Tips for travel with kids because life shouldn’t stop

samantha feuss

People often believe that once you have kids your life suddenly stops. Well, at least the fun and wild part of it. How many times have you heard that you should travel as much as you can because when you have children you won’t be able to go anywhere? As a parent you probably know that this has nothing to do with reality. Okay, traveling with little ones is a little bit more complicated than traveling solo or with friends, but it is far from impossible. In fact, with these tips and tricks you will be able to have an enjoyable vacation without unnecessary unpleasantries. 

Plan your trip carefully

Maybe you really want to see those old churches of Europe or visit museums with incredible pieces of art, but save that for another time when your kids are older (or grandma volunteers to babysit for a couple of days). This type of sightseeing can be too tiring and too boring for little ones so instead try something else. While theme parks are always a good idea, you don’t have to spend the next decade in Disneyland. Kids love to play, explore, touch, see and experience new things so any activity that involves nature and animals will keep your children happy and entertained. However, if they will be spending a lot of time outside make sure you protect your kids from the damaging sun rays.

Travel light

When you picture traveling with kids it is likely that an image of several suitcases, bags and a full trunk of toys pops into your head, but if you want to turn your trip into a dream vacation and not a living nightmare, pack only what you really need. This way you won’t have a lot of stuff to carry and you will find everything you need more easily. Keep in mind that you will be able to wash your clothes wherever you go, so you really don’t have to pack your whole closet. After giving this a try you will realize how little you actually need on your trips.

Fight the jet lag with activities

Jet lag is the arch-enemy of most parents. When your little ones should be sleeping they are hanging from the chandelier full of energy and anxious to do something fun in a foreign land. However, there is an easy way to deal with jet lag. Since you will most likely stay up late the first night, take your kids out and stay active the whole time. There are so many fun outdoor activities for children you can try out at a playground or a park, you can explore the city and check out some of the attractions. Keep in mind that your little ones might get hungry in the middle of the night, so by making a stop by the local store you can avoid nerve-wracking tantrums. 

Stick to the same routines

Do you read your kids before bedtime? Or maybe they always get a bath before going to sleep? Do your little ones always take a nap around noon? The younger your children are, the more important the routine is for them. Therefore, try to keep the same habits you have at home and you won’t have to deal with cranky monsters.

Forget about souvenirs

If you have ever taken your kids grocery shopping, you surely know that they always find something they want to take home. The same thing will happen with souvenirs, but you need to resist the temptation (and avoid their puppy-eye looks) because once you cave and buy them something, they will keep asking for something else until you return home. In addition, souvenirs will keep them entertained for just a couple of minutes, and after that they will break, get lost or worse, just take up space in your baggage. Therefore, save money and spend it on something else, like ice cream. 

Traveling with kids doesn’t have to be stressful or exhausting. With just several clever strategies you can have a memorable trip with your loved ones. 

Epic Reasons You Should Want to Visit Alaska


When people plan where to go on a vacation, Alaska is usually never on the list of places in countries they want to visit. In fact, when someone says they want to go to this part of the planet, the most common question is ‘Why’? Unfortunately, people who imagine Alaska to be just one huge block of ice are going to miss out on so much. The 49th state has so many things to offer, from mighty glaciers, amazing wildlife and a rich culture to breathtaking views and lively cities. Even if you are not a fan of cold weather and you are not at all interested in winter sports, going to Alaska should be on your bucket list. Here are just some of the reasons why people around the world are coming to visit The Last Frontier. 

The Northern Lights

If you come to Alaska in March and September, you will be able to witness one of Mother Nature’s best artworks. Seeing ribbons of color dancing around in the sky can really take your breath away and if you are really lucky, you might be able to hear the faint crackling typical for the aurora. Keep in mind that if you are visiting Alaska just to see these lights, you don’t want to come in June and July, since due to the endless sun during those months they won’t be visible.

World-class fishing

Every fisherman in the world will tell you that Alaska is the best place on the planet for fishing. In fact, there are so many fishing opportunities that even the residents of this state haven’t tried them all. Whether you want to catch tasty salmon, trout, or northern pike there are numerous charter companies available to take you out fishing. When you add exclusive and remote lodges to the equation, fishing in Alaska might be your dream vacation.  


