Win a LoveSac Chaise Sectional!

Welcome to the Sactionals Sectional Furniture Giveaway!

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There are only 2 pieces. Combine any quantity of Sactionals “Bases” and “Sides” to arrange (and rearrange) any chair, sofa, sectional, loveseat, or bed you can imagine – no tools necessary. Sactionals Covers are removable and can be changed at any time, so you’ll never be stuck with furniture that doesn’t match if you decide to change your home décor. Sactionals Covers are also machine washable, so when the kids spill their food and drink all over the furniture or the dog uses your Sactionals to wipe his feet off, just take the covers off and throw them in the washing machine!

Four Cushion Chaise Sectional with Chocolate Rhinoplush CoversSactionals Four Cushion Chaise Sectional with Chocolate Rhinoplush Covers ($3,260 Value)

  • 4 Sactionals Base Pieces, 5 Sactionals Side Pieces
  • Machine Washable, Changeable Chocolate Rhinoplush Covers
  • Easy to Change Covers Anytime!
  • Easy to Rearrange Into Dozens of Positions
  • Most Versatile Number of Pieces
  • Fast and 100% Free Shipping
  • Lifetime Guarantee!

Four Sactionals Bases and five Sactionals Sides make a Four Cushion Chaise Sectional. A Four Cushion Chaise Sectional is not only the world’s most popular sectional furniture setup, but one of the smartest ways to buy your first Sactionals [Read more…]

Clickinks Shredder Giveaway

You can win a Shredder from Clickinks by clicking on this link-
Win a SimplyShred SG-830C Ultra Quiet Heavy-Duty 15-Sheet Smart Micro-Cut Paper Shredder Prize [Read more…]

The Wildlife Conservation Society Announces Second Annual WCS Run for the Wild At the New York Aquarium

This year’s WCS Run for the Wild 5K run/walk in Brooklyn

is dedicated to saving walruses and other wildlife

Event date:

Saturday, Oct. 6, 2012

5K Run: 8 a.m.; Family Fun Run/Walk: 8:45 a.m.

Registration is now open at:

Brooklyn, N.Y. – July, 2012 – Time to lace up the sneakers – and perhaps snowshoes – as the second annual Wildlife Conservation Society Run for the Wild in Brooklyn kicks off at WCS’s New York Aquarium on Saturday, Oct. 6 at 8 a.m. to help WCS save walruses and other wildlife.

The route of the 5K run and family fun run/walk will take participants along the famed Coney Island Boardwalk of WCS’s New York Aquarium, where real walruses swim.

The 5K run will begin at 8 a.m. and casual runners and walkers can take part in the Family Fun Run/Walk at 8:45 a.m.

“Walruses are facing serious environmental threats. Climate change is resulting in melting sea ice in the Arctic which is impacting walrus habitat,” said Jon Forrest Dohlin, WCS Vice President and Director of the New York Aquarium. “Everyone who participates in the WCS Run for the Wild – by running, walking, or sponsoring a runner or team – will be helping WCS save walruses and wildlife around the world.”

Said John Calvelli, Executive Vice President of Public Affairs at the Wildlife Conservation Society: “This year’s WCS Run for the Wild in Brooklyn promises to be a fun and rewarding experience for all those who participate. Everyone who runs, walks, or sponsors an individual or team can be proud that they are helping WCS save wildlife and wild places.”

Walruses [Read more…]

CHIMPANZEE out on Blu-ray Combo Pack and DVD

Chimpanzee is an adorable Disney movie that follows the life of little Oscar, who early on gives filmmakers a run for their money when unforeseeable events occur. The outcome, while brought about by tragedy, is a touching experience and a film that your whole family you will enjoy.

I thought I would try something a little different with this movie review- [Read more…]

Inexpensive rainy day activities that keep kids interested

Children are teeming with energy, and it is ideal to let them play outside so
your house can stay clean. However, on rainy days that is not always an
option. You then need to find activities that will keep them interested without
breaking your budget. Here are some ideas that are very inexpensive and will
prevent you from hearing that familiar phrase, “Mom, I’m bored!”

1. Have Your Children Build A Fort

Children love to pretend play, and one great rainy day activity is building forts.
This activity is free and uses materials you have around the house. Set the
children up with blankets and sheets, let them move chairs around and watch
their creative juices flow! They will have a blast creating their fort and playing
house in their fort for hours.

2. Make a Batch Of Homemade Play Dough

There are many homemade recipes for play dough, and most can be made
with materials you have in your kitchen. Involve your children in stirring and
mixing the play dough as well. This will keep them [Read more…]

Snow White And the Huntsman- Out on DVD on Sept. 11


This review is by Ian.

Every so often it is good to remember your roots, especially classic tales. One such tale is Snow White. We all know the Disney movie and the cartoon cute version of this story, but why not take a look at a more adult version of the tale, full of action, adventures, battles and awe. Snow White and The Huntsman : Extended Edition does just that. The film stars Charlize Theron, Chris Hemsworth, Bob Hoskins, and the debut of Raffey Cassidy as young Snow White. The movie is a thrill ride, see the story from a new perspective, a completely different on actually. The witch is creepy and spooky and the Huntsman is awesome. Definitely a worthy role for Chirs Hemsworth.

The [Read more…]

W!N Rubbermaid Sandwich Kit

Alrighty moms, I have found the newest conspiracy against mothers. Are you ready? It is lunch ladies at the schools throwing away our Tupperware in hopes to further expand the diners of their fine establishment. This conspiracy is cleverly disguised as our kids conveniently leaving only their containers all over the school. Where no one then knows where they are. The real place they all go? The trash. You may be asking how can we ever hope to combat this horrible occurrence? Why with lunch kids which actually fit together, are color corded and quite difficult to lose. OK, I made that top part up- MAYBE! LOL.

One such awesome kit happens to be made by Rubbermaid. Take a look at the LunchBlox Sandwich Kit. This sandwich kit is a wonderful idea- first of all it is Rubbermaid, so each container can take beating and still come out strong. They are also dishwasher safe as well. There are 4 containers, 2 [Read more…]

The Lorax- Now on DVD

The Lorax is a heart warming story by Dr. Seuss. In true Dr. Seuss fashion, the story is full of colorful creatures and characters- but this is not the best part of a Dr. Seuss story. The best part is always the ability to weave these incredible fanciful locations and ideas with more domestic thoughts and ideas. The theme of the Lorax is environmental protection.

The story follows Ted on his adventures to win over his girl, in the process of winning her over he meets the Lorax [Read more…]