Goodbye Old Bag – Travel With Your Eco-Friendly Bag

With so much luggage moving from point to point all over the world, you would think that we have the situation covered as bag manufacturing is concerned. There are plenty of companies making travel bags and you will certainly see the advertising in the airports. While you are inundated with the staggering choices, focus on one particular aspect.

Consider eco-friendly bags for travel. This actually is not as big of a step as you might think. You will find that these travel bags are sturdy enough for certain belongings, particularly heavier items which need to be kept cold.

Cold Travel Bags

When you are traveling with cold foods, you will need to get a special kind of bag and, preferably, it would be eco-friendly. The material of the bag does matter. You want to make sure that it has a high rating for long-term traveling.

As long as instructions are followed and you have the proper insulated bag, it should all be fine.

These bags can also be used for the transport of other belongings. It is just that they are built for insulation. This also comes in handy when shopping in the city.

Promotional Cooler Bags

Surely you have already read about reusable bags to use in retail sales. You can also sell the cooler bags to customers and sometimes give them away. If you make sure that the company logo and some other affiliate logos are all on the bags, they start to catch the interests of many potential customers and clients.

Such bags can be used to promote special events, particularly annual or bi-annual events. When people get a functional and flashy bag from a venue, they tend to reuse it over and over again. As it happens, this is the whole point of using the bags in the first place.

Happy Travels

When you are in the situation of traveling with good frozen fish or other cold delights, you truly want your cargo to make it without spoiling. This is a fine line for many travel coolers to live up to. Click here to learn more about the different bags you can order. Ideally, you want to get bags that live up to their reputation.

Colorful Exteriors

When you are traveling by plane, remember that it can be difficult to see your luggage and especially the cooler bags as they come through the luggage area. To prevent this, be sure to get reusable, eco-friendly cooler travel bags with incredible colors on it. That way, you cannot miss them.

Some of these bags are made sturdier than others. Others are fine for many, many uses, but can become worn down after some time. Choose whatever works for you, considering all of your needs and the needs of your family.

You want to make all of your adventurous travels great while taking home interesting rewards. Go salmon fishing in Alaska and bring home some fine, wild fillets. Do the same with Perch or cold-water Bass. Or, just transport your refrigerated items while out on picnics.

Why Traveling the World Should Be on Your Bucket List

When someone starts talking about their bucket list, it’s usually referring to the list of things they want to do before they die, the proverbial “kick the bucket.” While this list is generally created towards the end of one’s life, we’d like to present the option of spreading it out a bit. Setting smaller goals that allow you to accomplish things on a day to day basis, or experience new things each week or each month are going to make for a much more fulfilling life than cramming it all in at the end. Also, consider that many of the things you want to do may not be possible later on, so it’s best to take advantage of the opportunity that now holds.

Some of the most common bucket list items are influenced by speaking to those nearing their end, and what they see as regrets. These regrets are often over things they didn’t do. This doesn’t mean they wish they had thought to invest in a better quality mattress, noticed the signs of gastroenterology issues sooner, or they wish they had known the risk factors of gingivitis. These can be regrettable, but they aren’t what make up what should have been done on the bucket list. The regrets that often end up on the bucket list are more large-scale regrets, like not having pursued an education, or not having explored more of the earth.

Sometimes it’s hard to pin down these regrets and things to do on the bucket list because most people don’t have any idea of what they actually want to do yet. However, a goal that isn’t written down is just a wish. If you reverse this, think on all the things you’re wishing for, and that’ll provide an excellent starting point for your list.

One thing that’s easy to put on that list, and dare we say one that ought to be near the top, and a recurring activity, is to travel the world. Whether that’s touring the city of Kuala Lumpur or getting new backpacking gear to hike the trails of the Andes mountains in South America , traveling is a truly rewarding experience. There are numerous reasons besides the fact that it’s cool and everyone has it on their bucket list. This is one time when it’s definitely okay to share the popular opinion.



