Peeled Snacks Organic Fruit Picks Variety Pack Review & #Giveaway

I was lucky enough to be able to review the Peeled Snacks Organic Fruit Picks Variety Pack. I personally had never heard of Peeled Snacks before. I was so thankful that Peeled snacks was willing to send me The Organic Fruit Variety Pack to review, as well as one to giveaway to our lucky readers!

I have always been a fan of Dried fruits before, but I do happen to live in the middle of nowhere, so I believe that is probably the reason that I hadn’t ever tried them before!

My Thoughts:

These are definitely ALL fruit. They are only fruit, they don’t add anything to them when the put them in the package. I was SO happy to know that they are [Read more…]

Hyland’s Assorted Children’s Products Review and Giveaway

I was lucky enough to receive an assortment of goodies from Hylands! The products that I received are necessities to get through the upcoming winter season!

“Hylands develops homeopathic formulas with the highest quality of natural ingredients following the strictest standards for preparation. With a century of commitment to homeopathy, Hyland’s tradition of excellence consistently provides quality and integrity in every homeopathic product.”

The products I received:

Allergy Relief 4 Kids

Calms Forte 4 Kids

Complete Flu Care 4 Kids

Sniffles n’ Sneezes 4 Kids

Cold’n Cough 4 Kids

Nighttime Cold’n Cough 4 Kids

All of the products are specially designed for children-Ages 2 and Up.

I was so excited to try out the products!

I was happy to give the Calm Forte 4 Kids a try! Ella is a VERY active child, and is always on the go. Most of the time she is able to settle down, but not all the time. There are nights when she just has a HARD time getting to sleep. This has worked great in helping her calm down and get to sleep!

Allergies are [Read more…]

Sage Spoonfuls Let’s Get Started Review and #Giveaway

I was lucky enough to be able to do a review on the Sage Spoonfuls Let’s Get Started Package. I had debated back and forth for quite awhile about if I should make my own baby food for Ava or not. I finally decided that it really would be best, and I thought that it probably wouldn’t be too hard to give it a whirl, so that’s what I did. This is a great product, and it is DEFINITELY easy for you to use! What’s Included?

  • “Sage Spoonfuls-Simple Recipes, Healthy Meals, Happy Babies” Cookbook
  • Immersion Blender and Food Processor
  • 12 BPA-free 4 oz Storage Jars with 60 labels
  • 2 Stackable Storage Trays
  • 1 Pocket Guide
BPA free and made of non-toxic matierials!
Winner of a 2012 Cribsie Award for Best New Arrival!
Winner of the Parent Tested Parent Approved Seal!
About The Product:
This is a great product! It is a 19 piece set, that includes everything you need to be able to make & store baby food for your child!
Cookbook: is a WONDERFUL resource for the first time mom making recipes, and even for moms with lots of kids. I really liked all the resources that were in the cookbook. I like how it helped a parent know when they could and could not introduce a food. I also liked that they gave you ideas of how to mix the food, so that they weren’t just eating plain food!

WIN Pajanimals Snuggle Up Storymat from TOMY #GiftGuide

My son LOVES the Pajaminals- he just can’t get enough of them. Really. It’s almost maddening. From the first time he saw the show, it has been a favorite. He even painted a Squacky pumpkin for Halloween.

Halloween Pumpkin

He’s so proud of himself, LOL.

Just as your kids were getting back into the regular routine, here comes the end ofdaylight savings time! Although the early arrival of darkness due to the time change on November 4 can often help in getting children to settle into healthy sleep-time routines, there may still be some transition time required. That’s where THE PAJANIMALS can help, with their new and super cute nap mat. Hey- anything to get them to sleep, ay?

The new PAJANIMALS Snuggle Up Story Mat from TOMY is really adorable, and has all the Pajaminals featured on it. It is lightweight and fun to play camping with. While I would not use it for a real blanket, and it is super-super thin in the mat, my son loved it and we used it nightly during the hurricane to get Little Man to go to sleep. It was a fun object that he enjoyed, and we just put a sleeping bag under it and blankets over it (it was COLD, man! No heat with no power to start it, LOL). It was great to have that around as a bribe to get him to sleep when he was pretty freaked out.