There are more than 100, 000 glaciers in Alaska and you should be prepared to be dazzled by ice. A lot of them can be easily accessed, so be sure to check out Byron Glacier, Matanuska Glacier, Mendenhall Glacier or Exit Glacier. Many of these icy giants have been turned into tourist attractions, and you can even visit Spencer Glacier by train. 

 Interesting wildlife

If you call yourself an animal lover, you will definitely enjoy visiting Alaska and getting acquainted with its remarkable wildlife. If you want to see bears, moose, caribou, eagles and other creatures in this majestic land, be sure to visit Denali National Park. Whether you sign up for the flightseeing tour, ride the zipline, or go on jeep excursion, you will surely be rewarded with sights that will stay with you for a lifetime. 

Towering mountains

The tallest mountain in North America is located in Alaska. Denali is the centerpiece of Denali National Park and Preserve and it is 20,310 feet high. Although this mountain was officially called Mount McKinley for almost a century, its name was changed four years ago. If you are not feeling dare devilish, there are plenty of other mountains to explore. From Alaska Range to the Brooks Range, there are so many incredible opportunities for hiking, skiing, as well as other outdoor sports. The 49th state is the go-to place for adventurers so if you are interested in surfing, sea kayaking among icebergs, or cruising along faces of glaciers Alaska is definitely your heaven on Earth.

 With all these amazing things to see and experience, it is a shame not to visit this beautiful part of the world. Once you see how amazing Alaska really is and you fall in love with its beautiful landscapes, history, and unforgettable scenery, you will surely revisit it in the future.

Stocking Stuffers for Teen and Tween Boys #GiftGuide

Looking to stuff your son’s stocking with items he will actually use? Check out Prep U Products (available on Amazon) for teens or boys.

natural soap for kids

Made for boys aged eight and up, Prep U is committed to providing all-natural body care products that are a clean-smelling, chemical-free and effective.  There is a full line of personal care products aimed at the males of the species- though I admit, I really, really like the deodorant and got one for myself. The body washes are also nice for everyone, even if they are aimed at boys. The smell is soothing and refreshing, and I like them as much as they do. I am the “rose amongst thorns” in the house and a bit outnumbered, so perhaps I lean toward things male, but hey. At least you know the smell is pleasant to both sexes. Here are some items to consider;

Back-to-Basics (Price: $32.00) 

Includes all of the signature products: Body Spray, Body Wash and Natural Deodorant.

TRVL Kit (Price: $29.00) 

Prep U’s travel sizes are great for any on-the-go needs from weekend trips to summer camps. The kit includes: 2oz Active Dry Powder, 2oz Body Spray, 2oz Body Wash, canvas travel kit.

Charcoal Face + Body Set (Price: $24.00) 

Prep U’s Charcoal Scrub and Charcoal Bar detoxifies and gently exfoliates skin.

charcoal body wash

I like the charcoal items for my youngest son, age 12, who has a skin condition which causes his skin to erupt in itchy red bumps and rashes. He has so many creams and soaps, but the charcoal also soothes his skin and reduces these breakouts. We use charcoal items often, and both he and I like these and give them our stamp of approval. They also smell nice- it says unscented, but to me it has a bit of a lemon-y smell.  The fact that they are chemical free and all natural makes them a no brainier.

If you have a smelly teen or tween boy in your life (and if he’s older then 5, you likely do, LOL) these will be quite useful gifts indeed. Try them out and shoot us a tweet or a comment, let us know what you think. We hope you like them as much as we do. Happy holidays, and enjoy. If these don’t strike you, try out some solid shampoo or zero waste cosmetics. We know you will find what you are looking for!

Benefits of Getting a Facelift & Neck Lift Together

You look in the mirror and you’re not sure who the person is who’s looking back at you. Your face is starting to show signs of aging. Your chin is soft and sagging and you have what’s commonly known as a turkey neck. You’re not happy about your appearance and you want to do something about it.


