Factors That Have Led to Bingo Being So Popular in the UK

Bingo has to be one of the UK’s favourite games. It’s something we all know how to play, even if we’ve never actually played a game in our lives. There is something very comforting about it, and something rather nostalgic for a lot of people – it’s what their parents and grandparents used to do, so they understand it and may well do it themselves. But there are other factors that make zero deposit bingo popular – here are some of them.

For Everyone

As briefly mentioned above, bingo is something that we are all aware of; we all know how to play it. It’s a game that is for everyone, young and old, whatever walk of life we happen to come from. There aren’t a lot of complicated rules to think about, and there are lots of skills you need to learn before you can play – it’s a simple game and it really is for everyone.

Even for families who don’t otherwise have a lot in common, bingo can be the one force that brings them together. Is it any wonder that, with our busy lives, bingo is something we can always try to make time for?

The Social Aspect

Although people love to play the game for the game itself, and for the potential prizes that can be won, there is definitely a very social aspect of bingo. If you attend a traditional bingo hall, you will be able to have conversations with many different people – even if you have nothing else to talk about, the bingo is always a connecting factor.

You might think that this is the only way to be sociable when playing bingo, and that playing online, either through an app or on a laptop on a website, is going to be a lonely version of the UK’s favourite game. This is actually far from the truth; you can ‘chat’ (virtually) when playing online bingo as well, and this is all part of the experience for those who like making friends and meeting other people. And if you don’t like to do that, don’t worry, just don’t use the chat feature!

The Prizes

If you look at some of the prizes on offer with bingo games, they will range from very small to enormous – millions of pounds in some cases. It’s good to win the smaller prizes, but for those who are really serious about their bingo, it’s these top jackpots that make them excited to play.

Of course, as with any gambling, you should never assume you’re going to win or that you can make back any losses, and you should always have a set budget to play with. But don’t let that stop you playing the games that have the huge jackpots. These are often connected through various games across the country, or even the world, which is why the prize fun is such a high one. 

Are Video Online Slots Related To Classic Video Games?

Video games didn’t really take off until the 1970s and 1980s and this is mostly because the technology to play such games was not yet fully developed. However, once gaming consoles became available and the best video slots  could be played in the comfort of people’s own homes, their popularity soared. Classic video games really took off in popularity in the 1980s and 1990s, but by today’s standards, everything from the gameplay to the graphics of these early games now seems primitive. However, some of these early games such as Street Fighter hold a special place in many people’s hearts, as it reminds them of the good times they had in their adolescents. Therefore, it comes as no surprise to discover that this particular game made the video game/slot game crossover successfully.

The History Of Slots 

Slots predate video games considerably and you have to go all the way back to the 19th century to discover when slots were introduced to the world. The first slots were mechanical machines with 3 reels and a limited number of symbols were held on these reels. Despite this, they were extremely popular with the public and this led to a mad rush by inventors and engineers, to create bigger and better slots. All the slots were lever activated and this opened the machines up to some considerable abuse and cheating. 

Even when gambling was banned in society during periods in the 19th century, inventors modified their machines to act as vending and fruit machines, to keep them popular.  It wasn’t until the 1960s and 1970s, that slots took a big leap in their development. In the 1960s the first electrical slot was introduced and in the 1970s and 1980s the first version of the video slot came into play. All these developments slowly built towards a crescendo when digital technology finally gave birth to video slots in 1996. 

Video Slots VS Video Games 

Since slots became more sophisticated, their development has been closely linked to advances in video games. Video games are more sophisticated than slots in every way today and this is because they have huge budgets and offer players entertainment, that utilizers the latest in computer technology. These games no longer need to be played at arcades to be at their best, as home consoles have brought arcade quality gaming to people’s houses. These video games contain narratives and offer a fully immersive gaming experience and this is believed to be the next step for slots games to take. The signs are already there, as VR slots are now being introduced into the gambling world.

