How to increase Plant-Based foods in your eating plan #huel

Plant-based eating not only provides health benefits, it’s good for the environment too. Having a diet rich in plant-based sources is becoming increasingly common, especially with younger generations driving the conversation around sustainability.

Relying on plant-based foods as a primary food source can have a massive effect, and if we all choose plant-based options even a few times a week, we can change the world. The greatest journey starts with the smallest step.

What is a plant-based diet?
A plant-based diet is a diet that consists mainly of foods from plants. Such foods include fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes and whole grains. Meat intake is minimal if any.

There are many reasons why people eat a plant-based diet including environmental, ethical and health concerns. I am not suggesting to eliminate meat from a person’s diet completely, however, reducing meat and animal food consumption is one of the quickest and simple ways an individual can reduce their carbon footprint.

What foods should we eat to achieve daily recommended nutrients, vitamins, minerals on a plant-based diet?
There are some easy ways to ensure, with a plant-based diet, you can get the recommended amounts of all nutrients:
–       Eat the rainbow.
As different color foods usually contain different levels of nutrients, it’s important to eat a variety. For example, the phytonutrient, lycopene which is an antioxidant that protects against cell damage and gives tomatoes its red color. While carotenoids, another group of antioxidants, give fruits and vegetables orange and yellow colors, such as carrots.

–       Get enough Vitamin B12.
Vitamin B12, which plays a vital role in helping the body produce red blood cells can usually be perceived as tricky to get enough of with a plant-based diet. The good news is, it’s really not. As a start, try incorporating plant-based milks that are that are fortified with B12, and calcium and vitamin D. Cereals, meat alternatives and some soy products are often fortified with B12 too. Taking a B12 supplement also rids any concerns.

–       Ensure adequate omega-3 consumption.
If oily fish is not part of your eating plan, then foods such as walnuts, soy and flaxseed are ways to ensure adequate omega 3 consumption. Flaxseed is one of Huel’s six main ingredients and contains the omega-3 essential fatty acid ALA. Omega-3 fats are generally low in a Western diet and adequate omega-3 consumption is important to support cardiovascular health.

–       Keep your iron up
Iron is not just found in meat food sources. Dark leafy greens, nuts and dried fruits are great sources of iron. Iron is crucial for oxygen transport, cognitive function and the immune system. Iron from plant sources can be harder to absorb, but again, there’s no need to worry. Iron absorption can also be increased by the presence of vitamin C which is found in lots of fruits and vegetables such as oranges and peppers. It’s where the idea of having orange juice with breakfast comes from – to increase the iron that is added to cereals.

Huel contains 280% of the nutrient reference value using only plant sources. Although this looks high, it’s to account for the bioavailability of iron and it’s interaction with other nutrients, which can also affect its absorption.

How do you transition to plant-based eating?
Whether your motivation to increase plant-based foods to your eating plan is to improve your health or environmental footprint, incorporating higher amounts of plant-based foods can be achievable.
–       Make small changes over time.
Start by eating one plant-based meal a day. This will be easier to stick with rather than making large, unsustainable changes overnight. If preparing a nutritious meal in the middle of the day is not easily achievable, and your nearby lunchtime corner shop leaves you limited with health plant-based or vegan options, then Huel is a good convenient and nutritious meal option. It’s a nutritionally complete meal providing all 27 essential vitamins and minerals with an ideal macronutrient split, with good quality carbohydrates, fats and protein.

–       Make some easy fridge swaps.
A good place to start is by swapping dairy milk with almond or oat milk such as Oatly.  The rapidly growing plant-based meat industry lead by Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods is also providing shoppers with plenty of options.

–       Change your mindset.
Instead of thinking, “I can’t eat meat,” think about all the wonderful things you can eat and how beneficial these are for your health (and the planet). Stop focussing on meat as the hero on your plate and rather, build your plate with new and nutritious food choices.

