Vipre Antivirus

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of GFI for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

Vipre Antivirus software was developed by GFI software. GFI Software specializes in small and middle size business IT solutions. Thus making them a perfect company to site with against the evil malware and virus’s of the internet. Gfi first got into the released Vipre in 2010 and since has been improving and keeping systems across the globe safe and secure. GFI are Microsoft Gold Partners as well as the Winning on Windows Award and Microsoft Fusion Award. And these aren’ t the only wards which Vipre has earned. It has also been on the VB100 best award, Readers ‘ Choice Award and is AV-Test Certified.

All the awards in the world mean jack in the real world unless the software actually works. I can say this software does work. The greatest part of Vipre is its strength and its light weight. Vipre has a very small foot print and only uses minimal hardware. This is very nice compared [Read more…]

Wordless Wednesday- Rockin’ Out At #BlogHer12 with @chuckecheese

Fun Finds and Daily Deals

Under the “Worth Wearing” Tab at Zulily you can snag dresses for as low as $16.99!! These dresses are up to 80% off regular price! So if you have a wedding, or special occasion of some sort you might want to check out their items up for grabs.

Plus use code: GAZU812 for $5 off all orders of $50 or more!

eBags has a rooCASE Dual View Leather Case for Amazon Kindle Fire Tablet on sale for $23.99 normally $44.99! They have other colors to choose from as well. Great for Back to School!!

Plus [Read more…]

Top 5 Travel Tips for Large Families

Vacations are meant to be relaxing, but this is not always a reality with a large family
in tow. The entire process can be stressful, from finding spacious accommodations
within your budget to planning activities to satisfy everyone. Follow these simple tips to
avoid the headaches and actually enjoy your vacation.

  1. Plan ahead–Over the years you have packed hundreds of lunches, each one
    specific to each child’s request. You have shuffled the kids to and from school, soccer
    practice and Boy Scouts without skipping a beat, so you probably do not need to be
    told to plan ahead for your family vacation. Regardless, it is crucial to start the process
    months in advance. This way you can ensure your family stays in adjoining hotel rooms.
    Now is your opportunity to negotiate the price, asking for a discount on a second room or
    renting a cot.
  2. Make friends–Once you have used your savvy bartering skills to book an
    affordable hotel stay, make alliances with the staff on your arrival. Tip generously
    and smother them with kindness. Strike up conversation and try to make a personal
    connection with the concierge. This will make a positive first impression, and they might
    be more likely to give you complimentary toiletries, coffee packets or coupons. The staff
    [Read more…]

Win Fab Prizes with a @ThermosBrand #Staycation #TwitterParty

Don’t forget to join the #Staycation Twitter party with @ThermosBrand. @WanderingEds, and @HaveSippy tomorrow at 2pmCT to #win travel essentials.

Join [Read more…]

Win a GK Hair Prize Pack!

One of little girls’ issues related to her disability is her fragile skin which makes daily bathing and hair washing problematic. Unfortunately, for her she also carries the family curse of a tendency toward oily hair…..Blah!

Although dry shampoo seems a viable alternative to the conventional method of washing hair, they typically leave behind a a nasty white powdery residue……..not cute at all …….since we only do cute cute…….well…you know, just scratch them off the list. The big “to do” in these spraypoo products was when they began to come in a variety of colors that matched your hair. This innovation seemed groundbreaking at the time…. yeah except for the flaky colored powder all over your clothes…again the uncute factor….ewwwww.

We’ve also tried caps and foams….we won’t even get into the ugly details on these diva deterrents……..We’ve just been left to struggle through, not so gracefully I might add.

So when another spraypoo came along I wasn’t bursting with excitement and truth be told I almost took a pass, but I felt a glimmer of hope while perusing through their website…….. Invisible Dry Spray Shampoo ….. hummm? Invisible sounds good and so does dry…it held a bit of promise.

The results? GK Dry Shampooactually works!

We purposely skipped Lil girls’ scheduled fluff me up and sprayed her up instead.

We lifted her hair and sprayed at the roots… was clear! Yay for clear! As directed we sprayed and then waited a minute to brush. Then…Ta da… shiny and new!

The gest of it is that it goes on clear to clean and refreshes your hair – with no color and no powdery residue. Just spray in and brush out.
I’m actually impressed and feel a nice sense of relief to one issue being resolved. It’s the smaller victories [Read more…]

My Week With @Nutrisystem #NSNation

Devil I am, I was at BlogHer this week, and you KNOW I was not using my Nutrisystem. It just didn’t happen. With pretty much everything being a lucnh, brunch, breakfast, or party of some sort- yeah, it just didn’t work out. The good thing? It involved a whole lot of walking, all over NYC, and I still lost 2 pounds, LOL. So I am putting this one on the win column.

With [Read more…]

5 Reasons to Encourage Your Kids to Play a Musical Instrument

Music is everywhere: you listen to it in your car and your home. It is in the elevator
at work and the department store in the mall. Chances are you often hear music without
even realizing it. Music breaks the barriers of language, race, space and time, and its
benefits for a prosperous life are innumerable. So the next time you catch your child
banging on your $500 set of pots and pans, let him bang away because your budding
drummer’s future is worth even more.

  1. The most obvious advantage of your child learning to play music is that it
    promotes creativity. Music requires using different parts of the brain than analytical
    subjects like math and science. Whether or not your child is a destined virtuoso,
    exercising the creative areas of his or her brain is healthy for your child’s development.
    This artistic outlet provides a positive channel for your children to express themselves.
    They will also find confidence in being able to communicate their emotions more
    effectively and pride in measuring their progress. With music, there are infinite
    opportunities for learning, encouraging your child to constantly strive for improvement.
  2. Just like adults, kids can experience stress. School can be overwhelming for
    a young mind, and playing music can help your child release his frustrations. Regular
    practice provides your child an outlet to relax in a routine.
  3. You will find that the concentration and coordination involved in learning a
    musical instrument will aid your children [Read more…]