The Video Game/Slot Crossover 

The slots industry considers the young to be the future of the industry and they are always trying to appeal to the tech savvy video gaming audience as a potential market for their games. This is why slots are becoming more immersive and sophisticated. Another way to appeal to this new target audience is by turning much loved video games such as Tomb Raider, Street Fighter and many more into gambling slots games.

Join Us, Blog­gin Mamas, & UNest as we host the #UNestApp Twit­ter Party

This is a sponsored post on behalf of UNest. All opinions expressed are our own.

Join Blog­gin Mamas & UNest as we host the #UNestApp Twit­ter Party on Thursday, 12/17/20 at 9p EST! Join us as we talk about how a savings account for your child will make a great holiday gift this year. Plus, there will be some prizes too!

Date: Thursday, December 17th, 2020

Time: 9:00–10:00pm EST / 6:00–7:00pm PST

Hash­tag: #UNestApp

Spon­sored By: @unest

Pre­sented by: @BlogginMamas

Mod­er­a­tors: Eng­lish– @HeatherLopezCEO Span­ish– @BBabushka

Co-hosts: @dawnchats @EnzasBargains, @HaveSippy, @DonnaHup @CoolChillMom @paulabendfeldt

Panelist: @BabySavers @mommypowers

About UNest

  • UNest makes it easy for parents to invest in their children’s future with a simple, flexible, and tax-advantaged custodial account for minors. Plus, your family and friends can contribute funds to your child’s UNest Investment Account for Kids through a shareable gift link. UNest is way more flexible than other saving accounts that can only be used for education. Funds saved can be used across any of your child’s life events like college, their first car, down payment on the house, wedding day or any other important milestones.

  • Their Gifting feature just launched! Gifting allows anyone the opportunity to deposit funds into your child’s UNest account, making a wonderful option for those that want to contribute to your child’s financial stability in the future.

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Visit the UNest website: https://www.unest.co/</p>

Download UNest App via this link: https://app.adjust.com/8nhj6kp</p>


1- $25 Amazon Gift Code (ARV $25)

1- $50 Amazon Gift Code (ARV $50)

1- $100 prize added into UNest account (ARV $100)

First Prize

1- $150 prize added into UNest account (ARV $150)

Grand Prize

1- $250 prize added into UNest account (ARV $150)

RSVP Prize

1- $25 Amazon Gift Code (ARV $25)

RSVP Below!!

Terms and Conditions


By RSVP’ing to this event and uti­liz­ing the #UNestApp hash­tag, the atten­dees acknowl­edge hav­ing read and agreed to these terms and conditions.

Twit­ter Party Prize Give­away begins December 17, 2020 at 9:00 pm ET and ends no later than December 17, 2020 at 10:30pm ET (the “Twit­ter Party Entry Period”). Entrants enter via fol­low­ing @UNest and @BlogginMamas, and post­ing a tweet with the #UNestApp dur­ing the Twit­ter Party Entry Period. Five (5) Win­ners will be drawn ran­domly by random.org at approx­i­mately 12 minute inter­vals dur­ing the Twit­ter Party Entry Period. One (1) Win­ner will be drawn ran­domly via random.org from the event RSVP’s on the Mr. Linky widget.

Prizes include:

One (1) $25 Amazon Gift Code. Total approx­i­mate retail value (“ARV”) $25, for one (1) winner.

One (1) $50 Amazon Gift Code. Total approx­i­mate retail value (“ARV”) $50, for one (1) winner.

One (1) $100 Deposit into UNest Account. Total approx­i­mate retail value (“ARV”) $100, for one (1) winner.

One (1) $150 Deposit into UNest Account. Total approx­i­mate retail value (“ARV”) $150, for one (1) First Prize winner.

One (1) $250 Deposit into UNest Account. Total approx­i­mate retail value (“ARV”) $250, for one (1) Grand Prize winner.

One (1) $25 Amazon Gift Code. Total approx­i­mate retail value (“ARV”) $25, awarded to one (1) win­ner who RSVP’s via the Mr. Linky widget.

