Airplanes and Ear Pain

There are plenty of things to love about air travel. Looking down through the clouds at the toy-sized cars and people rarely gets old. Those elf-sized packs of peanuts and pretzels and the tiny cups of soda have an oddly childlike charm. And at the end of the day, you’re hurtling through the air at 30,000 miles above the ground—what part of that isn’t exciting?


A first-class or even an exit-row seat will buy you some additional legroom, but unfortunately every seat carries the same risk of experiencing the unpleasant ear pain and popping that commonly happens during air travel. In most cases, the pressure and pain you feel is mercifully brief. Odds are your hearing will return to its usual levels just a few minutes after the plane lands. It’s rare to sustain permanent hearing loss as a direct result of a flight.

Just where does this popping and pain come from? And, more importantly, is there anything you can do to prevent it?

What Causes the Pain and Popping?

The ear problems you experience when you fly are caused by an imbalance between the air pressure in your middle ear and that of the air around you. This is especially true during takeoff and landing, when the air pressure in the cabin is rapidly changing, oddly enough, to keep you comfortable. When the pressure is lowered during takeoff, your eardrum begins to swell outward like a rising loaf of bread. The reverse happens when the pressure is raised during landing, causing your eardrum to get sucked inward. In both of these cases, the imbalance leads to the muffled hearing and uncomfortable pain and pressure.

Open Your Eustachian Tubes to Equalize the Pressure

The key to remedying this uncomfortable situation is to open your eustachian tubes in order to equalize the pressure. Less than an inch and a half long, these tiny tubes allow small volumes of air to enter or exit your middle ear. Here are a few simple ways to make this happen:

  • Yawn a lot. Yawning is actually “contagious” so you may even be helping out the passengers around you.
  • Swallowing is one of the easiest ways to open up the tubes and neutralize the pressure. To stimulate your mouth to make more saliva, gum chewing is often recommended. For infants, nursing, bottle-feeding or sucking on a pacifier can help. Older children can suck on lollipops or hard candy.
  • Adults can also try a technique known as the Valsalva maneuver. Take a deep breath, then close your mouth and pinch your nose shut. Try to force air out until your ears pop. This is not recommended if you have a cold or allergies, since it could lead to additional complications. Instead, you can try the Toynbee maneuver, in which you close your mouth and nose and swallow a few times until the pressure equalizes.

Tips to Help Prevent Ear Pain

Everyone is different, so try a few of these to see what works best for you:

  • Avoid sleeping during takeoff or landing—for many people this won’t be a problem!
  • Stay hydrated during the flight by drinking fluids frequently. Ask for more water if you need it.
  • Try wearing earplugs specifically designed for equalizing in-flight pressure.
  • Use nasal spray an hour before landing. But be aware that over-use of these products can actually lead to greater congestion making it harder for your Eustachian tubes to do their job.
  • Along those lines, a decongestant tablet before or after the flight may also be helpful as long as its use is approved by your doctor.

Ear pain and pressure are definitely not the travel companions you want to have. Keep them at bay with these tips. And if you wake up on the day of your trip with a sinus infection, cold or allergy attack, consider rescheduling your flight. When your sinuses are severely blocked your chances of serious ear damage rise considerably.

If you’re worried about your ears, or are concerned you may be suffering from hearing loss, it may be worth having them checked. The experts at Miracle-Ear offer free hearing evaluations at more than 1,200 locations across the country.

Splatoon Video Game Review

Disclosure- We have received the below in order to facilitate this review.  All opinions are our own and honest.

In the world of gaming, there are a variety of genres and types of games including role playing, action, adventure, and shooters to name a few. The last one often times involving one team fighting another with violence and fun. This is all fine if you are into that type of thing, but let’s say you want a shooter with less violence. This is where Splatoon steps in.


Splatoon is the newest franchise by Nintendo, and is a paint based shooter. Instead of simply shooting your enemies, you also paint the area around you in order to win the game. The main characters of Splatoon are Inklings, which can instantly change into squids and swim in ink.

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As an inkling, you can only swim in your color’s ink which not only allows you to hide from the enemy but also refill your ink. Ink is used to either splat the enemy into a puddle of paint or to cover the area in paint. Splatted players then respawn at their original spawning point.