You have options. Facial plastic surgery can help to minimize sagging skin and smooth deep creases in the skin. The type of surgery that’s right for you depends on where you’re seeing the signs of aging. If most of your concerns are located in the lower portion of the face and in the neck, a facelift or neck lift might be your best option. In some cases, combining the two surgeries might be your best bet.


Learn more about what a facelift and neck lift can do and see if combining the two procedures will help you reach your anti-aging goals.


What Does a Facelift Do?

The word “facelift” can be a bit confusing to people. It’s common for people to assume that a facelift focuses on the entire facial area. In reality, the surgery helps reduce the signs of aging in the lower portion of the face, from the cheeks to the chin, jawline and upper part of the neck.


During a facelift, a surgeon rejuvenates your appearance by tightening the skin around your neck and jawline. A deep plane facelift also targets the area around the cheeks, to reduce drooping and the appearance of deep creases and folds.


What Does a Neck Lift Do?

While a facelift focuses on the area between the cheeks and upper neck, a neck lift focuses on rejuvenating the entire neck area. Some people develop signs of aging such as sagging jowls or fatty deposits in the upper neck area that creates a double chin. Others develop signs of aging that take the form of neckbands, horizontal wrinkles that stretch across the neck. 


The platysma muscle, which is located in the front of the neck, can start to separate as you get older. In some people, a loose, separated the platysma muscle can create what’s called a “turkey neck.” The muscle and skin become droopy so that it looks as if you have something similar to a turkey’s wattle.


A neck lift can tighten the platysma muscle and the surrounding skin, significantly reduce the “turkey neck” look. The surgery can also remove fatty deposits from the area, minimizing the appearance of a double chin.


Why Combine a Facelift and Neck Lift?

Everyone’s face ages somewhat differently. Some might only notice signs of aging in the upper part of the face, others in the lower part or in the neck. Some might have signs of aging all over. In that case, combining facial plastic surgeries, such as a facelift and neck lift, might be the best option.


There are a few benefits to scheduling a facelift and neck lift at the same time.


More Dramatic Results

If you have deep creases by the mouth, drooping cheeks, and chin and a turkey neck, having the two surgeries together just makes sense. A facelift will help to correct your concerns between the cheeks and upper neck while the neck lift will correct the issues you’re experiencing on your neck. 


Think of it this way. If you go to the hair salon and asked for a haircut, it’d be strange if the stylist only cut half of your hair. The new style on one side of your head would look neat, but the longer, unkempt hair on the other half would look out of place.


It’s the same if you have signs of aging in various areas of your face, but only correct some of them. Getting a more youthful contoured jawline might be a good idea, but if you still have a turkey neck afterward, you might look and feel unbalanced.


Shorter Recovery Time

You might consider scheduling a facelift one month, then scheduling a neck lift for a few months in the future. If you schedule separate surgeries, you’ll need to allow for double the recovery time. You’ll need at least one week to recover after your facelift and another week to recover after your neck lift.


But if you have a facelift and neck lift performed at the same time, you can fold the recovery times together. Recovering from a double procedure might take a little bit longer compared to recovering from just one procedure. Recovering from two procedures performed simultaneously will definitely take less time than if you had the surgeries separately.


Reduced Cost

While you won’t get two surgeries for the price of one when you combine a neck lift and facelift, you will enjoy some cost savings. If you schedule to separate procedures, you’ll have to pay for everything separately. 


Since you only need one round of anesthesia and one surgical suite when you have two surgeries at once, the price tag will be lower. 


When Should You Combine a Facelift and Neck Lift?

If you have signs of aging in your neck and the lower third of your face, a combination facelift and neck lift might be just right for you. There are a few things to consider before moving forward with the surgeries, such as:


  • Your overall goals
  • Your health
  • Your lifestyle habits
  • Your schedule

The best way to see if you’ll benefit from a facelift and neck lift together is to speak with a board-certified facial plastic surgeon. Dr. Robert Glasgold of the Glasgold Group is a board-certified facial plastic surgeon who specializes in facial rejuvenation with natural results. To learn more about the benefits of a combined facelift and neck lift, call 732-846-6540 or contact us today.

Halloween Is Coming Up; What Should I Avoid Putting On My Post-Facelift Face?