Each win­ner receives one (1) prize pack. Entrants who fail to com­plete said actions will be dis­qual­i­fied and an alter­nate win­ner will be selected from all entrants who entered dur­ing the Twit­ter Party Entry Period. Win­ners will be noti­fied via DM (Direct Mes­sage) on Twit­ter with a request for an email address to send prize claim infor­ma­tion. Win­ners will have 48 hours to complete the prize claim form or an alter­nate win­ner will be selected from amongst all entries received dur­ing the Twit­ter Party Entry Period. All prizes will be awarded pro­vided they are validly claimed by December 21st, 2020 at 11:59AM EST.

Entrants agree to release and hold harm­less the Blog­gin’ Mamas, Heather Lopez Enter­prises, LLC, Twit­ter, and any other orga­ni­za­tions respon­si­ble for spon­sor­ing, ful­fill­ing, admin­is­ter­ing, adver­tis­ing or pro­mot­ing this give­away, and their respec­tive par­ent, sub­sidiaries, and affil­i­ates and each of their respec­tive offi­cers, direc­tors, mem­bers, employ­ees, agents and sub­con­trac­tors (col­lec­tively the “Released Par­ties”) from and against any and all claims, expenses, and lia­bil­ity, includ­ing but not lim­ited to neg­li­gence and dam­ages of any kind to per­sons and prop­erty, includ­ing but not lim­ited to inva­sion of pri­vacy (under appro­pri­a­tion, intru­sion, pub­lic dis­clo­sure of pri­vate facts, false light in the pub­lic eye or other legal the­ory), defama­tion, slan­der, libel, vio­la­tion of right of pub­lic­ity, infringe­ment of trade­mark, copy­right or other intel­lec­tual prop­erty rights, prop­erty dam­age, or death or per­sonal injury aris­ing out of or relat­ing to a participant’s entry, cre­ation of an entry or sub­mis­sion of an entry, par­tic­i­pa­tion in this give­away, accep­tance or use or mis­use of prize. Entrant agrees to indem­nify, defend and hold harm­less the Released Par­ties from and against any and all claims, expenses, and lia­bil­i­ties (includ­ing rea­son­able attorney’s fees) aris­ing out of or relat­ing to an entrant’s par­tic­i­pa­tion in this give­away and/or entrant’s accep­tance, use or mis­use of prize, includ­ing, with­out lim­i­ta­tion, lia­bil­ity for per­sonal injury, dam­age, or loss.

The Released Par­ties make no war­ranties, and hereby dis­claims any and all war­ranties, express or implied, con­cern­ing any prize fur­nished in con­nec­tion with the give­away.





Dis­clo­sure: Blog­gin’ Mamas is being com­pen­sated for man­ag­ing this Twit­ter Party. Indi­vid­ual co-hosts are being com­pen­sated for their par­tic­i­pa­tion. All prize ful­fill­ment is the respon­si­bil­ity of the sponsor.

What are the benefits of CBD products?

CBD products have become really popular in the last several years. Although hemp companies often portray them as “miracle cures,” it is sometimes hard to distinguish truth from marketing. 

Certainly, hemp has various properties that the human organism can benefit from. But how good are these products? What are the common side effects? 

In order to help you make the right decision, we’ve created a short article about hemp, CBD, and the things you can expect when consuming cannabidiol products. Check it out!

What is CBD?

CBD or cannabidiol is one of 100+ substances that can be found in hemp and cannabis. Companies usually rely on hemp’s flower for their products. 

You can learn which is the most potent by reading the article “Best CBD Flower: The Beginners Guide to Picking It”. However, even the other parts of hemp have certain beneficial properties and may be used to improve our wellbeing. 

The most important thing to note is that CBD products have very low THC content. THC is the substance that makes us high. In other words, you should never experience psychedelic effects when using medicinal hemp products. 

Just to stay on the safe side, you will have to check the quantity of THC within the product. The US government allows up to 0.3% THC within these items. This is regarded as a safe quantity that shouldn’t cause any serious side effects.