  • Learning. The natural curiosity and drive to learn that we are born with is inevitably stamped out, or at the very least molded for specific paths as we grow up. However, the need to learn is something that should be encouraged and celebrated. Telling ourselves to be content with what we know now is so boring and quickly dulls life. Learn to engage again with your natural curiosity by booking a trip.
  • Challenge yourself. Perhaps you don’t travel because leaving a familiar area scares you half to death. But that’s the alluring thrill of it! Challenge yourself to move past that fear and go experience new things. You’ll see that it really wasn’t that scary, and you’ll really enjoy discovering what else the world has to offer beyond your circle of safety.
  • Rejuvenate. You may not realize just how much pressure you’re under by being constantly attached to the rest of the world via phone or email. There’s a lot of stress in our daily lives that we adjust to because there isn’t a choice, but taking some time away from all of that is surprisingly refreshing, if a bit terrifying.
  • Grow your appreciation. All too often our everyday luxuries are taken for granted, and we stop appreciating them. We aren’t saying to take a trip to a devastated country with no amenities, but a trip that’s either along those lines or a trip for historic purposes really gives insight into how far we’ve come, and gives you a healthier appreciation for the things you so easily expect each day.
  • Build new relationships. We’re social creatures. We aren’t meant to be isolated, but often, we insist on doing just that with the drive to succeed. What is the purpose of succeeding without anyone to share it with? Try branching out through travel and watch how immediately it positively affects you. No two people think just alike, and listening to or seeing different perspectives on everyday or extraordinary things causes a wonderful curiosity to discover more. If you build relationships that you really don’t want to lose, then you can also build a website, preferably using a web host with low monthly costs, as a platform to keep in touch with your new friends or to keep track of all the places you’ve travelled. If it goes well, you could even expand this into a site for world travelers and increase your readership through strategic SEO solutions.
  • Escape. Whether it’s a breakup, a change in jobs, or another major life event, traveling will provide an escape route. Take a breather outside of your normal life. It’ll help ease the transition and perhaps let you see opportunities that may not have been visible while you were stuck at home.
  • Celebrate. On a more positive note, celebrating is how we express our joy. An accomplishment, big or small, deserves recognition. Go a step further than just celebrating at home and take a trip. In fact, go one even better than that and take a trip with friends. This creates shared memories that will last you a lifetime.


Traveling the world is something that everyone should do at least once, but preferably many times. It is such an invaluable experience, that it is safe to say no one can go without doing it, and yet lead a truly fulfilling life. That is why it ought to be on your bucket list.  

LA Travel & Adventure Show

Where in the world do you want to travel to next?

LA Travel & Adventure Show

Whether you are planning a trip or just a travel enthusiast the Travel and Adventure Show is a must. Meet wonderful representatives from destinations near and far while getting travel tips from experts, and experiencing some of the culture. Camel rides, live music, and costumes make this a colorful event enhanced by the fascinating information at the different booths.

Travel and Adventure Show Camel Ride

Want an adventure close to home? The Travel and Adventure Show is a perfect place to get a taste of all the destinations nearby too. There are shows all over the country, this one was in Los Angeles and I was impressed by all of the local travel opportunities. There are so many fun trips within driving distance it was eye opening. It was also a geography lesson finding out about all the nearby counties and their attractions. Mammoth Lake, San Bernardino County, the town of Buellton all caught my attention.

mammoth lake at the LA Travel and Adventure Show

New Destinations added to my “To Visit” List?

Tonga – The Kingdom of Tonga is an unspoiled Pacific island nation. They offer attractions like swimming with the whales, scuba diving, snorkeling, and more in pristine natural beauty.

The Azores – This Atlantic chain of islands is one of Europe’s best kept secrets. Part of Portugal, though autonomous, this is a location recognized for its commitment to the environment. With nature reserves and other protected lands this is an opportunity to support conservation efforts.

Taiwan – The country is gorgeous, they have so many interesting cultural activities that this destination has moved up on my list.

2018 is my year to travel, so who is with me? You don’t need to go far, find a local museum or festival, try a new restaurant and check out the shops in a town you have never been to. Embrace adventure where you can, if that means visiting another continent, country, state, or county, whatever works for you. Let the Travel and Adventure Show inspire you.

Check out their website – or find them on Social Media – TwitterFacebookInstagram

10 Amazing Apps For Digital Nomads

travel with kids

In this digital age it’s easier than ever before to work remotely while you travel – and even make a living out of doing so. There are countless benefits to working freelance and setting up temporary offices around the world while you explore it, but it can be tricky to navigate and plan your next move when you’re on-the-go.

We have rounded up the 10 best apps for digital nomads that will help with organization, planning meetings, finding places off the tourist trail, converting currencies and time zones, and even transferring money. Happy travelling!


