I have always wanted to go to Australia. There are so many amazing places to see and visit- Queensland, the Great Barrier Reef, Perth, the Sydney Opera House, more and more places spring to mind. Wait- Why Perth? Because it has a cool name and seems like a nice place to visit for so many reasons. Actually, according to The Economist, it is the eighth most livable city on the planet. Sweet, right?
Perth is the capital of western Australia and has a population of 1.74 million people, and was originally occupied by the Whadjuk Noongar some 40,000 years ago. Perth is also well known for its nickname the “City of Light.” It is called this because residents lit up all their house lights and streetlights as US Astronaut John Glenn flew over their city, twice! Once in 1962 when he was orbiting in the Friendship 7, and again in 1998.
Perth [Read more…]