CBD products’ benefits

CBD companies advertise cannabidiol as a substance that can help you treat numerous ailments. And while some studies have demonstrated CBD’s potential, we need to take this data with a grain of salt. 

A lot of research is performed on animal subjects. Sometimes, CBD studies involve a smaller number of participants. We also need to consider the fact that hemp companies often misrepresent information in order to increase their sales. 

So, what is the truth? Are there any benefits to using CBD?

Yes, they are. Cannabidiol is a really potent wellness product, and it can help you harmonize internal processes. A lot of people use it to address muscle discomfort and soreness. 

There is also a connection between cannabidiol and better sleep. However, most people use medicinal hemp to simply unwind and reduce their stress levels.

Although their medicinal usage is somewhat limited, and you should be very careful if you decide to use CBD for a specific ailment, people can safely utilize the substance to improve the quality of their skin. You’d be surprised by the numerous CBD salve benefits  when using this product.

The plant is full of omega fatty acids, which will provide the necessary nourishment to dry tissue. It may also address uneven skin texture and discoloration. Needless to say, you can shed years and years off of your face if you decide to use CBD skin products.

How does CBD impact sleep? 

A lot of people ask us: “Does CBD make you tired or sleepy?

This is another thing that is being researched. It seems that hemp can have a sedative impact. According to other studies, it may increase your energy levels. The truth is probably somewhere in between.

Based on limited user data, hemp can cause us to relax if we use higher quantities of the product. On the other hand, smaller quantities will make us ecstatic, thus increasing our energy levels. 

Most people nowadays use CBD products to relax, unwind, and deal with all the stress of urban life. In other words, if you use it properly, you might also be able to change the product’s purpose.

No matter what you decide, we suggest that you consult a hemp doctor beforehand. That way, you can use CBD in an optimal way.

What are the common side effects?

CBD side effects may vary based on the type of product that you’re using. Medicinal hemp is generally regarded as a safe substance, but you can never be too careful.

Given that the industry is still developing, we suggest that you always buy premium organic products. Keep in mind that the CBD topicals are much safer than the edibles. 

They shouldn’t enter your bloodstream, but instead, they will only penetrate your surface tissue. This reduces the potential problems that might occur from using the product.

If you do experience some side effects, they might come in the form of a mild irritation, drowsiness, change in appetite or blood pressure, dry mouth, and a few other minor issues.







TICKETS AVAILABLE NOW AT www.onthestage.com/show/argyle-theatre/a-christmas-carol-15589/tickets/ 5fce8c7c07d4fc00031b455f

2020 Christmas

New York, NY (December 11, 2020) – The Argyle Theatre (Mark and Dylan Perlman, Managing Partners; Evan Pappas, Artistic Director), and producer Hunter Arnold unofficially kicked off the holiday season early by announcing that a special filmed version of Charles Dickens’ beloved holiday classic A Christmas Carol starring one of the finest stage actors of our time, Tony Award® winner Jefferson Mays, was released worldwide on Saturday, November 28. This streaming video event will benefit The Argyle Theatre as well as other community, amateur, regional theaters across the country which have been devastated by the pandemic. Directed by two-time Tony Award nominee Michael Arden, adapted by Mays, Susan Lyons, and Arden, and conceived by Arden and Tony Award nominee Dane Laffrey, the filmed version is based on the wildly acclaimed 2018 production which made its world premiere at Los Angeles’ Geffen Playhouse.

Tickets for A Christmas Carol are now available to purchase via https://www.onthestage.com/show/argyle-theatre/a-christmas-carol-15589/tickets/5fce8c7c07d4fc00031b455f

Menstruation is having a moment. In 2021, let’s turn it into a movement. Here’s how

2020 showed the world the power of healthcare equity– and not just regarding the pandemic. Scotland just announced that it would be tackling ‘period poverty’ by providing free menstrual products to whoever needs them, making it the first country to do so.

Menstruation and the social issues around it are clearly having a moment – but how do we make this a movement in 2021??

