Time-Saving Beauty Tips for Busy Mornings

Unless you are independently wealthy and therefor freed from the bonds of the working world, you likely
face a busy schedule each and every day. Even those with the incredible leisure of working from home
likely have plenty to do in the average day. And if you are like most people, bogged down with a job, a
family, a household to run, and about a billion obligations plaguing you at any given moment, then you
likely have very little time to spend on a daily beauty routine. Yet, you want to start each morning looking
and feeling your best, and that can only be accomplished by making a little time to fix yourself up. So here
are just a few beauty tips that take little time and pack a major punch.

1. Blush. If you make time for nothing else in your busy schedule, at least sweep on a bit of blush.
A sheer wash of color on your cheeks to emulate a natural flush will just about take ten years off
your age, helping you to look alive, alert, and like the picture of youthful energy. It will take you
just a few seconds to accomplish and the change in the way you look, while subtle, will pack a
beauty wallop!

2. Under-eye concealer. One of the things that will make you look your age or older is the bags and
dark circles that are part and parcel of a busy lifestyle and little down time. A good under-eye
concealer takes mere seconds to apply (especially after you’ve done it a few times) and it can make
a huge difference. If dark circles that drag down your face and make your eyes look small are the
problem, look for a concealer that will counteract these bluish undertones with a pinkish tint [Read more…]

Finding New Friends- H0P 4 Ways!

Welcome back to week 55 of Finding New Friends Weekend Blog Hop hosted by Shelly from My Saving Game, Sam from Have Sippy Will Travel and Jeannette from The Adventures of J-Man and MillerBug! Thank you all for helping make this hop so successful! We love you tons! Now what are you waiting for? Let’s get to hopping! We are finding some fabulous blogs through this hop and having a great time getting to know so many of you! So thank you for linking up again this week to those of you who are hop veterans and welcome to those who are new! Let’s continue to make new bloggy friends and increase our traffic! We do have a few simple rules for you – nothing too tough though. So here we go!

1. Please follow your hostesses My Saving Game, Have Sippy Will Travel and The Advetures of J-Man and MillerBug on one of our social media platforms.Leave [Read more…]

Top Tips for Raising Your Children With Manners

You know those types of kids who make going in public a nightmare. Screaming, crying, impeding on your
experience. Just imagine how they act at home! On the flip side you’ve probably also been around children
who are polite and fun to be around. You can ensure your kids become the latter by using these tips.

At home, make being polite a rule that the whole family follows. If your kids know that impolite and rude
behaviors aren’t acceptable and won’t be acknowledged, it will promote thinking before they speak and act.
If those behaviors aren’t used at home, your kids won’t use them in public. This should be a top priority
especially when the kids are younger. When they act or speak impolitely, tell them why it was rude and
have them redo it using their manners. The more examples they’re shown of how not to act will help teach
them the ability to self-discipline and eventually they’ll self-correct their mistakes. They don’t necessarily
understand why certain speech and actions would be interpreted as impolite so be consistent, firm and
supportive when talking to them about inappropriate behaviors. The more practice they have at home, the
quicker they’ll catch on.

Start early. As soon as kids can talk, they can imitate. Make sure you always say “please” and “thank you”
when warranted and encourage your kids to do the same. When they’re old enough, have them begin to
speak for themselves in public. The more you can get them socialized with all kinds of people, the more
ways you have to teach them about [Read more…]

Award Winning Kids TV Show, Peppa Pig- From Across the Pond

Have you and your kids ever watched the TV show Peppa Pig? My son LOVES Peppa Pig, but his favorite is “Daddy Pig”- because he snorts a lot. Peppa was originally created in the UK, however, as of last year, the award-winning animated series for preschoolers, hopped across the pond for U.S. audiences on Nick Jr.

The main character is a pig named Peppa, who likes to get into all sorts of things. The show follows the daily routines of Peppa, her brother George, as well as Mommy Pig and Daddy Pig. The episodes tend to feature everyday, relater activities like attending playgroup and being with friends, going to the playground, swimming, visiting with grandparents, playing in mud puddles and doing all sorts of fun stuff.

