Five Inexpensive Tips to Plan your Trip to Australia


1. Plan for the off-season


Australia (and most places, come to think of it) is the most fun for the vast majority of people when it is the height of the tourist season – that is normally when the sun is at its height, and there is lots to see and to do.


There is one slight problem with this, however, and it is that Australia’s tourist season is hideously expensive. Tickets are expensive, accommodation is expensive, food is expensive…


The best plan is to go in the offseason, when things are cheaper (and quieter!). You will have more options as well, such as these stunning chalets set in the forest, rather than having to take what you can get.

2. Work in Australia


What many people are doing in order to fund their holidays in more exotic (read: expensive) locations is to work while they are there. Some people choose to move there, work full time for some time, and then spend time having a holiday afterwards, and others choose to go for part time work, which then enables them to have more free time to go and explore. There are advantages and disadvantages to each style

3. Go to Tourist Information


Go to the tourist board, and they will be able to tell you what is happening in the area. Ask them about cheap and inexpensive options for activities, trips, food and accommodation, and they will be able to help you with everything.


Even if the tourist season, there are always options for people who need or want something which is a little cheaper – you just need to ask around and see what is available. You’d be surprised at what you can find just by asking the right people what’s on in the area.

4. Know your Phone Prices


Internet in Australia is stupidly expensive; so it can be difficult to keep in touch with people when travelling. Your best bet is to either forgo the pleasures of the internet for your trip, or simply make use of internet cafes and other coffee shops which commonly offer internet access as part of their price (including hotels).


It is possible to buy SIM cards which are specifically for Australia, and these can help you in keeping in touch at least partially. Anybody who wants to get in touch with you will know that they can, and it will keep costs to a minimum.

5. Fun Doesn’t Have to Cost Anything


Australia is a beautiful country to visit, and you don’t need to spend money to appreciate it. Just go for walks on the coast, to see the beaches and the sky and the sun, and many people will be perfectly happy. Alternatively, you could also stay somewhere in a city, and spend your time walking around there, because there is plenty to see in the more built-up areas as well as in nature. Just don’t forget that more money doesn’t have to mean a better experience.

Trip to the Serengeti

Even before the word ‘safari’ became common parlance, Serengeti (translated means ‘endless plains’) was synonymous with the entire idea of witnessing large wild animals up close and personal. Since being brought to global attention in the early 1900s, Serengeti, situated in Tanzania and some of Kenya (where it is called ‘Maasai Mara), has always been a paradise in every sense of the word. In fact, it’s one of the oldest ecosystems on the planet, dating back to two million years and the first appearance of early man in the Olduvai Gorge. Every kind of geological feature is present here- forest, woodlands, plains, rivers and kopjes – those small hills that dot flat surfaces in Serengeti. Serengeti is home to two biosphere reserves and two World Heritage sites as well.

Serengeti is a mixture of the Maswa Game Reserve, the Maasai Mara National Reserve, Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Grumeti and Ikorongo Controlled Area, Loliondo and the Serengeti National Park. The region sees huge numbers of footfalls each year – more than 90000 people visit the place every year. You can use Tripindigo to book your tickets to Serengeti and for all regional flights in Tanzania and Kenya.

The most spectacular sight that so many people travel for is the annual migration. In October and November, up to 2 million animals, including 200,000 zebra and more than a million wildebeest move from the hills in the north to the plains of the south to make the best of the spells of rainfall. In January and February, the wildebeest give birth on the plains. Come April, May and June, the animals move north and westwards as the long rains cool the lands. This is a sight one should experience at least once in a lifetime.

The reason why people go to the Serengeti is the wildlife. The area has easily the largest number of animals and birds. The big five are the rhino, elephant, leopard, Cape buffalo and lion. The little five are not as well-known but still fabulous – the leopard tortoise, the rhino beetle, the elephant shrew, the ant lion and the buffalo weaver.

Imagine spotting these great beasts up close and personal. The thrill of these creatures cannot be overstated. Imagine seeing a chase or hunt with a ringside view. A gazelle getting chased down and pulled to the ground by a cheetah, or a crocodile trying to pick off a smaller animal. It’s not just the large animals, it’s the smaller ones too, the secretary bird preying on a snake, the mongooses and cats finding their food and the herbivores feeding on the plants. For the avian enthusiast, there’s the distinct sunbird, the fisher’s lovebird and the secretary bird, among others. Lizards, pythons, and other snakes abound. This is a place with a plethora of options for everyone.

