It’s All about Saving Your Money- Find Today’s best Deals Here!

Turtle Cheesecake

David’s Cookies is offering 15% off Sitewide all Month of April! Just use code: EASTER15 to score the discount. This deal will expire 4/30/12. They sale tarts, cheesecake, cookies, cookie dough and more! Yummy Yummy!!

Take up to 40% off Tankinis (choose tops & bottoms seperately). Just use code: SAVE to score the discounted price! Can’t believe it is swimsuit weather already here! They also carry plus size swimsuits as well. Lots of cute ones available, plus they show you how to make your hips, tummy, or other problem area’s seem slimmer and hidden!

Finding New Friends- H0P 4 Ways!

Welcome back to week 54 of Finding New Friends Weekend Blog Hop hosted by Shelly from My Saving Game, Sam from Have Sippy Will Travel and Jeannette from The Adventures of J-Man and MillerBug! Thank you all for helping make this hop so successful! We love you tons! Now what are you waiting for? Let’s get to hopping! We are finding some fabulous blogs through this hop and having a great time getting to know so many of you! So thank you for linking up again this week to those of you who are hop veterans and welcome to those who are new! Let’s continue to make new bloggy friends and increase our traffic! We do have a few simple rules for you – nothing too tough though. So here we go!

1. Please follow your hostesses My Saving Game, Have Sippy Will Travel and The Advetures of J-Man and MillerBug on one of our social media platforms.Leave us [Read more…]

How to Make Ends Meet When You’re Unemployed

The US job market is slowly beginning to turn around, but there are still millions of people unemployed. And these are not short losses of income between jobs, but prolonged battles with the job market. According to a New York Times story reporting on a Labor Department study, the average person on unemployment is currently spending around 40 weeks without work. That’s a heck of a long time
to simply tighten a belt and keep a stiff upper lip. Hunting for a job month after month is a painful, frustrating enterprise, and it’s incredibly difficult for a family on a budget to swallow. While there are no perfect solutions for this situation, there are some strategies you can utilize to keep your family afloat
while you wait for the right opportunity to come around. Here’s a look at a couple of ways to make ends meet while you’re unemployed.

File for unemployment benefits. Most people who previously had a full time job can register for unemployment and receive some sort of government assistance. Even if you’ve been out of work for a while, it’s worth looking into what sort of benefits are available. The rules for unemployment compensation differ state-by-state, so check with your local unemployment office to find out how to apply. Unemployment benefits are generally only available to you for a certain amount of time, and you won’t receive money equal to what you were making at your previous position. In fact, the national average for weekly unemployment compensation is $270, so chances are it will still be a lot less than you are used to bringing home. However, that money could make the difference between going bankrupt or squeaking by, so filing for [Read more…]

I’m A Women on Thier Way Travel Blogger!

Guess who is a Women On Their Way Travel Blogger? This Chick!
THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR VOTES!!! I can’t thank you all enough for your support on this. You guys are amazing! I can’t wait to tell you all about my upcoming travels.
[Read more…]

Top 5 Weight-Loss Tips for Busy Moms

If there’s one thing most moms can agree on it’s that there is little time left over between work, kids, and
the hustle and bustle of a busy lifestyle to attend to personal pursuits. Unfortunately, that can leave you
without the opportunity to work off those extra pounds that have seemingly crept up on you overnight.
Whether you’ve resigned yourself to the fact that the last little bit of baby weight is never coming off,
or a steady diet of chicken tenders and mac and cheese has done nothing but round out your waistline,
perhaps you would be interested in some simple and swift methods of shedding weight. So here are just a
few tips and tricks to get you on track.

1. Join a diet program. Right, so we just agreed that you had no time for yourself. But a program like
Weight Watchers, which exists in nearly every city, demands only half an hour each week for a
meeting (read: support group). It will give you the tools you need to set goals and adopt healthy
eating habits for life (which is good for you and your whole family). Plus, if you really can’t make
it to the meetings or the cost is beyond your budget, there is an online-only option that will still
get you access to all the info and tracking tools you need to succeed with weight loss. Considering
that diet is 90% of the battle of the bulge, it’s not a bad idea to invest in yourself with a sustainable
diet plan.

