Archives for October 2012

SeatPets – Adorable Travel Buddies Review and GIVE it AWAY

I don’t know about you but my son just adores his seat belt. (Cough….Who doesn’t, right? Hmmm…) He puts it on all the time without fail, never fighting even a little bit. (Cough…) Well, now he does. You see very recently we were able to install his favorite accessory of the car. The fun, new SeatPet. This wonderful invention takes the idea of a a seat belt cover and adds a few upgrades- It is a seat belt cover, a stuffed animal, and a handy storage container for the car (and a very useful nap pillow).

Watching him nap without anything just makes my neck hurt, and leads to the “car shuffle” to find his small pillow. But with the SeatPet he always has a pillow to pass out onto/with. The critter is so soft and cuddly, you can even get away with bringing him inside at your destination as your little ones plush of choice for bed. There are so many possibilities, it is great. The part I am most impressed with are the pockets. Instead of just having a big stuffed animal seatbelt cover, a great idea unto itself, there are pockets! Lots of them, some zippered some open [Read more…]

Auto Safety in October

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Pep Boys for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

Today we are going to talk about auto safety in the month of October. Now we might not think October is not that big of a deal for auto safety issues, at least not more then another month. Suspecting September to be a bigger month for this with schools opening and the influx of children walking about in the morning and in the afternoon. But October is also a big month to be extra careful. With daylight savings decreasing sun-light driving conditions and the onset of fall right around the corner causing leaves and ice on the roads. And Halloween ending the month with kids roaming every unlit corner of our neighborhood in spooky, dark clothing This month is a perfect time [Read more…]

Milkmakers Review and Giveaway #Cookies


I’m sure that you’ve at least heard of Milk Makers. They are an absolutely amazing company. Which is why I’m thrilled to do a review for you as well as to offer you a giveaway of their great product.

About Milk Makers

Milk Makers is a company that makes wonderful nutrient filled cookies for breastfeeding mothers. The founder of the company, Emily Kane started it as a means to find a solution to her new issues when trying to balance going back to work and nursing her daughter. Milk Makers are packed with great flavors and fresh ingredients, as well as supplements that help boost a milk supply for a breastfeeding mother. Some of the supplements that are added are brewer’s yeast, oats, and flax seeds. For about $1.50 a day, a mother can boost her milk supply by eating a great cookie!

My Thoughts

I was very excited to give Milk Makers a try. I was able to successfully breastfeed my other daughter up to a year. I am not going to say that it was easy, as I am also a working mother! I It did get very tricky to be able to pump enough at work to compensate what [Read more…]

Top 5 Reasons Parents Shouldn’t Force Kids to Go to College

Going to college is a big decision for young people today, and it is an important consideration for many parents as well. It is natural to want your children to succeed in life. For some, a college education is the best path to success and career options, however this is not necessarily the ideal path for all. There are many roads to take. Difficult as it may be, consider these top 5 reasons not to pressure your kids into going to college.

  1. The Education Sham
    Many people now live under the impression that a college degree is the key to finding a place and a career in one’s preferred industry, but this is not always the case. Many graduates with bachelor’s degrees have a difficult time finding jobs after college. Some industries are more difficult than others, but the US economy is in such shape right now that the job market is extremely rough, fiercely competitive, and often barren. To put it bluntly, a degree is not necessarily the golden ticket to a career.
  2. The Debt Burden
    Many college students now find themselves accruing debt throughout their academic years due to simply being unable to afford the rising cost of college tuition. This is something that students and parents alike are concerned about, and with good reason. It is not uncommon for students, unable to find jobs related to their studies, to continue working menial jobs just to manage living expenses and try to pay off student loans.
  3. Other Paths
    College education is certainly not the only path to success. Some of the most successful people in America, [Read more…]


Hello boys and girls its time to start thinking about home ownership. In this volatile time it is best to learn how to make a sound investment. As of now one of the most common investments in America is home ownership. Classically home ownership has been a sound investment, building equity in your home slowly over time. Currently there is a bit more of a question involved in that line of thinking. Mainly how much is my home worth now, and how much will the home be worth in 30+ years. What is the current mortgage rate? Where can you get a mortgage? Where can we put the swing set? What kind of insurance do I need and what is it for?

