12 Natural Tips to Relieve Pain

Common over-the-counter medicines like acetaminophen and ibuprofen are effective pain relievers. However, its long-term use can cause side effects, such as addiction. 

Besides, around the world, some people prefer to seek out and use natural pain relievers to help them manage pain. Whether it’s car accident back pain or neck pain from work, you may be able to control pain in low to moderate intensity using natural ways. 

Many essential oils, herbs, and alternative therapies work very effectively as natural pain relievers. Let’s discuss 12 natural ways to relieve pain and improve your quality of life by learning how to manage pain without relying on over-the0counter pain medications. 


Following different events in life like being in a sports injury, looking for a car accident pain management options, or having a busy work life, you end up facing chronic pain. During these times, alternative pain management treatments like acupuncture can be very helpful in reducing pain. 

Acupuncture can help you with a certain type of pain, such as neck pain, low back pain, and osteoarthritis or knee pain. People also frequently use this way of pain management for tension headaches and migraines. 


There hardly would be people who haven’t heard of this physical meditation practice that offers a way to stay fit and manage pain naturally. Yoga includes a wide range of breathing exercises, relaxation and self-care methods, and fitness positions. So, practicing yoga can be helpful in relieving pain related to stress and anxiety and limited physical activity. 

Besides, you can also personalize the sections of yoga you practice according to your condition. For example, a few stretching exercises and positions that can help manage back pain. If you are interested in learning yoga, you can easily find classes and certified instructors almost around the world, since this mind and body practice has gained popularity globally in the last decade. 

Mindful meditation 

At times, you can make the situation more convenient and pain levels more tolerable for you along with bringing yourself in a relaxed mind space using ways like meditation. People facing chronic pain are increasingly seeking mindfulness meditation as a natural treatment option. 

The time spent in mindful meditation helps by improving pain symptoms like the quality of sleep, depression, and overall wellbeing and quality of life. A big side effect of pain is that it diverts your attention from everything else and makes you only think about the pain you are experiencing. However, natural ways like mindfulness meditation and yoga can be very helpful in helping you change your focus point and learn to better deal with pain in life.

Lavender essential oil 

The soothing properties of lavender essential oil may help you relieve pain naturally. It helps people sleep better, relax, and ease anxiety. This can help you feel better and ease the uncomfortable feeling caused by the pain. 

These days you can easily find lavender essential oil in stores and online, a great way to use them would be while taking a bath for a relaxing and calming experience. 

Rosemary essential oil 

Rosemary is another essential oil type that you can use as a natural pain reliever. It may be able to help you with headaches, and muscle and bone pain. Besides, rosemary may also help you in reducing inflammation, boost memory, and relax smooth muscles.

You can also find a great variety of rosemary essential oils available online and offline. 

Peppermint essential oil 

The Peppermint plant is known to have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and pain-relieving effects. The three active compounds in peppermint oil include menthol, carvacrol, and limonene. 

Often, people use a diluted version of peppermint essential oil as a topical treatment for pain. They rub the diluted oil on the body areas where that’s causing pain or is achy. That said, rubbing some peppermint oil on your temples and forehead may help relieve tension and ease your headache.  

Eucalyptus essential oil 

Another essential oil that you may want to use as a natural pain reliever is eucalyptus oil. Extracted from the Eucalyptus plant, this herbal remedy may be effective in reducing pain, inflammation, and swelling in the body. 

However, make sure to dilute the eucalyptus oil in a carrier oil before applying it topically and keep it away from children. Make sure to do a spot check just to check if your skin is not reacting to the eucalyptus oil. Just like other oils, you can also find a range of eucalyptus essential oils online. 


A lot of people have traditionally used cloves as a home remedy to help them with a toothache. Besides, people can also use clove gel as an effective alternative to benzocaine gel, which is a topical gel often used by dentists to help decrease the pain from needles. 

That said, the antioxidant, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral properties of cloves can be turn out to be beneficial as it being a natural pain remedy. 


