Hurricane Sandy Update

We are still with no power, heat, hot water, phones, etc. There are only 4 houses in the whole town that are in the same boat as we are. 4 total. It really stinks (insert colorful word here) to look out and see everyone have power but you and 3 others. PSE&G? Don’t seem to care, since there are just 4 houses, and in fact said so. Even though the wire was sparking, and it is a cross the street from the school that opened today, and the kids and parents use our street to turn around to go home in since it is super convenient….yes, school is open since everyone else has power.

The OEM- emergency management- closed down 2 days ago when the whole town’s power was restored. Well, almost everyone. No one seems worries about 4 dark, cold houses. In one house is an over 80 year old couple. Our [Read more…]

Wordless Wednesday WITH LINKY

Hurricane Sandy and I

As many of you know, we are (were?) in the path of the franken-storm. I want to thank you all for your prayers and love and support. We are currently one of the only 4 houses in our town without heat, power, internet, etc- and PSE&G says “by monday” – yes, 9 days in total, and 6 from today- and that is all the info we have. They say since there are only 4 homes, they don’t consider us a priority. Getting around is difficult, [Read more…]

Fun Ways to Teach Your Kids About Science

Most of us have heard, “Children absorb things like sponges.” It sounds cute, but there is actually quite a bit of truth to that saying. Children are eager to learn, they have lots of energy and are always looking for something new to see, hear or do.

So, if you’re a parent who has been wondering if there is a certain age for a child to start learning about science, the honest answer is “no”. Right now, at this very moment, you can start incorporating fun and lasting ways for them to start understanding some of the basic principles of science. Here are five fun ways how:

Take them flower searching. Something that you can do during the spring and summer months is take them outside to look for flowers. As they pick various ones (in your yard, of course), explain to them what each one is called. If you happen to see some bees in a flower’s vicinity, share with your child the pollination process: that bees and butterflies carry pollen from one plant to another because they get [Read more…]

How to Secure Your Home Before Going on a Family Vacation

When you’re getting ready to take the kids and spouse on a big trip, there’s a lot to account for. You’ve got to make your travel plans, secure your lodgings, make arrangements. More often than not there’s a rental car to reserve — and you’ve got to make sure entertainment, food, and other activities are account for, planned, and centrally-located. Basically, a family vacation is something that has a lot of moving parts, and when you’re in charge of putting it together the pressure can certainly build up. On top of all this is the fact that you’re going to be leaving your home empty for however long you’ll be gone. This is almost always a worrisome fact, as we all hope that we’ll get back from our trip to find our house still locked up tight and with all our possessions sitting right inside, where we left [Read more…]

Overcoming the Language Barrier When Traveling to a Foreign Country

Spending some time in a foreign country is a great way to expose you and your family to some culture and customs the likes of which you might never have seen before. Learning to broaden your horizons and teaching your children to do the same is something that’s a great experience for the rest of one’s life, and there are a lot of ways that you can enrich your trip by making sure to provide for as complete an adventure as possible. One of the best ways to do this is to make sure that you’ve got some kind of interpreter or translator to help you along with your travels. Even if you don’t make this the case, there are still a lot of ways to overcome a language barrier and make sure that you’re not lost when you’re spending time in another country where you don’t necessarily speak the native tongue. [Read more…]

Zoolino from HABA Toys Review and Give it Away #German #Toys

Ready for some international fun courtesy of HABA? HABA is a great toy company from Germany that specializes in quality products at reasonable prices, with the well being of both the community and their employees (not to mention the buyers) in mind.

We are looking at the new Zoolino Magnetic Arranging Game. This game is for children aged 3 and up. The game involves using basic geometric and animal shapes to make various scenes from the enclosed booklet. [Read more…]

HP Falling into Fun Party #HPFallFun

It’s party time, lets all go grilling! Wait a minute, its getting cold out now…scratch that idea.

It’s time for a Fall party and lets try something a bit different this time, lets theme it with Fall Printing fun centered around our new HP Deskjet 3052A Wireless All-In-One printer. This nifty printer has the ability to print from any internet enabled device including smartphones and tablets, from around the globe. This would be incredibly useful in any business scenario especially those who run their won business or work from home. We have a few budding entrepreneurs with whom we are friends with, including artists and a candle maker. Both of which were thoroughly interested in the printer. The ability to print label for all her new project eh candle maker had ideas flowing from word one of the printer. Our artist friend saw this is a great way to get ideas onto paper even from the most remote corners of the world, like a Stabucks in Spain!

The printer [Read more…]