Archives for October 2012

A Chorus Line Debuts at Paper Mill Playhouse #Theater #Musical

Opening this week at the Paper Mill Playhouse is the classic “A Chorus Line”, the “singular sensation” since 1975. The cast will include Paper Mill veterans and Broadway talent, proving that you don’t need to cross a bridge or tunnel to experience the most exceptional talent the country has to offer.

Paper Mill Playhouse, known for world-class productions, brought it all to the table (or stage, as it were) for this inter-generational audience favorite. With chart-busting musical numbers from Marvin Hamlisch (a score that has won nearly every award one can imagine), the cast has audience members singing along in their seats.
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Mondetta Performance Gear- Review

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Thanksgiving is over, the turkey is gone, and so are the leftovers. But that extra scoop of mashed potatoes is still around- around the middle, that is. Might as well get started on those New Years resolutions- really. Stick with them. Hit the gym with some new clothes, that’s a motivator! Modetta Performance Gear is a Canada based active wear label which has recently released its newest line of high tech, high fashion active wear, “My Performance, My Lifestyle”. This line bring the idea of performance, fashion and new materials to the next level by showcasing real athletes and dancers using their active wear. We really liked the Rhea and Persephone tops which are both lightweight yet supportive tank tops. They are quick drying, moisture wicking and stretch in just about all directions. They are easy to slip on and slip off, perfect for under [Read more…]

Bedtime with PULL-UPS®

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of PULL-UPS Night*Time for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

Bedtime in our house is an ever evolving ballet of movement, slowly running down to Little Man sleeping. This ballet has always had a few main components-

1)bathroom visit



4)bathroom visit


The initial bathroom visit is supposed to be the only one, before bed but usually isn’t. This visit includes teeth brushing,face washing and a use of the facilities. This is very important especially in potty training. Initially there is resistance in this step because this signifies the end of the day and the beginning of bedtime. With a few fun thing thrown in this step could be made allot more enjoyable for all involved. Take a look at PULL-UPS Night*Time Glow in the Dark . These diapers will glow in the dark after half a minute of light exposure and come in some cool character designs like Disney Princess and Lightning McQueen from Cars. Little Man loves anything Cars, especially Lightning. There are also coupons available which start at $1 value but can build up to $2 if you share the offer with friends and family. A nifty contest to win a $100 [Read more…]

Establishing Rules of the Road for Your Teen

The process of teaching your teenager to drive can be a complicated one, with a lot
of moving parts, so to speak. There are a lot of different facets of the responsible driving
experience, and as a responsible parent you always want to make sure you cover all of
your bases, and then some. You might be lucky, and have your children enrolled in a
school that teaches driver’s education as part of its regular curriculum, or you’ve enrolled
your child in a driver’s ed course outside of school. Either way, each teenager is required
to attend a class, study a book, and receive a certain number of hours’ worth of behind-
the-wheel practice with a certified instructor. These methods aren’t always enough,
however, to get your teenager as used to the road as he or she should be before setting
out to get that license, and that’s what the learner’s permit is for. You’ll have a chance
to drive with your teen for about six months before he or she is eligible for a driver’s
license, and that’s your chance to really make sure your teenager is absolutely familiar
with the rules of the road.

It’s important to keep in mind how stressful driving can be when you’re first doing it.
You know your teen best, so you know his or her tendencies towards nervousness, and
you can always gauge how they’re doing behind the wheel in the moment. Keep an eye
on how your teen is doing, and make sure that your advice or direction isn’t presented
in such a way that startles [Read more…]

Roast Pork with Sage and Cracked Peppercorns

I don’t know why Fall makes me think of pork, or roasts, but I cook them more often and this is one that uses apple cider. Apple cider is Fall all the way! Easy recipe to throw together the night before , or the morning even. The pork needs to marinate for at least 12 hours and you could serve it with applesauce.


2 quarts apple cider

1/4 cup kosher salt

1/2 cup fresh sage, chopped up and divided

2 tablespoons freshly ground cracked peppercorns.

3 tablespoons olive oil

4 lbs boneless pork loin


Combine cider, salt and sage. Stir together in a bowl until the salt dissolved. I just stir and leave it for five minutes. Take the pork loin and place in a plastic bag. Pour your mixture over the [Read more…]

Wordless Wednesday – With LINKY :)

A week in review….


Gazillion Bubble Show

Silly Face Pumpkin

in choir

Bob Parsons – The Way I Work

Bob Parsons, founder and Executive Chairman of the Go Daddy group, is a self made
billionaire entrepreneur. Maybe this interests you either as an entrepreneur that would like to improve your
bottom line, or want to become an entrepreneur who makes a good income.

Work, is the key here. If you are looking for a formula to get quick rich, you are in the wrong
place. Bob Parsons is and has always been about putting in the time and effort needed
to succeed. A self taught programmer, Bob began his road to the top in 1984 with a
company he started- Parsons Technology. He began marketing and selling his
program, MoneyCounts, in his spare time and within three years quit his “day” job to
work on selling and supporting MoneyCounts, full-time.

Within seven years, Parsons Technology had grown to employ 1,000 people. In
1994 Bob was able to sell the company to Intuit for $64 million dollars. But, as
mentioned before, the key to success is hard work. Rather than take the money and
retire, Parsons kept working. Bob started Jomax technologies in 1997
and renamed it Go Daddy in 1999. By 2000, Go Daddy was an ICANN-accredited
domain name registrar. Currently comprised of 3 ICANN- accredited domain name
registrars, the Go Daddy family of companies is a huge success.

Bob will be the first to tell you, work is where it’s at. Just because your idea does not
take take off is no reason to give up. Any idea you have that is worth trying is worth
trying until you get it right. A single failure does not mean it is a bad idea it just means
you need to “tweak” things a bit, maybe change the way you are presenting your idea.

If you are working in your comfort zone, something you have done and done again,
without any real progress or change, then you are stagnant. You need to move
forward! [Read more…]

Mommy Sigh…

So, he’s in Kindergarten now. A big boy. Apart from me, for the first time. I’ve never been away from him- even in Pre-K, I was his teacher. This is new to us both. Now, when he tells me about his day, I don’t always know what he is talking about, who the kids are he mentions, and what the “other” side of the story is. When someone is mean to him, I can’t hug him and make him feel better. When he cries because he says he hates school, [Read more…]