Huel was co-founded by James Collier, Registered Nutritionist with 20 years experience with the national health service in the UK. James is a renowned nutrition expert with over 25 years working in nutrition and dietetics. His experience also includes working in the NHS (UK) as a clinical dietitian covering an array of clinical areas.

Huel’s mission is to make nutritionally complete, convenient, affordable food, with minimum impact on animals and the environment. With this in mind, Huel’s products are 100% vegan.

Haba Hubelino Basic Set Marble Run

If you are looking for ideas to keep the kids occupied during these long pandemic/ “shelter in place” days  of no school, no camp, no playdates, etc, check out the new Haba Hubelino Basic Set, Marble Run. It’s a fun toy that has blocks that are used to build the set into as many tracks as the mind can imagine- but don’t worry, it comes with a booklet that illustrates ideas in case the mind is tired.

Some basic info-

  • 123 pieces for endless building

  • Build different marble runs with base plates, run elements, building blocks and marbles

  • Use booklet for inspiration

Age: 4+

MSRP: $119 | Buy it here

Here is a silly video my son and I made, opening it up and making the first track in the booklet.

Can Probiotics Supplements Help Your Cat?

The rising popularity of probiotics in the past two decades has raised a question, can your cat or other pets get benefits from it? You may have seen so many varieties of probiotic supplement jars in the mart stacked one over the other in the mart shelves. That clearly indicates there are so many people across the world that use probiotics for better health and well-being. 


We always want to think about our cats perceiving human habits. That being said, it is rational to think cats being mammals also might be benefitted from probiotics. The short answer is, yes, probiotics can help cats. But probiotics for cats are different than that for humans. I’ll tell you everything you will need to know about cat probiotic supplements. 

What Are Cat Probiotics?

Like humans, cats have a bacterial environment in intestines, also known as, flora. This environment has a good balance between good bacteria and bad bacteria. This balance is crucial for your cat to remain healthy. 


When there’s an imbalance, your cat might suffer from diarrhea and other gastrointestinal issues and also alleviate the immunity. That said, it is important to maintain the balance of flora. 


Probiotics are a combination of one or more strains of bacteria present in the guts which when ingested creates a favorable environment for good bacteria and benefits the host. This microorganism can treat a variety of diseases, especially gastrointestinal ones.


Generally, choosing the right supplement for your cat is important while there are too many available. Well, scientists suggest that the probiotics containing the strain of the bacteria that reside in a cat’s intestine are good ones. You can always check the label of the product and check the strains present in the supplement. In any case of confusion, you can seek your vet’s help.

Benefits of Probiotics

There’s been some research done on human probiotics that proves the benefits of probiotics. But for cats, there are some studies which suggest, probiotics also work for cats.


Probiotics improve digestive health which often eases up some clinical signs like low appetite, stomach upset, diarrhea, vomiting, and it makes bowel movements consistent. As we all know, better gut health keeps away many other diseases, probiotics, in general, give your cat’s immune system a boost. All in all, probiotics contribute massively to your cat’s health and well-being.


One of the diseases, Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), is caused if the balance of flora is thrown out. Probiotics can maintain a healthy balance of bacteria and can save your kitty form IBD. The disease is common in cats and can be seen in adult and senior cats often.


However, sometimes the cause of IBD becomes a mystery for us. We feed kibbles to our cats and in fact, kibbles are the form of food that’s unnatural. Eating kibbles for a long period of time may cause certain gastrointestinal problems, including IBD. That said, probiotics also may help to keep away some other GI diseases. 


One veterinarian has also claimed that probiotics can reduce the duration or shorten the reoccurrence of gastroenteritis.

Can You Give Your Cat Human Probiotics?

Veterinarians and feline nutritional experts suggest going with probiotics specially tailored for cats. As I said, good probiotics for cats contain the strains of bacteria present in the guts of a cat. So when you consider human probiotics, that won’t contain those strains. 


Moreover, there is no research available that proves how human probiotics can affect a cat. It may be beneficial but also can be dangerous. In a nutshell, only use probiotics available for cats. 