People have also used capsaicin, found in chili peppers, as a natural pain relief remedy. However, directly using this substance of your body part can cause a mild tingling or burning sensation.

A lot of you may not know this but many pain-relieving products have capsaicin in them. Capsaicin is an important element of many topical creams and patches used for pain management. 

Even though capsaicin may not help relieve pain directly, but it is believed that it reduces the skin’s sensitivity towards pain by affecting the nociceptor fiber, the nerves that carry the pain signals in our bodies.


These products are not for everyone, and we understand that. But, we would not be doing our jobs if we did not tell you that they are an option. Both of these compounds are found in the cannabis plant, and they are known to have some kind of healing properties within them. Do your research into each product and make a decision based on the information that you find.

It’s important to understand that we’re not saying these products will work, just that some people have had success with them in the past. For example, if you are interested in taking these products, then looking into delta 9 gummies or CBD oil may be your best bet.


This might be one of the most commonly available natural pain remedies in households. Ginger is a root plant with high promise as a natural pain reliever and many other benefits. 

Consuming ginger on daily basis may help with muscle pain, which causes resistance in exercise and activities like running. It can also accelerate recovery and decrease inflammation associated with exercise. 

You can include ginger in your diet by adding a raw piece of it in your teas or smoothies. You even take ginger supplements that are available in stores and online, but going for fresh ginger has more health benefits. 


Feverfew or known as bachelor’s button or feather few is a medicinal plant. Some of the traditional uses of feverfew include treating migraine, fever, headaches, toothaches, rheumatoid arthritis, and stomach aches. 

However, consuming feverfew can have side effects such as vomiting, nausea, and abdominal pain. So, make sure to consult your doctor and double-check if you can take feverfew for your condition. 


Around the world, turmeric is known for its powerful medicinal properties. Curcuma is the active ingredient in turmeric spice and has great pain-relieving qualities. 

Turmeric is also a commonly used herbal remedy for decreasing inflammation. You can include turmeric in its natural form in your diet by adding it to your smoothie, juicy, and curry recipes.

Improve your quality of life 

Managing pain can be very challenging and if you have been dealing with it long, its symptoms can be difficult as well. However, adopting some of these natural ways to relieve pain can help you decrease your dependence on over-the-counter medication. They can also help improve your overall health and well-being and also better fight symptoms like poor sleep quality and stress. 


10 Ways to Help You Recover Mentally from An Injury

Injuries, accidents, and other medical issues are part of life. However, when you are recovering from them, it is very important to address both your physical and mental healing.

From a traumatic brain injury treatment to recovering from a fracture, you need to focus on how this injury or this phase of life has affected you emotionally and mentally. A lot of times, people forget the importance of recovering mentally because such events affect your state of mind more than you might realize. 

Besides, avoiding recovering mentally due to your physical injuries can have long-term effects on your life because complete healing goes far beyond just your physical state. A lot of people who physically go through such occurrences, tend to become afraid of reinjury or face post-traumatic stress when doing any physically demanding like playing a sport, exercising or driving according to how they were initially injured. 

Some other ways it can affect you are through insomnia, anger issues, and change in appetite. While exercising, endorphins are released in your brain, which makes you feel better and gives a bit of a high. However, if you are not allowed or able to exercise, you may easily get depressed, irritable, and lose motivation to watch your diet. A lot of people tend to eat too much or too little or eat very unhealthy foods. 

Hence, to avoid or limit these sides effect of recovering from injury, you must focus on your mental recovery just as seriously. There are several ways you can stay positive during this time and focus on your mental recovery. Let’s get to the list of ten things you can do to boost your emotional and mental recovery from an injury.

Change your perspective 

The first step has to be working on your perception of the injury and the recovery. Divert the time and energy that you would normally focus on working out to your recovery. 

It may take a while, but make sure to keep reminding yourself that even if you are resting and recovering it does not mean that you are not being productive. Don’t be too hard on yourself and try to understand as resting allows you to heal and get back on your feet, it is a productive use of your time. 

