Let the Night Shine with LightBoxArts

For those that find it hard to decorate, LightBoxArts makes it easy and affordable!! LightBoxArts is a 6×6 backlit cubes that allow you to easily swap out the artwork — choose from one of their adorable designs or custom make your own with your Instagram feed or Photo Stream library. Best of all, it’s only $24.99 for cube and artwork, and $12 for any additional artwork.

We all want a little more sparkle when December 31st rolls around. Ring in the New Year with LightBoxArts! Innovative, creative designs with the ability to insert and change out artwork to fit any season, LightBoxArts will make your New Year’s Eve party will shine. Show off your favorite Instagram photo, choose your favorite artwork, or perk yourself up with a happy message with these sturdy, MDF LED back-lit cubes!

The best is yet to come – make the season brighter with LightBoxArts.

  • Create custom artwork inserts with friendly user interface or choose from one of their own designs—over 200 in all!
  • Can connect to Photo Stream or Instagram library to make any image into a lightbox
  • Box size: 6 x 6
  • Easily interchange artwork for Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Easter or any event
  • Available in an array of photos and lettering
  • Sturdy MDF LED back-lit cube
  • Affordable price of $24.99, or only $12 to just purchase artwork

Give your home a fresh start with the unique, customized decor from LightBoxArts! LightBoxArts is available at https://lightboxarts.com as well as over 600 gift stores.

Follow LightBoxArts on social media- 




Taking the Keys: What to Do When Your Parents Shouldn’t Drive

Maybe it seemed like a little thing at the time — Mom clipped the mailbox as she backed out of the driveway. Or Dad rear-ended the car in front of him at a stop sign. Just accidents, right? Could be. Or it could be a sign of something else.

If Mom and Dad have always been good drivers but suddenly start making mistakes, you’d better take a closer look before something awful happens. Driving safety blogger Alex Perdikis points out that because the elderly have frail bodies, they are more likely to die in minor accidents than younger people.

Your parents’ lives are at risk. Not only that, your parent’s poor driving could cause someone else’s injury or death. If it’s time for your parent to stop driving, you have to take charge now, not later. It’s not easy, but here’s how to start.

Plan Your Approach

The first step is to talk to Mom or Dad. Don’t go in like a tyrant demanding Mom or Dad hand you the keys. It’s likely your parents are already experiencing changes in their lives and giving up driving is going to be another loss. How would you feel if you weren’t able to drive and go where you wanted when you wanted? Put yourself in their place and realize this is going to be a life-changing and emotional event. Take into account Mom’s or Dad’s feelings.

Consider the problems they’ll face without the keys. How will Mom get to her doctor appointments? How will Dad get to his weekly card game? Before you sit down and talk with your parent, check out available alternative transportation options.  Perhaps Uber or Lyft is available? To test the service use a lyft discount code. Is there a reliable family member available to make sure Mom gets to her appointments? Check with the county — many offer transportation services for the elderly. Come up with working solutions before bringing the subject up. 

Choose a quiet and relaxed time to speak with your parent. Broach the subject gently and take your cue from the reaction. Begin with a question, such as “How are you doing with driving these days?” Your parent has probably already noticed changes. Still, Mom may not want to admit she has trouble these days. Dad may not believe it’s as bad as it is. Guide the conversation but remember: your parents are adults and unless incapacitated, they have the right to make their own decisions.

That’s all well and good if their skills aren’t too far gone. But what if they are? And what if they won’t give up the keys?

What to Do When Parents Won’t Quit

If your parent should not be driving and doesn’t come to the right decision on his or her own, it’s up to you. Taking the keys is risky, of course. Your parent may resent you for some time. But if innocent lives are at stake, you can’t stand by until something terrible happens. There are steps you can take, however, to solve the problem without losing the loving relationship you have. Here’s how:

  • Ask your parent’s doctor for help. The American Medical Association (AMA) encourages doctors to counsel patients about their driving and, when warranted, accept car keys when patients make the decision to quit driving. Adults tend to listen to their doctors and accept their recommendations over that of family member. Your parent’s optometrist or vision specialist may also be able to help.
  • Ask your parent’s best friend to help. A heart-to-heart with a best friend may be all your parent needs to do the right thing.
  • Check with your state’s Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV): Many states require more frequent testing as drivers age. Some states allow concerned caregivers with sufficient supporting documentation to request vision, written and driving tests at any time. Inspectors review the documentation and when warranted, notify the driver in question that a new test is required.

