Reasons To Pick A Villa Rental In Mexico For Your Next Family Vacation

Traditionally, going for a vacation with family members would automatically mean finding rooms in a five-star hotel. Well, things have changed significantly, and people are shying away from them especially those travelling in groups. Villas are the ideal option for groups due to several advantages. Luckily, most of the holiday hotspots have a wide array of villas that one can rent, and you should not miss out on one when travelling with your family.  But why choose these villas when you could stick to the conventional hotel rooms? Read below and check out the top reasons to pick a rental villa for your next family vacation;



When going on a vacation with your family, you must have set a budget that will cater to your needs when travelling. The accommodation part is one of the most significant elements of the budget, and it would really help your vacation if you managed to save some money by getting a cost-effective place to stay. Villas offer you a cost-effective place to stay and do not be swayed by the hefty rates. All you need to do is to calculate and you will understand why. When travelling with family, you will only need to get one vacation villa that will accommodate all of you rather than booking several hotel rooms for everyone. This is particularly applicable for large families since the children can easily share the rooms while the parents stay in one room thus saving on costs. Aside from that, vacation villas do not charge the same way hotel rooms do as you only have to pay for the time you will be spending in there. There are no per night rates, and one can leave and come back at their own discretion.


Freedom And Privacy

When you go on vacation, you wish to enjoy the company of your family and not having hotel attendants bothering you every time. Hotel rooms do not offer this privacy as the attendants have to come and check on the rooms every day. Aside from that, travelling with family will mean that you share hotel rooms and you might want to have your own time to clear some work or meditate. Villas offer you this kind of privacy since most of them are built like regular homes. You can always take some time off and clear your work in the study if you do not want to stay in the main lobby with the rest of the family. You have several places to spend your time, and you could relax in the garden, verandah and terrace among others. The experience of staying in a vacation villa is just like living at home since you get the privacy you have at home.


When you rent a villa with, you are not restricted to the stringent cleaning and other routines specified in hotel rooms. Therefore, you can wake up at your own time and schedule your day as you deem fit. You do not need to wake up before a specific time for you to have the breakfast made by the hotel since you can make your own. In a nutshell, you get to enjoy the freedom by renting a villa when you go on vacation with your family.


Better Experience

The experience of living in a villa cannot be compared to that of staying in a hotel room. The level of personalization is high, and you basically have your place to enjoy. Villas give one access to a wide variety of facilities based on how much they can part with, and you get to stay in a place that you want. Hotel rooms are often rigid, and all you can do there is to sleep, wake up and have a shower. You can choose a villa with the kind of facilities you want and give your family a treat during their vacation. Staying in a villa is like living at home away from home. They are family friendly and offer a perfect place for members to bond and share their experiences as opposed to the hotel rooms that separate all the members and make it hard to share time together.



If you wish to travel to places that are far away from the tourist hotspots, it can be hard to find a decent hotel. Luckily villas do not have to be in these areas, and they can be found in any location. This way, you won’t be forced to travel for long distance since the closest hotel you found was located far away from your area of interest. Booking one is a sure way of ensuring that you are closer to where you need to be and you will have plenty of space to enjoy your time there. The fact that these villas may be away from the tourist areas means that you can stay in a more residential part of the town, away from the tourist buzz and loud noises. You can blend with the locals, shop for food in their markets and enjoy some things that you would not have had you opted for the hotels.



Vacations do not always go as planned and some things can come along way and change the course of things. Do you have an extra family member joining the vacation after you have already scheduled for everything? Do you expect some guests during the holiday? A villa offers you the much-needed flexibility when dealing with such unexpected scenarios. You could host family gatherings, welcome guests and even host an extra person on your holiday if they turned up late without incurring an additional cost.


The reasons why you need to book a villa for your next family vacation have been laid out, and you have no reason to stick to the conventional hotel rooms again. Save money and ensure your family members enjoy the experience of visiting that place by looking for a home that will accommodate you. Your vacation will be delightful and no one will be willing to go back home when that time comes.


Cheap Things to do in Amsterdam

When planning a family vacation, you need to be ready for many expenses like transportation, accommodation, food and drinks, and so on. Holidays are meant to be relaxing and comforting, but not taking expenses into account can ruin your trip and your mood, so plan accordingly. 