The Serengeti is full of lovely scenery. This is a savannah and has a combination of trees and grasses. To think of this as never-changing property is a mistake- it changes all the time. The dryness of the space makes fire a serious threat and visitors will do well to remember this fundamental point. Apart from animals, you can look at the sausage tree with its pendulous poisonous fruit, the commiphora with its distinct blue yellow bark, the elephant favorite, the umbrella tree and many other flowers and shrubs. Lots of the native species are poisonous so be careful when you get close or try to pluck them.

Serengeti is a treat for all your senses. Indulge in an experience of a lifetime. 

Affordable Travel to Unfamiliar Waters with these Exclusive Coupons

Frequent travelers know that accommodations and transportation are the monster expenses that can quickly eat into the budget and ruin a trip. According to multiple studies done over the years by different research and travel experts, about 44% of the travel funds goes to transportation while around 26% is used for accommodations. The most common way to save on these expenses is to share expenses or hope for a free ride and free accommodations from generous friends or relatives. But this limits your options! Based on the average traveler, only 9% of the travel budget goes to entertainment and fun!

Enter “Bleisure.” In the last years, bleisure has become a trending option and refers to travelers who combine business with leisure mainly to save especially with the advent of exciting and value-worthy online travel coupons. There are 3 reasons for the growing popularity of bleisure:

  • Average ticket prices are lower
  • Additional nights in hotels are also lower
  • Coupons, coupons, coupons!

The best website to get valid and fresh coupons is where vacation deals pour in from top companies like Expedia which offers $20 off on $200 adventures using the code LXSHOP20 or which currently offers a $50 off for a $300+ with the code SLOPES50!

Travelers can now enjoy a buffet of travel discounts that covers air tickets through Travelocity in partnership with Frontier Airlines or with code PRESIDENT that offers up to $24 off on both flights and hotel accommodations.  The travel industry has been enjoying a tremendous boost mainly from Millennials who want to experience as much of the world as they can while they are footloose and fancy-free. According to travel and marketing professionals, the young people are now able to enjoy more luxurious vacations compared to the generations before them because of the sheer popularity of online coupons.

Today, you can enjoy the travel and holidays and don’t have to live with regret about lost opportunities. You also no longer have to settle for reading about fancy and exotic places. With websites like TripAdvisor, your next romantic getaway can be $25 cheaper which means you can afford the room upgrades or sign up for more experiences and adventures while on your trip!

And if you are on a business trip, it is now considered practical and logical if permitted by corporate to extend a few more days to enjoy whatever the place has to offer by way of fun and entertainment! Most corporate travel is limited to one to three days. With online coupons, an extension of a couple of days means you save on airfare, gas, or other means of transportation and reduce your out-of-pocket expenses if you compare the costs to separating business and leisure trips.

Ski Mountain High in California

Just outside LA you can hit the slopes!

A short drive from the major cities in Southern California, Mountain High Ski Resort is a must visit this winter. Whether you are a skier, snowboarder, or looking to go down the hill by sled this is the place. My visit was a pleasure from start to finish. The drive is pleasant, the food is tasty, and the winter sports are where it’s at.

Me in my Mountain High Yeti mask!

If you didn’t know January is National Learn to Ski and Snowboard Month. So I figured I would take on the challenge at Mountain High. Skiing is totally new to me and I could not have picked a better destination to get started. Everyone raved about their ski instructors and I agree. Mountain High has a top notch ski school, their instructors are certified PSIA and AASI, use the latest equipment, and boast some of the highest success rates in the country with lessons for all skill levels.

If you are an expert already there is plenty to keep you busy. Mountain High is broken into three resorts, East, West, and North. Each is packed full of great runs and when the weather gifts SoCal with snow we are ready to rock. There are 290 acres of skiable terrain, The trail breakdown is 25% Beginner, 40% Intermediate, 35% Advanced to keep everyone racing along. With a maximum elevation of 8,200 feet keep hydrated and don’t be surprised if you get winded more easily. Hydration is key.

Mountain High’s North Pole Tubing Park offers some family fun for everyone no lessons required! They have ten lanes of high speed sledding with a magic carpet to get you back up to the top of the hill! All the fun and none of the awkward climb with your tube to suck up your energy. The Park is only open on weekends and holidays weather permitting so make sure you check online.