Maintain a journal 

Keeping a journal helps a lot of people managing pain. If you worry too much about your injury or re-injury when you are in pain, try to keep a journal of all these feelings. You can include things like when you face aches or pain, what are the trigger points, how long they last, and how they get better when you feel pain. 

This can help you regain your confidence, and understand that it is going to end at one point. Besides, keeping a pain journal also sometimes makes it easy for your doctor to track your progress. 

Set realistic goals for yourself 

The time you are recovering from the injury is very important for how this entire episode affects your life in the future. Hence, it is important that you set new, smaller, and realistic goals for yourself and your progress. This way, when you achieve your goals, you can feel happy and celebrate them as they come true. This also works wonders in helping you stay motivated and going for the next goal.

Focus on the things you can control

Focusing on things you cannot control will only make this journey more difficult for you. Whether it’s neurology in San Antonio or any other treatment you are going through for your physical recovery, they are going to take time and it is not much you can control here. 

However, you can control your diet, your fluid intake, and eating healthier food that helps you recover faster. After some time and discussing with your doctor, you can include some alternative ways to exercise. For example, if you have an arm injury, you can do some basic leg exercises. Hence, try to focus on what you can do instead of what you cannot. 

Find a hobby 

Depending on the intensity of your injuries, you can take any time like days, weeks, or even months to recover. Hence, it is important to keep yourself entertained during this time. Keeping up a new hobby is a great way to keep your energy levels up. Cooking, reading, or starting a DIY project, look for something you can enjoy doing.


Finding a way, you can channel the stress away is the best thing you can do. If you find yourself obsessing about not being able to heal as quickly as you would like, take some time off and practice meditation. 

Worrying too much will only take your progress backward. Instead, try sitting still and alone, concentrating on your breathing, it tends to calm your nervous system, help you stay positive, and reduce stress. If you have been doing meditation from before the injury, it will be even easier to follow through with this tip. 

Keep up with the rehab program

The journey of recovering physically and mentally is different for everyone and some people use extra help to do this smoothly. That is why keep reminding yourself that even though doing more rehab than you are recommended by the professional might not make your recover faster, but doing less than what is recommended will slow down your progress. 

Hence, don’t shy away from the rehab and stick to what is working for you, and what is helping for even longer is absolutely necessary.

Do not isolate yourself 

During your recovery, you can use as much support as you can get. Hence, try to maintain your normal social life as much as possible. If you are continuing to regularly communicate with and socialize with your close friends and family, you are less likely to feel as down about the injury. 

Besides, a strong support system also helps in keeping you motivated towards your health and wellness. 

Stay positive 

It is very important to remember that it might take a long time but you will one day get better and the injury will be healed. If you follow through with the recommended treatment plan, don’t rush yourself, and give your body the fuel it needs to completely recover, and eventually, you won’t be injured anymore. And finally, you can get back to your normal routine, doing things that you enjoy the most. 

Practice patience 

No one wants to stay injured, but healing takes time. Make sure to take time to think about what this time has allowed you to do. Try to exercise patience and gratitude. Trying to look for something positive during this time will give you the strength to keep going forward. You may even find yourself enjoying the small things like some time off from work and catching up with your family, friends, or old hobbies like reading or watching movies. 

How you pass this time and what this time represents in your life ultimately depends on you. An overall positive outlook allows you to not only try to recover faster but also helps you to change your perspective of life beyond the injury. 

Looking for a Gift for Mother’s or Father’s Day? Photo Gifts and Decor for 2021 from Mpix

Looking for a great and personal gift to give your partner, parents, or loved one? How about checking out Mpix to see what they offer? They offer professional photo prints, books, gifts and prefabricated gallery walls all under the umbrella of the number one professional photo lab in the country – Miller’s.  I had my son’s newborn photos done by Millers (just coincidentally) and I loved them. They did such a great job and were so patient with him (and me, the new and nervous/anxious mom).

photos via Mpix.com

We recently had the opportunity to try out Mpix, and while my order hasn’t arrived yet, I will certainly update the post once it has arrived. I didn’t want to wait to post until  received it, because right now you can save %25 just by opening the website! As soon as you open the page, they give you a great deal for %25 off as well as free shipping over $49.

