4 Tips to losing weight in a healthy way with a proven program

It is no secret that we live in a busy world where it seems as if there are not enough hours in the day to get all of your tasks done. It is no wonder that people are resorting to eating fast food in between meetings or on their way home from a long day at the office. Because life is so busy and work expects more from employees than ever before, it can be hard to come home and have the energy to cook a nice meal for your family. In addition, it can be even harder to carve out an hour a day to spend on fitness activities. It is no wonder that people are more obese than ever before. Many feel that they are so overweight that there is no way that they could possibly lose enough weight to feel good about themselves anymore. This could not be farther from the case, however. This article will provide some great tips to help you lose weight in a healthy way with a proven program such as Nutrisystem.

Nutrisystem is a program that anyone can participate in regardless of your size, age, or economic status. There are a variety of programs offered no matter what your budget is. You can learn more on this website. Now for some tips on how to lose weight in a healthy way.

  1. Follow the plan. The best way to have great results is to follow the plan that is laid out for you. The plan is evidence-based and has been proven by thousands to work well. If you follow the plan, not only will you lose weight but you will be able to feel a difference in how you feel overall based on the food that you are eating. Once you ditch the fast food and other processed foods that are full of fillers and sugar, you will feel happier and more energized than you have in a long time.
  2. Ditch the processed foods. When you eliminate processed foods from your diet, you will notice a change in how you feel overall. Your mood will be happier and you will experience less headaches. When you eliminate processed foods, you will find that you no longer feel down and depressed, bloated, or suffer from intense headaches like you did when you were eating fast food and other processed foods on a regular basis.
  3. Spend time with those who respect your new lifestyle. When you spend time with those who respect your new lifestyle and support you in wanting to lose weight, you will be more successful than if you continue to spend time with those who do not have the same goals. It can be tough to hang out with friends who want to eat out all the time and do not understand when you say no. It can also be a challenge when your friends encourage you to “cheat” or they continue to pressure you to go off your diet. A good friend will support you and encourage you NOT to go off of your diet.

Don’t give up. Losing weight is hard work. It does not fall off overnight and it can be disheartening when you thought you had a great week to only find out that you didn’t lose anything or worse, you gained some weight. The best thing to do is to keep at it and evaluate how you did that week. What was different from in past weeks when you did lose weight? When you begin to pay attention to your activities and your behavior, you will notice patterns that work well for you and those that do not.

Provasil for Brain Health: Is it the Best Memory Supplement on the Market?

Overview of provasil and brain health

Taking care of both physical health and brain health is necessary. The human brain is a delicate and important organ in the human body, which is not free from dangers. And, the people are likely to face many problems associated with a brain with aging.

There are also many old people who are likely to suffer from various brain diseases, such as Alzheimer, Parkinson’s disease, and so on. According to the statistics, around 5.4 million Americans are diagnosed with Alzheimer disease, and this number is projected to triple by 2050. Furthermore, 1 in 10 people age 65 and above is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s dementia.

The decline of cognitive abilities is very natural as a person starts to age, but the good news is that the cognitive decline can be slowed down. There are ways to reduce the risk of brain diseases. One of the best ways to reduce the rate of cognitive decline is the consumption of supplement.

Provasil is the supplement that is designed to enhance the memory, focus, and concentration. This supplement can be purchased online via its official website. Its official website is very professional and informative, and all the required information can be easily found on the website.

How does Provasil work?

The manufacturer of Provasil claims to have many positive effects on cognitive functions of the human brain. This supplement contains natural Nootropics that have the power to reverse the conditions, such as forgetfulness, lack of focus, brain fog, and other aging symptoms in a non-addictive way.

Some of the best natural ingredients are used by the manufacturer of this product to make it very effective. These ingredients are not only effective in enhancing the brain’s membrane structure, but it also dulls down the cell-damaging free radicals. The anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory impacts of this supplement helps in keeping the brain active and healthy.

Some of the key ingredients that are used in this supplement are:

  • Vitamin C – The antioxidant properties that are found in vitamin C improve memory and relieve stress. And, the folic acid is required for enhancing the cognitive function of adults.

  • Vitamin B12 – This nutrient is found in foods, such as eggs, milk, poultry, and others. It helps in promoting brain health, and biotin assists the central nervous system.

