How to Teach Your Kids About Money

When it comes to raising your kids, the biggest goal of yours as a parent is to make sure that they are set up for success later in life. One thing that you have to do as a parent to help get them ready for life is to teach them about money. Money can be a complex topic to introduce to your child as there are a lot of things that they need to know that will go over their heads as children. 

Of course, you, as a parent, may wonder, “Will the Iraqi dinar revalue,” if you have foreign currency investments, but kids will not understand all that goes into this right now, so just teach them the basics.

Teaching your kids about money, whether your currency is the United States dollar or the Iraqi dinar, does not have to be a difficult task. It can be fun and interesting for them. Below are some easy ways, that are also fun for your kids, that can teach them all they need to know about money starting out.

Get a traditional piggy bank

Kids love to have their own piggy bank that they can put their money into. This is an easy way for them to start learning how to save money and put it away so it does not get spent on unnecessary things. You can give them a weekly allowance so they learn to put it away, and when they finally get to open their bank and see all the money they were able to save, they will be excited to continue doing it.

Use board games to learn about money

Break out the old traditional games that have fake money as part of the game. Games like Monopoly or Life cause you to think through investments and make sure you save money so you can win the game, and really not even realize that you are doing it. These games even go beyond just learning how to save money or wise investments. They can teache your kids about important life skills like buying houses or property, renting out a property for a profit, and putting aside money to get ready for retirement.

Use technology to your advantage

In this day and age, the younger generation is all about technology and being in front of a screen every chance that they get. The good news for you as a parent is that you can use this to your advantage. There are several YouTube channels that have been created specifically to teach your child about money. If your kid is watching TV or getting on YouTube anyway, why not make it an educational time so they get entertainment while learning at the same time. It is a win for everybody!

Start playing bank or store with them

Kids learn best when they are able to play, have fun, and use their imagination. A great way to teach your kids about money is to get them a cash register with fake money and start playing store with them or bank with them. Playing something like this will exercise their imagination, it will teach them how to add up their money, and how to manage their money when they are shopping so they do not go over budget and have money left over.

Kids are competitive—start using competition

If you have multiple kids, a great way to encourage them to save their money up is by enticing them with a little bit of competition. One competition you can do is a saving competition. Set a time frame like a month or two and see who can save the most money at the end of the time. You as the parent can even get in on the fun and save a little bit along with them. Whoever saves the most money at the end of that time gets some type of prize or present as a reward. This shows your kids just how fun saving money really can be and that you can get a big payout for your efforts in the end.

The most important thing to teach your kids about money is that though it is important to save money and spend or invest it wisely, money is not everything. Money is merely a tool to get you where you want to be in life, but it should not be everything you work for.

10 ways to choose the best software company

A business must surround itself with an efficient and trusted software company to ensure the proper functioning of its IT infrastructure. It is not always easy to find a successful company, which offers services tailored to your needs while staying at affordable prices.

To effectively choose your Software company, different criteria will have to be taken into account. To help you in this process, here are a few things to keep in mind when making your choice.

How to choose your software company?

Identifying Needs

A corporate management software is among the essentials for all businesses today. You will first have to identify what your needs are for your IT infrastructure (computers, network, storage, software, security).

Software companies are generally specialized in certain fields of activity, while others are not. This notion is important to have available the skills of a person who knows the specific issues related to your sector of activity. Whether you are in the hotel business, the manager of an e-commerce store or a healthcare player, your issues will not be the same.

List your needs

Before contacting the companies you have identified, it is recommended to list the expected services. A good company can assist you to help you list your specific needs. You can also ask yourself some questions that will allow you to establish an exhaustive list:

  • Do you have all your equipment and software or do you need to be supplied by your service provider?
  • Do you need an internal or external data backup solution?
  • Do you need preventive, curative maintenance or complete outsourcing?
  • Do you need to install or upgrade your local network?
  • Would you like to have a cloud computing service?

These questions are not always exhaustive and may change over time. From this list of needs, you will be able to find a software company with technical skills who can meet your needs. Also, by listing all the things, it becomes easier for you to organize all the things. 

A local or national software development company?