The PAJANIMALS features four cuddly “loveablepuppets” [Read more…]

Holiday Guide: #W!n 27 favorites from @TheSwissColony! Guest #G!veaway

When I was a kid my favorite part about the holidays were big meat and cheese care packages and baked goods. … My family is sparsely spread these days so if I want baked goods or meat trays I have to get them together myself. With so much to do and so many people with a plate handed in my direction, giving everyone their Christmas goodies has become an impossible task.
Of the last batch of breakfast muffins I baked…. I didn’t even get pan crumbs.
So when I heard about Swiss Colony& their front door delivery of baked goods, meat, and cheeses, I was all in!

Because The Swiss Colony has a nice selection of cheese, meats, and nuts and snacks; all the things that remind me of holidays at grandma.

I really like that The Swiss Colony has a variety of treats but I am especially attracted to the meat and cheese arrangements. Having grown [Read more…]

Holiday Guide: Enter to #win the @LaserPegsToys Guest #Giveaway

With three kids that have gone through various stages of Lego engineering, we have quite a comprehensive collection. The boys don’t get into them all that often but Ms. Ma’am still drags the bins out and considering all the nieces and nephews that filter through my house they still get some good use.
My nephew, aka Gare-Bear, especially has an adoration for the building mechanisms. I’m fascinated with his tower building abilities. I don’t exaggerate when I tell you that he builds mini villages, jail houses, spaceships, watch towers, cruise ships, and a plethora of realistic structures….the kid truly has a special ability and will build for hours on end. At 7 years old…that’s awe like.

Up for Grabs: 2 boxes of Paisley Tea Co. organic tea. (Guest Give Away from @turningclockbac)

Guest Post Giveaway from Diane at Turning the Clock Back

My husband and I are huge tea drinkers and my tea cabinet is overflowing because I cannot resist trying out a new tea! In fact, I think I might be approaching the ‘addiction’ phase of tea drinking! I try and find organic tea whenever possible since it is much better for our environment than traditionally grown teas. I recently tried some organic tea from Paisley Tea Co. and have been very impressed with it! Here is some information about Paisley Tea Co. from their website:

paisley organic tea image

British by way of India, the paisley pattern, like tea, became popular in the 17th century. Our Paisley blends are inspired by great English tea – rich, robust, dark in the cup and delicious with or without milk.

Paisley Tea is Certified Organic and Fair Trade and comes in 4 different varieties. You can choose from Green Ginger, Double Earl Grey, Decaf English Breakfast and Regular English Breakfast. They are produced by the Two Leaves Tea Company which also offers a number of tea gifts like tea pots and tea samplers. These teas come in a box of 24 English style tea bags. They are gluten [Read more…]

Relief from Sandy & gift giving with a @WorldVisionUSA Beaded Necklace Guest #G!veaway @closertolucy

Guest Giveaway ~

I recently posed a question to my readers on my Facebook page asking people how they felt about making charitable contributions in someone’s name verses traditional gift giving.

I learned a great deal from the conversation that followed…for one, y’all are some generous folks, and are making a difference for the greater good in some very clever and creative ways.

You shared some great ideas as to how we all might gift organizations that share in our desire to make societal transformations.

In light of our own recent needs here in the US, I would like to add more to that conversation and share about an organization that has had a hand in many areas of positive social change.
World Vision is a Christian humanitarian organization dedicated to working with children, families and their communities worldwide to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice.

World Vision aids in meeting the immediate basic needs of nutrition, education, shelter, and clothing as well as water.

Every day more than 4,000 children die of water-and sanitation-related diseases. Giving to the CleanWater Fund will help bring clean water, sanitation, and hygiene to communities — helping cut child deaths by more than half!
They also have programs that intervene and end the cycle of abuses that come from the [Read more…]