  • Phosphatidylserine – This ingredient enhances the growth of brain cells. The L-Glutamine plays a role in supporting mental health and ward off ammonia from the brain.

  • Resveratrol – It is an antioxidant, which is known for its positive long-term effects on memory.

  • DHA – DHA is a fatty acid. It is an essential fatty acid that can be found in various foods, which aids in overall brain functions.

  • Choline Bitartrate – The intake of this ingredient can help in increasing concentration and alertness. L-Tysorine enhances a person’s overall brain health.

  • N-Acetyl Carnitine – The acetylcholine level in the brain is boosted after the intake of N-Acetyl Carnitine. This enhances the power to store and recall.

  • Bacopa – The learning power of the brain is enhanced by the consumption of this ingredient.

  • Ginkgo – It is an antioxidant, which boosts the blood circulation.

  • Phosphatidylcholine – The aging process of the brain is slowed down by this ingredient.

It is suggested to take 1-2 pills a day with a meal. If the aging symptoms are at peak in the afternoon, then afternoon would be the best time to take this pill. After regular consumption of this supplement, you are likely to experience an improved mental performance.

What makes Provasil the better option?

Provasil is a natural supplement that uses all the natural ingredients. It is a product that has plenty of amazing reviews, and its customers are happy with this product. The official website is very informative, and the customer support is excellent as well.

Because this product is all natural, there are no dangerous side effects of consuming this product. Furthermore, the manufacturer has offered a money back guarantee on this product. This means that you have an option to return this product back to the manufacturer if this product does not deliver the result to you.

When you search the query “how to improve memory?” you will find many websites that are selling memory pills. But, the thing is that many products’ websites do not offer a genuine product, customer support, and they also lack nice reviews on their products.

Are there any side effects of Provasil?

There are no dangerous side effects of consuming Provasil, as this supplement is all natural. However, there are some recommendations that come with this product.

It is preferred not be consumed on an empty stomach. The women who nurse or pregnant should also take their precautions like any other supplement.

Benefits of Provasil:

Provasil is among the top memory pills on the market, and it comes up with plenty of benefits. Here are some of the benefits of Provasil.

  • This supplement is an all-natural product, which makes it free of side effects.

  • The several areas of cognitive health are improved with the use of this supplement.

  • The money back guarantee is available with this product.

  • There are plenty of customers’ reviews and testimonials, which show how this product has impacted the lives of many people before.

  • The ingredients used in this product are very effective in enhancing brain health. All the ingredients are listed and explained in a detailed manner on its official website.

  • There are free gifts and bonuses offered with the purchase of this product.


Provasil is one of the many supplements that are available on the market. However, it’s not a guarantee that all the products are effective. After considering various factors, such as price, ingredients, customer service, and reviews, it can be said that Provasil is a very effective supplement that can help you to enhance your brain health.

There is no harm in giving it a try, as it has a money back guarantee. However, it’s recommended to consult a doctor before consuming any supplements.



Also, watch video on: Provasil – Powerful All-Natural Memory and Focus Enhancer

Via: https://youtu.be/HHxjsAwsJj8

Author Bio:

Sophie Addison is a popular blogger. She is very passionate about writing about health and beauty. She has posted articles on skincare tips, joint pain treatment, weight loss and fitness news. Apart from work she likes gardening and listening to the music. You can also contact her on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.

Going Solo: How to be a Savvy Single Parent Traveler

Single parents are pretty resourceful people. They have to be. One of the situations, when that resourcefulness is called for, is the family vacation. You have to make all the decisions and do all the work, and from time to time it is tempting not to bother. But taking a vacation is an important part of family life, so are there ways that the single parent can make life easier when the occasion arises?

Getting Help

It is always good to have more than one pair of eyes on the children…and spare hands. Traveling with grandparents can smooth things out, provided they are the chilled and helpful type, and as often as not they will be happy to pay generously for the privilege.

Very good friends without children can be a boon on the flight, but their idea of a vacation may be different from yours. Other single-parent families may be good companions, but there might be sound reasons why you want to avoid vacations with your nuclear family friends.


Many parents have clear memories of their worst flights. These are usually in the early years before kids can be stuck in front of a tablet screen and left to their own devices.