3 Ways You Could Get Paid to Travel

Getting paid for travel may seem like a pipe dream to many. But in this day and age where influencer marketing is becoming more and more ubiquitous, opportunities for paid travel are more plentiful than ever. However, that doesn’t mean you can just walk up to any company and ask them to sponsor your next trip to the Alps. Here are a few tips for those who’d like to get paid for travelling.

Get into the Transportation Business

We’re not talking about starting your own shipping business here. There are tons of opportunities out there for people who would be open to delivering items to various destinations. This gives you the opportunity to see the country while earning.

Some services for instance, allow drivers to deliver cars to their destination. The car comes with a full tank and you get to enjoy a free trip to the destination of your choice. While these jobs don’t always pay in cash, you still are able to save on a car rental. Other services allow people to bid on particular shipping assignments, and you can pick and choose which jobs works for you.

Work as a Mystery Shopper

You’re probably already familiar with mystery shopping. Mystery shopping is when a company asks people to shop at one of their locations to get a real-life assessment of their customer service. This is very common in the service, hospitality and food business.

In some cases, it may include assignments for resorts or time shares. They may ask you to attend a timeshare presentation and evaluate the sales staff, or book a flight and visit a resort. They will then ask you for a complete evaluation of the service. While these jobs are definitely out there, they’re usually reserved for experienced shoppers, so you might have to do a few entry level jobs first.

Find a Seasonal Job at a Resort

Resorts often need some extra help during peak season. For instance, many ski resorts may need extra seasonal staff during the winter. This will not only give you the opportunity to work in a beautiful locale, but you’ll also have the chance to visit between your work hours.

Finding seasonal jobs can be difficult however, since they’re not always listed on job sites. A good idea would be to use a tool like theemailfinder.co and gather a list of HR department email addresses for the resorts you’re interested in. You can then send personalized emails with your CV and letter of presentation. This will show great initiative and they might consider you if there’s a job opening later on.


While getting paid to travel isn’t as simple as many would lead you to believe, it’s still very possible if you’re ready to do the work necessary. Besides these few opportunities, there are plenty other ways that you can get paid while enjoying your favorite pastime, so don’t be afraid to go out there and actively look for them.

5 Quick tips for a whiter and brighter smile

A bright smile is an asset to every person. Not only does it give positive vibes and a warm impression, it also speaks of confidence and self-esteem to the person wearing it. Having healthy teeth is not that hard to achieve. For sure you already know the basics, brush your teeth regularly, visit your favorite raleigh dentist, floss, and so on. Now, read on to learn about 5 quick tips to getting a whiter and brighter smile.


  1. Brush your teeth regularly

Yup, this one’s never going away. Brushing your teeth is part of proper oral hygiene. Ideally you should brush your teeth at least twice a day. This helps prevents cavities and removes plaque buildup. You wouldn’t want a transparent layer of bacteria get cozy on your pearly whites. Brushing also keeps the gums healthy by stimulating it. For better results, use whitening toothpaste and mouthwash. It’s an affordable way to get the whitening boost you want, as they contain a light amount of bleaching agent that help prevent discoloration.


  1. Have your teeth cleaned regularly

Checking up with your dentist regularly for dental cleaning is essential in maintaining your pearly whites. Not only does it help you prevent cavities and gum disease, it also definitely brightens your smile by removing all the built-up stains you got from eating various foods. A regular dental checkup is great for your oral health. It freshens your breath and eventually boosts your overall health.


  1. Avoid teeth staining foods and drinks

A lot of the foods we eat contain artificial colouring that stains our teeth and causes discoloration. Some of these are tea, red wine, and coffee. You should avoid taking them in large amounts to save your teeth from getting darker. But anyway, that’s just a word of precaution. If you follow a good oral care routine, there’s no reason to avoid them totally.


