Vidalia Onion and Bacon Warpped Steak

This is a recipe of my husbands evil brain. It is NOT healthy, or good for you in any way. Well, the onions might be a bit good for you, but cooked the way they are I very much doubt it. This recipe is not for the faint of heart or high of cholesterol.

It is inspired by Vidalia Onions, recently brought home from recent travels. Can’t get any fresher, now can you? LOL. The Vidalia onion, which can only be produced IN Vidalia, Georgia, are sweeter than other onions.
Vidalia onion growers have protected their brand, and today all onions labelled Vidalia must be grown in one of thirteen different counties in Georgia or in specific portions of seven other counties. Bet you chef’s didn’t know that! Read on for the bacon and onion-filled recipe 🙂

Bacon wrapped steak with Vidalia Onions

3 pieces of fillet Mignon (half pound), as little cartilage as possible, cut about an inch and a half thick
half pound thickly cut bacon
1 Vidalia Onion
your favorite spice rub
teaspoon olive oil

Cut onion into quarter inch pieces, you want to be able to get a piece per fork full or so.
Next take a slice of bacon and cut it half, put olive oil, half slice bacon and onions in large frying pan.
Let cook uncovered on low heat.

While the onions are cooking, put your favorite dry rub on your steak pieces, we used a Cajun spice [Read more…]

This Summer, Share the Road!

As the weather gets nicer, more and more people hit the road. In today’s world, that means not only traffic congestion but increased encounters between different types of motorists. When thousands of different vehicles meet on crowded roads, the stakes are higher. Learning to safely share the road is essential–especially when you’re travelling on freeways full of cars, motorcycles, and trucks in beachside towns. Here are some tips for safe traveling:
Slow Down
Whether you’re behind the wheel of a car or truck, or riding your bike or motorcycle, the law is relatively the same. You have to follow posted speed limits. There’s good reason for this. The faster you go, the more likely it is that you’ll lose control of your vehicle and get into an accident. To keep things safe–for yourself and everyone else on the road–don’t speed. In the case of summer rain storms, try to go 5-10 miles under the speed limit to account for the potential of skidding.
Stay Aware
It can be easy to zone out while you’re driving or biking. But it’s very important to stay alert, focused and keep an eye on your surroundings. This is doubly true when the road is crowded. There are some obvious things to avoid: [Read more…]

Is Travel Accident Insurance Worth It?

Travel Accident insurance can be a lifesaver when the time comes to use it but if you
are lucky enough to not need it, is paying for it anyway worthwhile , either to your wallet
or your peace of mind?

Travel accident insurance protects against a litany of possible problems that occur
while you and your family are away from home. Protection will often cover you for a
variety of locations, whether you are across the county or trying to cross the street. As a
pedestrian you are protected from possible injury and don’t have to rely on the insurance
of those that hurt you. Or if you hurt yourself at no one’s fault, for instance, this insurance
will insure you have the money and resources to pay for treatment. Medical bills can
add up quickly and the kinds of insurance you already have, including auto, home, and
health insurance, may not cover you as completely as you need. For example, if you
are traveling in a car of a private passenger who does not have liability insurance it may
be you who pockets the expenses if an accident occures. This scenario also includes
taxicabs, buses, trains, powerboats, ocean cruises, or as a passenger on a fare-paying

It is impossible to predict accidents and even sometimes hard to prevent them,
especially if you are not at fault. Having travel accident insurance ensures you are
always protected no matter where you are. Lots of plans are extremely affordable and
worth the cost in the long run.

Does this mean that insurance for travel accidents is necessary for you? [Read more…]

Wordless Wednesdays- Disney Days

Fun Games and Activities for Family Camping Trips

A camping trip is not a vacation that’s all that extraordinary. People do it all of the
time. But when you’re packing up the family to do it these days, it can be
hard to have an authentic experience if everyone has their cell phones, laptops and/or
tablets in tow. On the other hand, if you “ban” them from the trip, it might be challenging
to try and come up with ways to keep everyone entertained.

If you’re getting a bit nervous about how to pull off a fun camping trip, just think of it
this way: people have been going camping for years. Way before there was an Apple,
Inc. company, way before there was even any electricity and so with a bit of preplanning,
you’ll be just fine.

Bring along some card games. If you’re going thirty minutes away
from home or you’re taking a half-day road trip, card games are a fun way to pass the
time. Uno, Spades, Old Maid, Go Fish are all classics that basically anyone at any age
can participate in.

Hold camping skills contests. If you’re going the traditional
camping route, once you arrive, you’ll need to take out an hour or two (or four) to set
everything up. For the kids especially, this will seem more like washing the dishes at
home than anything to get excited over. So, make it fun by having speed (and accuracy)
contests [Read more…]

Have Sippy- I’m Traveling!

On the road again….(insert song here). So I’m hitting the road, and air, bus, train…and then some for the next 3 weeks. Little in tow (most of the time, anyway) and making 2 brief day trips home, I will be back in mid-June. But don’t miss me too much- you will still hear from me daily. 🙂

Florida, New York, Georgia, Idaho- and a few stops in between. As I am a nervous flier (I KNOW! A travel lover who has a genuine [Read more…]

Travel- A Zoo Day for Little (and Friend)

At the end of a LONG trip, and about ready to head on home. Little and I fly out late Tuesday night, barring issues resulting from this tropical storm (or anything else). [Read more…]

A Short Hello From Florida

Hanging out in Orlando- and anxious to tell you all about our travels. The WiFi is NOT my friend right about now- the hotel we are at has the worst service I have ever encountered-so stay tuned 🙂 Make sure you are following my tweets and friend me on FourSquare and Facebook so that you can [Read more…]