Archives for October 2012

South Georgia Zoos Offer a Walk on the Wild Side

What’s not to love about a day at the zoo? These four zoos in South Georgia offer great day trips with educational components for the kids- great if you are a local, or on vacation in the area.

The Oatland Island Wildlife Center of Savannah will provide your family with memorable experiences
that will last well beyond your trip. Striving to spark a lifelong love of nature and its inhabitants,
the Center lets your children experience any of the forty hands-on activities available to them, such
as marsh ecology boat tours, star programs, and guided tours—all with the goal of deepening their
understanding of the surrounding flora and fauna. Locals can even enroll their children in summer
day camp, which feature stories, crafts, up-close-and-personal observations, and hands-on scientific
experiments to help children experience and understand nature’s phenomena. Contact: (912) 395-1212;

At Pine Mountain’s Wild Animal Safari—Georgia’s drive-through animal park—you and the family
can go on safari from the comfort of your own vehicle, in a rented Zebra Van, or on the bus service
offered by the zoo and led by a tour guide. With a park [Read more…]

Top 5 Ways to Build Your Emergency Fund

Life has a funny way of throwing curve balls when you least expect them. These complications are
common for people all over the world, but many are unfortunately incapable of handling them. An
emergency fund can be tremendously beneficial in helping you handle the many surprises life can throw at you. Consider these 5 great ways to establish an emergency fund and give yourself a sense of security for the future.

  1. Bolster Your IncomeIf your income is too low to make an emergency fund possible, start looking for ways to bring in more money. You might be able to fit a part time job into your schedule, or start selling collectibles that you’ve accumulated over the years. Maybe you’ve been working with the same company for a long time and are eligible for a raise or promotion. Whatever path you take, bolstering your income will make it much easier to start building an emergency fund.
  2. Cut Down ExpensesWe [Read more…]

How to Plan an Affordable Safari Family Vacation

A safari is a great way to get the family out on a genuine adventure. There are few
things more exciting than visiting a far-off destination with your closest family members,
and a safari is a unique experience in and of itself. Better than simply camping or
sightseeing, a safari brings you up close and personal with the wildlife and terrain in a
given area, so you and your family can connect with the landscape and the animals in a
faraway place like you might never have had the opportunity before. To get your family
on a trip to a safari destination can be something of a serious undertaking, and there can
be a lot to consider in terms of budget if you’re dealing with a relatively large group of
human beings. We’ll talk about some of the best strategies if you’re wanting to go on a
safari on a budget, so you can take your vacation without [Read more…]

Top 5 Driver Safety Tips for Expectant Mothers

You’d be hard pressed to find anyone who claims that pregnancy is easy. While some women certainly have it easier than others, many will suffer from morning sickness, swelling, aches, pains, and all manner of bodily changes during the gestation of a child. Add to that weight gain, raging hormones, food cravings, and of course, labor and childbirth waiting at the end of the long haul. And that doesn’t even take into account complications that could arise, such as gestational diabetes, a mismatched Rh factor, preterm labor, and so on. And yet, women today still manage to do nearly all of the things they were doing before they got pregnant, including working, exercising, running a household, and more. Of course, they will necessarily have to alter some of their activities in order to protect themselves and an unborn child. So when it comes to driving, there are a few additional safety precautions expectant mothers may want to observe.

  1. Seatbelt positioning. You might be worried about the damage your seatbelt could cause your fetus in the event of [Read more…]

Lil’ Prayer Buddy by Wee Believers Review

Wee Believers is a company with the mission to inspire children in their faith and is committed to giving children opportunities to build character and virtue! The company is founded and operated by a dynamic Dad and Mom team, their toys redefine the interactoin between children and their toys–bringing purpose to play and making faith fun!

I was lucky enough to be able to review their Lil’ Prayer Buddy. This toy received the 2012 Mom’s Choice Awards-Gold.

This toy is soft and cuddly! When your child pushes the ear, a child’s voice recites the Our Father, [Read more…]

Fun Christmas Gift Baskets

Some people really stump me when it comes to Christmas and holiday gifts. There is always that one relative, friend, or co-worker, am I right? For me, I have a relative who makes gift giving difficult, as well as my husband’s co-workers. What to give? Gift baskets are always a good option, and are fast and easy, too- plus, more personal then gift cards.

Not to mention, they come right to your (or their) home or office- no muss or fuss required. Just go shopping [Read more…]

Climbing The Corporate Ladder Gracefully

Stressed. Overworked. High pressure. Many people associate these words with what top management
business executive might experience regularly, while holding their company up with their own back,
working overtime and pushing forward with success. You may be surprised to learn that it’s the
followers that create more stress for themselves, rather than the leaders, according to a new study.

Take a Chill Pill

A Harvard executive-training program unraveled findings that stress hormone and anxiety levels
typically decrease as people climb up the corporate latter. This particular stress-indicating hormone,
called cortisol, is necessary for everyone to cope with stress. However, when levels are too high, it can
be linked to obesity, heart disease, stroke and other major causes of death. Perhaps leaders feel that
sense of freedom and personal achievement due to them being at the top of their organization. Maybe
this study makes for good motivation to focus, push [Read more…]

Lemon Peppered Tilapia

Here’s the set up, you have rowdy kids, no time to make a fantastic big meal but all the kids are starving and driving you insane. We’ve all been there, I’ve been there lately day by day. It’s been nuts! When things get like this, there are a few dinner I keep on hand to handle the chaos, one is fish. This recipe is simple, and it doesn’t seem like much but it has fed my family numerous of times in under thirty minutes. All you really need to do is find a side dish and that can be something as simple and quick like a salad, or steam green beans, or even asparagus. Simple, quick and healthy.

Keep in mind that measurements are not well..not measured at all this time. Why? Because [Read more…]