Even thought Peppa, her family, and friends are all based on animals and display some of those animal traits (snorting, etc), they wear clothes and live in houses (or rabbit burrows, LOL).

Peppa and family deal with everyday life issues with a smile and laugh. Peppa’s lighthearted approach to storytelling makes it easy to watch for both children [Read more…]

Top Health Issues for New Moms

As if you and your body hasn’t been through enough at this point, there are health issues you have to
worry about long after the birth of your precious little one. Have no fear, Mama, here we talk about the top
concerns out there so sit back, relax (if that’s possible with either a baby or a pump constantly attached to
your nipple) and read on!

A key health concern for new moms is mental health. With a range of mental conditions being reported
in new moms, the top one is of course post-partum depression. Considering the amount of hormones your
brain has had to process not only in the last nine months, but especially during and post-labor, it’s no
wonder mommy brains can go a little haywire. It doesn’t speak at all to your capabilities. Come on, you
created a life and then pushed it out of your body, that in and of itself is sheer brilliance and strength. And
now a human life depends solely on you and your breasts. So, yes, your brain might need a little help. How
can you prevent this? Unfortunately, you can’t. The best thing you can do for yourself, your new baby and
your family is be vocal about your thoughts and feelings.

Need a break? Have daddy take over for a couple hours while you devote some much needed attention
to yourself. Do things that best promote relaxation and mental awareness, be it yoga, exercising, reading,
sleeping or a hot bath and a glass of wine. The worst thing you can do is hide your feelings from those
around you.

Your body just went through quite the trauma so make sure you’re taking care of any stitches or other
injuries that resulted from pregnancy or labor. Getting an infection from a wound will lead to a whole other
world of problems. If you notice anything strange about your body, anything, call your doctor. Even if it’s
nothing, it’s better to be safe than sorry. [Read more…]

Daily Deals- Coupons, Savings, and More!

Under “Malden Frames” at Totsy they have some really great deals on picture frames. Some of these frames are really unique and fun! So if you need some new picture frames check these out!!

Right now their is a pretty good Thirty-One Outlet Sale up to 80% OFF! I love Thirty-One stuff, but some of their stuff is a bit over-priced to me. But, with this sale, you can really score some awesome deals! The bag above is only $9.99 [Read more…]

Easy Casserole Recipe

This casserole is ultra easy! I mean it, I have no idea how anyone would mess this up. I’ve changed it up and added broccoli or peas, even chopped up celery with the onions. You can add sour cream if you want, you can even mix up the soups. Don’t have beef on hand? Not a problem, use either turkey or chicken. It’s the go to casserole for leftovers and a no fuss what so ever kinda recipe you don’t want to lose. My kids like this no matter how I make it, and that’s a winner right there.


1 tablespoon oil

1 onion chopped

1lb ground beef

1 package of wide egg noodles (16 ounces)

1 cup or one can of mushrooms (rinsed and drained)

1 can of condensed cream of mushroom soup (or any other condensed soup you have on hand)
[Read more…]

Win Dustin Maher’s book, Fit Moms For Life

Review from Pam at Just Like June– Giveaway hosted by Collective Media Magic bloggers.

Over the years I have not been diligent about staying in shape. I go through spurts when I am extremely active and spurts where I’m not so active. Bryan and I go for a two mile walk several times a week, but I can tell I am not in tip toe shape. The last time our family went mountain climbing, Bryan strode ahead of us, while the kids and I panted behind, plotting ways to push him off the top of the mountain. I knew I needed to change my lifestyle and was intrigued when I found Dustin Maher’s book, Fit Moms For Life. With a motto like “How to Outplay your kids and Have endless energy,” I knew it I had to read this one. Dustin works exclusively with moms, not super skinny models or movie stars who can afford a personal trainer and a nanny, another reason I wanted to try this program.

By ordering the book from his website, four free gifts are included:

  • A secret report showing you 108 ways to make this your healthiest and fittest year ever.
  • A video showing you my “secret” exercise to shrink your waist 2 inches in 2 weeks.
  • A short workout video that targets your butt and thighs.
  • A five part Flat Stomach audio coaching series featuring experts as well as Justin’s mom.

Dustin’s fitness philosophy [Read more…]