There is so much excitement and change associated with buying a home, that it is easy [Read more…]

Having the Menopause 2nd Talk with #PoiseFab5 #Cbias

What business do I have talking about menopause? Too young, you think? Well, maybe- but lucky me- I get to go through a fantastic menopausal journey, courtesy of medically induced hormone treatment. (And NO, I am not trying to get pregnant, please!)

Poise Feminine Wellness Products #PoiseFab5 #Walmart

Are you now super jealous? Try not to be- one day, we all get to go through it, LOL. As for me- I get to do it twice! Once now, and once when I am actually supposed to- YAY ME! Hmmm….well…maybe not, but hey, what can you do, right? You can try the new Poise products to combat the side affects of menopause, take off the edge- at least feel less gross and melt-y, LOL. (Is it hot in here???)

Check out the new Poise Feminine Wellness products, which cover everything from personal hygiene to “intimate” matters. Mom may have talked with you about where babies come from- but did she ever tell you about hot flashes, night sweats, and wild mood swings? No? Well, then ladies, you need to ask!

If you have not had a period for at least 12 months, that is one way of knowing that you are in “the change”. But that’s not all- all those pretty side effects are usually a hefty tip-off. Menopause usually begins around the age of 45-55, but it all depends on your family and personal medical history.

My aunt has been dealing with menopause issues for as long as I can remember- she is always, ALWAYS hot- even walking around in the winter in t-shirts, shorts, and flip flops. The first time I had a hot flash, I felt like someone had “lit me” from the inside- it was sudden, unexpected, and I felt both insane and disgusting. (I sweat…..a lot…and felt really frantic- I had no idea what was happening!) All I wanted to do was peel [Read more…]

Las Vegas, the Perfect Destination for Everyone

You’re not much of a drinker or party-goer, but for some reason, you are ending up in Las Vegas on vacation. Although it may seem like you are a fish out of water, you would be surprised at the number of people, who just like you, accompany others to sin city, but don’t spend their time gambling or drinking and still have a fabulous time.

The Vegas Lights

A must-see for any Vegas visitor is the strip at night. The bright lights, billboards and outdoor shows are excellent. Head over to the Bellagio and take in the spectacular fountain show that is set to go off every 15 minutes. Be sure to take good, strong walking shoes if you plan on walking the strip – it is long and there are lots of things to see. Hop on a bus that makes a giant loop around the strip and really enjoy the night shows and lights.

Walk around and enjoy the street vendors, shows and people. You’ll meet lots of interesting folks that have fun talents.

Visit the Different Hotels During the Day

Go up the Eiffel tower and see the Vegas strip from above. You’ll have fun listening to the staff speak French. The interior of the Lux hotel is spectacular, walk around the pharaohs and enjoy the peace of the falling waterfalls. While there you can enjoy the King Tut museum. Head over to the Venetian to see the sheer beauty of old Venetia and enjoy seeing the gondolas go up and down the water ways.

Walk over to the Excalibur to see the jousters on horses and enjoy the fun game room in the dungeon. [Read more…]

Homemade Coffee Creamer

Coffee, let’s face it. It’s a must! What goes better with coffee than a cookie? No this isn’t going to be a cookie recipe, it’s Homemade Coffee Creamer! You’ll have to add the cookie in afterwards if you really want it 🙂

I used to run out of creamer all the time but skimmed through a frugal cookbook to come across the easiest ever recipe. Why didn’t I think of making it myself before? No clue, now though I have fresh cream to my own liking.

You can add different flavors, like caramel or french vanilla, add some mint in there if it floats your boat! Use skim, half or whole milk. You decide what goes into your creamer and be happy with it. On with the recipe!
[Read more…]