Prof. Inga T. Winkler, co-editor of the Palgrave Handbook of Critical Menstruation Studies, wrote the compilation of a volume of over 1,000 pages by 134 contributors from more than 30 countries on the diversity of menstrual experiences and the social issues surrounding it.

Menstrual stigma results in discrimination, disempowerment, and even delays in crucial medical diagnosis– it is another facet of the movement for gender justice. So how exactly do we turn this menstrual moment into a movement? There’s something everyone can do:

YOU: Stop using euphemisms. Speak about your menstrual experience. Don’t panic at signs of blood on your towel or your sheets. Have sex during menstruation if you feel like it. If you don’t menstruate? Listen.

PARENTS: Let menstruation out of the [water] closet. Normalize. Familiarize. The kids are taking their cues from you, and they do so early on. It’s not about having “the” talk about menstruation, it’s about menstruation being part of everyday life.

EDUCATORS: Find creative ways to address menstrual health and politics in your curricula. Teach body literacy. This can be part of sex ed, but doesn’t have to be.

HEALTH WORKERS: Pay attention to the menstrual cycle as a vital sign. Take pain seriously. Take time to listen to your patients’ symptoms. (The diagnostic delay for endometriosis is about 8 years, and that hasn’t changed in a decade. We need to do better.)

ACTIVISTS: Make the menstrual connection: How is fighting menstrual stigma related to the social change work you are doing?

ALL OF US: Build a broad movement that includes people from different backgrounds along the lines of race, ethnicity, disability, and gender identity and make space and amplify the voices of people who face marginalization.

The Teenage Driver: Tips and Safety

Having a car means we have the freedom to get around where we need to go. We have to take care of the vehicle if we want it to last. We have to maintain it regularly, take care of any body damage or paint damage with paintless hail repair, and drive it safely. And then we have to worry about others driving our vehicle.

An Exhilarating Experience

A teenager, ready to get on the road, may view getting their driver’s license as a very exhilarating experience because freedom tends to follow as the next step. The parents of the teen driver may have mixed emotions when it comes to their loved teen driver. When safety tips and ideas are taken seriously, everyone will feel anticipation about this giant step in a teenager’s life. There are main safety tips for teen drivers to help them become good road citizens as they safely travel the highways and the less-traveled roads.

Number One Tip: Prevent an Accident

It is a fact of life, accidents do occur on the roads. The good news, there are many ways to prevent them. Adults can put in their own behavior strategies as an added prevention measure. There is much information available for an inexperienced teenage driver. Adults can reinforce many safe and sensible actions for teen drivers:

  • Don’t fully rely on driver’s education – the course is promoted for safety and new drivers. Every teen driver will need added input to ensure safe driving practices are going to be in place. This may include extra items outside of the course. Skid control is a good specialty class to consider. There are added safety maneuvers that can be taught to teen drivers. A specialized course will enhance driving skills. Parents can include added driving and practice time to reinforce skills and increase confidence
  • Don’t monitor the actual driving trip, monitor behavior instead – a large number of adults will monitor every detail of a driving trip. Road trips are a dream come true for many teens. It is more helpful to impose stricter limits on teen drivers. This should include setting limits on poor weather conditions for an inexperienced driver. Behavior monitoring will include limits on any drinking and driving from a teenager. Stress the dangers of this behavior and come up with strategies to prevent any drinking and driving from your teenage driver. If needed, law enforcement can be counted on to assist adults to prevent drinking and driving from their teen drivers
  • A limit on the number of passengers – teenagers are not known for sitting quietly while in a car. If adults can put a limit on the number of passengers allowed in a vehicle, this will be less distracting for the driver. Teenagers are known for goofing off at a drop of a hat. They can have limits placed on them to keep them safe while on the road. Fewer distractions add up to safer driving
  • Instill the need for safety belts – try to ingrain this in teenage drivers because it will prevent much harm
  • Sleep habits and driving while sleep-deprived – it is a good idea to monitor sleep habits because a tired driver will be less alert on the road

These tips and ideas will be a great start for any teenage driver. Focus on safe practices needed to follow through. Adults can be prepared to prevent accidents by sticking to the road rules and expecting their teen drivers to do the same.