Do everything you can in advance: check-in and double-check your documents the day before. When possible, fly from an airport that has child-friendly facilities. When you get to the airport, look out for priority queues for families. You will be on your own going through security—take your time and don’t get flustered.

Pack into as few bags as you can. One checked-in case and one backpack are the ideals. This is the time to indulge every whim with incessant treats, so keep them handy.

Remember if you are traveling abroad, there may be requirements for a second parent to give their consent to travel. It can be a hassle if there is no other parent registered, or if you have a different surname from your kids, so go prepared.


Look for hotels that genuinely appear to be interested in having children. Don’t go anywhere whose pricing policy seems to penalize single-parent families. Keep alert for evidence of special provision for children, such as babysitting services or kids’ clubs.

Choose somewhere that has some facilities that will keep the kids happy, such as an indoor pool. If staying in a city, go somewhere that has easy access to some good amusements. Marriott hotels are generally well placed and secure.

You will want to prepare snacks in your room, so check that there will be space in the mini-bar and a kettle, cups, plates, and silverware.

Travel Well, Arrive Safely

Traveling as a family can be exhausting, but it is usually fun. As a single parent, you are well used to having to plan carefully and keep calm, and those skills are tested to the full when you travel. When you all arrive safely home, you will have stories to share and memories to cherish.

4 Popular reasons to have your computer evaluated by a professional repair service

Nowadays many of our everyday tasks involve the use of computers. Many individuals, from students to employees and professionals, benefit from the use of this invention. Corporate offices use computers in every capacity, and when a computer stops working, it can spell disaster for the company.


Anyone who owns a computer should expect that sooner or later, the computer would need some repair of some kind. When this happens, many computer owners simply try to troubleshoot the problems themselves. While some are successful in making the problem go away, others tend to make it worse.


The best decision is to still call professionals to do the repairs for you. Here are reasons why it’s better to call professionals rather than attempting to do the repairs yourself.


  1. They have years of experience – nothing beats experience when it comes to being an expert in your work. Even if you’ve read many books about computer repair, you might still have a hard time determining the real problem in your computer. People who do this for a living get an education that books cannot teach. The practical application helps them diagnose what could be the problem on your computer without having to consult books or the internet. They can do this because they’ve been doing it for years, so you can be ensured that they are reliable.


  1. You get your money’s worth – no one wants to spend money on something that’s not worth it.  When you are strapped for cash, it makes more sense to just try and repair your broken computer yourself. But if you’ve never done so, you might risk doing more damage to your computer. It’s better to get professionals to do it for you. It does not have to cost much. Just think that if you try to do the repair, you will definitely not be as fast and efficient as professionals. If you rely on the computer for work, you will be losing money because of the time it will take to fix your computer.


  1. They can easily fix the problem for – you might have found a solution to your computer problem online, only to find that you need to purchase some software just to fix your machine. When you get the services of professionals, they already have all these software and other solutions ready, so you don’t need to pay extra because that is already included in the fee you are paying for their service.


  1. You can actually call them for free advice – when you get the right company for your computer repairs, you’ll find that many professionals are very much willing to be of help to their clients. They’re not always after your money. Many of them really care for the welfare of their client and they actually do not mind getting calls from former clients who have questions about repairs and the like. They do this without charging any money, and it really shows that their concern is for their clients and not just to make a profit.

Lombok, a surfers’ paradise

If you are one of the types that want to live something away more different from the well-known and bustling resorts of Indonesia, Lombok, on the east of the island, is a virgin place o and not as touristy yet equally impressive. Tourism has penetrated less threateningly, but this has its negatives, as visitors often feel invaded in a place that is perhaps unwanted or indifferent. Something to change soon, since these travelers who have already visited Mali start for “fresh lands”. This, in addition for the island’s main reason for visiting as a weddings in Bali destination and coupled with recent luxury hotel facilities, means that soon the island will cease to be the “hidden treasure” of Indonesia.
Exploring Lombok

With a variety of beautiful beaches, a larger volcano and a larger variety of scenery make it significantly different. Lombok is divided into three countries with three capitals. Mataram, to the west, which is also its largest city and the capital of Lombok, Praya in the center and Selong in the eastern part of the island.