Risks Associated With Cat Probiotics

There are no evident side effects of probiotics in cats. Also, it’s rare to see any adverse effects in felines. But you should always be selective when choosing the right probiotic supplement for cats. Most supplements or food industries work on meager regulations. So it is important that you know how to read the label of the product.


Moreover, there are no institutions that require manufacturers to prove the presence of the amount of CFUs (Colony Forming Units) of bacteria and their strain as mentioned on the label. Considering this, there is one institution that has oversight on cat probiotics, National Animal Supplement Council. So always prefer to buy the product which has the NASC label.


Nevertheless, there is not enough research available to see how exactly probiotics can improve the flora environment. So it is better to go with ‘common sense’. Not all probiotics work for all cats. If you see significant improvement in your cat’s overall health, that’s the right probiotic for your kitty.

The EndNote

Like human probiotics, there’s a rise in popularity and trend to provide your cat with probiotic supplements. As we have discussed, probiotics in humans are different than those for cats. There are many benefits of probiotics but in a nutshell, they boost immunity and make health better. Studies have shown that probiotics are helping your cat but there is a lot of research yet to be done that can say how exactly it works.

Our New Additions To The Family #DontShopAdopt #RescueMe

So, as any followers on Instagram my have noticed, we have added to the family. We recently added two adorable pups to the pack. We went for one, but ended up with two. You know how that goes. We just couldn’t stop thinking about that adorable little face, so we had to go back.

Welcome home, Shayna and Kofi!

rescue puppy

And tiny Shayna, my first “little dog” ever (foster or personal pet).


rescue chiweenie

We are so excited to have new bundles of love around here. They have made the pandemic more adventurous, that’s for sure!

I post a lot of photos on Twitter and Instagram, so if you aren’t following and like to see puppy photos, link up 🙂

Happy Monday, all.

How to Revamp Your Bedroom for Better Sleep

After a long and busy day, we all love nothing more than to open our bedroom door and shut out the world behind us. No matter how much space you have to play around with, your bedroom should be a place where you get a great quality of sleep. Whether you’ve recently moved into a new home, or you’re a long-term owner, it may be time to revamp your bedroom to help aid sleep. To help, here are 5 strategies that you can take.

Create a Serene Space

The more satisfying your bedroom environment is, the better your sleep will be. If you don’t have the time or money to commit to a full-scale revamp, there are lots of small measures that you can take to create a more serene space. Adding a few photos of naturalistic scenes by your bed, purchasing new bedding, and putting up fairy lights can transform your bedroom for the better, helping you to relax and unwind before hitting the hay.

Ban Reminders of Work

With many of us working longer hours than ever, the last thing we want is to be reminded of work when we go to sleep. The main purpose of a bedroom is to get a good quality of sleep, not to work in, so it’s advised not to put an office in your bedroom. If you don’t have enough room in your home to create an office space, using your kitchen worktop to catch up with work is advised. Any reminders of work in your bedroom can hinder your sleep and stop you from relaxing.

Get Rid of Clutter

If you have more clutter than you care to imagine in your bedroom, it may be time to get rid of unwanted junk. Your bedroom should be spacious and inviting, not full to the brim of clutter. To create a relaxing environment, there are several things you can do, such as investing in trays that can slide underneath your bed. Trays can be used for storage and mean that any items you want to keep hold of can be out of sight, and out of mind. A messy room can have an impact on your mindset, so although it may be difficult to get rid of clutter at first, you will be thankful in the long run.

Invest in a New Mattress

We all want to wake up feeling well-rested and ready for anything, so if you’re struggling to get enough sleep per night, your mattress could be to blame. It’s recommended that you change your mattress every 8 – 10 years, so investing in a new one can help support sleep and provide maximum comfort. There are lots of mattresses under $1,000 which can last for many years, giving you great value for money. If you suffer from lower back pain, a new mattress may be able to ease symptoms and help you get a better quality of sleep.