Halloween is coming, and you’ve just had a facelift—-is this going to derail your plans for a fun and frivolous evening? How are you going to dress the part if you can’t put anything on your face?


Taking care of your skin after a facelift or any cosmetic procedure is essential to avoid infection and further complications. According to Anurag Agarwal, facelift expert of Naples, FL, you must go through your healing period with integrity, taking great care to promote healing as a return to health. In this article, we’ll explore how to care for your post-surgery face, as well as what you can and can’t wear on this dark and stormy night. Follow these tips, and you’ll have a fun and festive Halloween without risk of post-surgical complications.


Post-Surgery Tip #1–Cleanse And Moisturize

You are likely to have some pain and tenderness around the incision sites after surgery, but this doesn’t mean you can neglect your care regime. Bacteria can quickly build up in these places, increasing the risk of infection and swelling. Gently wash your skin with an antibacterial cleanser twice daily and pat dry, using a moisturizer afterward that contains natural ingredients to promote skin healing.


Post-Surgery Tip #2–Minimize Swelling And Bruising

Your face endures trauma during a facelift; swelling and bruising are common after procedures like this, with peak discomfort occurring a few days after surgery. Do what you can to elevate your head during rest periods by using several pillows for support. Use cold compresses to reduce swelling, and adding a mild anti-inflammatory to the mix will help you to feel more comfortable.


Post-Surgery Tip #3–Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated is important for skin health and elasticity, and it also helps to reduce nausea and vomiting. It can help you feel better and heal faster. Aim for 6 to 8 glasses of fresh, pure water daily for optimal health and healing.


Post Surgery Tip #4–Avoid makeup for a short time

While it is advised not to put anything on your face for up to a week after surgery, there are those people who simply cannot go out of the house without their favorite mascara or lipstick. If you must apply foundation, aim for one that has a mineral base and soothing ingredients that nourish the skin. And speaking of makeup…


How Do I Deal With Halloween?

Halloween is the season for over-the-top makeup and costumes that creates a fantasy world…if only for one night. Those of us who pay homage to our dressed up ancestors don’t want to hear what our limitations are, but the reality is that healing is more important than temporary glamor and glitz. Here are some things to avoid putting on your face this Halloween:


  1. Heavy makeup

Most Halloween makeup is heavy, laden with harsh chemicals and oils that have the potential to clog surgical sites, and they are difficult to wash off without scrubbing your face. All of this is a recipe for disaster when you consider needing to keep your face clean and irritant-free for optimal healing. It’s best to go heavy-makeup free this Halloween—if you simply must wear something, dust something over your eyes, or put on some blood-red lipstick to crown your costume. 


  1. Latex pieces

People use this night as the perfect excuse for putting on prosthetics and transform themselves into something grotesque and glorious. It may look great, but it is not kind to your skin when putting it on or taking it off. Avoid the use of prosthetics and lay low this season; there will be other Halloween celebrations in the future that you will be able to fully enjoy when you have healed your skin.


  1. Art deco adhesive materials

Many costumes come complete with art deco jewels that are self-adhesive; while they add pizzazz to otherwise ordinary costumes, they are not the best additive for you when you are healing from surgery. Infections can quickly develop if the adhesive is left on the skin, and little pieces could get caught in surgical sites and cause irritation and other complications. If you must decorate for this holiday season, consider using an all-natural eyeliner or face crayon made from mineral oil. It should be hypo-allergenic and easy to wash off.


  1. Piercings and jewelry

You may have piercings and jewelry that you wear on your face regularly, but you need to wait until you have healed completely to start sporting these items again. Reactions to metal can occur as a result of pain medications that you may be taking; talk to your doctor about when it is safe to start wearing facial jewelry and piercings post-surgery.


Taking care to heal yourself this season and enjoy some aspects of Halloween is essential for good health. Dress for healing success, enjoy the night as you can, and look forward to a new face and plenty of celebrating to come going forward! Happy Halloween!

Myths About Teeth Whitening

Everyone seems to be looking for that picture-perfect Hollywood smile, but with too many daily habits such as coffee, sugar, red wine and perhaps even smoking getting in the way, day-to-day life can lead to our teeth not quite looking their absolute best.