Not something to wait and pass up. The site was easier to use on the PC- I had a problem trying to log in and/or create a username and password while on my phone. It didn’t work from my husband’s phone either, so either the site is glitching out when it comes to android phones, our phones specifically, or maybe it doesn’t like phones that use autofill? We didn’t have the change to to to type, it would just shut down the keyboard each time. However, as soon as I got on the PC, it ran smoothly and without any issues.

Besides traditional canvas or photo prints, you can order lots of cool things such as collage art, pictures on wood, photos on metal, acrylic, and a number of other choices. We had a hard time choosing, but ultimately chose to try the wood because I don’t have anything like that in the house and it seems both pretty and whimsical.


We chose a photo of myself and my husband with two of our dogs on a recent day out at a park. Normally, everything is all about the kids, the kids, the kids- but it was nice to have myself in a photo for once, honestly, haha. Also, I’m trying to get all the dogs AND recent pics of all the kids on the wall- no small feat considering they are at “that age”- you know what I mean. So, a move in the right direction for that small goal.

Head over to the site, check it out and see what you think your person would like best- or maybe pick something up for yourself as well, why not? The prices are good, may as well. Visit https://www.mpix.com and save yourself some money while still getting the gift mom, dad, your wife (etc) will like best.

How you know when it is time to update your home

Everyone wants to go with the flow. Only a few vintage and antique fans would think to afford the old items to decorate your home, but even if you love the vintage, still your home must be updated to make it a quaint place to live. 

Updating your home does not only means decorating your rooms, but interior décor is also a part of it, which must be considered when you plan to update the house. Otherwise, your beloved home will look quite grotesque. Change is good when it is for the home décor, car upgrade, and look. No matter how much you want to update your house, you still need some clues to find the right time. Are you confused like many other people about the right time to upgrade your house? Do not worry; it is very natural. The only troubling thing is the decision to wait forever. 

If you wish to look for the signs calling for an update, start observing your house. Starts with the walls because wall décor is the game-changer. For those with new houses, the stick and peel wallpaper is the best, while the old mansions must consider reconstructing the accent walls. 

Updating one’s home is a feat that will last for months, but one cannot be sure about it at all. It is very relative as it depends on several contributing factors. Let us see what experts say about the best time to update your home. 

The chipping walls. 

Water is the enemy of wall paint and wallpapers. But it only shows results when the house owners are not paying heed to the wall décor. If you see some chipping on the wall, start planning to update the walls. If you are a trend follower, then go for the stick and peel wallpapers. 

To give your rooms a change, always choose some different wallpaper designs. For instance, if you had floral designs, this time, go for the horizontal striped wallpaper; it will give a different look to the same old room. 

The cracking wooden door. 

No matter how much your property costs, if the doors are not welcoming and updated, it is over for you. The moment you see the doors cracking and squeaking, call the carpenter and ask for the price range. It will be an expensive service, but you are bound to update. 

The upholstered sofas. 

A dirty sofa is a health hazard, and removing it as soon as possible is necessary. You can either change the furniture or call the reupholster service. Do not forget to go for a different design for the sofas; otherwise, the room will look like before. 

The curtains. 

Curtains are necessary but updated, and trendy curtains are far more important. Currently, the solid-colored silk curtains are making way. You should go for the ones who are in synchronization with the sofas. 

The white goods

White goods such as the dishwasher, washing machine, refrigerators, and AC all need to be updated with time. The maximum age limit for these goods is ten years; after that, you must consider updating them.  


Fun Small Towns in the USA

Sometimes you want to hit the hot spots, and sometimes the quainter attractions are on your mind. The USA hosts an enormous number of small towns that pack a punch way above their weight, and there are plenty of choices that offer a long list of things to do and places to see, all without being in the crowds of big cities. When planning your travel itinerary, consider these sparkling gems of activity where good times are waiting.