There are a few different online multiplayer modes which are broken up into two categories- regular battles, and ranked. Regular battles are just played for fun, and you can join any you wish. These are based on the Turf War game type. In Ranked mode, you are able to play Splat Zones and be ranked based on your winning and splatting. In Turf War, players try to cover the most area of the map in paint. Splat Zones is similar to king of the hill where a team tries to control a certain area by keeping it covered in paint.

Battle Dojo lets players play local multiplayer and compete in a balloon popping competition, by spraying the balloons with paint.


Single player campaign is called Octo Valley and includes capturing Zapfish from the Octarians.
As you play more of the game, additional options open up to your player, like gaining clothing and accessories as well as  different weapons. Each piece of acquired clothing can boost a certain trait (as well the fact that it makes your Inkling looks spiffy).

My son thoroughly enjoys Splatoon because of the cute characters and fun multiplayer modes. He also loves the Amiibo support. There are three Amiibo’s available for use with Splatoon, each unlocking new portions of the game. One of the interesting characteristics of the game is that it will be constantly changing with new game modes, maps to explore, and customizations to equip. (So be sure to get in now and grab all the fun stuff

Splatoon is available now at fine retailers everywhere as well as the eShop. Splatoon retails for $59.99 and is for the Wii U.

Popular eyelash treatments

No women can resist long, curled and thick eyelashes. Since the dawn of time, women have used their look to seduce men and in that regard, eyelashes are one of the main female attributes which can be easily augmented by the use of mascara, extensions or even enhancers. They are regarded as symbol of female beauty and, as such, women are more than willing to invest their time to improve them and give them a ravishing look.

Among many different product that are available, mascara is still dominant when it comes to popularity. Mascara is used for volume, deepening, curling, by using rubber or regular brush, with base or without it. Similarly to lipstick or any other part of make-up, we learn how to use them when we are children. It is really easy to apply it although it can be sometimes a problem to get it off. During removal it can even lead to irritation and other issues. So, even if it was easy to prepare for a party or some special event, the real trouble starts when we get home. But, results are instantaneous and they make your eyelashes look amazing and voluminous. Unfortunately, recent studies have shown that excessive use of this product has induced cancer in lab rats.

Recently, eyelash enhancers are starting to grow in popularity and they are slowly starting to overwhelm the market. Unlike mascara, most of the enhancers are regarded as medical products; they are usually used as a way of treating hypotrichosis or glaucoma. However, as of late, many women are starting to use them on a daily basis in order to improve volume and thickness of their eyelashes. Even though they alter your eyelashes, you still need to use them each and every day. So, in that regard, mascara and enhancers are very similar because you need to use them regularly. But, we can choose when we want to put mascara. When person uses enhancers such as Latisse or RapidLash, they need to be applied every night for a permanent effect.

When it comes to eyelash enhancers, they are treated more as medical products than cosmetic. They need to be approved by FDA and doctor needs to prescribe them so you can use them. Like many other drugs, there is a chance of allergic reaction. It is necessary to do thorough examination before using any of these products. Even with all the tests, there is still a chance that your body will exhibit certain problems when you use one of these drugs. For example, if you choose to buy Latisse, common side effects are redness, itching, discomfort and blurry vision. Sometimes, severe side effects may occur like pain, infection, swelling, dizziness, nausea, headache etc. If something similar happens to you, it is necessary to consult your doctor as soon as possible.

Besides eyelash enhancers and mascara, artificial eyelashes are very popular as of late. They are a little bit harder to apply, but in time, person who is using them becomes more proficient so it gets easier. Unlike other products, these are completely artificial and they don’t interfere with your natural processes. It can be even said that they are the healthiest option available to you.

Summer road trip tips to keep you (and the kids) happy

With the cold days of winter long behind us and spring turning into summer, so marks the beginning of another highly anticipated season-road trip season! A road trip with the family may not seem as exciting as a lazy week on the beach, but with the right prep and attitude, you and the kids can make a truly memorable experience-no sand required.