The Art of Responsible Teenage Driving

Every adult can inform themselves of the driving teenage facts of the road because this will create a new generation of highly responsible drivers. In the past, teenage driving was not a priority in terms of added information. Most adults assumed that teenagers were ready for the reads at age 16. This modern age has shown society that added information has been needed because not all teenagers know how to prevent accidents without added guidance and reinforcement. 

Passing the driver’s test does not make every teenage driver a responsible driver. Many teens view a set of car keys as their keys to freedom. They are anxious to get on their way and see the world. It is exhilarating for many teenagers and it is an experience to savor for years to come. Every state may have its own set of teenage driving laws and it will be important to have an understanding of the laws that will apply to the teenage driver in your life. It is not difficult to spot a responsible teenage driver because they have a set of similar qualities:

  • they often have a positive and confident attitude toward driving
  • they are patient and not easily frustrated when driving
  • the display a disciplined approach toward driving
  • they are willing to take the needed time to learn how to handle all vehicles
  • they are not against following road laws
  • an alert demeanor (they listen and are engaged as they are learning)

Driving is an art and every teenage driver will continue to gain their driving experience as they grow and mature. Encourage and support their responsible actions.

Responsible and Relaxed Teenage Drivers

The tips and added information ought to lead to added safety. Everyone appreciates a positive outcome. The informed teenage driver will be responsible and relaxed on the roads.

When Planning A Road-trip: 7 Things to Must-Check

There are tons of ways that a road trip can fail, but if you check out this list closely and detect the items that you simply think would keep your family or friends the happiest, you’ll be able to avoid tons of disaster on the road. These are the highest 7 things to consider packing, there are more options, but these will cause the least amount of clutter in your car.

Road trips are fun thanks to sharing some quality time with either family or friends- the group you’re sharing the road trip with. Additionally, it’s an experience you’re unlikely to forget. 

A First Aid kit

One of the worst things that may happen during a road trip is someone getting hurt. You’ll be able to avoid a disaster from happening by ensuring that you just pack a first-aid kit for your journey. You may want to fill it up with things like band-aids, peroxide to wash wounds, bandages, and medicine.

A GPS or a road map

To avoid getting lost, you must purchase a road map or a GPS system for the car. You’ll even have your phone that may work as a GPS device, but sometimes it’s easier to simply have the system tell you where to travel so you do not have constant texts turning out on your map. If you already own a GPS system, ensure that it’s updated for the trip so it doesn’t take you on roads that are under construction or now not exist.


If you were to get into an accident on the road, you may want to own the most effective comprehensive car insurance. Even if you do not get into an accident, adding miles to your vehicle can sometimes make your insurance go up. With the proper insurance firm working with you, you will not need to worry that bill at the top of the month.

Healthy Snacks.

Water is the best source of hydration when on a road trip, however, water can get bland and boring after a couple of hours. You can stock up on water bottles for your trip, and provide your kids access to flavor packets you can additionally purchase. You will also want to bring snacks.

Plan some activities.

Everyone is likely to get bored at some point during this trip, but there’s something you’ll do about it. You can pack activity books, coloring books, word searches, and even mobile gaming devices for your kids. You want to prevent any boredom from the youngsters by packing things that may keep them entertained. There are digital items that are battery-powered- keep them in the back seat so that the kids can play together.

Extra clothing-just in case.

Packing some extra clothing in case of unforeseen circumstances is advisable. A number of the things you might pack are an additional warm blanket for the night, pair of sunglasses (actually seeing as you cruise the highway may be a bonus), an additional sweater , and a swimsuit. Extra pairs of shoes also are good just in case of any unpredictable weather changes.

Car chargers & necessary devices.

You should pack any and all mobile devices that you need, as well as the chargers for them. If this trip goes to last a couple of days, or maybe a couple of weeks, you do not want to go crazy without your devices. A universal car charger can help charge all of your favorite devices so that you and  the rest of your family never feel bad when the battery runs out.