  1. Try bleach strips

Bleaching strips contains peroxide or bleach and they work the same way regular bleaching agents do to your clothes. They work to whiten them when applied to your teeth, restoring its natural white color. They’re generally less expensive than most teeth whitening treatments that’s why they’re more popular. Aside from that they’re also very easy to use. A kit usually contains two strips, one for the upper teeth and another for the lower teeth. Depending on the directions in the package you have to put them twice a day for at least two weeks to see results. They’re also very effective. In just a few days your teeth will already appear whiter and the results will last at least four months, not bad!


  1. Drink enough water

Water is ultimately the best beverage for our body. Same goes with our teeth. Drinking water, especially with fluoride, helps strengthen your teeth. Fluoride is, after all, nature’s cavity fighter. Water keeps the mouth clean, making it an inhospitable abode for any bacteria buildup that threatens to coat your teeth and gums. Water washes our mouth with every sip, taking with it any leftover foods, sugar, and other particles that bacteria love to feast on.

Why is it Important to Protect Your Home from Pests of All Kinds?

Whether it’s rats, snakes, spiders, or other types of creepy crawlies, there is nothing funny about finding these pests on the inside of your home, or on the outside either as a matter of fact. Because not only do these pests destroy your home, they can make your family sick as well. There are different types of pests that invade homes and the effects they have on the home and family are different. With that in mind, read on below for a few of those pests and what they do to be revealed, so you know why it’s so important to protect your home from pests of all kind.

Home: Termites

Termites can do serious damage to your home if they are left unattended for long enough. It is estimated that termites cause over $5 billion worth of damage in American homes every year. One important thing to note is that termite damage is not covered by your home insurance and it is not something an amateur should be trying to do. Instead, have Moxie Pest Control services come in and take care of the problem for you, along with all of your other pest control needs.

Health: Roaches

There are different kinds of roaches that can invade a home. If you see one scurrying across the counter, then you can be sure there are a dozen or more where that one came from. They are not only nasty and leave feces and other droppings behind, they carry diseases such as salmonella, something that can make your family very sick.

Home and Health: Rodents

Just the idea of hearing a rodent scampering around in the attic or the walls of our homes is enough to give anyone the willies. Not only can rodents destroy your home by chewing on wiring and other items in your house, putting you in danger of an electrical fire, they are some of the nastiest creatures on the planet. It is estimated that the cutest little mouse, and some of them are cute, drops up to 3,000 microdroplets of urine in your house a day. That gets on your food, your counters, and even your hands if you touch it. They will make you and your family very ill if not taken care of right away.

Health and Home: Fire Ants

If too many fire ants get on you and sting you, it can result in a trip to the hospital. Not only are they bad for your family’s health, they are so extremely prevalent in the southern part of the United States, that they are in the yards of almost every home. These fire ants cannot only mess up the recreational aspect of your home, they can also get into power boxes and air conditioner units and destroy the wiring, putting you in danger of fire in your home. Luckily, they are not that hard to control with the right pest control treatment.

These are just a few of the pests that are dangerous to your family and your home. It is extremely important to have reputable and reliable pest control to ensure that these pests don’t invade and take over your home. 


Want To Travel Within Your Budget?

We all want to travel more. For those who live paycheck to paycheck, it may not be feasible to go on more than one trip every once in a blue moon. Here are some handy tips on how to really make that money stretch and ensure your vacations, no matter their frequency, are as budget friendly and fun as can be.


  • Get a Travel Credit Card


I’m not saying get a credit card and get into debt. You want to be able to pay off your card in a timely manner. That’s just good financial sense. But travel credit cards come with points that will help you on your next vacation.  Each time you make a purchase, you’ll earn rewards points and travel miles.

Which means you should stop using cash or debit, and put everything onto your travel credit card.  Groceries, gas, meals, everything needs to go on this card. Some travel cards turn those points into actual dollars, while others will give you airline credits so you can travel for free.

