Archives for October 2012

Find New Buddies Blog Hop!

Welcome to the Hop Along Friday! We want our hop to include everyone so it [Read more…]

Major Hurricane on the Way for the NorthEast and East Coast

This is more of an FYI post- I will be off today getting ready, just in case, as we were wreaked in the last hurricane.

9:40AM EDT October 25. 2012 –

Hurricane Sandy’s rampage through the Caribbean today is only the beginning: Forecasters say the storm could morph into a monstrous nor’easter and slam the U.S. East Coast next week — or it could miss us entirely.

If it hits the Northeast the day before Halloween, as one computer [Read more…]

Top 5 Tips for Raising Money-Smart Kids

Our economy is in rough shape; no one can dispute that fact. Inflation is affecting our budgets, prices are rising across the board, and it’s becoming more and more difficult for people to find high paying jobs. You want your kids to be prepared for this world, so start teaching them to be smart with money. Educate your kids using these 5 tips for a thrifty education.

  1. Lead by Example
    The most important thing you can do to teach your kids how to be smart savers and thrifty spenders is to be a good role model. Show your kids how to be financially responsible by setting good examples for them. Be smart with your own money and your kids will pick up on these habits. You are your kids’ first and most important teacher, and the lessons they learn from you will last many years. Kids are very impressionable, so take this time to make a [Read more…]

Pediatric GermFree Cool Mist Humidifier from Vicks Review and Giveaway

Being the mother of 2 children, and flu season around the corner, I know that I will need a good humidifier. I was so happy to be able to review the Pediatric GermFree Cool Mist Humidifier from Vicks .

Vicks’ new GermFree Cool Mist Humidifier is the first of its kind. The humidifer eliminates up to 99.9% of mold, bacteria, and fungi in the water ensuring fresher, purer moisture through a patented germ-killing UV light chamber.

Key Features:

  • Kills up to 99.9% of bacteria, mold, and fungi in the water
  • Germ-Killing UV light chamber
  • Helps relieve cough and cold symptoms
  • Automatic moisture balance system [Read more…]

Sandwich Showdown- New York Food and Wine with @udisglutenfree @I_LOVE_NY

Come one, come all to one of the most fun you can have with two slices of bread. This past Sunday The Whole Foods Market’s Sandwich Showdown was held with Jeff Mauro. Jeff Mauro is the sandwich king from Food Network, and can make one awesome sandwich. This event was held to help raise money for various charities. This event was all about the sandwiches. There were more then fifteen sandwiches to try, with just about every ingredient imaginable, from Turkey to Pastrami, to Porchetta and even gluten free cookies from Udi’s Gluten free, and three varieties of ice cream sandwiches, all of which were delicious.

Upon walking in, each guest is given a wooden chip to cast their vote for the best sandwich available. The only sad point was when realizing the event was over, not because of a timer running down, but because of a lack of space in your stomach. With all the sandwich crafters available, we could talk for hours about every sandwich available and the wonderful wine bar as well, but instead we will highlight some of the stand-out sandwiches.

The afternoon began with an incredible Kobe Patty Melt, by Marble Lane. These little beauties were absolutely mouth watering. A burger made of Kobe beef melting in your mouth with caramelized onions, mushrooms and cheese. Starting with this sandwich set [Read more…]

Wordless Wednesday – With LINKY

5 Great Family Winter Vacation Ideas

Winter is a great time to take advantage of the season and get your family into an environment that it’s never experienced before or doesn’t get to experience very often. Wintertime is a great opportunity to use some of those vacation days and spend your time snuggling up with those that are the most important to you as the days get colder and shorter at the same time. Vacation is a blast when you’re making the best of your cold temperatures, and we’ll talk about some of the best ideas for you and your family when you see that it’s starting to get colder out. It’s easier than you might have thought to get a great vacation out of the coldest time of the year!

1. The Cabin in the Woods. Perhaps the most classic winter vacation idea, you can always go with the good, old-fashioned cabin in the woods. There are plenty of locations that will make cabin rentals an easy reality when you and your family want to get out, and a low-tech vacation experience is a great way to bond with those to whom you’re closest. You can go as modern or as rustic as you want — your cabin can be equipped with modern amenities, or you can try and have a screen-free weekend with a deck of cards and a few good books. The possibilities are endless when you’ve got your very own cabin in the snow for a week or so.

2. New York City! The city that never sleeps is a blast during the winter, and the closer you go to Christmas, the more festive and interesting things have a tendency [Read more…]

7 Tips for Hassle Free Car Trips with Kids

Mention the words “road trip” to a parent and they may physically cringe, shudder, or go running
in the opposite direction. The mere idea of a long car ride with children can evoke flashbacks of
screaming, crying kids, thrown shoes, and smashed Cheerios on every horizontal surface of the
vehicle. Nevertheless, sometimes these trips are unavoidable and necessary. If hours of travel
are in your future, fear not, follow these seven tips, and find yourself in road trip bliss.

1. Plan and Pace – Before you even leave the house, admit to yourself that this trip is going
to take longer than it would if you were driving alone. Asking small children to ride in a car
for hours on end without a break is a recipe for disaster. Plan stops along the way. Find a
playground, a restaurant with a ball pit, or even a store where they can walk around. Any
opportunity to let out some energy is going to be beneficial.

2. Be Prepared – Along with planning the itinerary, you should also be prepared with any
supplies you might need. Pack a bag with items like bandages, children’s medicine, extra socks
and underwear, napkins, tissues, and cough drops. If your kids are young, bringing their potty
along can be a good idea too.

3. Bend the Rules – A long car ride isn’t the place for a strict nap schedule or healthy eating
regimen. Let the kids fall asleep when they’re tired; the trip will seem faster to them, and you’ll
have some quiet time. If your family doesn’t usually eat at fast-food restaurants, now may be the
time to let them. The excitement of a special treat will keep the trip [Read more…]