If you are planning to visit Amsterdam, you can book cheap vacations in Amsterdam for any length of stay, from 72 hours or two weeks. Enjoy the atmosphere of Amsterdam and discover the amazing museums (like the famous Rijksmuseum, the Dutch National Art Museum), galleries, shops and café by comfortable tram rides. Riding a bicycle on the streets of Amsterdam can give you a very satisfying experience and is a great mode of transportation. You do not have to be a financially broke after visiting Amsterdam. There are plenty of tourism sites which give amazing deals on touring Amsterdam. 

Looking to book your hotel? Amsterdam has the widest selection of accommodations. There are many options to suit every taste and budget. The canal homes and old-world hotels give the travelers the most satisfying holiday experience in Amsterdam.

Budget accommodations– As Amsterdam is one of the busiest tourist destinations, it is always better to book your accommodation in advance. There are plenty of budget accommodations in the city. For a pocket-friendly holiday in Amsterdam, you can look for studio apartments. Studios are an appropriate arrangement for couples visiting the city. Youth hostels are great for students and backpackers. Bigger apartments are suitable for a group of families traveling together or just larger families. The holiday apartments come cheaper if you book for a longer period.

Book early and travel light– To save some extra money during your holiday, plan early and book your accommodations in advance to get more discounts. Use price comparison websites to check the lowest rate for rooms. Plan your vacation in the off-season. Usually, less number of tourists visits Amsterdam in winter. Hotels and apartments give great discounts during the off-season. Make the most of it. 

Public Transportation & Tourist Pass– Research on public transportation system of the city before arriving. The tram rides are quite comfortable in Amsterdam and suitable for sightseeing too. You can also book a sightseeing bus ride at an affordable rate. Get a tourist pass to travel through the city. These passes can save a lot of money. Travel passes are available for different durations (one day to seven days passes).

This post piece is a collaboration with dealchecker. 

How to Best Cope with IBD While on Vacation – Tips That Will Help Ensure Your Vacation is Enjoyable

According to statistics, there are roughly 1.6 million Americans who have been diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), with approximately 70,000 new cases each and every year. IBD can be difficult to cope with on a daily basis, but when you have plans to travel, it can really put a kink in things. Obviously, you want to spend your vacation enjoying yourself, exploring the destination, and getting that break from home, but with IBD it isn’t always so simple.

If you’ve been holding off booking that dream vacation because you are worried about how your IBD will affect your travels, it’s time to let go of that fear. Here we’ll take a look at various ways you can cope with IBD while on holidays, allowing you to still enjoy yourself and be glad you took the chance and went away.

What You Need to Know About IBD

Now, before we take a look at the tips to coping, it’s important to understand what IBD is. IBD isn’t one thing, rather it is an umbrella term used for a variety of disorders that causes chronic inflammation in a person’s digestive tract. These include Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis among others.

Typical symptoms can include reduced appetite, cramping and pain in the abdominal region, fatigue, diarrhea, and more. Obviously, these are all symptoms that can greatly impact just how enjoyable a vacation may be.

Make Sure You Pack All Your Medications

The first tip is easily the most important one and that is to pack any and all medications that you have been prescribed for your IBD. You want to also be sure you have enough to last the duration of the trip so you don’t have to deal with filling a prescription while you’re away.

When packing your medication, you also want to be sure it stays with you on the plane in your purse or carry-on bag rather than checking it with your luggage. Should your luggage be lost in transit, at least you will have your medication with you.

Pack Supplements that Support Your Gut Health

Besides medication, you can also bring along supplements and items that actually support and promote gut health. A great example of just such a product is the UltraInflamX Plus 360 from This particular product helps to relieve inflammation and pain associated with IBD, helps to promote a healthy digestive system, and it also gives nutritional support. It comes in a convenient powder formula that you can easily mix in with juice or water and take with you while on the go.

Be Mindful with What You Eat and Drink

While many people love to sample the local cuisine when they are away, for those with IBD it can spell disaster. The last thing you want is to end up with a case of traveler’s diarrhea, which is unfortunately very common.

To avoid this, you’ll want to stick to bottled water (even when you brush your teeth), stay away from vendor carts, make sure you aren’t eating raw dairy products, don’t eat food that has been sitting out for long periods of time, and avoid raw foods such as vegetables, fruit, fish, meat, and shellfish.