Some providers operate on a limited geographic market. This can be interesting for companies with a unique local presence.

As soon as one intervenes on a larger territory (regional, national), or that one has several agencies, it is necessary to identify a software company capable of intervening on all the equipment.

How to check the skills of a Software company?

As with other recruitments, it is essential to check the skills of the professional you are about to hire. Indeed, you must make sure that the software company is up to your needs. For this, do not hesitate to consult its website in detail and to obtain information from other companies which have called upon the services of such a professional.

The best is to organize an interview with the software company to ask them directly all the questions you want and thus ensure that they will be able to meet your needs.

Do not hesitate to ask him if he has certifications from software publishers or hardware manufacturers who are a guarantee of the quality of service.

As the software sector that is evolving very quickly, make sure that your service provider performs technological monitoring.

Do not ignore recommendations

In addition to the skills check, do not hesitate to gather recommendations. Generally, we consider that a service provider who offers quality work has no trouble giving the contact details of other companies for which he works, or for whom he has worked in the past. The verification of the recommendations is essential to get a precise idea of ​​the quality of the work that is proposed. For this, you can consult the various customer opinions about any Software company that it is possible to find on the net.

Besides, do not overlook the importance of word of mouth. In your entourage, you may be able to find professionals who have already used the services of the service provider you plan to hire.

Software company: how reactive in crisis?

Computer failure can be a very critical event for a company. This pauses the activities of the company for a more or less substantial time, resulting in an equivalent drop in income and which may jeopardize the projects in progress.

The longer the delay to restart your computer system, the more it will hurt the activities of your business.

Data security: what guarantees?

As we have just mentioned, in certain cases, the data of your company can be endangered. It is strongly recommended to anticipate the implementation of data security solutions to avoid putting your company in a critical situation.

Your Software company remains the best person to set up this type of device. This must be anticipated before any breakdown. To secure data, you need a regular backup solution.

This involves setting up backups (regular backup) that must be configured or replicating the data on a server. The backup can be carried out on your premises or the infrastructure of your service provider.

What are the different means of the company?

Depending on your needs, you can also look at the size of your software provider’s business. Concretely, this will be a criterion that can define whether your service provider is reactive in the event of a problem or the event of changes in your needs (launch of a new subsidiary, fleet migration, etc.).

How long has the software provider been there?

In addition to the size of the business, seniority may also be important. Of course, this point will have to agree with the other criteria that we have just cited. Concretely, a company can be very old and offer a poor-quality intervention. It is important to check their portfolio.

However, this will be felt in the many customer reviews that can be found. In general, we can consider that seniority can be a guarantee of quality. This translates in particular from significant experience on IT parks of different natures and with a multitude of systems and probably in crisis management.

What is the price of the software company?

The IT budget is often far from negligible, especially for SMEs. As with any other charge, the cost of your service provider must, therefore, be taken into account.

At first, you must keep in mind that just because services are very expensive does not necessarily mean they are of high quality. It will also be important to avoid IT providers offering excessively reduced prices, which often hide reduced availability or expertise.


A good Software company will provide not only warranty obligations. She will provide the project in the future and comprehensive technical support.

Why should you hire an expert event planner

Hiring a planner will help you plan correctly, minimize errors and eventualities, keep in mind every last detail, save time and money, ensure success and enjoy the event. We have some great reasons that will show you the benefits of having professional help at hand. Here are the top reasons why you should consider hiring an organizer for your business events or other types of event.

Zero stress

The organizer is ready for everything, and for what is not, find a solution; he knows what, how, when, where and why. Your work will allow you to focus on your priorities, and you will be totally free from all anguish. There is nothing sadder than watching everyone participate and have fun, and you are busy with the guest registration. With the event planner, your only concern will be to find the right outfit for the occasion, sleep well to be lucid and enjoy the moment; without a doubt, they will make your life easier.

To the smallest detail

“Attention to detail” one of its characteristics par excellence. Although his work demands many things at once, the planner has the ability to listen to what you want and especially what you need, even managing to bring to reality what you cannot say with your words. Keep in mind each stage of the event and keep track of all the activities perfectly.