  • Workfrom


For digital nomads who work on-the-go, Workfrom is a genius app that tells you where’s best to set up your office for the day, taking into consideration cafe opening hours, power outlets, WIFI, outdoor seating, co-working spaces, libraries and more. This is perfect for when you arrive in a new city, as you can simply enter in your location and a few keywords into the app and be answering your emails in a nice coffee shop in no time.


  • Trello


The project management app Trello is very popular in the digital nomad community because of its efficiency and ease-of-use. With Trello you can clearly map out your to-do list and categorize your tasks using labels to color-code. You can also allow other people to see your organization boards and assign work to them.


  • Hostelworld


With Hostelworld you can find, compare, review and book hostels last minute as you travel, saving you hassle and lots of internet research.


  • Pangea Money Transfer


When you’re travelling the world, you may need to transfer money to people in different countries with your new local bank account. The quickest way to do this is through the Pangea Money Transfer app, which saves you time, hassle and money.


  • Time Buddy


If you’re doing a lot of travelling across time zones, it can be hard to keep track of time differences – especially if you’re communicating and scheduling meetings with people all over the world. Time Buddy is a useful app that helps you convert times and dates across multiple time zones, so you can effectively manage your workload and deadlines.


  • XE Currency


XE Currency is useful because it lets you compare up to 10 currencies at once – you can’t afford not to travel with it.


  • Uber


Uber is a real lifesaver in your own country, let alone in a foreign one! To be safe, make sure you have Uber set up on your phone, so you can get a ride if you’re stranded. (Check whether Uber operates in the country you’re in). Note: Be discreet when travelling with Uber, as there are some countries where Uber is in conflict with the local taxi drivers.


  • Spotted By Locals


A great way to veer off the tourist trail and discover local-favorite restaurants and events is the app Spotted By Locals. It features many locally-recommended hot-spots in European cities like Paris, Madrid, Warsaw, Vienna, etc., as well as North American cities like Montreal, LA, Toronto and Boston.


  • Google Translate


Google Translate is an essential tool for when you’re travelling, as it can get you out of some tricky situations when you encounter a language barrier.

With Google Translate you can take a photo of words (e.g. a road sign or menu) and it’ll translate it for you. Or, using the two-way conversation mode you can tell it what you want to say, and it’ll say it back to you in the language of your choice. Plus, you don’t need to be connected to the internet – lifesaver!


  • Headspace


If you’re feeling stressed or tense on your travels, practicing meditation is a good way of finding positivity and calm. Headspace is an app that takes you through your meditation practice for a few minutes each day, and you can do it on-the-go!


A Visit to Cooperstown NY

The National Baseball Hall of Fame and MuseumNatural Beauty and our National Pastime!

Baseball fans you have heard the name because Cooperstown NY is home to the The National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum, but there is so much more to this area for visitors to enjoy. Museums, breweries, farmers markets, and historical locations are all attractions just a few hours drive from NYC. These fun destinations are surrounded by nature that will inspire you to get out and get moving!

The National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum

Learn more about the game, the history, and the players all in one place with exciting exhibits, and displays that will capture baseball fans and newbies alike. Then let the action really come to life with the Heroes of Baseball Wax Museum. Stand next you favorite players and see what they look like outside of their baseball cards. Maybe even take in a game at the birthplace of America’s pastime, Abner Doubleday Field.

The Fenimore Art Museum & The Farmers’ Museum

Fenimore Art Museum Court yard

If you are looking for more museum options Cooperstown is loaded with interesting stops to keep your visit filled with learning and culture. The Fenimore Art Museum is a collection of American fine and folk art, Native American art, and photography as well as visiting exhibitions. Considered one of the nation’s premier art institutions this is a must see for everyone from the views on the walls to the lovely grounds of the museum.

The Farmers' Museum

The Farmers’ Museum, New York State circa 1845. What does that look like for families in their day to day life? You can find out and even try your hand at some of these activities while visiting this living history museum. See demonstrations, learn about trade, enjoy the farmstead, the historic village, and the carousel!

Cooperstown Beverage Trail

Brewery Ommegang

Beer enthusiasts, wine sippers, and cider lovers will not want to miss these stops on your trip. Cooperstown Beverage Trail is New York State’s first official cuisine trail made up of eight stops, Bear Pond Winery, Cooperstown Brewing Company, Brewery Ommegang, the Fly Creek Cider Mill, Butternuts Beer & Ale, Rustic Ridge Winery, Cooperstown Distillery and Pail Shop Vineyards. Take tours, enjoy tastings, and take some goodies home from their shops. You can find out all the details and a map of locations here to get going on your tour.

