Family Easter Outfits at Kohl’s

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Spring is the perfect time to refresh your wardrobe, and with Easter looming, it’s a great reason to drag even the most resistant men in your life out for at least a small upgrade, true?  We recently headed to Kohl’s to see what we could find for both of the men in my life to wear for the holiday this year.  The smaller one is usually pretty compliant, it’s the bigger one that can be somewhat of a fighter, lol. They both agreed, however, on getting new pants and nice shirts.  We got them things they could wear not only on Easter, but for future events.

20150314_135829Now that I look at it, it seems they are almost matching, though not intentionally- one blue on top and beige on the bottom, the other reversed, ha. My son decided he wanted to go in shorts (can you tell we’ve had it with winter and he’s looking forward to warm weather?) and my husband decided to get new jeans, which he could use. They both picked out their outfits without the other one seeing- my son was with me, and the husband was in the men’s department all by himself- I was amused when I saw how similar their selections were when we met in the boy’s department 😉


They will also be wearing their outfits to the upcoming “bunny breakfast” at my son’s school.  Yay, a fundraiser.  I mean YAY! At least this one is cute, right?  Hey, it still counts as Easter wear, right?  I have a cute dress I got at Kohl’s recently that I will be wearing for the occasion as well.


Kohl’s had a lot to choose from, and the prices were right, too.  One of my favorite things besides the sale prices was that we got $10 free to spend later that month for every $50 we spent that day- and who doesn’t love free money?  Make sure you head to your local Kohl’s or visit for your holiday shopping needs. While you are at it, sign up for their email list so you can get coupons and sales sent directly to your inbox.  I hate missing good deals.  Have fun shopping!


  1. JetSet Mom says

    Great selection and great prices. Thank you for sharing!

  2. Your hubby and on and styling! I love to dress my boys in Kohl’s too! They looks so clean cut and fashionable!

  3. Melissa Pezza says

    OMG! Your husband and son are twins! That is so adorable. I love it.

  4. Kohls has THE BEST prices and getting the Kohls cash is just the icing on the cake! I LOVE the whole suit outfit for kids is exactly what I want to get before Easter Sunday!

  5. My son actually has that shirt. I love Kohl’s clothing for my family, it makes them look really sharp, plus it gives me an excuse to shop the housewares area. 🙂

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