offer limitless opportunities for recreation and relaxation,” said NEEF President Meri-Margaret Deoudes. “National Public Lands Day is the perfect opportunity to spend the day outside with friends and family, caring for and enjoying these special places.”

The theme for this year’s National Public Lands Day is restoration and resilience. On National Public Lands Day, more than 200,000 volunteers are expected to turn out for trail maintenance and planting projects, trash pick-ups, and other refurbishing activities aimed at restoring public lands and making them more resilient. The day will also feature a variety of education, health, and recreation activities—all set on the backdrop of the country’s public lands and waterways.

“Natural disasters and extreme weather, human activities, and a host of other factors wreak havoc on our public lands and threaten the health and wellbeing of the people and wildlife who depend on them,” said Deoudes, noting that in 2017, weather and climate disasters caused more than $306 billion in damages—the highest annual cost in U.S. history. “If we want to continue to enjoy all the benefits these outdoor spaces have to offer, we have to help care for, restore and work to make these special places more resilient to future threats.”

NEEF is partnering with the National Park Service (NPS) and Toyota to host a signature NPLD event at Big Thicket National Preserve, which suffered extensive damages last August when Hurricane Harvey blew through the 113,000 acres of land and water spread over seven counties in Southeast Texas. Over the past year, park officials and volunteers have mounted a steady clean-up effort, but some areas still need help. NPS plans to mobilize volunteer support during NPLD 2018 to restore areas that have remaining storm damage and debris.

A sample of other restoration and resilience activities planned for NPLD 2018 includes:

  • At Kenilworth Park and Aquatic Gardens, located in the northeastern corner of Washington, D.C. at the Maryland state border, National Public Lands Day has been a mainstay event since 2001. This year, more than 200 volunteers are expected to turn out for trail maintenance, litter removal, and other restoration activities. A highlight of the event is clearing out the site’s water lily ponds and preparing them for the harsh winter weather. In a few hours, NPLD volunteers typically knock out work it would take staff months to complete.
  • Climbers in Yosemite National Park are poised to give the giant cliffs their annual facelift. Members of the Yosemite Climbing Association are planning a massive clean-up effort around National Public Lands Day to remove the wear and tear visitors and nature take on this iconic park each year. Last year, more than 1,400 Yosemite Facelift volunteers contributed a total of 9,692 hours and collected 14,762 pounds of trash.
  • Volunteers at the Plumb Beach Clean Up at Gateway National Recreation Area, just three miles east of New York’s Coney Island on Jamaica Bay, will help revitalize precious marine habitat and salt marshes. Naturalists will also be on site to educate volunteers about the creatures that live in the Bay.

More than 2,000 volunteer projects will take place throughout the nation, including 40 sites where Toyota team members volunteer.

“National Public Lands Day provides meaningful opportunities for people of all ages and abilities to give back to public lands in communities across the nation,” said Kevin Butt, Toyota Motor North America’s general manager of environmental sustainability. “Through our collective action, we can help contribute to the creation of a more sustainable future.” The company’s participation in NPLD supports the Toyota Environmental Challenge 2050.

National Public Lands Day is a fee-free day for most federal sites as well as many state parks. Participating federal sites reward volunteers with a coupon good for free entry to any public land managed by one of the NPLD federal partners any time before National Public Lands Day 2019.

To learn more about National Public Lands Day or search for an event on NEEF’s interactive map, log on to NEEFUSA.org/NPLD.

Making the Best Memories: 4 Tips for a Happy Family Vacation

There are more benefits to a happy family vacation than giving you a short respite from work to recharge. Researchers and psychologists say that family holidays do not only help relieve stress, which is a health boost by itself, but also literally promote brain development in kids (The Telegraph). Another set of studies also proves that traveling together helps improve and strengthen family relationships. It even goes as far as reduce the risk of a divorce, thus making a family vacation trip the best family-saving tool ever.

But of course, traveling as a family is a challenge in many ways. And if you don’t take the necessary steps to ensure that trip is a success, you run the risk of giving your kids trauma instead of a mental health boost. Luckily, a bit of clever planning will prevent that.