2. Get moving. You’ve probably heard the saying “calories in, calories out” where weight loss is
concerned. Every food comes with a calorie count, every activity burns calories, and if you’re
burning more than you’re consuming you’re going to start tapping your body’s fat stores to make
up the difference. Sounds easy enough, right? But it’s not. It can [Read more…]

How To Set Up A Coupon Binder

The following is a guest post by Outside the Box Mom:

Is the Coupon Binder Method for Me?

The advantages of using a coupon binder are that you have all coupons at your disposal, can take advantage of unadvertised deals, and it can be expanded for more storage. The disadvantages of using a coupon binder include the large, heavy binder, the time required to clip and file all coupons, the time required to remove all expired coupons, and the expensive supplies to setup. I’ve never used a coupon binder. For my current season of life, the con’s outweigh the pro’s. I have only used a coupon file and the insert method. I have written this tutorial as if I were going to do setup a coupon binder for the first time, myself.

how to make a coupon binder

The advantages of using a coupon binder are that you have all coupons at your disposal, can take advantage of unadvertised deals, and it can be expanded for more storage. The method also works for online coupons for your favorite stores. The disadvantages of using a coupon binder include the large, heavy binder, the time required to clip and file all coupons, the time required to remove all expired coupons, and the supplies to setup.

Supplies Needed to Make a Coupon Binder

  • 1-1/2″ (or larger) binder (zipper styles are more expensive but will stay together if dropped)
  • Baseball card pages ($4-$10 for 35-65 pages at national superstores)
  • Tabbed divider sheets
  • Presentation style folders with pockets (2)
  • Pencil pouch
  • Calculator
  • Scissors
  • Pen
I would estimate that all supplies would cost approximately $40.

How to Set Up a Coupon Binder

  1. The most important step is to [Read more…]

Silk Fruit & Protein Review and Giveaway

Have you ever been really impressed by a soy milk?
I mean so impressed that it surpassed the original. This is something Silk has done and done well. Silk started out as a soy milk, but has far surpassed the plain ‘milk’ moniker.

First they started with soy milk, then almond milk and coconut milk. Now the newest line, Fruit and Protein. The Fruit and Protein drink comes in three flavors. The flavors are mango peach, mixed berry, and strawberry banana. Of these we have tried mango peach and strawberry banana, both of which are phenomenal and we cant wait to try mixed berry. Mixed berry is a berry blend of blueberry, strawberry, and other berries of course. Mango Peach has a great peach flavor and a hint of exotic mango. Strawberry banana is a classic and is not to be missed.

We [Read more…]

Road Trip Prep: 5 Things You Need to Know Before You Hit the Road

It’s getting to be that time of year again, when the warm air tempts animals of every stripe out of their
winter hibernation and into the spring sunshine. And with the end of the school semester looming, a new
fiscal year heralding finalized project schedules at work, and a tax return burning a hole in your savings
account, it’s time to start thinking about your annual family summer outing. But before you strap the
camping gear to the top of the car and head off for parts unknown, there are a few things you need to
consider (especially if you’re road tripping for the first time in an effort to save some money over air travel
this year).

1. Cost. You might think that taking a road trip will save you tons of money over other types of
travel, but before you move ahead on this assumption you need to sit down and tally up the actual
costs to make sure that you’re on the right track. Calculate the price for gas, lodgings, food, and
any other expenses between home and your destination (then double it to account for the return
trip). Compare it to the cost of airline travel just to make sure that you’re actually saving money if
that is your goal. And consider that it may be worth paying slightly for the speed and convenience
of air travel.

2. Logistics. Planning is everything when it comes to a road trip. Even though it is impossible to plan
for everything, you at least need options when it comes to rest stops, dining, and lodgings along
each leg of your journey. That could be as simple as plotting a route, circling towns on the map
that you will hit every [Read more…]