So what can you do if you’ve got a week or two going spare during your summer time and need to get out of the house? Read along for some tips on taking the greatest road trip of your life.

1 Have a plan but don’t let it control you

Sometimes it makes sense to plan every tiny detail of a vacation, but being in charge of your own transportation (and skipping out on the stress of flying with kids) means that you can relax a bit more knowing that what really matters is that the tank is full and you can locate the nearest highway on-ramp! So instead of knowing where you’ll be hour by hour, leave some space in your itinerary for spontaneity. Aim to see or do one or two big things a day-maybe have a lunch venue in mind as well as the museum you most want to see-but leave everything else up to your whims. This way you won’t miss out on the stuff that’s most important to you, but you’ll still see things you had never planned on. This also leaves a buffer for nap times and grumpy moods, and means you won’t have to miss out on huge chunks of your planned day. A loose plan is a good plan, in this case.

2. Service the car pre-trip

Don’t make the mistake of finding out your engine is on its last leg when you’re three hours into Day One. Whether you should finally get around to buying the needed spare parts for your groovy vintage Volkswagen or you have a family-friendly SUV or van at your disposal, make sure you’ve checked the oil and your trunk is full of any on-the-go emergency pieces you may need, like a spare tire and a first aid kit.

3. Fun and games for everyone.

Podcasts, kid-friendly audio books, and playlists of everyone’s favorite singalong jams will help while away the hours on the road. Still need help? You can search for the list of the greatest road trip songs of all time (Spotify would be great for this) or you can always make your own. Have the kids get involved and let everyone choose what goes on the radio for an hour of your drive. Fair shares all around and a nice rotation for your ears. Everybody wins!

4. Snacks snacks snacks

Yes, there’s always the gas station, but that gets expensive very, very quickly. Instead, bring your own cooler filled with food and drink and save your change for much more interesting adventures. Good ideas for cooler fare could include pb+j, trail mix, string cheese, bananas, and a refillable water bottle.

4. Take pictures-real ones

With the cold days of winter long behind us and spring turning into summer, so marks the beginning of another highly anticipated season-road trip season! A road trip with the family may not seem as exciting as a lazy week on the beach, but with the right prep and attitude, you and the kids can make a truly memorable experience-no sand required.

So what can you do if you’ve got a week or two going spare during your summer time and need to get out of the house? Read along for some tips on taking the greatest road trip of your life.

1. Have a plan but don’t let it control you

Sometimes it makes sense to plan every tiny detail of a vacation, but being in charge of your own transportation (and skipping out on the stress of flying with kids) means that you can relax a bit more knowing that what really matters is that the tank is full and you can locate the nearest highway on-ramp! So instead of knowing where you’ll be hour by hour, leave some space in your itinerary for spontaneity. Aim to see or do one or two big things a day-maybe have a lunch venue in mind as well as the museum you most want to see-but leave everything else up to your whims. This way you won’t miss out on the stuff that’s most important to you, but you’ll still see things you had never planned on. This also leaves a buffer for nap times and grumpy moods, and means you won’t have to miss out on huge chunks of your planned day. A loose plan is a good plan, in this case.

2. Service the car pre-trip

Don’t make the mistake of finding out your engine is on its last leg when you’re three hours into Day One. Whether you should finally get around to buying the needed spare parts for your groovy vintage Volkswagen or you have a family-friendly SUV or van at your disposal, make sure you’ve checked the oil and your trunk is full of any on-the-go emergency pieces you may need, like a spare tire and a first aid kit.
3. Fun and games for everyone.

Podcasts, kid-friendly audio books, and playlists of everyone’s favorite singalong jams will help while away the hours on the road. Still need help? You can search for the list of the greatest road trip songs of all time (Spotify would be great for this) or you can always make your own. Have the kids get involved and let everyone choose what goes on the radio for an hour of your drive. Fair shares all around and a nice rotation for your ears. Everybody wins!
4. Snacks snacks snacks

Yes, there’s always the gas station, but that gets expensive very, very quickly. Instead, bring your own cooler filled with food and drink and save your change for much more interesting adventures. Good ideas for cooler fare could include pb+j, trail mix, string cheese, bananas, and a refillable water bottle.