NORTH POLE TUBING PARK PHOTOGRAPHER: MOUNTAIN HIGHYou can read up on all of the ski and weather reports before you go, and you should! The drive is not terribly windy, but you might need chains on your tires at certain times. Or you can take advantage of my favorite feature, the Rally Bus. Go from one of the central pick-up points in LA or Orange County and avoid the drive all together! If you are a local who has never dealt with icy road conditions keep that option in mind.

Find out about all the Mountain High adventures on their website

See pics and get updates on Mountain High’s Social Media – TwitterFacebookInstagram

Mountain High Ski Resort
24510 State Highway 2,
Wrightwood, CA 92397



3 Ways to discover Thailand and muay thai in Sam Roi Yot

Located in the Northern part of Prachuap Khiri Khan Province, central Thailand, Sam Roi Yot is among the top places and a must visit for travelers, muay thai and nature lovers. Thailand has a lot to offer tourists planning to go there on vacation. With a wide range of beautiful resorts to choose from, fishing villages, expansive sandy white beaches, street markets and a welcoming community and culture, you wouldn’t want to miss several things that you can do and have fun during your vacation.

Sam Roi Yot can be a great destination for relaxation and with a combination of muay thai, your vacation will be better and more fun. The culture and surrounding have a charm that helps you to enjoy and also learn something new. Here are ways that you can discover Thailand and muay thai in Sam Roi Yot.

Carry out some research

Whether you are visiting Sam Roi Yot on vacation, are there for muay thai training or both, it is very important to carry out your research well. There are numerous destination sites online that one can choose from but with this comes the challenge of encountering marketers that take advantage of online platforms and give dishonest information. If you are looking at training in a muay thai training camp, search for online forums and reviews that give honest opinions. This will enable you to locate the right muay thai camp and ensure that you get the best out of your vacation and training.

Find a muay thai camp in Thailand that offers diversified training levels. Training camps are a great option since everything has been taken care of, you train as a group and all you need to do is to focus more and get the best out of the training sessions.

Be ready to learn and explore

Depending on how long you will be in Sam Roi Yot, its best that you make plans earlier in advance before traveling. Get your training gear ready prior to your departure and find out more on the booking process at the training camp in which you will be staying if you intend on going for muay thai training during your vacation.

For those that just want to go to tourist attractions like parks and beaches, be open to learning and discovering new things and cultures. Be prepared to connect with people from the community as well as other tourists and have a wonderful time.

Appreciate and embrace

Sam Roi Yot has a vast area of scenic view and the environment is conducive for most people visiting on vacation. The community is also friendly with an intriguing culture. Be ready to embrace any new skills that you will learn during training. You never know with the techniques you’ll have acquired, you might just go back home and become a great fighter.

There are lots of benefits from being in Sam Roi Yot and apart from training on muay thai techniques, relaxing and enjoying your vacation, there is a lot to learn as you have a wonderful time. Get in touch with a reputable training camp and be ready for a life-changing experience.


A cheaper way to see Barcelona – buy yourself the city pass

Many cities have city passes. Barcelona is no exception. The city pass, known as ‘Turbopass Barcelona’ includes many attractions – it really is excellent value for money; you can save €45,00 on free entry to some of the key attractions from the very start, before you start subtracting other benefits of the pass. From your top-notch holiday apartments in Barcelona you can travel the city and see the sites at a healthily reduced price.

Buying a city pass has plenty of advantages. You can see more and spend less at the major attractions and museums, veto through the queues, and get across the city from place to place for free.

Specifically, what you can get for your Barcelona city pass is free entry to La Sagrada Familia (a saving of €15,00) and the Olympic Museum. Also, you can get free entry to Casa de les Punxes (the ‘House of Spikes’, built in 1905 in Catalan nouveau art style by architect Sant Jordi), a saving of €12,50; a 35-minute harbour tour of Las Golondrinas (a saving of €7,50) including the Marina, fishing harbour and freight port. Finally, entry is also free to the Circuit de Barcelona – Catalunya, a guided tour on the race course in Montmeló (a further saving of €10,00).

Costing €79,90 for one adult for a two-day pass rising to up to €129,90 for a five day pass, the Turbopass is a must even for short breaks away. If you’re savvy you can book in advance at the website. At you can combine it with your hotel needs too.