Get Out in Nature!

Otsego Lake and Cooperstown NY

Hike, bike, or get out on the lake! There is camping, fishing, winter recreation, and so much more to show off the gorgeous countryside. Enjoy the delicious food that grows locally by visiting the farmer’s market or visiting the wide variety of eateries in Cooperstown.

For the indoor or outdoor portion of your vacation planning, Cooperstown has everything to appeal to all interests. Be sure to visit their website to get tips for your time in the area. See more on social media and get inspiration for a trip to Cooperstown. FacebookTwitterInstagramYouTube

Traveling to Madrid with Kids: 3 Tips That’ll Make Your Trip Perfect

Madrid is a spectacular city that children of all ages can enjoy exploring alongside their parents. However, a perfect vacation there isn’t only a matter of choosing the best places to see. When traveling to Madrid with kids, you have to plan, prepare, and stock up on the essentials that will help keep your children safe, happy, and well-fed during your adventures.

3 Tips to Prepare for Traveling to Madrid with Kids

Consider Dietary Requirements

If your children have food allergies, are picky eaters, or have some other dietary requirements, you’ll need to plan the trip well. The delicious Spanish cuisine is one of the main reasons travelers enjoy this country so much. However, it’s not really dietary-friendly. You also aren’t likely to take kids on a tapas bar crawl.

The most important thing to do if your children have special dietary requirements is to prepare a list of foods they can/cannot eat. It must be in Spanish and preferably laminated as you’ll be showing it around quite a bit. It’ll also be wise to learn how to make specific food-related requests. You can use online translation services or traveler forums in case you don’t know anyone who can translate them for you.

You also need to research cafes and restaurants in the neighborhoods you’ll be visiting. Pick which are safe to try beforehand so you don’t waste your time on this during the trip. If dietary requirements or other health issues are a major concern, plan your entire journey around them. For example, check out which places are safe for your kids when picking a walking tour in Madrid. Pick the one that will take you to the area where those places are located. If it’s a matter of timing, choose a tour that doesn’t take too long so your children can eat before and after it. Find out about the possibility of bathroom breaks for any activities of this kind.

If you are traveling with a baby, you’ll be able to buy milk in grocery stores and baby formula in farmacias (Spanish pharmacies). Make sure that the place you stay at has the conditions needed for preparing formula.

Build Up the Excitement

The splendid Madrid architecture might be a wonder to you, but kids need a bit more than pretty buildings to keep their attention. To make sure your trip doesn’t fall flat, you need to prepare your children for what they are going to see.  The best ways to do this are watching videos featuring the sights and reading books about them.

Short clips that show glimpses of the main Madrid’s attractions and offer snippets of historical facts will be best. You can find plenty of videos like this on YouTube and use them to pick which places you want to see together. It’s very important to get the kids involved. This way you can get them to look forward to seeing these places in real life.

Get Safe

Children and parents can get separated and lost. These things happen and the best you can do to ensure the tragedy doesn’t strike your family is to use a variety of precautions. The most important one is to set up a procedure your children will follow in case you do get separated.

The best thing to do is to equip your kids with means of contacting you, like a mobile phone. If it’s not possible, make sure they have a card with your contact information, name, and the hotel address on it. Instruct children on whom to show this card and if they are old enough, teach them how to contact the local emergency service for assistance.

When traveling by public transport, make sure everyone knows the name of your final stop. You should also set up a procedure of where and how to meet up in case you get separated.

Never forget, you can’t be too careful when traveling to Madrid with kids. Use every precaution you can think of and stay safe!

2018 New York Times Travel Show Reports Highest Ever Attendance

The New York Times has announced that its annual Travel Show reached a new record of 32,398 participants—the highest attendance in the Show’s history. Attendance included 10,268 travel trade and 22,130 consumer attendees during the three-day event that took place from Jan. 26-28, 2018 at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center. 2018’s show marked the 15th anniversary of The New York Times Travel Show, the largest travel industry show in North America. Turkish Airlines was this year’s Presenting Sponsor.

The number of participating exhibitors also hit a new record with 600 companies representing over 176 countries, an all-time high. “Each year, more and more travel professionals and enthusiasts attend The New York Times Travel Show and for good reason,” says Maggie Kiselick, vice president of advertising and managing director, The New York Times Magazine. “People rely on the Show to provide both exceptional travel offerings and helpful information to help them plan their trips to see the world. We look forward to hosting even more people at 2019’s show.”