Pack a Variety of Safe Snacks and Drinks

If you plan on doing sightseeing and tours while on holidays, be sure to pack your own supply of “safe” snacks and drinks that you know are okay and don’t bother you. Often these organized tours will stop at restaurants and cafes along the way, and those establishments may not have much you can choose from. By thinking and planning ahead, you know you’ll be covered.

Plan Out Your Routes

It can also be quite helpful to plan your routes in advance making sure you map out where restrooms are along the way. You may even want to request a seat near the washroom when booking your flight, train, or coach bus ticket.

Make Sure You Purchase Travel Insurance

The final tip is to make sure you purchase travel insurance that will cover you should you have a medical emergency. You never know when your IBD may flare up and what kind of attention you’ll need, so travel insurance will act as that peace of mind. Without it you can spend an absolute fortune on medical expenses and prescriptions.

Don’t Put Too Much Pressure on Yourself

Finally, you want to make sure you don’t put too much pressure on yourself. Yes, you are on vacation and you want to make the most of it, but knowing when to hold back and take a little time to relax is imperative to your health.

No Need to Skip Vacationing

Just because you have been diagnosed with IBD, doesn’t mean that you have to skip vacationing. Instead, it’s all about planning and being organized so that you can avoid flare-ups as much as possible, and also knowing what to do should one occur.

On the Go with Britax B 3 G Stroller #BritaxMom

I am a mom of a toddler and I am also a daycare provider to a little one. Having two tiny movers and shakers tagging along with me on my errands and adventures was a challenge up until a few weeks ago. As I juggled a single stroller and a baby carrier, I realized we need a great double stroller or these day trips couldn’t continue.

We got to try out the Britax B 3 G stroller and it has been such a handy helper for this mom on the go. The stroller is stylish and versatile. It comes equipped with one comfy seat that has 12 seating positions for a growing child. I love the one hand fold option. It is so handy for a busy mom with multiple kids to manage. Putting the stroller away has never been easier. I know because I have years of experience.

The best thing about the Britax B 3 G Stroller is that you can add a second seat to accommodate multiple kids. This has made such a difference to my son and the child I watch in the daytime. We can get out and go with ease. The stroller has a generously sized basket underneath it to hold all of our gear, from the diaper bag to favorite toys, we can take the essentials along without having to carry everything.

We have been more than pleased with the stroller. It is easy to push and fold for transport or storage. We love that it will “grow with” our busy toddler. This is the stroller to get for one vital reason, it works with a car seat as your baby is born, but the 12 seating positions enable the stroller to work through the baby and toddler stages, and beyond if needed! The top seat can hold up to 55 pounds, meaning this stroller can handle a newborn baby and keep on going through the preschooler years.

Take a Tour of the Oldest Restaurants in Germany

If you’re like most Americans, one of the best aspects of traveling is coming across sites and establishments that are older than all of the United States. Though Germany itself is only as old as some of the newer states, the country boasts eating establishments that are upwards of 900 years old. If you want to get a literal taste of history, check out these three oldest restaurants in all of Germany. They may be miles apart, but the atmosphere and food is worth investing in a rental car from and making the drive.


Zum Roten Baren


Zum Roten Baren is hands-down the oldest restaurant in Germany, dating back to over 700 years ago. If you’re skeptical about the true age of this establishment, just ask the current landlord for a ledger that details precisely who ran the establishment and when over the past seven centuries. There are a total of 50, each with a tenure of 30 years or more. The name “Roten Baren” has remained the same since its inception, as too has much of the décor. However, the street outside has seen a significant change. From within the restaurant, you can see where the road line used to be 800 to 900 years ago, which is 3.6 m beneath the level it’s at today.


In addition to delicious and hearty traditional German fare, the restaurant also boasts an extensive wine collection, which is stored in the cellar that was there even before the restaurant. That said, if you’re looking for a fancy restaurant, this is not. If, however, you’re a person who appreciates history and all its quirks, you will love this place.