One increasingly popular option for combating this issue is teeth whitening. With more people undergoing teeth whitening treatment today than ever before, we’re here to dispel a few of the myths surrounding teeth whitening that may be holding you back from the smile of your dreams.


Myth #1: Teeth Whitening Can Damage Enamel

Strictly speaking, no, whitening your teeth will not damage the enamel. However, with this being said, teeth whitening is a dental procedure and you should ensure that any dental whitening is carried out by a dental professional.


Myth #2: You Can Remove Stains by Rubbing Acidic Fruit on Your Teeth

According to a University of Iowa study, the popular strawberry and baking soda remedy for whiter teeth do absolutely nothing beyond removing surface debris.


Not only does rubbing acidic fruit on your teeth do not lead to a shinier smile, but it can also be fairly harmful. Acids in foods and drink can lead to the wearing away of your teeth’s enamel, and while brushing after a meal can certainly help, any acid that has softened the enamel can speed up wear. This can actually increase discoloration and yellowing and contribute to cavities, according to teeth whitening expert, Marc Lazare.


Myth #3: Teeth Will Remain White Forever Following Whitening Treatment

It’s important to have realistic expectations about teeth whitening. For those tea and coffee drinkers, red wine drinkers, and smokers out there, having teeth whitened will not prevent the aforementioned from doing their dirty work again and causing more staining. 


A top-up treatment every few months will be required, although your teeth probably won’t return to their original color. If you’re going to drink coffee, tea, or red wine, try doing it through a straw. 


Myth #4: The Secret to Whiter Teeth Is Activated Charcoal

Teeth whitening trends come and go, and no matter what the latest hip trend may be, it’s usually best to leave things like this in the hands of the scientists. As it stands, there’s not nearly enough evidence available to suggest that charcoal has any positive effect when it comes to teeth whitening. One study even found activated charcoal toothpaste performed no better than a regular toothpaste at whitening teeth.


In fact, activated charcoal may actually harm your teeth because it’s an abrasive that can wear down tooth enamel and increase the risk of decay.


Myth #5: Your Teeth Will Look Unnatural After Whitening

Due to the progressive nature of teeth whitening, there’s no chance that you can get unnatural or overly white teeth. When it comes to home whitening treatments from your dentist, these are done over several days, so the more days you use them obviously the whiter your teeth will become. Usually, after three days or so, most people reach their ideal level of whiteness and there’s no need to continue. It should also be noted that there’s only so white your teeth will be able to turn and it depends on the original shade of your teeth at the beginning of the treatment, the cause of stains, and whether stains are on the surface of the dentin.


Myth #6: Teeth Whitening Can Lead to Extreme Sensitivity

On the topic of discomfort, the process of having your teeth whitened shouldn’t cause any pain at all. If you’re beginning to feel any burning, stinging, or irritation in any way you should cease using the treatment immediately. After your tooth whitening procedure, you can expect some mild tooth sensitivity and sensitive gums, according to the Cleveland Clinic, although this goes away in a few days. Your dentist can give you a product with a high amount of fluoride to reduce sensitivity. 


Myth #7: Over-the-Counter Solutions Are as Good as Professional Products

While there are over-the-counter teeth whitening solutions available such as special kinds of toothpaste, gum, and strips which can help, the effects of these pale in comparison to those you can expect from professional solutions available from your dentist. These products can remove surface stains from the outside of your teeth fairly successfully, but professional dentist-administered teeth whitening can penetrate the deeper layers of your teeth for more profound and longer-lasting results.


Myth #8: You Can Safely and Effectively Whiten your Teeth with UV Light

There is no evidence available to suggest that UV light can be helpful to whiten your teeth. In fact, UV rays can be quite harmful to your teeth, and not only that, to other nearby tissues such as the gums, lips and even eyes. Several studies have confirmed that light-activated and UV teeth whitening just don’t have much to offer and won’t whiten your teeth any more effective than other products. 


Myth #9: Applying Baking Soda Can Whiten Your Teeth

Baking soda is one of the most common home remedies to whiten teeth and it has been shown to help brighten your smile when it’s included in toothpaste. However, you should avoid brushing your teeth with just a baking soda solution as this mild abrasive can wear away your tooth enamel.