Highlights from 2018 Show included:

Trade Day: The first day of the Travel Show on Friday, Jan. 26 was reserved exclusively for travel industry professionals and members of the media, offering 20 Focus Conferences panels that covered the latest products, services, destination information and trends from travel industry experts.

Keynote Address: Given on Friday, Jan. 26 by veteran travel journalist and editor James Shillinglaw, in conversation with: CEO of Travel Leaders Group Ninan Chacko; Jennifer Tombaugh, President, Tauck; Alejandro Zozaya, CEO of Apple Leisure Group; Andrew Stuart, President and CEO of Norwegian Cruise Line; and Guy Young, Global Brand Engagement Officer, The Travel Corporation.

New LGBTQ Pavilion: This year marked the debut of the LGBTQ Pavilion, which featured the latest trends around L.G.B.T.Q.-centric tourism and showcased a wide range of L.G.B.T.Q. travel experts from exhibitors including ManAboutWorld,  Out in the Vineyard, Oscar Wilde Tours, Shady Ladies Tours, R Family Vacations, Quiiky-Gay Tours in Italy, Outings & Adventures, Insider Voyagers and the Stonewall National Monument. The pavillion was curated by gay travel expert and ManAboutWorld editor in chief, Ed Salvato.

Taste of the World Pavilion: At this the culinary travel showcase, attendees learned about delicious destinations, attended culinary demonstrations and tasted some of the world’s most savory flavors.

Family First: The Family Pavilion showcased leading players in the Family travel space, including lodges, resorts, destinations, and cruise lines, along with new activities including a Gaga Ball area, arts and crafts activations, and social media engagement opportunities for attendees of all ages.

Star Speakers: The final two days of the Show were open to all attendees and featured various cultural presentations and performances, food demonstrations, and one-on-one conversations with travel experts, influencers and celebrities including travel expert Pauline Frommer, fashion designer Zac Posen and musical artist Action Bronson. The 2018 show also highlighted new seminar topics such as: “Seeing Mexico City and Barcelona Through Their Burgeoning Art Scenes,” with art expert Maria Brito;  “The Best Travel Gadgets of 2018,” a conversation with experts of New York Times’s product review website Wirecutter; and “Sustainable and Socially Conscious Travel” with New York Times travel and lifestyle writer Shivani Vora; among many others.

2018 Travel Show Exhibitor Award winners included:

Best in Show

Turkish Airlines

Best New Exhibitor


Most Interactive

Korea Tourism Organization

The People’s Choice

Puerto Rica Tourism Company

Most Imaginative

Camp Cody

Mount Airy Casino Resort in the Poconos

Pennsylvania’s Pocono Mountains are home to the Mount Airy Casino Resort. Centrally located just 90 minutes from Philadelphia, NYC, and Northern NJ the casino offers 1,800 slot machines and 80 table games for visitors that are looking for some excitement. Mount Airy spa and golf course will appeal to visitors looking to relax and be pampered, or get out on the course for some sunshine. Catch a show or go for a swim while you escape to the pleasures of a casino resort.

Water features, sculptures, and a 51,000 square foot pool will be a highlight for hotel guests. A four season attraction complete with indoor/outdoor access, poolside bar, and luxury cabanas will keep you and your party occupied, relaxed, and refreshed. Families should keep in mind that kids and teens need to be accompanied by an adult while in the pool area.  They also need to be escorted by an employee when on the main floors and between rooms and restaurants- this might be a location that is best suited for couples or a girlfriend getaway/men’s weekend away.

Enjoy the food network? Check out one of their star’s restaurants Guy Fieri’s Mt. Pocono Kitchen. No matter what time you start to feel a craving for American favorites like hearty chicken soup or chicken fried steak you can head to Guy’s. The kitchen is open 24 hours as day. Another option is Bistecca by Il Mulino. Open for dinner every night the experience and luxury will make any evening a special event.

The food at Mt. Airy is delicious- every restaurant we tried was better then average at worst, while most of the dishes went into the “amazing” category. We ate more then we should have, and more then we intended.  It was a filling kind of weekend.

The resort also offers live shows and performances by all sorts of artists and musicians- both the general public and hotel guests are able to attend. There are many acts and much variation in types and genres,  so something will surely appeal to nearly everyone.

If you are looking for a good time in a nearby local, this is certainly one to look into. Valentines Day is right around the corner, see what they still have open and book a romantic weekend!