Moms today are expected to do it all. More of us are in the workforce than ever before, often putting in
long hours to do our part to put food on the table. But unlike the hard working husbands of the 50’s, that’s
not enough. We’re still expected to be engaged and active with our spouses or significant others, and be the
hands-on parent helping to craft the future leaders of America. It’s not always a chore; in fact we usually
wouldn’t have it any other way. But personal time can often be sacrificed to make everything else work.
That’s fine in the short term. But sometimes the stars align and you’re faced with an absolutely insane
day. Overload at work won’t only affect you, but how you interact with those most important people, your
family. So from time to time, it’s incredibly important to make yourself a priority. Here’s a look at five
ways busy moms can unwind after a particularly crazy day.
Sweat it out. Sure, exercise may be the last thing you want to do when you’re stressed and run ragged.
But exercise is actually a fantastic way to relieve anxiety and get back in balance. Exercise is a gift we
give ourselves. You feel better, you look better, and it’s much easier to leave the stress of the day behind.
So whether you take an organized class or just go out for a run or a swim, take the time to fit in a bit of
exercise. You’ll be much more peaceful when it’s done, ready to be around your family with a smile on
your face.
Girls’ night. As we get older, this gets tougher and tougher. But that’s when it’s most important. Maybe
you need to schedule it way in advance, but don’t be afraid to call on your girls for an impromptu night out
if you really need it. Catch a movie, have a fantastic cocktail or two, or embrace your inner foodie [Read more…]