Myth #10: Teeth Whitening Will Give you the Perfect Hollywood Smile

While many people looking to undergo teeth whitening treatment may expect the perfect, beaming white smile fit for Hollywood, this can be far from the case. The effectiveness of teeth whitening treatments differs from person to person, and it relies heavily upon the shade the teeth were in the first place. Some people simply don’t respond well to teeth whitening, and some stains are simply too deep to be treated. Other options such as veneers, for example, maybe the road to go down.

Top Places to Visit in the UK with Your Family

A holiday in a new country holds enough promise of establishing everlasting memories. If the family also joins in the fun, than it makes the trip that much more special. International family vacations have an added appeal as the kids are sure to experience something they have never had before. While the world is blessed with a lot of beautiful destinations, the UK too is home to many stunning places which will leave the family gasping in disbelief with their beauty. To choose a perfect place, from the hundreds from all over Britain, can be challenging, but we understand the demands of the modern day family and have selected the most suitable family hot spots for them. 

So stop browsing on the internet and  just follow our suggestions that will take care of all the travel niggles of the whole family during a trip to the UK. Here’s our handpicked list of top family days out in the UK – 

South Downs National Park

There is no better way to get close to nature than by way of a family holiday in the wilds of South Downs National Park located at Eastbourne, East Sussex. While the parents can relax at the family friendly Shore View Hotel right next to the park, the kids can spend the day spotting birds they may have never seen or heard before. In this natural habitat there is no shortage of things to do. The children can go camping, attend a wildlife course or listen to nature talks etc, all activities which would fit perfectly in your family getaway itinerary.

Chessington World of Adventures

With more than 40 rides and attractions, spread over 10 theme parks, Chessington World of Adventures provides non-stop excitement to the whole family. In addition, the kids have a unique opportunity to get up close to nearly a thousand different animals, most of them highly endangered and rare like, the Lowland Gorilla and the Asiatic lion. A thrilling roller coaster ride on the Scorpion Express, designed especially for the first time kids, promises surprises and thrills on each and every turn and is a mega draw. The Sea Life center will also leave the whole family occupied for hours. The park is located in Chessington, Surrey.

Ladram Bay Holiday Park

This award winning family owned property offers the ideal getaway for a family seeking a holiday by the sea. The park lies in BudleighSalterton, South Devon, and offers top entertainment by way of golf and horse riding.The adjacent Jurassic Coast area is perfectly safe for swimming and other water based activities. Fishing in the rock pools in this sheltered bay is also a very popular pastime. There is ample accommodation available here with hotels having an interactive play zone for kids, while the adults can relax in the spa or use the gym. Ladram Bay Entertainment Team provides many interesting things for children including games and singing competitions.


The fabulous city of Birmingham, due to its proximity to London, makes for a great weekend break with the kids. Even though the city is undergoing a major renovation, one can spend hours and hours simply moving on foot and enjoying the many attractions the small city has to offer. Children will love to see the National Sea Life center or get a feel of the local culture at the Birmingham Museum of Art. Entry to this interactive place is totally free. The recently introduced Legoland Discovery Center is also a top draw with all age groups. As far as eating out is concerned, families will enjoy visiting the chain of restaurants overlooking the canals in Brindley Place. The city has many concert and show venues, where families can watch great performances at par with West End, but at a far lesser price.


The United Kingdom has a plethora of towns by the sea, but none as more inviting as the quaint city of Brighton. This wonderful place is a haven not only for teenagers but for kids of other ages too. Brighton is accessible by a short train ride from London, while buses are also available all along the coast. The seafront is a great area to introduce the kids to the city, with its quirky outlets and small galleries. For the best views, climb up to the i360 observation tower and gaze down from a height of 162 m.The narrow lanes in the city are great for vintage shopping. One can pick up souvenirs and other knick knacks quite cheaply here. Children will love the fairy tale atmosphere of the iconic Royal Pavilion and it’s opulent decoration which includes animals and dragons to enhance the feeling.