Zur letzten Instanz


Established in 1621, this Berlin restaurant is nowhere near as old as Zum Roten Baren, but then again, a restaurant probably doesn’t exist that is. Zur letzten Instanz has been run by the same family for four generations, with each generation working with the same goal in mind: to provide a place where people can gather, eat, and be merry. Despite being over 400 years old, much of the historic structure remains. In fact, according to the owner, Napoleon himself was served at the restaurant’s tiled stove.


You too can eat at the tiled stove, or you can request a private room, a table within one of the two adjacent restaurants, or a spot in the beer garden. Once you’re settled in, you’ll be given a beer list of some of the best beers Germany has to offer, plus an informal menu with homey items such as pork knuckle, stuffed Beef Roulade, and liver.




Located along the Danube, Wurstkuchl is appealing simply because of its location. However, it has something going for it that many surrounding establishments don’t: age. Wurstkuchl is over 500 years old, hence its prime location next to the Old Stone Bridge. The kitchen itself, however, is even older; evidence suggests that the current kitchen’s location has been a cooking area since as early as 1135.


The food itself has remained more or less the same over the past 500 years. While the menu does include more modern offerings, its best-selling plate continues to be the bratwursts and sauerkraut with sweet granny mustard.


Experience history like you’ve never experienced it before. Visit the three oldest restaurants in Germany for a history lesson like you’ve never been given before.










Travel the World with Thomas & Friends

Disclosure: The below was provided to me to help facilitate my review. All opinions are my own and honest. I am disclosing this in accordance to FTC Guidelines. Please see “Disclose” and “Terms of Use” tabs for more information.

On September 7, Thomas the Tank Engine left the Island of Sodor to explore the world in his all- new movie “Thomas & Friends: Big World! Big Adventures!”  In addition to the new movie, “Thomas & Friends: Big World! Big Adventures! The Series” made its debut on September 17th.  In honor of Thomas and his travels we decided to throw Thomas a farewell party.

About the Movie:

Thomas leaves Sodor to fulfil his dream of seeing the world. This heroic quest takes Thomas across deserts, through jungles and over dangerous mountains as he travels across five continents seeing sights he has never seen before.

Thomas & Friends is a classic that never gets old. My oldest is 11 and my youngest is 2; and all four of my children love Thomas. As a mom, I love it too. I honestly didn’t think I could love it more, but I do. It’s packed full of important lessons from never giving up to telling the truth. The new series focus on encouraging kids to take adventures and empowering girls; which, I have to admit is a huge plus for this mom of two girls. I always tell them they could do anything as long as they put their mind to it and this new series will encourage that as well.

For the big night, a couple of the kids’ friends gathered to watch the new series and movie debut. We had some yummy popcorn, fruit snacks, and fruit punch (we kept it a little light since it was just about dinner time). After the movie the kids enjoyed putting the train track together and making up the different adventures the little engines encountered.

Learning to Loan – 3 Things to Consider Before Taking on a Travel Loan

travel overseas

Honeymoon travel planning

As numerous travel loan financing companies have been cropping up in response to consumer demand, obtaining funds to travel has become more accessible to people of all ages and financial backgrounds. A simplified application process combined with relaxed loan terms make it possible to travel anywhere at a moment’s notice. However, while travel has become more accessible, consumers should still be cautious of the various traps that result from taking out these types of loans.

Latitude Finance are travel loan providers who service loans all throughout Australia. As one of the more popular online institutions, it is a good example of an outfit that provides clear, concise information to consumers seeking financing for travel. In seeking out other loan providers though, travellers looking to finance a trip should keep a few other factors in mind while applying.

Let’s take a look at some of the things you need to consider when taking out a travel loan.

Financing Alternatives

Travel loans, while functioning a little differently, are still loans that have to be paid back. For this reason, it’s best to consider other less expensive options to taking out a loan. If you have enough time before travelling, consider saving a good portion of the money and then taking a loan out on the balance.

Another alternative to taking out a travel loan is to use the low-interest or no-interest balance transfer option on your credit card to finance the trip. To avoid paying interest, pay the balance off before the new interest rate kicks in. Ultimately, you want to finance your trip for as little as possible, and every time you take on a debt, you’re charged on any balance on the debt, which in the grand scheme of your financial life, might not be all that advantageous.