Gatlinburg, Tennessee

Gatlinburg, Tennessee’s scenic beauty and exhilarating activities earned the city Tripadvisor’s designation as Best of the Best in 2021 as a trending destination. This small USA town bordering Great Smoky Mountains National Park is a popular travel destination where you can stay in cozy, fully equipped luxury Gatlinburg cabins surrounded by mountain views as your base of operations regardless of the season or weather. Along with hiking and ziplining in the Smoky Mountains, Gatlinburg offers a variety of attractions including Ober Gatlinburg, Ripley’s Aquarium, the Gatlinburg Space Needle and Anakeesta adventure park, to name just a few. Find the perfect souvenir while exploring Tennessee’s arts and crafts community with a visit to the 8-mile loop of workshops, studios, and galleries with more than 100 artisans showcasing their crafts. 

Stowe, Vermont

Adventure seekers, art enthusiasts, photographers and those who enjoy fine dining will find all that, and more, at Stowe, Vermont located in the northern region of the state. Stowe has a loaded menu of things to do, from skiing snow-covered mountains at area ski resorts and showing off ice skating techniques, to ziplining across colorful landscapes or enjoying live performing arts events under the stars. Hiking, mountain biking, fishing, canoeing, kayaking, snowmobiling, and hot air ballooning are just a few of the activities Stowe has in store for visitors throughout the year. While enjoying your daily itinerary of activities, take time to fuel up with an exceptional meal at one of Stowe’s top-notch restaurants. Enjoy a variety of palate-pleasing goodness ranging from savory wood-smoked burgers, sizzling steaks and creamy biscuits and gravy, to sushi, oven-baked pizza and cheddar and maple donuts.

Captiva Island, Florida

The Sunshine State is all about fun in the sun and that is what visitors to Captiva Island, Florida can count on when visiting this small town located off the Gulf Coast. Enjoy walks on the beach gathering colorful shells, go sailing or fishing, rent a wave-runner and explore nearby Sanibel Island, experience parasailing, go snorkeling or scuba diving along artificial reefs, and enjoy bird watching, kayaking, hiking, and biking at Ding Darling Nature Preserve. At the end of the day, savor the flavor of some of Florida’s best seafood selections at local restaurants. 

Kanab, Utah

For those planning a getaway filled with outdoor adventures, Kanab, Utah has plenty to offer from mountain vistas to well-defined canyons. Experienced hikers and backpackers can take on the challenge of Buckskin Gulch, with its reputation as one of the deepest and longest canyons in the world. A scenic drive is always relaxing, and the 47-mile Cottonwood Canyon Road is no exception as you wind your way through Paria River Valley. Open for public tours, hands-on interaction, and delicious lunches, the Best Friends Animal Sanctuary is one of Kanab’s best ways to spend the day. Cool off with water activities at Lake Powell with a rental stand-up paddleboard, sea kayak or boat to skim over the lake amid towering canyon cliffs.

Seaside, Florida

Here’s a town designed to be small and for walking around in. With a beach of sugar-white sand no more than 1 or 2 blocks away, and the teal green waters of the Gulf of Mexico beyond that, Seaside offers a destination to park the car and not start it again until you leave. With no tall buildings or hotels in the town, accommodations are largely quaint, private homes. And with gourmet eateries to graze from, strolling, or simply sitting and watching others stroll, is the order of the day. Time slows down and eclectic adventure is found simply from walking around. It’s a unique little town along Florida’s Emerald Coast, an area that’s has become a hot investment for Americans forming holding companies to bring more property into their retirement portfolio or looking to buy a vacation home. 

Taos, New Mexico

Experience the Native American culture and history of Taos, New Mexico listed as a National Historic Landmark and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This historical small town formally established in 1796 does not have a skyscraper skyline, instead, visitors walk along brick-paved streets amid Pueblo architecture exploring the many shops in the downtown Taos Historic District. Taos Plaza is a gathering point where live concerts, galleries, and shops offer entertainment year-round – don’t be surprised to see the occasional movie star. Other points of interest include the Kit Carson Home and Museum, Millicent Rogers Museum, and the Harwood Museum of Art.