The three, four and five-day city passes entitle you to a one-day ticket for a hop-on, hop-off sightseeing bus tour with an audio guide on three different routes – a saving of up to €30,00. With 44 stops planned into the three routes by Touristic of Barcelona buses, you can find yourself entering a world of famous sights and the coastline. The audio guide is available in 16 languages in total. Buses leave every 5-25 minutes.

There are also discounts to other attractions and buildings. A €5,00 discount is applicable on a new virtual reality attraction – known as the ‘Past View Experience’. It entitles visitors to time-travel using virtual and augmented reality, via 360 degree smartglasses that let you see all around you. Time-travellers can travel back into virtual reality 3D infographic reconstructions and for two hours of their life can see Barcelona as it was in different centuries.

Gaudi’s two houses – Casa Vicens (the first house of Gaudi) and Casa Milà: La Pedrera (‘stone pit’) the house with an inconsistent façade and magnificent rooftop deck – can be visited for a 20% reduction with the Turbopass. Truthfully, unless you’ve visited this and Gaudi’s famous La Sagrada Familia basilica, you ain’t been to Barcelona!

You can skip queues at the basilica too, with ‘fast-track’ entry. With the tourists en masse in midsummer, you might want to be a step ahead of the rest. Another place you can skip the queue is at the Fundació Joan Miró (Art museum Miró). This is a museum that offers free entry as well as La Sagrada Familia basilica – a further saving of €12,00. Like its namesake, the museum is dedicated to the works of Joan Miró and also by other modern artists including Alexander Calder. 

Other benefits of the Turbopass Barcelona are the free map of the city and travel brochure. You may find yourself shopping too – and if you do, there is free public transport with the pass, and discounts on leisure activities such as sports. The discounts are as follows: Barcelona Moto Rent (20%), Icebarcelona (20%) – a beach-bar made entirely of ice, Shopping Express a la Roca Village (20%), Malamar Wakepark (25%) – a 200 meter big pool where you can learn how to wakeboard with pro riders and teachers, the Casino de Barcelona – where admission is free with a welcome drink thrown in. The Gaudi Centre Reus (25% discount), Jet ski (15% discount) and Barcelona Rent a Bike is discounted to €2,00 only.

There really is quite a lot to do with your city pass. Without spending outside of your one easy purchase, you can enjoy Barcelona’s best attractions and you won’t be lost for things to do. Children can view the city at reduced rates too – the children’s prices for a Turbopass are split into three age groups – 4-10 years, 11-12 years and 13-17 years. Other attractions offered either free or a discounted price include Torre de Collserola or the television tower (60% discount), and Illa Fantasia water park (20% discount). The Turbopass is a good way for a family to enjoy the sights Barcelona has to offer without being too out of pocket. And it beats some other city passes which don’t offer nearly as many attractions or transport options.

Thailand’s Best Adventures: Bucket-List Worthy Activities in Thailand

Traveling is good for the soul. The thing that you don’t see every day around can be perceived once you step outside your comfort zone. Some people prefer to visit the nearby local places. But, others are willing to spend hours and even days just to see the world even better. Whichever way that captures your interest most, you must do it with your heart. As you open your eyes to everything, you would be able to accept more of reality.

It is true that we all have our favorite place in this world. Yet, some can’t handle staying in the same place without moving an inch outside their comfort zone. Traveling is one way to become more open-minded. It allows you to see the reality of other people around you. And, there’s no denying how some people would want to travel in a foreign land as well.

In case you’re setting up a vacation destined to Thailand, take a look at the activities you can do once you get there. Thailand is situated in Southeast Asia region. There are tons of activities which you can fill your days while you’re still you on challenging adventures. Sure, you can organize your itinerary by reaching online. But, you can also call some help from any Thailand travel agency to assist you in that part. To give you an overview of some adventures worth experiencing, check out the list below.

Activites to Add to your Bucket List

  • Sea Kayaking

Check out Ao Nang Bay and discover what beauty it beholds for adventure lovers like you. Dip into the white sand beaches or go from edge to edge of sea caves. Experience the beauty of its crystal clear waters with steep cliffs where you can swim, dive, and kayak around. You can join other tourists or you can travel by yourself. Witness the stalactite sea caves while you’re enjoying the view of massive jungle cliffs. And, try to rest in-between kayaking by plunging into the waters. Note: Don’t forget to bring your snorkel gears as well.