Types Of Travel Loans

If you have to take out a travel loan, become well-versed on the various types of loans available. There are four main travel loan types depending on your need. Foreign travel loans are usually for large amounts and can only be used for specific purposes. Domestic travel loans have much lower interest rates and can be obtained by both individuals and families. Senior citizen travel loans allow the older population to borrow money for all travel-related expenses. Finally, general personal travel loans are unsecured and can be used for any travel-related purpose.

In most cases, people can take out a loan without having a destination in mind. Furthermore, there are few stipulations regarding how these loans can be spent, which can lead to waste if you’re not careful. Ultimately, getting a travel loan today for many consumers is quite easy with a good credit rating and employment.

Loan Terms

While credit report and budgets are important parts of applying for a loan, consumers should pay attention to the loan’s many stipulations and the fine print. For the most part, these loans do charge an establishment as well as an early termination fee, which can add to the final balance. Also, some banks will assess a monthly surcharge to any remaining balance, which, in addition to interest, can add up.

Furthermore, make sure you understand the penalties for making late payments because, while no one ever wants to go delinquent on their debts, delinquency is a reality of life in a consumer-driven, materialistic culture. These penalties can make paying the balance on the loan downright expensive. A good practice is to read the details of the loan for any hidden disclosures so that there are no surprises for you at any point in the lending process.

Travel Loan Considerations

The convenience of accessing cash quickly is a great feature of online banking. However, while it might be easy to access travel cash, the responsibilities related to securing a loan still apply and can be quite expensive if not taken into careful consideration. In a day and age of full disclosure, enjoying a wonderful trip does not have to come at the risk of complete financial ruin.

3 Ways to Pack Efficiently for a Weekend Trip

What are your plans for the weekend? Going off somewhere, away from all the crazy stuff in the city?

Before you head off, you may want to learn some common techniques on how to pack your bag, especially if you’re still a rookie at travelling. You do want to enjoy your trip, don’t you? You don’t want to fuss over your baggage, do you?

Worse yet, you may even lose a few items during your trip just because you didn’t organize your bag properly. Thus, young padawan, follow these three ways to pack efficiently for your weekend trip.

Get a Decently Sized Bag

First of all, you’re gonna need one good bag that can accommodate all your stuff. You don’t want to be overburdened with several small carriables.

Get the best weekender duffle bag that you can find, preferably one that has multiple compartments, which are useful for separating certain items from the rest of your baggage, giving you easy access to those things without having to dig through your pack.

As a bonus, leather duffle bags look dapper and chic with a simple charm to them. You’ll be roaming around in style with one slung over your shoulder.

Roll Clothes instead of Folding Them

The bulk of your belongings will typically be your clothes. What, you expect to bring one set to wear for the entire weekend? What if you get wet from the rain or muddy your nice white shirt while taking a stroll on the countryside?

Hence, it’s recommended that you bring two or three sets of clothes, more if you’re gone longer.

When packing your clothes, don’t just simply fold them like they’re going inside your cabinet. Instead, roll them into tubes. Squeeze out every last pocket of air from them so they’ll fit snugly inside your bag.

Not only will you save space this way, but you’ll also have an easier time when pulling them out.

Place Small Essentials in Separate Compartments

Passport, plane tickets, documents, toiletries, toothbrush, and such items that need to be accessed quickly and often should have their own place in your pack, like in an external compartment.

If you have any bottles of liquid or water-sensitive stuff, seal them inside ziplock bags in case of spillage and accidents. Even then, put them in pockets separate from your other belongings.

You may also want to get pouch bags that can be attached to your belt or worn around your waist. They make it convenient to carry essentials that you do not want to store inside your main bag.

Organize Items according to When They’ll Be Used

A good technique to sort your pack is to arrange its contents sequentially.

For example, place your Saturday clothes on the sidemost section of your bag. Order them according to what you’re going to take out first: underwear, pants, then shirt, for instance. Then place the next batch of clothes right after the first batch.

Items that you expect to use when you’ve settled down in your hotel room or your camping tent can be placed farther back. These can be your phone charger, your journal, your bedtime eye mask.

When putting things back inside your bag, you can do it differently but still in an organized way. Worn clothes can stay on the other end of the bag, for example, and placed inside ziplocks so they won’t mess up your other things.


These are just the basics, but they’re all you need for a weekend trip. Apply these tips to your preparations and on your journey, and you can travel hassle-free.

So where are you heading off to?