Chipping Campden

One of the most charming town of the many that dot the Cotswolds, Chipping Campden dates back to as far as 1627. Trains from London to Stratford upon Avon offer quick connection, and once there a car is ideal for exploring the place. There are a number of shops and pubs worth visiting, while the kids can hike on the many routes available around the town. Trips to Shakespeare’s family home and to Blenheim Palace, the birthplace of Winston Churchill are a must. Kids will be kept occupied at the butterfly house or by a ride on the miniature train. An easy drive from Chipping Campden is Warwick Castle where kids can enact the era of the knights and queens by dressing up like them and participate in archery or watch fireballs being shot across the lawns

Lake District

This mind-blowing UNESCO World Heritage Site in the district of Cumbria is known for its sheer beauty and epic landscapes. The Lake District can be reached by an easy day trip west of London, and is near other popular spots of Bristol and Bath. Families flock here to get a feel of the true taste of English country life.Paddling on any of the sixteen lakes is a great hit with children, while other family friendly activities include a visit to the Beatrix Potter Museum. Here the many caves and spooky manor homes make for a perfect adventurous holiday in this 1287 square kilometres of pristine countryside.

The United Kingdom is the right place to take the family for a vacation. The beautiful beaches, the Gothic cathedrals, the idyllic English countryside, all have something for visitors of every age. Moreover, being compact in size, most of the attractions can be accessed easily in a small area. Most places cater to the interest of the kids as much as they do for adults. So for some good dose of family fun, head to the UK with the kids before they grow up.

Luggage Reviews about Favorite Wheel Luggage Sets

Since luggage is expensive, make sure they are sound investments in terms of robust quality, and reasonable prices backed up with warranties. Not only should they be sturdy but pretty too and colours are better with kids around. Designs would help identify them faster in the airport rolling belt. 

Looking around at business travellers and tourists the world over then go through this website for the right one luggage set, what is most evident and prevalent is the wheeled suitcase. A family cannot do without them, probably a few of them, in a range of sizes. Backpacks are common too, especially with the youthful tourist set with the advantage of leaving the hands free. Duffel bags slung at the shoulder also promote the relaxed look with the shoulder taking a beating. Tote bags with a large volume combine several bags into one and hold almost anything. Briefcases are essential to keep relevant documents and cash to be placed close by. 

A family of 5 members would probably need one of each to distribute the responsibility and the tugging and carrying duties. 

Polycarbonate or ABS?

Polycarbonate is stronger and more durable as compared to ABS though the latter is lighter. Both could combine in the best luggage. Most people would prefer soft bags, but hard ones may be stronger. Regarding wheels that have become universal on suitcases, they save lots of energy while marching through extensive airport lounges and railway platforms! The first wheeled suitcases came way back in 1970. Four wheels are best with the advantages of smooth rolling as compared to two wheels. Further, polyurethane wheels are long-lasting. Inline skate wheels enable superior control of suitcase movement across the floor.

Rolling wheeled suitcases with many pockets

First on the list would be the large or medium-sized quality rolling suitcases. A few smaller ones would be convenient compared to the gigantic sizes. Several durable pockets with zippers will hold gadgets and documents, toiletries and a variety of extras. Facilities to expand and compress folds and pockets would help enlarge and diminish the size according to need. Locking systems need to be robust and hard to break. Handles save space inside by being mounted externally. 

Backpacks with kids around

Teenagers would enjoy backpacks with something to manage. Make sure they are not overloaded like school bags that can be painful too. Backpacks hold a lot of stuff also and contain several pockets to carry a great variety. The problem is security and needs to be taken good care of. Don’t leave them unattended. Like the suitcases, a few small ones would be better and more comfortable at airports with the carry on facility allowing one each. 

Duffel bag substitutes for the vanity bag

Say goodbye to purses that can be quickly snatched and invest in the duffel that goes over the shoulder. Though it is not large, it is secure and closes at hand.

Tote bag for miscellany

The tote brings ample space for those many travel needs put together safely within finding the distance. 

A briefcase

Suitcases cannot be locked during flights, and carry-ons need to be opened up for inspection too. You need a securely locked place for documents, jewelry, money, wallet, and phone. A briefcase would render such a duty but invest in a good one that may last a lifetime. Lock up after security and keep it close at all times.