Playmobile Vet Clinic Review

Squishy Baff Review

Mouth Man Hoodies Review and Giveaway

Have you seen these nifty sweatshirts? They look like a regular patterned sweatshirt then when you cross your arms in front of you, a big mouth and face appears on a variety of animals and characters. They are really cool looking and should be seen in action. These are made of recycled [Read more…]

K’Nex and Lincoln Logs Review

Take a step back with me to the time of your growing up and even your parents growing up. There are a few toys which you would see in all three generations. Blocks to build houses with, to be more specific Lincoln Logs. These wooded logs with notches cut in them have been used for generations to build the farm houses and barns of yesteryear. These are the exact same logs, right down to the smell of the logs in the box. There are of course a few changes most notable is the roof. This set included a plastic premade roof. I remember having green and brown slates which would lay down next to each other to make a roof. These pieces were always the dogs’ favorite so maybe it was time to retire this classic piece. Little Man loves to play with the figures while daddy makes a house, or farm, or something along those lines, then Little Man is the bad guy and smashes it all up. Unless it is something cool. Like the ‘great wolf lodge’ we built with Lincoln Logs.

A big cabin that fit the man and his horse at the same time!

These are great fun for kids of all ages and can be used to build quite a few different works. Also the older sets do indeed fit with the [Read more…]

Transformers Rescue Bots Fire Station Prime Playsets Review and Giveaway

Hello Everyone look what Little Man got, a n ew toy from Hasbro called The Transformers Rescue Bots Fire Station Prime Playset. This nifty playset is from the new Transformers Rescue Bots which are about the same size as Rescue Heroes and play together with each other nicely. The playset as lots buttons adn switches for little minds to play with. An elevator that is kid powered to a transforming bilding face its a neat toy and perfect for a geek dad who wants the really little one to play transformers, just not smashing it or hiding it under the couch. These Transformers are tough and durable, [Read more…]

Cesar Dog Treats

Right now we have a dog that is slowly sneaking her way into our home. She was adopted and brought home by two loving pet owners, only to realize the people with whom we adopted the pooch FROM were telling a few fibs. Like she didn’t dig, was well house trained, listened to commands, etc etc. All of these things were said to get us to ‘take’ their dog. We are definitely aggravated with the pooch, but she is a cute dog who loves to sleep on the picnic table in the yard- which amuses my husband and infuriates me. It is quite hysterical to look out the kitchen window and see a big dog snoozing on a picnic table, admittedly. I’m guessing the ground is just too low to see all the wildlife in the yard, and she feels she must be up higher in order to get it all in. I am not sure what motivates her, but whatever it is is makes for a funny scene.

This new dog is a pain but she will always come when called, well,inside only-when [Read more…]

To The Top- Gain New Followers

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Please be certain to follow your hostesses. Your presence and participation is appreciated and [Read more…]

Simply Juice- Review #SimplyOJ

Juice is something we all take for granted as a natural, fruit filled drink, which is healthy and good for you. Unfortunately, this might not always be the truth. Unless of course, you are thinking about “Simply” juices. Simply juices are made up of all natural ingredients and use only not from concentrate juices. This is quite rare in the current market- so take note.

Simply didn’t stop at orange juice, now they are releasing cranberry juice and flavored lemonades, like mango and raspberry. Little Man’s favorite is Raspberry and the big [Read more…]