5. Take pictures-real ones

And not just on your phone! Of course it’s nice to instagram and hashtag your way around the country, but the beautiful scenery you’ll come across and the experiences you’ll be sharing with the little ones will be more than worthy of a tried and true point-and-shoot camera. Turn the snaps into a keepsake photo book when you return home and remember how much more fun it is to check out a scrapbook ten years from now rather than a long scroll through Facebook mobile uploads.

And not just on your phone! Of course it’s nice to instagram and hashtag your way around the country, but the beautiful scenery you’ll come across and the experiences you’ll be sharing with the little ones will be more than worthy of a tried and true point-and-shoot camera. Turn the snaps into a keepsake photo book when you return home and remember how much more fun it is to check out a scrapbook ten years from now rather than a long scroll through Facebook mobile uploads.

Pediped Kids Sandals Review and GIVEAWAY

Disclosure- I received the below in order to facilitate this review. All opinions are my own and honest. Please see “Disclose” tab for more info.


With summer here, you know that I was looking for the easiest, most comfortable shoes for my little dude and our summer fun and travels. He’s not big on laces, so we are loving the Flex Canyon.

About Pediped:

Pediped’s motto is: Pediped, next best thing to bare feet.

These shoes are made with exceptional quality, unsurpassed comfort, and distinctive styling. These shoes are award winning, and they are the fastest growing children’s footwear brand in the United States.


  • American Pdiatric Medical Association Seal of Acceptance for promotion of heathy foot development
  • Orthopedic Medical Professionals deem pediped shoes an excellent choice for parents/caregivers who want their children’s feet to develop naturally and healthily.
  • Earnshaw’s Earnie Award for Company of the Year and Best Footwear
  • In 2012, Earnie Award for Company for good

Pediped is sold in over 3,000 stores in the United States and 40 countries worldwide with an offering of more than 130 designs for boys and girls in their three lines.

  • Originals: 0-24 months

[Read more…]

Datarank Hidden Valley Ranch

This Post is sponsored by Datarank and Hidden Valley Ranch. All opinions are my own.

We all know how wonderful Hidden Valley Ranch is as a salad dressing, a dip or topping on just about anything that needs a little zip, but did you know Hidden Valley can be used in actual recipes themselves.

Today we are going to take a look at a tasty burger receipt which will leave your guests begging for more. Also, this gives you a good excuse to try out the new Hidden Valley Ranch Flavor in an interesting new way.


We tried making something new, the Sweet Chili Burger.


1 lb ground meat of choice (any meat will do, but ground beef or chicken is preferred)

Half cup of Hidden Valley Ranch Sweet Chili

Toppings and rolls


In a large bowl mix the half cup Hidden Valley and the meat together, this should be covered then refrigerated at least a few hours before cooking, overnight is best.

Once it is time to start grilling, make your patties as thick or thin as you like then cook to your preference.

You will find the burgers have a slight peppery sweetness to them, but nothing over powering and they will also be one of the juiciest burgers you have ever tasted. There is little to no spice profile in this which should be noted as well.

This recipe works well because the Hidden Valley adds some much needed moisture when cooking while also holding the burger together.

There are also a few other new Hidden Valley Ranch flavors which could be used in place of Sweet Chili. They are Avocado Ranch, Cucumber Ranch light and regular, and Roasted Garlic. Of the ones available Roasted Garlic sounds like a good second pick if Sweet Chili doesn’t float your boat.  Head to Walmart and grab some today!
Click here for a coupon as well!

The Algonquin Resort in New Brunswick

The summer can be the most exhausting time of the year. Figuring out what to do with the kids, the heat, planning your holiday- you can wear yourself out just thinking about it, and I haven’t even mentioned the events yet. It seems like there are always a million things to do, so many places to shuttle off to, and never enough time to do it all. When you need a break, you want to go to a place where your days were carefree and relaxed, sprinkled with fun and one of a kind adventures. Of course, I am talking about The Algonquin Resort.