Due to its level of organization, he handles checklists, both standard (for all types of events) and customized (which demand something special or important to take into account in a given event).

Save time and money

All the tasks of an event involve time and money. The first cannot be recovered, and although the second yes, nobody is willing to invest in losing, so the planner is an expert in optimizing time and adjusting the budget to the event.

Due to his organizational skills, he does not waste time! Take advantage of every minute and know how to prioritize the importance of the urgent, even set aside time for possible unexpected events.

And well, for his experience and relationships with different distributors, he is an expert in negotiating and getting the best prices adjusting to your budget without neglecting quality.

It is better good known than bad for knowing

His career in the industry has allowed him to know a wide variety of suppliers, which means that his contact list is too complete, and according to your needs and expectations, he will hire the most suitable service for the occasion.

An event planner for the organization of your event brings too many advantages and will undoubtedly take a great weight off you; The level of stress, effort, organization, creativity and coordination that an event implies is a challenge that requires total willingness and commitment so that absolutely everything goes well. We hope you keep it in mind when creating an event.

Hiring an organizer for your event may seem like an unnecessary expense for some people. In reality, the most likely is that if you want to organize your event yourself, instead of saving money, you will be wasting time and money. It is also very likely that you will face many problems that you never imagined. Here are the best reasons why it is best to go through an organizer for your business events.

Your event organized in record time

This is one of the first advantages of hiring an organizer. He is able to organize an event quickly. If you are right about timing, then trust a professional. This advice will also probably save you a lot of money. Indeed, when you are stuck with a last-minute problem, you often have to pay a high price for a solution or employ temporary workers at the last moment or go through a professional. The organizer knows how to control and anticipate such problems. It also has a directory of people who can correct last-minute problems.

Hire an organizer to save money

This may seem paradoxical, but hiring an organizer will allow you to stay within your budget but also save money. Indeed, an organizer will manage your budget as best as possible without forgetting anything. It is a recurring problem among people who organize an event for their business themselves, forgetting certain details and realizing it at the last moment, thus increasing the bill often far beyond the budget. A professional will also be able to tell you if your budget is unrealistic in addition to knowing where to save.

Take an organizer to reduce organizational stress

Organizing an event means dealing with 4 important elements: the budget, the list and location of the guests, the location of the room and the catering part. To this is added a multitude of small details to be coordinated within a determined period. These details are generally those that increase stress to levels that are sometimes difficult to bear. Choosing an organizer for your event will save you these stresses and allow you to focus on the important.

An organizer to achieve business goals

Whether it is a product launch, a general meeting, a B2B fair or any other special event, you will certainly have business objectives to be reached given by management. An organizer can help you best achieve your business objectives, even strict ones. Not only will he save you time and money, but his work will allow you to focus on your business goals. It can also be excellent advice to help you optimize your strategy and better manage the return on investment of your business event.

Take advantage of an organizer’s contacts

This is an extremely important element. An event organizer knows a lot of people, whether in terms of room rentals, equipment suppliers or even restaurateurs. Its privileged contacts often allow it to have more attractive prices but also help you to choose the most suitable suppliers for the type of event you wish to organize. He generally has different contacts for each activity and will be able to direct you towards the professional adapted to your needs and your budget.


As we have seen, hiring an organizer for your event is the ideal solution. Not only will he be able to advise you, save you money, but also you will be able to take advantage of his contact book and his expertise to have the best event, which meets your expectations and stays within the allocated budget. Hiring an event planner will be your safest bet when it comes to making your events successful. 

Make your old age comfortable

From birth, you have to prepare for old age. The secret is in leading a healthy lifestyle and controlling modifiable risk factors. The idea is to create a culture of prevention. Do not just limit yourself to going to the doctor when the disease is already present.

The first step of prevention should be good, educational information about the care of your integral health.

Also, keep in mind that the family plays a very important role in the physical and mental health of an elderly person.

In general, to reach a healthy old age, it is important that you follow these tips: 


Follow a balanced diet that includes different types of foods. Avoid excess saturated fats and sugars.

A healthy elderly should consume all food groups, approximately 2000 calories, 20 percent less than what adult eats. You should prefer complex carbohydrates such as rice, potatoes, pasta, bread and not eat a lot of sugars: include protein of animal and vegetable origin and consume enough fiber (fruits, vegetables and oatmeal).