The culture of the west side of the island is still heavily influenced by Bali. The eastern side is the base of the native Sakas, mainly Muslims. Although the cities are separated, Ampenan, Mataram, Cakranegara and Sweta are actually becoming one, in Lombok’s “city”.Mataram, to the west, which are also its major city and the capital of Lombok, Praya in the center and Selong in the eastern part of the island.

The culture of the west side of the island is still heavily influenced by Bali. The eastern side is the home of the native Sakas, mainly Muslims. Although formally separate cities, Ampenan, Mataram, Cakranegara and Sweta are actually becoming one, in Lombok’s “city”. Mataram is the largest city, Cakranegara is the old royal city and Sweta is the transport center and largest market on the island and Ampenan on the west, sometimes the main harbor, is now a point where one can find cheap accommodation and food.

At Mataram there are several local souvenirs, markets .You can also buy handmade sarongs made with hand-made and foot-operated looms as if nothing has changed. The Mayura Royal Palace is a lovely place for relaxation. The large artificial lake with the open gazebo in the center is connected to the coast with an elevated path. Statues and fountains decorate the park that surrounds it. Pula Meru, the largest Balinese temple, is located just opposite the palace. As in any mall, Lobok’s outdoor market is filled with people, locals and tourists, discovering small hidden treasures from spices and herbs to folk art and antiques.

Lombok’s most touristic area is Senggigi Beach. The route is full of steep turns, hills and stunning coastal views. The view is amazing but swimming is forbidden. At Sengiggi there are many restaurants, bars and discos, souvenir shops and all-inclusive accommodation.

The first acquaintance with the island is through the exploration of the island’s volcano. Gunung Rinjani is Lombok’s tallest mountain and active volcano and the third largest volcano in all of Indonesia, a popular destination for those who love hiking and locals flocking to hot springs in the northeast side of the caldera, in an effort to take advantage of Lopocti’s excellent healing properties. The holy Segara Anakan Lake is located lower than the crater’s periphery. Daily trips are organized at the foot of Mount Rinjani and the beautiful mountain village of Tetebatu, another area chosen for trekking in the volcano. The compass leads to the southern part of the island and Sukarara, a place with unusual houses made of local stone. It is located in an area with many rice fields, filled with small villages with wooden houses and almost every house has an old wooden loom. Most of the materials are built in houses in the surrounding villages and there is so much variety. The bazaar is a pleasant process. Dine with the locals, have a cup of coffee or try boiling sweet potato and relax.

Lombok beaches are quieter than those of Bali. Kuta beach in Lombok is a resort that the surfists prefer. Apart from the main tourist season in August, you will find peace and relaxation. A beautiful white sandy beach, blue sea and verdant hills to surround it, make up the scenery, which is considered the most idyllic.

The Pantai Segar is about 10 minutes on the east of Kuta and if you climb on the huge rock you will thank God for these spectacular views, especially when the sun rises. Gerupak is also a beach which is the ultimate destination for surfing and fishing. A beautiful sandy beach,Selong Blanak Bay, offers surfing, along with the beaches of Mawan, Tampa and Mawi. There are many good waves in the coral reefs of the island, many hidden secrets left and right from the beach Kuta, and east of Tanjung Aan. The local fishermen will take you with only a few rupees to take you there.

As for scuba diving, the Gilis Islands always come first. There are several instructors that can guide you with the necessary equipment. You can spend the night in bungalows, Gili Air has the largest population of locals and offers the possibility of greater contact with the inhabitants’ culture, which is absent from the other islands.

The best time to visit Lombok is the drought period, from June to October. On the other hand, the rainy season, from October to May, is warmer and, of course, wetter, but the landscape is green and surely more beautiful.

5 Tips to selecting the best dashboard camera for a long distance road trip

Are you planning a long distance road trip in the near future? Any travel entails a lot of planning to make sure that it would be enjoyed by everyone going. One of the most important aspects of the road trip is, of course, the transportation.


Aside from making your transportation is well-maintained, it is also a good idea to make sure that it has a dashboard camera. Years ago, dashboard cameras were considered just a luxury for many car owners. But nowadays, more and more people have installed dashboard cameras in their automobiles. Not only can they help in insurance frauds, but sometimes you can capture some very interesting things on your dashboard camera.


