How Being a Mom is Like Being a Nurse
If you are considering either a job in the medical field or having children you may be surprised how similar they can be. If you plan on doing both then I tip my hat to you and wish you the best of luck.
Things get messy
We all know why nurses where scrubs. Hospitals are messy places and sick people tend to make it even messier. The reason that a nurse wears scrubs is because they are cheap, disposable and easily removed if something really nasty gets spilled on them. I actually suggest getting scrubs for around the house when you have a new baby. Everything that comes out of a baby will end up on you so why not be prepared with clothing you don’t care about?
Know your illnesses
Children are bubbling piles of illness. They get sick all the time and the best thing you can do to keep yourself from freaking out every time is to know different symptoms. Each sneeze shouldn’t land you in the [Read more…]
Giveaway Gala- Come by, link up, and Win!
featured giveaways from 5 blog’s including a linky for you to link up your
you the benefit of reaching all of our combined readers. So feel free to check
out giveaways and link up your giveaways. We only ask you link directly to your
giveaway, any links to your homepage will be removed.
Just Like June:
Nimble Mother’s Day Prize Package 4/30
Guylian Belgian Chocolates 4/30
Rubbermaid 2-in-1 Recycler Us/Can 4/30
[Read more…]
Helping Friends and Loved Ones Deal With Breast Cancer
Hearing that a friend or loved one has been diagnosed with breast cancer can come as a huge shock. It’s
never something you want or expect to hear, and you may be dealing with a wide range of emotions. But
you also want to be there for that important person, and support them through this time. After all, they’re
the ones who have to go through the treatments, the uncertainty, and the fear. It’s your job to do whatever
you can to help them through the process. It’s upsetting that so many thousands of people deal with breast
cancer diagnoses each year, but because of that there’s tons of research and resources available to show you
the way. Head to the bookstore or talk to a professional for ongoing advice, but here’s a few ideas for
how you might help a friend or loved one deal with breast cancer.
Keep your own feelings in check- they’re scared enough as it is. Don’t make it worse by showing up
for a visit like you’re going to a funeral. You’re certainly worried about them, but the last thing you want
is to make a hurtful comment because you haven’t dealt with your emotions. Before you see your friend or
loved one, be honest with yourself about your feelings about cancer. Did you lose someone close to you?
Have you had any scares yourself? Make sure your emotions are clear before you see your friend, and it
will go better for both of you.
Open your ears. Women tend to process concerns by talking them out, so allow your loved one the [Read more…]
Silverlicious for Nintendo DS
Silverlicious is the follow up to the smash book Pinkalicious. To further the Silverlicious experience Game Mill have released a Nintendo DS game.
In the game, Pinkalicious has lost her sweet tooth and must get it back. To get it back, Pinkalicious must be kind, helpful, and practice good manners. This game is lots for fans of the book and little kids in general. It progresses at a good pace and is fun for both boys and girls.
Yes- I said boys too, it’s a book and game geared toward the color pink (or rather silver in this case), but still boys can have fun too. Little Man liked it and even daddy gave the game a try. Is it the deepest gaming experience, or the most action packed? No, but that is not what you are looking for in a [Read more…]
The Best Time of Year to Relocate
If you know you’re going to move sometime within the next year but can be flexible about the actual
date, consider the following so you time your move just right:
Consider the Season
If you live in an area of the country where snowy weather is potentially an issue, you may want to
avoid moving in the middle of the winter. Some people think they’ll get a better deal during the slow
moving season, but that’s not necessarily true. Moving in the middle of a snow storm invariably creates
additional stress and may add extra time to your move.
Avoid Peak Season for Interstate Moves
If you are moving interstate, June through August represents the single busiest time where capacity
issues become a factor. If it’s possible to move in spring or fall, go for it then. If not, schedule your move
as far in advance as possible.
If have two rooms or less to move, you might want to consider a freight shipper. Shipping is based on
weight and several reliable freight shippers have low weight minimums, so this option may be more
cost effective for a smaller move. Everything must be boxed or crated, even furniture, so it may not be
Avoid End [Read more…]
#Win a Copy of Best Selling Book for Dads, The Expectant Father @MrDad
Armin Brott, perhaps better known to some as Mr. Dad, a former Marine and leading parenting author, has
been lauded by Time Magazine as “the superdad’s superdad,”, writing 8 books on fatherhood and helping build better fathers for more than a decade. In addition, Armin has written for The New York Times Magazine, Newsweek, American Baby, Parenting, Child, Men’s Health, The Washington Post, and dozens of other major publications and websites, helping millions of men become the fathers they want to be—and that their children need them to be.
He is also the host of “Positive Parenting,” a weekly radio program, and writes the nationally syndicated newspaper column, “Ask Mr. Dad.” As a trusted spokesperson, Armin speaks on fatherhood around the country and teaches classes for expectant and new dads. You can read more about him on his website or blog, DadSoup.
The bestseller, The Expectant Father: Facts, Tips and Advice for Dads-to-Be, does what few other books have done- talk to daddies. When a woman gets pregnant, have many books to choose from- men? Not so much. Enter Mr. Dad, with nearly 300 pages of advice, helpful tips, and reassurances for men who are about to become daddies.
Each chapter includes the following sections:
What She’s Going Through is an important look at what’s [Read more…]
Should You Cap Your Kids’ Internet Usage?
The internet is a tool, and just like many tools it has the ability to be abused. The information age has given
people resources to instantly tap into nearly the entirety of human knowledge, receiving news, photos and
videos from around the world. And while in some instances it has made the globe smaller, it also has the
tendency to alienate people. We spend more and more time texting, messaging, and emailing, and old
fashioned human interaction has become less a part of our daily lives. For adults, it’s just another way we
get things done, and it’s up to the individual to decide when enough is enough. But for children, it can be
easily abused. Our kids need internet access. Kids use the internet to do their homework, watch videos and television shows, and stay in touch with friends and family who are otherwise separated by geography. But if they’re not monitored, kids can be exposed to stuff online they should never have to see, and it’s up to us parents to draw the line. We should certainly monitor what they’re doing on the internet, unless you want to come home and find your little girl has accidentally stumbled across some depraved pornographic web portal. But do we also need to monitor the amount of time they’re spending online?
Children’s brains are still developing into their teen years. And when our kids are elementary age or
younger, they are incredibly impressionable. The internet blasts a ton of information our way, and there
may be some correlation between attention deficit disorder and the jam-packed, multi-tasking routine
that is the norm these days. It is important that our kids spend [Read more…]
Daycation at the Strasburg Railroad
Does your little one (or big one, or husband?) love trains as much as mine does? If they do, then you will want to make sure that at some point, you take the time to visit the Strasburg Railroad.
Recognized as one of the most significant historic railroads in the USA, the Strasburg Railroad has acquired historic trains from all over the country, and recently celebrated operating for 50 years as a tourist railroad.
It is in a beautiful location, with lovely views and rolling landscapes. You will feel as though you stepped back in time from the minute you arrive- from the sharply dressed conductors and train operators, to the ticket sales window where you will purchase your passes (choose from open air or closed cars), you and your family will love the historic railroad experience. (Don’t tell the kids they may learn something!)
As you ride the beautifully restored trains through Amish country, learning about steam railroading, agriculture, Amish culture and Pennsylvania Dutch heritage, enjoy your family and your little ones, and let worries slip away. They are little for only so long, and riding in a “real” train is going [Read more…]