20140820_152600This resort is amazing. The staff is helpful, knowledgeable, and will help take care of everything for you. Not only is the resort elegant and historical, but they offer amazing perks to make your stay as carefree as possible. You have  the option to hit the greens, go to the spa, take in a game of tennis, and enjoy the indoor or outdoor pools. Then retire to your room, where you will enjoy a historical look and modern conveniences. Some of the rooms offer panoramic views of the picturesque Passamaquoddy Bay, which is lovely.

20140821_072903In addition to offering lovely rooms and a true feeling of luxury, the variety of experiences available for guests offers something for everyone, the kids, the golfers, the lovers and the adventure seekers.  The food at the resort is top notch, with several restaurants to choose from, as well as buffet style options. Children’s menus are available as well, although I always reccomend you have your kids try something fun and new while traveling.  Why not experience new food while in a new place?
pic6The spa offered so many more services than other resorts I have visited- from make up to hair, hands and feet, massages and so much more. You can truly enjoy a day of complete pampering at The Spa at The Algonquin Resort.  The rooms are also perfect for relaxing- quiet, dark when you want them to be, and spacious.  There are kitchen areas with refrigerators, counter tops, a separate eating area, microwaves, and more, making eating in while on vacation an easy option.
20140820_16003820140820_160047If you feel like a getaway is in order to refresh your spirit for the new year, The Algonquin Resort located in New Brunswick’s charming town of St. Andrews by-the-Sea, is absolutely a lovely place to go to relax and unwind or discover a fantastic adventure.  Hang out in the resort, then go exploring in the town.  There are some fun and unique things to do with your family that you won’t want to miss, like whale watching in the Bay of Fundy on the the Jolly Breeze and vising the at Kingsbrae Garden.  Make sure you scheduled time for lunch there- you will get a fun surprise!  Alpacas come and eat on the field just feet away from the tables.  (Far enough so it’s not weird, close enough so it’s fun.)

Dr. Pepper 4th of July

Disclosure- This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own and honest.  Please see ” I Disclose” for more information”.


When throwing a 4th of July barbeque, one of the most fun parts of planning is how to make it memorable, while still keeping within a budget. The key here is “within budget”- its easy to make a memorable day while spending a ton of money on renting outdoor fun stuff like a cotton candy machine, popcorn machine, bouncy house, etc. The real trick is to make memories and fun while being reasonable and money smart. Below are a few tips to help during the coming 4th of July holiday weekend.

– Variety. Variety is the spice of life giving your guests lots of options is key. Have classics like hot dogs and hamburgers, but also things for those vegetarians out there too like portabella mushrooms grilled like hamburgers, lots of salad options, and also some veggie burgers. With options,inted your guests will have a hard time picking just one making them happy and full. If it isn’t feasible for you to foot the bill for this alone have a pot luck barbecue where guests bring salads, sides, desserts, drinks etc. This will work in your favor as long as there is communication, the last thing you want is five people bringing the same potato salad.

– Drinks. Have lots of drinks don’t bank on lemonade and cola. Dr Pepper is a great way to bring about differences in drink options that kids and adults love. This is especially true with Dr Pepper’s new Summer flavors: Dr Pepper Cherry® and Dr Pepper Vanilla Float®. If you are feeling adventurous have a float stand where your guests can make their own ice cream floats using the soda already available and various ice cream varieties like vanilla, strawberry and chocolate. Lots of ice lots of coolers and lots of fun.


– Ethnic. Food from around the world can add a variety of spices, smells, colors, and most of all variety. Special marinades can help out a ton and also make ethnic cooking incredibly easy. Just be sure to follow directions and keep flavors separate. Try to keep the grill clean as well. Following these guidelines will keep your jerk chicken from tasting like the curry tuna. Another idea for marinates is try something unique, a neat idea which I recent stumbled upon was marinating in Dr. Pepper. The 23 flavors really help meat get tender and juicy while adding a unique flavor that most will not be able to put their finger on until you uncover your secret.


No matter what your plans are this 4th of July be sure so include Dr. Pepper in your plans even if you are just a guest coming to a barbecue. I promise coming to the party with Dr. Pepper will always be welcome.

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Dr. Pepper Snapple Group. The opinions and text are all mine.