If you have never purchased one and you don’t know which features are important, check out some tips below on what you need to in order to purchase the best dashboard camera for your long distance trip.


  1. Do your own research – there are so many dashboard cameras in the market today, and you might be swayed by advertising tactics into buying one that might be too expensive but you’ll find out later that you are not happy with your purchase. Make sure you do your research on what a dashcam can and cannot do and list down the features that you require on your own dashboard camera so that you will know what to look for once you begin your search.


  1. Ask for recommendations from friends – do you have any friends who already have a dash cam installed in their vehicles? If so, their first-hand suggestions would be best. You can be sure that they will be honest with their recommendations. You can even ask your friend to teach you how their own cameras work and demonstrate the different features so you can see first-hand how it functions.


  1. Read articles from magazines or newspapers – it would be impossible not to see any articles on magazines or maybe even newspapers about dashboard cameras. Go to your local library or bookstore and purchase magazines that are specifically tailored for car owners. You will be able to find some honest reviews by car enthusiasts about what dashboard cameras will work well for your need.


  1. Look through forums for suggestions – you can go to forums like Reddit and see if there are people who have recommended specific brands and models. Just make sure that whoever is posting is actually reliable as there are some who lie about their answers in the forum.

5. Go to review websites for more options – if you don’t want to buy a magazine just to look for an article about dashboard cameras, the good thing is that there are websites that put dashcam reviews to help consumers with what they can choose to purchase. These websites have reviewed hundreds of models and came up with what can be considered the best of the best list. You’ll be able to compare features and prices which will surely make your decision easier.

5 Tips to success when relocating a data center

It is not uncommon for businesses, small-scale or large-scale, to relocate their data centers especially when they are planning to expand or to downsize their company’s operations. Data center relocation, also called data center migration, is a process that involves the physical transfer of a data center into a new site.


There are also some things that should be considered when relocating a data center. First is to ensure that the new facility meets the minimum requirements of your current business – or even exceeds them for long-term convenience and efficiency. Compatibility with the existing software and services, migration testing before the actual relocation, and restructuring of the staff’s schedule should also be considered to avoid significant disruptions in business operations.


To help you in the process, read more about the five useful tips that you should consider for a successful data center relocation for your company.


  1. Plan ahead.


As with any other massive business undertakings, data center relocation also requires intelligent and careful planning. For best results, focus first on the utility and compatibility of the current applications before proceeding with the plan for the hardware, cabling, floor designs, and other aspects. You should also take into account minor disruptions in your business and in your team’s workflow so that you will be able to make the necessary adjustments. Expect delays and prepare alternative plans as much as possible.


  1. Take one step at a time.


Unless it is necessary, avoid making major changes in a single day. The last thing that you would want to get from a rushed data center relocation is a chaotic outcome. Similar to the previous tip, plan your approach on a day-to-day basis. Avoid making hasty and risky decisions that you have no idea of what the negative implications in the future may be.


  1. Make an inventory.


For a hassle-free process, you should be able to create a complete inventory of the items whether they are headed for relocation or not. The list should be complete with the item specifications and serial numbers. You should also be able to take note of those items which warranty contract may be put at risk after relocation. Place tags on each piece and check that everything is the same before loading into the delivery trucks and after the equipment have been transferred to their proper places.


  1. Perform migration testing.


Preparing an inventory and hiring air-conditioned trucks with GPS capability are just some of the things that you can do to protect your equipment from being mishandled. Another thing that you can do is to conduct migration testing as soon as you have the critical components installed in the new facility. In this way, you can troubleshoot minor problems as early as possible and employ the necessary solutions right away.


  1. Contact a service provider.


Planning and supervising your company’s data center relocation can be a very daunting task mainly because of the complexity of the process and the considerable extent of your business’ operations that it can affect. However, this procedure can be done successfully with the help of professional technicians, information technology movers, project managers, and support staff who specialize in the field. Call the best data center relocation company in your area and get a smooth transition for your business now while having a complete peace of mind.

How to choose a diamond ring for the special day

A diamond is a great gift to express love and commitment. When we speak of special days, we could mean anything- an important birthday, a milestone anniversary, etc. But the diamond is most commonly associated with an engagement. This special day deserves a special stone. And a diamond is certainly special. If you’re wondering about how to choose a diamond ring for your special day, you need to start with the basics.