Add a Relaxing Scent

There are scents like lavender which may contribute towards bettering your sleep. Lavender may help decrease skin temperature, lower blood pressure, and decrease your heart rate, helping to put you in a more relaxed frame of mind. Lavender can also improve your mood and help you feel drowsy. The aroma of your bedroom can play a part in improving sleep, so try and light up a lavender candle before hitting the hay, or washing your sheets using a lavender-scented detergent. 

Missing a night or two of sleep is natural, especially if there are external distractions bothering you. However, if you’ve been losing sleep for several nights, there may be something wrong with your health. Lack of good-quality nighttime slumber can be due to a sleeping disorder.

If you suspect that your sleeping problem goes beyond what’s normal, it’s time to consult your doctor or see a sleep specialist. An expert can help you find out what the problem is and recommend treatments to help you sleep better. One of these treatments may involve the use of a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine, which is usually prescribed to patients with sleep apnea.

With that said, don’t wait until your lack of sleep starts harming your health and the quality of your life. Take care of your health, and see a doctor as soon as you notice warning signs that something is wrong.

Whether you’re on a tight budget or have money to spare, there are lots of inexpensive ways to help create a more peaceful and relaxing bedroom environment. If you’re struggling to get enough shuteye each night, all the tips above can contribute towards improving your quality of sleep.

Travel Advice for Solo Travelers

Although many people enjoy traveling, most people travel with friends and family and not alone. Traveling by yourself can be quite scary, as you’re in a completely new area and are devoid of any familiar faces. However, some people enjoy the freedom that comes with traveling solo, even preferring it over traveling with others. So what can you do to make your trip safer and more enjoyable while you travel solo to Canada to look at houses for sale in Toronto? Here’s some great travel advice for solo travelers. 


Trust Your Gut

When traveling by yourself, you have no one else to rely on for security. As a result, you need to be extra careful when solo traveling, and you need to trust your gut in certain scenarios. Without someone to watch your back, you are much more susceptible to criminals, scams, and con artists, so you need to have a heightened sense of awareness. If you’re ever in a situation that makes you feel uncomfortable or uneasy when traveling alone, you need to trust your gut and get out of there. Your gut is usually right, and you need to rely on it to keep you safe when you have no support away from home.


Carry Identification

As mentioned before, traveling solo can be quite scary as you don’t have a friend or loved one there to support you. One way to make solo travel a little bit safer is to ensure that you always have some form of identification on you at all times. Not only is this identification good for practical purposes such as boarding your flights and getting into your hotel, but it also makes your travels a lot safer. If anything were to ever happen to you far away from home, your identification can let authorities know who you are immediately, and can allow them to get in touch with your emergency contacts. 


Save Money

A major perk about traveling alone is the ability to get special deals and save money on the trip. Solo travelers should try to get the most out of this positive, saving money whenever they can. For example, flights, hotel rooms, and admission fees will all be cheaper since you only have to pay for one person. Some hotels may be able to offer you cheap small rooms, while flights may be able to slot you into a cheaper seat since you don’t have to worry about sitting next to anyone in particular. There are lots of opportunities for solo travelers to save money on their trip, so you should definitely take advantage of them to the best of your ability. 


Follow Your Heart

One of the biggest positives about traveling by yourself is that you don’t have to satisfy the wants of other people on your trip. Due to this, you can tailor the entire trip exactly to your interests. You can choose exactly where you want to visit, where you want to stay, and what activities you want to do. The trip is yours alone, and you don’t need to please anyone or compromise on any part of it. As a result, you should take this opportunity to follow your heart and cross some things that you’ve had on your bucket list off.

Reasons to Consider Tree Removal

As the warmer months approach, it makes sense to pay more attention to your landscaping. It can be difficult to focus on landscape or the outdoor areas of your home during the colder months. With summer around the corner, however, it is a lot more fun to think about how you can tidy up or refresh your yard space. As you focus on landscaping, you may want to think about tree removal. While some trees offer shade and curb appeal, sometimes a tree can hit its limit. Here are two reasons why you may want to consider removing the trees from your property.