Most of these cards do come with an annual fee, however. So you’ll want to do some research on how quickly you can accumulate points, how often you’ll be able to spend them, and if it’s feasible for you to pay that fee on top of keeping your balance low.


  • Stay Flexible


The cheapest times to travel are not going to be during normal school breaks and holidays. You will need to go on vacation during off-peak times. While this might not be ideal, you’ll also enjoy the benefit of smaller crowds. Take into account that if you’re traveling with children, they will need to be taken out of school. You’ll want to work with their teachers to ensure all their homework gets done and they don’t miss any important tests.

This also means that you don’t need to stay at the most expensive hotel. What do you need a fancy room for anyway? Are you planning on spending all your time in it? For those who love to travel, the whole point is getting out of the hotel room and seeing the sights. Get a clean room with a decent bed, and you should be just fine.


  • Budget, Budget, Budget


Use coupons when you’re grocery shopping, only buy things on sale or in bulk, do whatever you can to cut corners off your at-home spending so you have more money to play with on vacation. If that means you have to cut out Friday night pizza, so be it. You’ll be happier in the long run.

When you’ve reached your destination, take a few moments before deciding on that souvenir.  Do you really need another snow globe? If so, maybe you can skip the tour bus and go for a walk around the sites instead. Some of the best things are off the beaten path. You never know what you’ll discover when you get lost.

Finally, be sure to take advantage of sites like allworld.com to learn travel tips and tricks from those who have really been there and done that. Experience counts when it comes to the ins and outs of traveling.

My Little Pony: The Movie $500 Prize Pack Giveaway #PonytailTuesday

We have teamed up with Bloggin’ Mamas and My Little Pony: The Movie for this amazing giveaway.

Today, December 19th the digital copy of My Little Pony: The Movie was released! Stay tuned for the Blu-Ray and On Demand release on January 9th, 2018.

Check out this super cool hairstyle that Heather from Bloggin’ Mamas styled on her daughter’s hair! This is a look based on Applejack, a braided ponytail! So much fun re-creating this look and it’s so adorable. You can re-create this hairstyle too, using the below tutorial!

#PonytailTuesday Hairstyle Challenge!

Applejack Braided Pony Style How-To:

Applejack loves to be outside. She’s honest, friendly and sweet to the core! Her friends know they can always count on her and her honesty. Her affinity towards hair accessories inspired this look. One of Snip-its Haircuts for Kids’ favorite party styles, the “One Trick Pony” gets upgraded when 3 color streaks are added. Great for party and play, your little princess will love this look and the pony who inspired it.

What You’ll Need:

  • Comb
  • A handful of bobby pins
  • 2 – plastic binders
  • Colored Hair Chalk (3 different colors)
  • Snip-its Tangle Tamer Detangling Spray
  • Snip-its Morning Miracle Mousse Styling Spray
  • Snip-its Amazin’ Spray & Stay Hairspray

Applejack Braided Pony Styling Tips:

  1. Start with clean, detangled hair. Snip-its Tangle Tamer is a quick, easy and tear-free solution to any tangles and snarls.
  2. Part off a triangle section in the front and top section of the hair and pin this hair out of your way.
  3. Take the remainder of the hair and put it in a high ponytail with a plastic binder.
  4. Now take the hair out of the triangle section and apply the hair chalk to this section before doing a loose, 3-strand braid—finishing with another plastic binder.
  5. Apply a spritz of Snip-its Amazin’ Spray & Stay Hairspray just to the top braided section to seal in the color.
  6. Attach this braid to the ponytail, wrapping it around the plastic band, and attaching with a few bobby pins underneath.
  7. Take just the top section of the ponytail and divide it into 3-equal parts.
  8. Add a different hair chalk color streak to each of the divided, top section parts—one color per divided, top section part.
    TIP: Repeating the color you used in the braid for the middle section, will make it look like one color streak continuing all the way through the style.
  9. Teasing the ponytail a bit from underneath shows of the color more. Use Snip-its Morning Miracle Mousse Styling spray to create the desired look and eliminate any flyaways.
  10. Finish by sealing the color with a few pumps of Snip-its Amazin’ Spray & Stay Hairspray.