4 Tips to Help You Organize a Happy Family Vacation

  1. Make memories

To have a happy family vacation you need to not only enjoy fun activities but also take pictures and videos of them, as well as get some souvenirs. A study published by the American Psychological Association shows that taking photos boosts the enjoyment of the experience itself.

And don’t forget about how you’ll be able to re-experience this joy when looking through those photos after a hard week at work. That’s why you should always have reminders like beautiful photo albums. Souvenirs can be used to enhance the story told by pictures, so pick up something that will be directly connected to your adventures, not just a generic bric-a-brac from local artisans.

 2. Be prepared to discard your plans
It’s essential to have a detailed plan for your trip before you set off. You need it to be sure your vacation is filled with fun activities for the entire family. For that reason, you need to work on it together so everyone can have some input into outlining the perfect adventure.

However, you also need to remember that this plan is not set in stone. Sometimes you might discover something more interesting to do when you arrive at the destination, or your kids might love some activity so much, they’ll want to spend an afternoon on it instead of an hour. The situation might also be the opposite or some of you might get sick or otherwise unable to do some of the things you planned.

You need to have the right mindset to adapt to these changes and not let them bring you down. Trying to stick to the plan and forcing this onto the others might ruin the vacation. Never forget that your sole goal here is to have fun.

 3. Plan for some family bonding time

A happy family vacation can benefit your relationships only if you allow it to. If you are busy every day learning new interesting facts through tours and museum visits, how will you bond with your kids and spouse?

Set aside some time in your plan for doing just that. Note that ‘bonding time’ doesn’t just mean going to those tours and museums together. No, you need to choose activities that will make you interact with each other. For example, this can be a fishing trip where you teach your kids how to fish and cook their catch. This can even be a few hours in the park spent throwing a Frisbee and rating all the local ice-cream flavors.

4. Respect everyone’s opinions

A happy family vacation is the ultimate exercise in compromise. It’s true that your family is made up of independent and unique individuals with widely different tastes. One of the main relationship-strengthening benefits of traveling together is building a plan everyone likes and negotiating it in a way that every single person has a say.

Start planning well in advance, as you’ll have many things to discuss.

Life is short, live your life to the fullest

perfect vacation

Life is short and we never know when it will be our last day, so my motto is and has always been to live your life to the fullest. This is why I focus so much on happiness – isn’t that what life should be all about? I believe so. I get a lot of questions about why I write about travel so much and the answer is simple: travel brings me joy and that is what I am constantly in search of.


Many people struggle with focusing on happiness and I get it. You go through your busy day that is filled with work, bills, struggles, and negative people and it is easy to get brought down, but I believe that we should work each and everyday to rise above the hard things, the negativity, and the stress in order to see the light at the end of the tunnel and choose to have a great day, no matter what. If you focus on that each and everyday, you will begin to really enjoy life and learn to live it to the fullest. I have a few things that I do each and everyday that brings more happiness into my life and I wanted to share it with you all. Here are my best tips on things you can do to live your life to the fullest:


Not Caring About What Others Think

It is so easy to fall into the trap of caring what people think about you, especially with social media being the center of the universe right now. Sometimes I observe people who are actively going through their Instagram or Facebook feed just to talk about others lives. What they are wearing, who they are with, how much weight they gained while they were pregnant, etc. Why do we do this to ourselves? All this does is bring negativity into our lives and opens the book to allow other people in your life to judge, as well. Stop judging others and stop caring about what others think about you. You will be so much happier when the only person you are trying to impress is yourself!


Doing What You Love

Life is too short to be stuck in a 9-5 job that you hate. Yes, going out on your own and doing what you love could be risky and stressful, but what happens if it works out? It could change your happiness forever and I believe that (in most circumstances) that is a risk that I would be willing to take. Even if you do not go off on your own, make sure you are in a job that you are really passionate about. Travel, if that makes you happy. Start a family, if that’s what you want. Just focus on your happiness, no matter what.