Pests can seriously damage your trees. In some cases, they may damage your trees beyond repair. At first glance, a lot of pests look like harmless insects. If you see them on your trees, you may think little of them. However, if you know very little about pests and pest control, you may not realize which types of pests can kill your trees or cause irreversible damage. If you have diseased trees or if you notice pests alongside the death of your tree, sometimes it is better to have the whole tree removed from your property. This may be able to save your other plants.

Sewer or Septic Lines

As you consider your tree removal, you should think about your sewer lines or septic tank.

Did you know that tree roots can grow into the septic tank or invade the sewer lines? When this happens, it can lead to serious problems and expensive damage.  Roots can rip through pipes. Trees can lead to you having to replace your entire septic system! If you have trees large trees that are positioned close to sewer lines or septic tanks, then you may want to find out if the roots are already beginning to grow close too close. If you are worried about your septic tank, it may be a good idea to remove the tree before it becomes a problem.

When it comes to your landscaping, there are a lot of different areas that you need to focus on. Whether you are planting something new or if you need to tidy up the area, tree removal services can take care of any trees that you need to have removed. Whether they are diseased or simply an eyesore, a tree removal service is more likely to give you the service that you need.

5 best travel places in Kerala

India is a popular travel destination for numerous people and Kerala is one of the must-visit places in the country. The tourist attractions in Kerala allures, charms, and provides unforgettable experiences. This paradise in India has hill stations,beaches, backwaters, wildlife sanctuaries, commercial cities, scenic villages and a lot more to explore. You can make pleasant travel through Air India Express which is also an Indian low-cost airline to save your money.

In case you are on a tight schedule, here are five best travel places you absolutely must visit while you are in Kerala:

  • Alleppey

Alleppey is on the top of the list for a reason. Also titled The Venice of the East, this soothing scenic landscape offers an unforgettable experience. The backwaters in the area are perfect for one of the most tranquil and relaxing things you can do in Kerala; take a trip in a houseboat along the palm-fringed Kerala canals, and maybe even spend the night out in the water. 

  • Marari Beach

Only 30 minutes north of Alleppey, you can treat yourself with a relaxing break at the easily accessible Marari beach. This calm fishing village has a long stretch of undeveloped beaches and a diverse range of accommodations, from luxurious resorts to simple homestays, some of which are situated on the beachfront. 

  • Munnar

Munnar is one of the most beautiful hill stations in Kerala where you can enjoy a relaxing stay in one of their comfortable hotels. The town of Munnar has an old-world colonial feel to it, and the hill station has thousands of miles of tea plantation. The area is blessed with the natural beauty of winding lanes, misty hills, and forests full of exotic plants and wildlife.And if you are an adventure enthusiast, you can go trekking, rock climbing, and paragliding. 

  • Periyar National Park

Kerala’s Periyar National Park, in the Thekkady district, is one of the most popular national parks in southern India. Unlike most other national parks in India, it stays open all year round, even during the monsoon season.Periyar’s greeneryis inhabited by more than 30 species of fauna, like elephants, tigers, native deer, Indian bison, and over200 species of birds. In addition, you can enjoy the wildness with activities like safari, jungle patrol, bamboo rafting, jungle camp, and border hiking.

  • Thrissur

Thrissuris also known as the Cultural Capital of Keralaand it is one of the must-visit tourist places. Built around a 65-acre hillock, the town is home to numerous temples, cultural centers, churches, and several colorful cultural festivals. If you want to witness history, heritage, and culture of Kerala, there is certainly no better place to go. The city was one of the oldest sites of human settlements and there are many relics of megaliths, and dolmens belonging to the Neolithic period. The vibrant Thrissur Pooram Festival is one of the major attractions that draw visitors in large numbers.

Kerala is indeed a very colorful place that has a lot to offer; from relaxing beaches, and scenic landscapes, to lively festivals, and so much more. SpiceJet is another an Indian low-cost airline which you can select to book your tickets with great savings.