5 Ways for Moms to Unwind After a Crazy Day

Moms today are expected to do it all. More of us are in the workforce than ever before, often putting in
long hours to do our part to put food on the table. But unlike the hard working husbands of the 50’s, that’s
not enough. We’re still expected to be engaged and active with our spouses or significant others, and be the
hands-on parent helping to craft the future leaders of America. It’s not always a chore; in fact we usually
wouldn’t have it any other way. But personal time can often be sacrificed to make everything else work.
That’s fine in the short term. But sometimes the stars align and you’re faced with an absolutely insane
day. Overload at work won’t only affect you, but how you interact with those most important people, your
family. So from time to time, it’s incredibly important to make yourself a priority. Here’s a look at five
ways busy moms can unwind after a particularly crazy day.

Sweat it out. Sure, exercise may be the last thing you want to do when you’re stressed and run ragged.
But exercise is actually a fantastic way to relieve anxiety and get back in balance. Exercise is a gift we
give ourselves. You feel better, you look better, and it’s much easier to leave the stress of the day behind.
So whether you take an organized class or just go out for a run or a swim, take the time to fit in a bit of
exercise. You’ll be much more peaceful when it’s done, ready to be around your family with a smile on
your face.

Girls’ night. As we get older, this gets tougher and tougher. But that’s when it’s most important. Maybe
you need to schedule it way in advance, but don’t be afraid to call on your girls for an impromptu night out
if you really need it. Catch a movie, have a fantastic cocktail or two, or embrace your inner foodie [Read more…]

I See Me Books Review

Little Man always loves the time we spend reading books together. That love of being read to is a gate way to loving to read books on his own. As someone that values education I want him to love to read. I See Me is a site with wonderful books that encourage that love for being read to and reading. I received their book entitled My Very Own Pirate Tale Storybook. He loves that it is a story of a captain search for his perfect first mate in order to open a treasure chest that will not open until the Captain and the first mate are united.

Each page introduces a new sea creature with a letter that spells out the name of the perfect first mate for the captain. Not only are letters used as clues but the animals through rhyme tell why the person will be [Read more…]

Issues Mothers-to-be Should Educate Themselves On

As a new mother to be, it is important to take the time to make decisions before your new arrival is born. For example, breastfeeding mothers will want to begin nursing as soon as the baby is born to ensure a good milk supply from birth. There are several decisions to make before your new baby is born that will play an important role in the days, weeks, and even years to come after the birth of your new family member.

Cord Blood Banking

Researching umbilical cord banking benefits is also important, especially if you have a family history of disease or illness related to stem cells. Today, stem cells from umbilical cords can be stored privately or donated to a hospital or public cord bank for others to use. Private cord blood banking allows you to save the stem cells for your family, while donation allows public access to the cells by those who need them. Cord blood banking can be a little expensive. Families with a history of diseases that require stem cells to treat may want to consider choosing private banking for their umbilical cord blood, regardless of the cost, to provide protection for the child over the course of their lifetime.

Breastfeeding Your Baby

One decision that all mothers need to make is whether or not to breastfeed. Breastfeeding is largely considered healthier for baby since your own milk supply contains the proper nutrients [Read more…]

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Bonding With Your Kids Through Gardening

Gardening is much more than simply a household chore. For many people it’s a way of life. And for those
gifted with a green thumb, gardening is a real relationship with nature and the cycle of life, as well as a
literal reconnection with how we used to put food on our tables. Most people who love gardening didn’t
just stumble upon it on their own, they were shown the path. Gardening has been passed down from
generation to generation, first by necessity, and now just for the sheer joy of it. Parents have bonded with
their children over gardening for as long as people have been on earth, and you can continue that tradition
with your own kids today. So if you notice your kids hanging around while you do the gardening, it might
be time to ask them to join you. It’s never too early to get your kids started, and you’ll find gardening an
incredible bonding experience.

What’s better to a kid than digging in the dirt? They’ll watch you weeding, digging out holes for new plants
and picking fruits and vegetables when they’ve matured, and wonder why they haven’t been invited for
the fun. So start them simply. Regardless of their age, they’ll be happy to dig a hole for you. And if you’ve
planted fruits and vegetables that are easy to pick, like tomatoes or strawberries, they’ll surely be able to
handle it. They’ll absolutely love you for giving them a time when getting dirty is allowed, and you’ll be lit
up by the huge smiles on their faces.

Equipping your tiny gardener shouldn’t be too difficult. Use common sense to discern the tools they can
handle from the ones mommy needs to keep to herself. Most gardening centers will sell a child-sized set of
gardening tools, with edges so dull you don’t have to worry. [Read more…]

Win a Rubbermaid 2 in 1 Recycle Bin

Earth Day is approaching and what better way to set an example of how to take care of Mother Earth than teaching your family members how to recycle? Rubbermaid has made that task much easier in our house with the Rubbermaid 2-in-1 Recycle.

It has two section that snap in or come out easily. Each compartment has a handle where we can just carry it to the car, dump it in the right bin at our land fill.
It is also fun for the kids to have the task of separating plastic from glass and putting it in the right bin.
The larger bottom compartment is made to also hold a trash bag that can be placed inside securely if you want to use it as a waste container using the top for the recyclables.

Here [Read more…]

Dating After Divorce: Helping Your Children Adjust

If there’s one thing that children are a great example of it’s that they’re such trusting individuals. Their love
for us as parents is so big and the way they see the world is from such an innocent place, that it’s totally
understandable when the news of their parents breaking up leaves them, more times than not, utterly

Oftentimes, as a result, a crack in the foundation of that trust emerges. So, as parents try and move on with
their lives, they have the ever-so-delicate balancing act of attempting to do so while trying to avoid having
their children experience any further emotional trauma.

Therefore, it would definitely make sense that when it comes to dating, parents would need to be sensitive
in how they approach the matter while their kids being that they are still trying to adjust to their parents
being apart. If this is a dilemma that you find yourself currently in, consider these three points.

Your children didn’t choose to divorce, you did. Sometimes, in processing their parents’ divorce, what
makes a child even less responsive to it is that while their mother and father may have said, “This isn’t your
fault” or “We both love you very much”, what wasn’t stated was, “We know you didn’t make this decision
and that you’re having to deal with the consequences of our choices. We apologize for that.” That’s an
empowering thing for a child to hear because it sends the message that you’re going to do the best that you
can to help them to adjust to the “new normal” that they never wanted in the first place. And with that kind
of acknowledgement, while you should feel like you have to put your life on hold, as it relates to them and
their needs, it does send the message that you will do all that you can to be aware of your actions and more
importantly, the timing and delivery of them.

Keep the lines of communication way open. This will certainly depend on the age of your child, but as
you’re finding yourself more interested in dating, ask them how they feel about the topics of love, dating
and marriage (again). There are [Read more…]

Today’s Bargains and Deals

Now Through 5/13 at PeoplesJewellers.com you can Save 10% On Personalized Mother’s Day Jewelry! They have personalized necklaces, rings, and bracelets that are perfect for gifts! We bought our mom a mother’s ring last year and she just loved it!

Go to ShopGetOrganized.com for a FREE reusable shopping tote with purchase over $35. No code required , Ends on 4/23. Earth Day is the 22nd so this is a great way to take a part in making the world a bit more greener by using a shopping tote rather then getting paper or plastic bags when shopping.

Pay $10 and get $22 To Spend on Reusuable Bags at Re-Pac Bags! This is under the National Deal, so no matter where you live you can [Read more…]