Port Townsend, Washington

With a little over 10,000 residents calling Port Townsend, Washington home, visitors can enjoy much of this Victorian town’s historical atmosphere without the crowds. Nestled along the Olympic Peninsula, the historic seaport city offers an array of activities such as camping and hiking at Fort Worden Historical State Park and at Fort Flagler Historical State Park, built in 1897. Take a photo or two of the 1879 Point Wilson Lighthouse listed on the National Register of Historic Places, or step back in time at Jefferson Museum of Art and History. For a taste of the grape, plan a relaxing visit to Port Townsend Vineyards.

Whether your vacation plans include indoor activities, outdoor adventures, sunning on the beach, hiking a desert trail, ziplining through the mountains, or skiing snow-powdered slopes, small town USA destinations have something for everyone of all ages to experience

How To Pressure Wash a House

Since summers are here, every house needs a deep cleanse, and what will be a better choice than pressure washers. These magic wands will be able to get all the dirt and grime is not time. It is important that you perform pressure washing at least once a year in order to get rid of any mold and mildew which has been growing for a while. It will give your house a whole new look. Even if you are interested in getting new paint done, you should pressure wash the whole area in order to give a much finer finish. 

But since you haven’t done pressure washing before, what must be the ideal way to clean your house properly? Let’s have a look.

Prepare the whole area

The basic rule of cleaning is to clear the whole area. Especially when you are pressure washing make sure that there is nothing that might be getting in the way. Since you are cleaning the whole, you need to get rid of any extra plants or furniture. As you are going to be using high water pressure, anything which gets in the way can easily get damaged. If you are protective of your garden, cover it with plastic sheets. So, that you don’t have to regret it later. Make sure you cover all sheets with duct tape. It is better to use a powerful pressure washer. According to electric pressure washer reviews, these machines are ideal for cleaning the house.

Apply detergent

Most people skip this part and get straight to pressure washing. This is why most of them don’t even get the desired results. Firstly, get your hands on a powerful detergent, which is able to soften the dirt and tough stains. Mix the detergent with water. Complete instructions must be available in the manual. You are supposed to mix the whole solution in a 5-gallon bucket. For better results, you can add bleach at a volume of one part for every nine parts of the mildewcide-detergent solution. If your pressure washer has an inbuilt detergent tank, pour it in the tank and start spraying. Let the whole solution soak for a while. It will help to get everything cleared in just one wash. 

Selecting nozzle 

Now, let’s get started with the main process. First, you need to analyze the whole targeted area. If you are dealing with softer targets, it is better to use a 15-degree nozzle. It will get everything perfectly clean while causing harm. If you are dealing with slightly harder targets, you can use a 25 degree or 30 degrees nozzle. Once you are done with it, connect the garden hose to the pressure washer. Attach the extension wand as well. Now you are all set to get started. Turn on the engine and start cleaning. 

Start cleaning from bottom to top

It might sound a little silly right now, but if you want good results, you need to clean bottom to top. If you are cleaning two stories, it is better to clean the top one first. You need to divide the whole area into small sections. It is better to go for a six- to 10-foot section. Thoroughly clean every section and then move forward. Do not forget to wear safety glasses and gloves. Make sure that you are not standing too close to the walls. At least maintain four to six inches, this way water won’t be plashing back at your face.

Keep cleaning every section. Once you are done cleaning the whole place. Put everything back at its place and wait for at least 2 days for it to fully dry. If you want to paint your house after, make sure that it is completely dry.


For over a decade, pressure washers are being used for cleaning interiors and exteriors. Using the right pressure and patience is the key to getting perfect results.

Life and Other Shortcomings, a book by Corie Adjmi

Corie Adjmi, award-winning author and women’s empowerment activist, harnesses the power and relatability of storytelling to help empower women in all areas of life in her award-winning book, Life and Other Shortcomings. Recently featured and reviewed by the Jewish Book Council, Life and Other Shortcomings, is the perfect gift-solution for any literary-loving (or even not) person in your life.

