Many moms who choose to work from home do so because they would like to contribute to the
household income without handing over their entire paycheck to childcare services. Plus, many
mothers, even those that have had fulfilling careers outside the home, simply can’t bear the thought
of being away from their children, letting them be raised by strangers, and missing out on some of the
many firsts that will never come again. So there are multiple reasons that you might want to work from
home and the prospect is a fairly attractive one in a number of ways. The only real problem is that you
have to be a fairly organized and disciplined individual if you want to make a success of it. However, if
you know what you need to do, the battle is half won. So here are just a few things to consider before
you give up your day job and move to the home office.
1. Setting a schedule. The first step is to set a daily schedule. This can be difficult with some work-
from-home occupations because you may not know how much work you’ll have from week to
week. That’s okay; all you have to do is populate a schedule with the things you know about
(taking kids to school or activities, weekly errands, appointments, and so on) and then pencil in
other items as they come up. Having an established routine is merely a springboard to making
sure time is not wasted, but it is a necessary place to start. Otherwise you’ll find that you’re
getting up later in the day and running errands in your pajamas. A structured schedule helps
you stay in command of your life.
2. Flexibility (having a plan B). Of course, whenever kids are involved, plans are bound to change,
so it pays to have a backup plan and leave a little wiggle room in your schedule. If you’ve got
everything scheduled to the minute you’ll [Read more…]