  • Jungle Trekking

Are you tired of watching cars and busy people flooding the city streets back in your place? Do you want to become one with nature? If so, don’t hesitate to check the rich jungle located in Pai. Spoil your eyes with green sceneries. Feel the water running as you step a foot in the rivers. Or, mingle with the locals and even meet new friends with the animals staying cozy in the jungle. But, you must bring someone with you as well. If you’re not familiar with the directions by referring to a map, don’t hesitate to ask for assistance.

  • Diving

Do you enjoy diving? Or, do you want to learn diving? Don’t miss the best spot in Thailand for divers situated in Koh Tao. Emerge into the beauty of impressive visibility under water. See what creatures in the tropical oceans are waiting for you to check in the crystal clear diving spot. Impress your eyes and exceed your expectations from the beautiful corals and plenty fishes swimming around with you. Some people are diving in Koh Tao with diving instructors and friends. In case you get tired, feel free to stop in their bungalow accommodations and drink some good cocktails in beachfront bars.

Travel as much as you can. Travel while you can. Travel anytime you want. Don’t get stuck in traffic in most days of the year. Give yourself some time to wind up. See more of the world than what you witness most of your days in the office. Don’t get left behind. Keep your feet moving and let your soul open up to better interactions with people and nature.

Jamestown Settlement and the American Revolution Museum at Yorktown

History is fun in Virginia!

American History might only go back a few hundred years, but amazingly it is still alive and well at the Jamestown Settlement and the American Revolution Museum at Yorktown. These two locations give new life to the pages of your school textbooks. There, you can see what the days were like for the early colonists in Jamestown, then travel to the nearby American Revolution Museum and compare their experiences to those of families and soldiers a century later. Both are pivotal times in the development of our country and you don’t want to miss out on either experience. Take a day and spend it at these two great locations.

America’s first permanent English colony, the Jamestown Settlement, is an opportunity to embrace the experience of the early colonists. Living history reenactments of a Powhatan Indian village, climbing on board the recreated English ships, and a colonial fort immerse visitors in the sights, sounds, and even smells of daily life in the early 17th century. The interaction continues, and you can watch demonstrations and ask questions of the ‘costumed historical interpreters’ (the official job title of the reenactors).

Exhibits and galleries display artifacts and tell the story of European colonization. The impact of settlements like Jamestown on the local Powhatan Indians is a fascinating topic to investigate. There is also information on the first Africans known to come to Virginia. The cultures of three continents coming together is an amazing look into the origins of America. The documentary they show, 1607: A Nation Takes Root, starts your journey into the past. From there families, can enjoy time spent learning just how different life would be if they were born 400 years ago.

The American Revolution Museum at Yorktown ramps up the action. The dramatic events of the Revolution can be seen throughout the museum galleries or on the 180-degree surround screen film. Visitors can watch “The Siege of Yorktown” then go on to tour and compare it to the modern day city.  Kids will love all of the activities at the Continental Army encampment and the recreated 18th century farm. Join the American regiment for drills or watch artillery fire while chatting with soldiers. This and so much more is embodied with the American Revolution Museum’s living history exhibits.

Both the Jamestown Settlement and the American Revolution Museum at Yorktown will wow history lovers and get kids excited about learning. Set aside at least four hours to enjoy everything they have to offer. There are even specials available if you decide to visit both on your trip. Make it a historic day in Virginia and visit the Jamestown Settlement and the American Revolution Museum at Yorktown.

Coming up shortly is the yearly event Military Through the Ages, Jamestown Settlement – Military re-enactors and modern-day units show how uniforms, weapons, and military tactics evolved through the centuries. You can see this impressive display of armed forces from March 17-18- any history or military enthusiast will have a blast (pun intended). There are live  re-stagings, weapons and ammunitions use, reenactments of battles, and more. Some of the costumed re-enactors tell stories, give lessons, and help kids make crafts, “weapons” of their own, battle flags, instruments, learn to lead (or take part in) battles, parades, cook on open fires, explain how life was in his or her time period- the list goes on and on. Explore (recreations of) boats that once sailed the open seas- and how cramped the quarters were for sailors and settlers. Make sure you visit the recreated Native American village to get to know a bit about the people of the Powhatan Tribe.  There is so much to do during the Military Through the Ages event, there is no way to get it all done. It is one of the most fun learning experiences you will have with your children- just don’t tell them how much they will learn. 

Check out their websites for more details, tickets, and times.

Jamestown Settlement – Site

American Revolution Museum at Yorktown – Site