Treating People With Kindness

Inc. says, “Treat everyone with kindness–not because they are kind hearted, but because you are. One of the greatest gifts we can give another is kindness. If someone is in need, lend a helping hand. Don’t do it only for the people you like and respect–that’s easy–but also for the ones who drive you crazy and those you don’t even know. True kindness lies in the act of giving without the expectation of getting something in return.” You never know what someone might be going through, so please just suck it up and treat everyone with kindness.


Documenting Your Happiness

A great way to be intentional with your time is by documenting your day and your happiness. Write down a few things that you enjoyed that day, talk about how you can make the next day better, and if something didn’t go the way you wanted it to, try to find a silver lining.


Giving When You Can

I believe that giving is a great way to make each and everyday more positive. You cannot find anything negative about helping someone in need, seeing a smile on their face, and doing good in your community. It just puts a positive spin on your day, no matter what. Try to volunteer your time, donate when you can, and help others out!

Maintaining A Healthy Body

To live your life to the fullest, you need to create a strong, healthy foundation for yourself and the only way you can do this is by taking care of your body. Respect your body by eating healthy, working out, and finding help when you need it. A lot of people in this world do not get to do the things they love because they are dealing with debilitating pain on a daily basis. If this is you, get help so that you can enjoy your life! In New Jersey, AllCure Spine & Sports Medicine is on a mission to add health, balance, and success to your life. They believe that “Achieving maximum health is more than the absence of an illness. Authentic human health also includes the fulfillment of potential — potential for healing, creativity, wisdom, love, friendship, family, career, spirituality, physical fitness, leadership, and more.” Dr. Alfieri, as well as his staff are prepared to give you the best care through the use of chiropractic, physical therapy, acupuncture, massage, and pain management physiatry services. The doctors at their Monroe Township facility are certified in multiple disciplines and work together to find the best solution for you when it comes to your pain and general health. If you are suffering with pain, do something about it so that you can live your life to the fullest. AllCure Spine & Sports Medicine could be the next step to help you get your body feeling great again!

Look into WhiteSands Rehab Center

5 Things To Know About Anabolic Steroid Abuse

A very common form of drug addiction is the excessive use of anabolic steroids. The steroids are simply variations of testosterone, the male sex hormone. Steroids can either be injected into the body muscles or they can be taken orally. They are mostly used by athletes and bodybuilders and usually starts as a way to build up the muscles and strength of the body. However, some users tend to go overboard with its use and eventually become addicted to it. Below, we look at five things you should know about anabolic steroid abuse.

  1. Effect on The Brain

Anabolic steroids have a very different effect on the brain when compared to other forms of drugs. While other drugs usually trigger increased dopamine production in the brain that causes the ‘high’, steroids do not directly increase the dopamine in the brain. Instead, the steroids tend to affect the brain chemicals and pathways related to dopamine when it is used for a long period of time. And when using other drugs or medications that directly affect dopamine, the user might feel a ‘high’. As such, steroids create an indirect dopamine-induced ‘high’ in contrast to other types of drugs.

  1. Signs Of Steroid Abuse

People who abuse steroids usually gain lean muscle rapidly, typically within a 10 week period. If your loved one works out very hard on a daily basis and you see numerous syringes in their room, then that can be a sign of steroid abuse. You should check out their arms to see whether it has any holes that look inflamed and reddish. If they are using steroid creams, then you will start smelling a strange odor from them. And if they are taking the steroids in the form of pills, you should see numerous pill packets in the trash. In case the steroid use gets out of control, you must seriously look into WhiteSands drug rehab center and consider admitting your loved one for recovery.

  1. Short-Term And Long-Term Effects

Abusing steroids has several short-term and long-term effects. In the short-term, the person will likely start feeling extremely paranoid and unreasonable with their demands. They will start having delusions about many things. Extreme mood swings are also very likely with the possibility of violence. In the long-term, the person will start seeing their hands and feet swell abnormally. Acne will also be out of control. The heart may become enlarged and you will suffer from high blood pressure. The kidneys and liver might start failing. There is also a high chance of stroke.