The cut is the way in which the facets on the surface of the diamond are created. These facets catch the light and provide the diamond with one of its most noticeable qualities- brilliance. If you think a diamond looks like it’s got fire inside of it, the cut is what’s creating the impression. No matter the size of the stone, if a diamond is cut well, it will shine and give an impression of being a stone of good proportions. If it’s not, then the reverse happens- even a large stone looks dull and lifeless. So when you are deciding on the stone, make sure it’s cut well and glitters. If you’d like, request the shop personnel to carry the stone outside the establishment to see it in natural light.

Since a diamond engagement ring will be exclaimed upon a lot and examined closely, you might want to think long and hard about the second C- carat. The larger the carat, the larger the stone. This is easier said than done; large sized stones aren’t easily available in nature and their rarity makes them more expensive. A trick to keep prices low is to choose a stone.

The most important aspect of a diamond is the cut that’s just a shade under a round number you may have in mind. You’ll be surprised by how many zeros are taken away when a point or two is taken out of the equation.

You’ll also need to think about the clarity of the stone. Again, the highest purity stone has no flaws at all. Perfection costs a lot of money. Instead of breaking the bank in your quest for a flawless diamond, look for something that is ‘eye-clean.’ This term refers to a diamond that has negligible flaws and inclusions and therefore cannot be seen by the naked eye. This kind of clarity is visually appealing and no one really can tell the difference. Or, you might want an inclusion of two for that distinct personal touch. Your diamond will be like none else. There is a practical reason why cracks aren’t safe- they may weaken the structure of the diamond, making it more prone to breaking and cracking. You want to make sure that even if there are inclusions, they do not compromise the overall strength of the stone.

Color is the next of the 4 Cs. Depending on your partner’s preference, you may want a bit of color in the diamond. But the simplest and safest choice is the colorless stone. It’s easy to set it with other stones, it can be resold for great value and it’s versatile. Think about this and then figure out if you want browns, yellows or even a pale grey, as your color choice. Black diamonds are fast gaining popularity and may be an ideal choice for the avant-garde bride.

If you want to ensure that all these 4 Cs are met to your expectations, you could consider a lab-manufactured diamond. They are of the exact composition as the ones present in nature and what’s more they can be tailor-made to your specifications. Since almost all material has carbon, create your diamond with your own raw materials- a photograph, something sentimental and meaningful to both you and your partner, anything that holds value to you. Your diamond will carry so much more meaning than one that’s just store bought.

You’ll also want to think about the shape of the diamond. The most common is the brilliant- the round shape that adorns many a diamond ring. You may also like the princess cut, which is square in most cases, but rectangular in many other cases. The princess cut, because of the way it is, has much less wastage than the round cut, making it a less expensive, more impressive choice. You could also choose the distinctively shaped marquise cut, tapered at the edges and broad in the middle. Make sure the stone you choose is well protected and kept in place with prongs. You don’t want a chipped diamond with just a little use.

A ring is not just about the diamond, but also about the metal the ring is made of. A diamond needs something everlasting to carry it for years. The best choice is yellow gold- it maintains its luster, unlike platinum, but it does become worn out with use. You might need to remake the ring in a few years. Platinum is a high value metal but its shine dulls and is hard to recover. Pink, and white gold are other choices. Remember it has to go with the wedding band as well.

Tying all this together is the key element- the cost of the exercise. While you might be tempted to spend a whole lot of money on getting the exact stone, the best quality and the biggest size, do think about how much you want to spend on the stone. Do keep in mind that the diamond is not the only thing you’ll spend money on. There will be the wedding and the expenses to set the house. A diamond has value because the person who gifts it, matters. So spend what you are comfortable with. You always have a choice of going in for a bigger diamond at a later point of time.

None of this will work if you do not take your partner’s personality and tastes into consideration. Keep them in mind when you decide- is she a traditionalist? Is she trendy and hip? Is she into sports and the outdoors? There is also the practical consideration of the size of the ring, and whether you want to take your partner to the store or spring the ring as a surprise. Do look at every aspect and then buy.