Among the important nutrients to take care of are calcium (milk and derivatives), to avoid osteoporosis; chromium (peanut oil, grains and sea products), prevents them from becoming glucose intolerant; Zinc (meats, dairy and seafood), helps immune function and improves appetite, and selenium (meats, dairy, eggs and grains – peanuts and nuts included), is an anti-cancer antioxidant.

If there are diseases such as diabetes or hypertension, the diet should be adapted as directed by the doctor. The interactions between medications and micronutrients must also be taken into account. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from a caregiver, such as beserk.

In general, it is important that you use natural condiments: thyme, bay leaf, garlic, onion, parsley and lemon; Eat your low salt meals and provide a pleasant atmosphere at the time of eating: tablecloth, dishes, cutlery, using contrasting colors, and good company.

Exercise moderately and routinely 

Exercises in the neck must be performed to strengthen muscles routinely. Sitting, in a chair, since in some opportunities it can cause dizziness and vertigo, raise and lower the head. Take it to the right and left side. Turn it in a circular shape.

  • Practice some daily activity, but before starting any program, consult an expert on the subject and have a previous medical check-up.
  • Remember that exercise reactivates the organism and all its systems and guarantees good functioning.
  • Stretch your shoulders.

Avoid excesses from a physical, mental and work point of view

These can lead to the appearance of some diseases.

Blood pressure

Check your blood pressure, at least every six months, much more if you are over 60 years old.

Regular tests

One of the most important diseases in elderly women and that can be prevented and treated curatively if diagnosed early, is breast cancer.

There are primary prevention measures such as breast self-examination and even mammograms (especially in those women with a family history of breast cancer) that are very useful for preventing this disease.

The self-exam should be done every month, palpating your breasts to detect any changes you should consult with your doctor.


As a person gets older, they may lose the ability to fully control their bladder and bowel. Incontinence can happen to older adults, ages 65 and up. Living with incontinence can be a huge burden, especially to older people with limited mobility. At this stage, the best way to manage incontinence is to wear protective clothing and pads. However, many older people may resist this change, which is why external catheters for men have proven very useful in keeping the wearer comfortable and clean, with a single change 24/7. Dealing with incontinence is already taxing enough; older people deserve respect and compassion and be allowed to live with dignity.

Older men

In men, it is important that your prostate exam is considered in your routine checkup. There is not only the method of rectal touch but the measurement of substances in the blood that can lead to the prevention of diseases such as prostate cancer.

In both groups, it is important to control the risk factors for lung cancer. Do not smoke. Do not be exposed to the sun to avoid skin cancer. Use sunscreen and do not expose yourself between 10 in the morning and 3 in the afternoon.

Gastric cancer is common. If you have a family history and symptoms at the gastrointestinal level, consult your doctor, he can guide you. Also, modify your diet habits. Include fruits and vegetables. Avoid spicy, condiments, alcohol.

Check your vision every year

For people over 60 years of age, annual checkups are recommended to detect cataracts, glaucoma and retinal diseases.

In patients with diabetes or high blood pressure, who have higher risks of developing diseases in the retina such as hemorrhages or venous thrombosis, these controls are more indispensable.

In those older than 70 years, in addition to cataracts, senile degenerations of the macula can be found, which is the most important part of the retina. It is a degenerative disease that currently has no effective treatment and is considered to be caused by poor retinal circulation.

Watch also for warning signs and see the vision of mosquitoes or floating bodies. the vision of lights which are suspected of tears or retinal detachments; intense pain at night or dark places like theaters; pupils of different sizes, the sudden change in vision, among others.

Dental care

Visit your dentist frequently, at least once a year (better every six months) and much more if you have any discomfort.

Floss twice a day, do not use toothpicks, brush your teeth after each meal, with soft bristle brushes, clean the dentures with hard bristle brushes.

Go to a general medical check-up, at least once a year or in a shorter time if you suffer from a problem or if your doctor suggests it.

The idea is to determine, prematurely, possible diseases and / or prevent their occurrence.