There will also be differences in how steroid abuse affects men and women. In men, the testicles will start to shrink and the sperm count will go way down. The risk of prostate cancer will also be very high. Breasts would develop abnormally and the person will become bald.  In women, there will be an excessive growth of hair all over the body including the face. The menstrual cycle will be disturbed. They might also suffer from baldness just like men do. Plus, the clitoris will also be enlarged. If steroid use starts from teenage, then the person’s growth will be negatively affected. In fact, they might end up with a stunted height.

  1. Withdrawal Symptoms

When a person understands the negative consequences of steroid abuse and starts limiting its intake, there can be serious withdrawal issues. For one, the person will be vulnerable to depression and other such conditions. The libido is likely to be very low which can affect romantic relationships. There will be frequent headaches and the person will have a difficult time concentrating on anything for a long period. They will be extremely anxious and will be worried about anything that does not go their way. In addition, sleeping will also be difficult.  Given such negative withdrawal effects, it is advisable that you only reduce the steroid intake gradually in small quantities rather than cutting down the intake by a large amount all of a sudden. Plus, it is also recommended that you approach a good rehab center for a proper recovery.

  1. Comorbid Disorders

Steroid abuse can also trigger other disorders. Such people can be susceptible to mental illnesses once steroid use goes out of hand and they become totally dependent on it. Extreme steroid users can start developing problems with differentiating between reality and fantasy. Those who have reached this stage usually require intense psychological counseling that can get them back to a balanced mental state. In addition, behavioral therapies can also be very effective at instilling a logical way of looking at things rather than judging something based on irrationality.

CloudMover Day Spa Huntington Beach

CloudMover Day Spa Huntington Beach CaliforniaThe Beach and a Spa, What Better Day…

Huntington Beach California is a vacation destination, or if you are lucky might be right outside your backdoor. Sunshine and relaxation are only enhanced by a day at the spa and the one to hit is CloudMover Day Spa. Voted #1 seven years in a row by the OC Hotlist you want to go where the locals go to get the best service in massages, facials, body treatments, and more. My experience was eye opening.

I am going to start with the facial, because I never knew the process could be this good. I have had facials before, but just a few and I never got very excited about them. Often after my skin was irritated and I never felt it looked any better for going through the discomfort and occasionally painful burn of the peels. CloudMover Spa completely changed my mind with their HydroMicrodermabrasion facial. Their staff is amazing.

Basically in the past spas had been using treatments that were too harsh for my skin type and I didn’t know better than to ask for what others recommended, I am not experienced with the beauty treatments out there. So I ended up irritating my skin and not getting good results. The HydroMicrodermabrasion method was amazing because it is gentle enough for all skin types and effective enough to really get results even with the toughest jobs. I went in with my Italian skinned gentleman friend who spends every day in the sun, pool, and slathering on sunscreen, clogged pore city. His skin looked amazing afterwards and the effects have lasted for weeks. My face has never looked so good and all of my skin issues were cleared up without any tenderness.

Facial Room at CloudMover Day Spa in Huntington California

Facial Room at CloudMover Day Spa

If like me, you are new to facials and peels don’t hesitate to tell the person booking your appointment that you don’t know exactly what you want. Let the esthetician guide you when they get a look at your skin type and any particular issues, otherwise like me you might request something not suited for you. Don’t go through a bad experience when it is just a mater of  finding the right match, which might take some help from an expert. I can not recommend a better place for that expert advice than CloudMover Day Spa after my experience.

We also enjoyed their couples massage, because there is nothing better than Zen-ing out except perhaps doing so with your significant other. I always appreciate any business that holds themselves to the highest standards especially one that is handling my body. The massage therapists at CloudMover are of the highest caliber. They had us so relaxed there was definitely some snoring going on, both of us claiming it was the other person, PS it was totally him. By the end we were left debating who was more with it to drive home before we fell into bed for a nap.

Couples Massage at CloudMover Day Spa in Orange County

Couples Massage Room at CloudMover Day Spa

Spending time at CloudMover Day Spa was delightful and so rejuvenating, after our little rest we spent the rest of the night and the next few days enjoying loose muscles and glowing skin. There are more services you can check out like, waxing, body treatments, tanning, and an infrared sauna. There full list can be found HERE.