This book illustrates the stories of 12 women, all on a different path in life, with one common overarching theme: the beauty, honesty and compelling nature of the female experience and what it means to be a woman. Through each character’s intimate journey, specific truths are revealed about what it means to be a woman—in a relationship with another person, in a particular culture and era—and how these conditions ultimately affect her relationship with herself. The stories as a whole depict patriarchy, showing what still might be, but certainly what was, for some women in this country.

I’m only part of the way through it, and I’m liking that it highlights different women’s experiences. We all go through different things- that’s what makes us who we are- but very few women get through life without society’s patriarchal mess digging it’s claws in.  The stories, from somewhat subtle to more “in your face”, are really interesting to read, and I’m looking forward to finishing the book.

NASA Lands in Oakland!

New Partnership with Chabot Space & Science Center Will Create NASA Learning Opportunities in the East Bay

A new partnership between NASA’s Ames Research Center in California’s Silicon Valley and Chabot Space & Science Center in Oakland, California, is now underway. Anchoring the partnership, a new visitor center for Ames will provide an immersive, dynamic STEAM environment called “The NASA Experience,” opening at Chabot in November 2021.

Under the terms of a 5-year Space Act Agreement, the organizations are beginning a long-term collaboration to create accessible STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and math) community engagement and education opportunities in Oakland and beyond.

“We’ve long collaborated with Chabot for community engagement activities and are delighted to take this next and more formal step to bring a deeper NASA experience into our surrounding communities,” said Eugene Tu, director of Ames. “It’s one of NASA’s founding functions to share our work as widely as possible, and partnering with Chabot will allow us to reach more broadly than we’d ever be able to do with our existing resources and location in the South Bay.”

Under the formal agreement, NASA and Chabot have identified three main areas for immediate collaboration that leverage the strengths of NASA’s research and Chabot’s long-standing programs.

First, The NASA Experience creates an immersive, dynamic, STEAM learning environment that puts the visitor into the role of a NASA researcher. Hands-on STEAM studios highlight the current science at NASA through interactive challenges, models, artifacts, and more. The visitor center brings to life the thrilling, challenging, and inspiring process of scientific discovery by showcasing the real stories and people at NASA’s Ames Research Center.

“We are so excited to share the fascinating science, extraordinary people and groundbreaking research of NASA’s Ames Research Center right here in Oakland,” said Adam Tobin, Executive Director at Chabot Space & Science Center, “Bringing together NASA Ames’ long legacy of innovation and Chabot’s 137-year history in STEM education creates a powerful opportunity to inspire the next generation of future scientists, engineers and astronomers.”

Leading up to the November opening, Chabot and Ames will provide engaging virtual programs hosted on Chabot Space & Science Center’s Facebook and YouTube platforms to offer participants a closer look at NASA’s mission.

Second, the two groups will create an interconnected network of STEAM education experiences throughout the city that deepens Chabot’s existing “Learning Everywhere” initiative. Building on existing connections with Oakland’s schools, libraries, and local organizations, this partnership will create programs that engage learners in current NASA research.

Third, the partnership will create tangible STEAM career pathways by developing explicit connections between NASA’s career opportunities and Chabot’s youth development programs. NASA will provide speakers, fieldtrips, and independent study on the missions and technology associated with work happening at NASA Ames in collaboration with Chabot’s Galaxy Explorers program, first established in 2000.

Chabot Space & Science Center is a non-profit institution, community resource, and hub for interactive STEAM engagement in Oakland. Founded in 1883, Chabot’s mission is to inspire and educate learners of all ages about the universe and planet Earth.

NASA’s Ames Research Center, one of 10 NASA field centers across the country, is located in the heart of California’s Silicon Valley. Since 1939, Ames has led NASA in conducting world-class research and development in aeronautics, exploration technology, and science aligned with the center’s core capabilities.