Archives for October 2012

Overcoming the Language Barrier When Traveling to a Foreign Country

Spending some time in a foreign country is a great way to expose you and your family to some culture and customs the likes of which you might never have seen before. Learning to broaden your horizons and teaching your children to do the same is something that’s a great experience for the rest of one’s life, and there are a lot of ways that you can enrich your trip by making sure to provide for as complete an adventure as possible. One of the best ways to do this is to make sure that you’ve got some kind of interpreter or translator to help you along with your travels. Even if you don’t make this the case, there are still a lot of ways to overcome a language barrier and make sure that you’re not lost when you’re spending time in another country where you don’t necessarily speak the native tongue. [Read more…]

Zoolino from HABA Toys Review and Give it Away #German #Toys

Ready for some international fun courtesy of HABA? HABA is a great toy company from Germany that specializes in quality products at reasonable prices, with the well being of both the community and their employees (not to mention the buyers) in mind.

We are looking at the new Zoolino Magnetic Arranging Game. This game is for children aged 3 and up. The game involves using basic geometric and animal shapes to make various scenes from the enclosed booklet. [Read more…]

HP Falling into Fun Party #HPFallFun

It’s party time, lets all go grilling! Wait a minute, its getting cold out now…scratch that idea.

It’s time for a Fall party and lets try something a bit different this time, lets theme it with Fall Printing fun centered around our new HP Deskjet 3052A Wireless All-In-One printer. This nifty printer has the ability to print from any internet enabled device including smartphones and tablets, from around the globe. This would be incredibly useful in any business scenario especially those who run their won business or work from home. We have a few budding entrepreneurs with whom we are friends with, including artists and a candle maker. Both of which were thoroughly interested in the printer. The ability to print label for all her new project eh candle maker had ideas flowing from word one of the printer. Our artist friend saw this is a great way to get ideas onto paper even from the most remote corners of the world, like a Stabucks in Spain!

The printer [Read more…]

Country Inns & Suites “Free Night Fall” Giveaway @CountryInns

Fall is the perfect time to get away- great weather, not too hot or buggy, the beautiful fall foliage, and fall foods are some of my personal favorites. I love long weekends this time of year, and highly recommend grabbing the spouse and kids, hitting the road, and finding an interesting destination.

One thing you never want to worry about when you travel, is the sort of hotel you will wind up staying in. It can be hard to book online- so many places “fluff” the reviews by having friends and family members post positive ones, and people generally only post ratings on hotels if they loved it or truly [Read more…] Review is one of the biggest internet retailers around and has been since 1997. There has been a constant evolution of the site which has lead to millions of satisfied customers who instead of buying items from a big warehouse support smaller scale retailers. This leads to a greater diversity in products, as well as the ability to support ‘the little guy’ while still getting exactly what they want for some stellar prices. With the support of customer service from, retailers are top shelf. [Read more…]

Country Inns T1

Top 5 Safety Tips for Watching Fireworks With Family

Fireworks have been a major part of many celebrations for hundreds of years. The Fourth of July, Memorial Day, and New Year’s Day among many others are traditionally marked by spectacular fireworks displays that light up the sky and dazzle viewers from miles away. Of course, the safety concerns of celebrations like this are very high. Make sure to follow these 5 safety tips for enjoying fireworks with your family when the next celebration comes up.

  1. Keep the Kids Supervised
    Children should be kept under constant adult supervision when watching fireworks. The safety concerns for children here are twofold. Fireworks themselves can pose possible dangers to children who may not understand and appreciate their power. In addition to this, fireworks are hypnotizing for many, leading people to gaze up at the sky and forget what’s going on around them. Children can easily slip away from you [Read more…]

Talking to Your Kids About Common and Fatal Mistakes That Teen Drivers Make

Learning to drive is a major milestone for teens, one of the first significant steps into maturity and adulthood. Driving gives a sense of freedom and independence, no longer being tied down to a particular neighborhood. The barrier of distance has been broken down; the endless possibilities of exploration now lay wide open. Of course, this freedom comes with heavy responsibilities. Some teens are sadly unable to handle these responsibilities at such a young age and fall into unsafe practices on the road, endangering both themselves and those around them. Be sure to talk to your kids about these driving mistakes and how to avoid them.

Bringing up this subject is often difficult for parents. You may feel like your kids aren’t listening, view you as uncool, or fail to take the conversation seriously. In spite of all this, it is important to have this conversation. Try to avoid staging the situation [Read more…]