Visit their site Cloudmover.com to get all the details or find out more on Social Media TwitterFacebookInstagram – Yelp

CloudMover Day Spa Orange County LogoCloudMover Day Spa
Located in the 5 Point Plaza
18685 Main St, Ste 104
Huntington Beach, CA 92648



Organic Wines from Spain

Yes There are Organic Wines!

You care about what you put in your body and likely to some extent try to buy organic foods and body care products. It is important for our health since we are fueling our lives with what we eat. That being said there are areas I never even thought about going organic, like my wine. It was my time at ShiftCon, an amazing conference run by mommy blogger and social media influencer Leah Segedie of Momavation, that opened my eyes and introduced me to Natural Merchants for family produced organic wines..

Natural Merchants Organic WinesSo I have now been trying two amazing wines that give you a healthy edge while still letting you enjoy a glass or red or white. All wines are vegan-friendly, and Non-GMO Project Verified.

Tarantas Sparkling White

This sparkling white wine is definitely crisp and dry, which I enjoyed. It is not a sweet wine also something that works well with a nice meal. There are definitely fruit undertones, but I confess to not being refined enough in the palate to differentiate. The official description says “dry-yet-fruity light-to-medium body and a silky, crisp green apple and lemon finish with no oak.” I paired it with lemon chicken and it was a huge hit.

spartico wine from natural merchantsSpartico Tempranillo/Cabernet – Contains no detectable sulfites!

I definitely have friends who can not handle sulfites and I was so excited to share this wine with them. 50% Tempranillo and 50% Cabernet Sauvignon this wine is a delicious mix. All the ladies at cards night raved about it and enjoyed the rich taste.

One of the cool things about these wines is that they come from vineyards which are in the middle of a National Reserve Park so you know that keeping all stages of growing natural and organic is a top priority in an environmentally protected area. The winery, Bodegas Iranzo dates back to 1335 when the land was granted by the Castilla King. Located outside Valencia Spain they have a long history of producing high quality wines.

You can find these wines and more at Natural Merchants. They even have fun things like wine and recipe pairings, including suggestions for these two wines – you can find those HERE. Also a fun map so you can find wines by country. Visit their site at Naturalmerchants.com or check them out on Social Media – TwitterFacebookInstagram

Visit Antlers at Vail Colorado

The Perfect Hotel for Your Trip to Vail

Whether you are planning a ski trip or a visit in summer to beautiful Colorado you could not pick a better destination than Vail and you could not find a better place to stay than Antlers Hotel.

sculpture at antlers at vail coloradoThe list of benefits for staying at Antlers at Vail is long. The rooms/condos are equipped with full stocked kitchens, lovely decor, and balcony views of Gore Creek, which runs behind the hotel and the picturesque Lionshead section of town. In winter they offer on-site ski rentals and  ski valet complimentary. Located just a short walk from Vail’s Lionshead Gondola it is easy to hit the slopes and get right up on the mountain.

Iceskating rink near Antlers at VailYear round there is plenty to do right outside Antlers at Vail. I honestly loved Lionshead more than Vail town center, with its cute shops and quaint ice skating rink. When you do want to travel around town there is a free shuttle that leaves from directly across from the hotel. This can take you anywhere you want to go in town and saves you from paying for parking! Check out the galleries or grab something to eat nearby at any of the restaurants. We chose to cook so hit the nearby grocery store then loaded up the full size fridge.

rooms at antlers at vail coloradoantlers at vail pool in coloradoWhatever size group you are traveling with Antlers has you covered. They offer studio suites, which we stayed in and they are super spacious, up to four bedroom vacation homes for when the whole family wants to get together. Oh, and if you want to travel with a pup or furry family member, there are pet-friendly rooms too. One of my favorite features is the pool. Located above the bubbling creek that runs behind the hotel you can enjoy time in a hot tub while listening to the sounds of nature.

Vail is certainly one of the most recognizable names for visiting Colorado and skiing/snowboarding, but keep in mind that there are plenty of outdoor activities year round. You won’t find anywhere better to stay when planning your trip than Antlers at Vail.

So find out more on their website Antlersvail.com

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