Hair Chalk Tips:

Kid-friendly hair chalk lasts 3 or 4 days. It’s temporary enough to switch up the colors and designs frequently – your little ones can use their imagination and express themselves without any permanency.

  • Wetting the section of hair you’re going to color will help enhance the hue and get more chalk into the hair shaft.
  • Seal in the chalk with hairspray to get the longest lasting color.
  • Protective clothing and plastic gloves will help keep the color off you whilst applying. It will also easily wash off with soap and water if you do get any on you.

Stop by a Snip-its salon to meet our Kids Hair Experts and learn about trends, how-tos and the perfect hair care for your kiddos. We Speak Kid and can’t wait for your little one’s Haircut Adventure to begin.

Connect with My Little Pony: The Movie
Website | Facebook | Twitter

Now for the Giveaway!

I’m so excited to team up with Bloggin’ Mamas, and a few other great bloggers to bring you a giveaway for this amazing giveaway.
One lucky winner will receive a My Little Pony: The Movie Prize pack valued at $500!

Here’s what’s included:

Open to US residents, 18 and up
Void where prohibited
One entrant per email/IP address
If you’re chosen you have 48 hours to claim your prize or another winner will be chosen.
Win­ner will be selected by Random.org and be noti­fied by email
See Give­away Tools wid­get below for full terms & conditions.

Giveaway begins 12/19/2017 at 5pm EST and ends 1/8/2018 at 11:59pm EST.

Disclosure: Giveaway begins December 19th, 2017 at 5:00 pm and ends January 9th, 2018 at 11:59 pm EST. Open to US residents age 18 and older. One (1) Mystery Box of My Little Pony The Movie Prizes valued at $500 will be awarded to one (1) winner. Total ARV of $500 per prize pack. Winners will be selected by Random.org and be notified by email. Winners have until January 9th, 2018 at 11:59pm EST to respond or forfeit their prize. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Youtube, and Google are in no way associated with this giveaway. By providing your information in this form, you are providing your information to Heather Lopez Enterprises LLC. We do not share or sell information and will use any information only for the purpose of contacting the winner.

Simple Tips That Will Help You Get A Bikini Body

When summer rolls around, it is time to break out your bikini so that you can hit the beach. Before you do that, however, you may want to try using some simple diet and exercise tips to get in shape. Feeling great about your body will give you more confidence so that you can enjoy the warm summer weather without worrying about how you look in your bathing suit.


If you want to give your metabolism a boost, you should avoid starving yourself. Instead, make sure that you are eating plenty of calories and that you are giving your body the nutrition that it needs. If you cut back on calories too much, your body will enter starvation mode. In essence, that means that your body starts to think that you are starving. It compensates by storing fat rather than burning it.


One of the easiest ways to lose weight is by cutting out processed foods. Typically, these foods have a lot of empty calories. They also usually contain sugar. Whole foods such as lean meats, fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and organic dairy products are all good choices. Just make sure that you buy products that are processed as little as possible. The closer they are to their natural state, the healthier they are for your body and the more likely they are to help you lose weight.


Make sure that you choose foods that are delicious and satisfying. Eating food that you love is a great way to keep yourself from feeling deprived. When you feel satisfied, you are less likely to binge on unhealthy foods.


Prepare your meals in advance. Knowing what you are going to eat and having the food already prepared is the best way to stay on track with your diet. Most people should try to eat around 1500 calories each day when they are trying to lose weight, although this number can vary depending on your age, your activity level, your gender, and your current weight. Experts usually recommend eating five or six modestly sized meals each day instead of eating three big meals. You can easily accomplish this by fitting in a healthy snack between meals in the morning and another in the afternoon.


Keep healthy food on hand that you can snack on throughout the day. Fresh fruits and vegetables are a good option, as are nuts and seeds. Although nuts have a lot of calories, they also contain a ton of nutrients. They are a good source of healthy fats, as well, making them a smart addition to your diet plan.


Stay hydrated by drinking water that has been flavored with fresh lemon juice throughout the day. The subtle lemon flavor makes the water easier to drink. When you keep your body hydrated, you can see improvements in your digestion, the condition of your skin, and your overall immunity. Getting plenty of water can also help keep your metabolism going strong. Try drinking a glass of water approximately 30 minutes before you eat breakfast each day. Then, continue drinking more as the day goes on to ensure that your body is getting enough water.


Decide what to do about carbohydrates. Your body needs carbohydrates to produce energy. At the same time, however, too many carbohydrates can cause you to gain weight – especially if you choose empty carbohydrates like the ones that are found in junk food, sweets, or overly processed foods. The best option is to get your carbohydrates from healthy foods such as quinoa or brown rice. Try to avoid white foods like pasta, white bread, white rice, and potatoes. Instead, opt for complex carbohydrates like the ones that you can find in whole grains and fresh vegetables. When cooking dishes, try substituting whole grains for pasta or other foods that are high in simple carbohydrates.


Make hydration one of your top priorities. When you drink enough water, it helps you feel fuller. This, in turn, can keep you from eating too many calories. It also helps your body work better. Alcohol, soda, coffee, and other types of beverages can cause dehydration. Plain water is almost always the best choice. If you do need to have coffee in the morning, try taking it black rather than adding a lot of sugar or cream. If you need a little bit of sweetness, a product like Stevia is a great alternative to traditional sugar.


Working Out And Staying Rested


If you want to lose weight, you need to exercise – particularly if you are hoping to have a lean, toned body by the time summer rolls around. Try using these tips to get in great shape:


Consider working out with another person. Staying motivated to exercise can be challenging. When you work out with another person, it is a lot easier to stay on track. Working out is also much more fun when you have someone to share the experience with. An exercise guide can also help and we’ve read a great review of Kayla Itsines – so it could be worth a try.


Make sure to stretch every time you work out. Avoid the temptation to skip stretching. When you stretch your muscles, you are less likely to get injured. Stretching can also help reduce soreness after a challenging workout.


Periodically change things up. Don’t just do the same work out all the time. Instead, change your workout routine around frequently so that you focus on different parts of your body. Make sure to choose a variety of different exercises so that all of your muscle groups are getting a good workout. For instance, don’t just walk or run. Instead, try swimming, hiking, and rock climbing to add more muscle groups into the mix. Adding some variety to your workouts can also help make exercising more fun and enjoyable.


Make sure you are getting plenty of cardiovascular exercise. Getting your heart rate up is a great way to lose weight. Try to find a cardio activity that keeps your heart rate in the target zone for half an hour at least a couple of times a week. As you get in better shape, you can increase the duration and intensity of your workouts. There are a ton of fun cardiovascular activities out there ranging from Zumba to running.


Whenever possible, walk. Walking is a fantastic way to get in shape and doesn’t require any equipment. Best of all, you can easily add more walking to your day without having to drastically change your routine. Simply choosing a parking spot that is further out or climbing the stairs instead of jumping on the elevator at work can make a big difference. Buy a pedometer and try to walk a minimum of 10,000 steps each day. You may even be able to use your smartphone to track your steps since many of them have apps available that are designed specifically for that purpose.


Don’t forget to incorporate strength training into your workouts as well. Building muscles is a great way to rev up your metabolism. Make sure that you are working all of your muscle groups to get the best results.


Consider incorporating yoga into your workout routine. Spending some time stretching and focusing on your breathing is a great way to begin your day.


When deciding on workouts, make sure to choose activities that you enjoy. Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to maintain your exercise program long enough to see results.


Pencil in a time for exercise each day. When you add it to your schedule, you are less likely to skip it or to get too busy to fit it in.


Getting plenty of sleep is essential. If you are sleep deprived, it is much more difficult to get in shape. Additionally, studies have shown that people who don’t get enough sleep are more likely to be overweight than those who do. Focus on getting the rest that you need to make exercising easier.


Finally, don’t forget to take care of your skin after each workout. Prevent clogged pores or acne by taking a shower after your workouts. This can help clear away any sweat or oil.