Keep in mind that social security for the elderly has benefited most from Law 100 and coverage has been increased from 20 to 60-65 percent.

Mental optimization

Remove the concept of disability from your dictionary. You are not incapable, socially or psychologically, just because you are old.

Do not disqualify yourself for your age. You are and will remain productive and useful for your family, for society and for the State, even if others say otherwise.

Look for high levels of self-esteem, surrounding yourself with love and love from family and friends.

Low self-esteem will only bring negative consequences such as abandonment, isolation and loneliness and could even make some diseases worse.

Better, laugh often for real reasons, look for affection and affection.

Families should not forget that their presence is fundamental to the quality of life of grandparents. Those who do not have the family as a socio-cultural structure may have an equivalent with friends.

Manage Time 

Learn to manage your free time. This is one of the main problems of the elderly, even more so in a culture like ours that limits and isolates. The old man, before doing nothing ends up immobilizing almost completely. The frustration at inactivity becomes greater. Have moments of recreation and recreation (gatherings, board games, theater, walks, music). Exercise spirituality through your concept of God.


Do not forget that there are millions of people over 60 years of age, many of them not only with very high decision-making capabilities but with experiences that only the years have been able to give them.

How Traveling Helps You Become a Better Person

The claim is that traveling can make you a better person, yet from the outside looking in, some people fail to realize the opportunity that exists when they visit new and exciting places. Don’t be amongst those people and miss out on the chance to better yourself. Whether you travel near or far, in the U.S. or abroad, you’ll find a myriad of opportunities to make improvements.

Sleep Well Before You Go

Before you leave on your trip, try to get as much rest as you can. You know you won’t be sleeping on comfortable mattresses when traveling. You’ll need that rest to feel energized to do all you want to do. When you arrive back home from traveling, you’ll feel refreshed, relaxed, and when done correctly, empowered to be a better person. 

Whoever comes home from vacation sad or disappointed? You’ll enjoy your trip so much more than those in the past now that you know the simple ways to discover yourself and improve your life. While coming home to sleep on the best mattress is a phenomenal experience, remembering all those great experiences on your trip will make it that much better.

Travel and Learn

What you’ll take home from your travels really depends on your willingness to learn, to open your mind and prepare to make changes for the better. Start with an open mind. Perhaps even write a list of things that you’d like to see, do, or discover while you’re out. When you ponder the idea of visiting a lake or a theme park (or other favorite location of your choice), you can get the full value from the experience. Maybe consider tackling a challenge that you’ve been afraid to try before. The world is in your hands if you’re willing to embrace it.

Appreciate What You Have

Take time to appreciate your travels. Be grateful that you have an opportunity that others can only dream of; simply appreciate what you have. Some people struggle for everyday essentials while you bask in the glory of a fancy hotel or dinner at an expensive restaurant. When you sit down and really think about how good life has been to you, you might reflect on things from a new perspective.

Live in the Moment

Vacations and getaways last only for a few short days. This gives limited time to check out the area and the things that it offers. However, you can certainly learn how to live in the moment and appreciate the opportunity to see and explore the things that you can. You’ll adapt mindfulness and a better appreciation of life’s best treasures. It seems we live in a materialistic world. When you travel, you’ll learn to live for the moment, the adventure, and the memory rather than a “thing.”

Learn New Lifestyles

Traveling allows you to learn more about lifestyles far different from your own. While the life lessons you can learn varies according to the area you travel, expect to pick up many new tidbits of information that you didn’t know until now. Life is much different in California than in Colorado, and Oregon is much different than Texas. From the east coast to the deep south, to the west coast and every location in between and across the ocean, you can learn so much when traveling to different areas.

Increase Your Knowledge

From state and city information to historical information and everything in between, travel can increase your knowledge. Choose your attractions and activities right and the chance to learn more information is a realistic possibility. You’ll return home with a plethora of newfound information to share with friends and family who share in the same curiosity.

Traveling is a hobby that fills many people’s lives, whether they travel for vacation each year or explore at every opportunity. No matter where your travels take you or how often you venture out, there is plenty of opportunities there to learn and become a better person than you were the day before. Travel improves your life in the ways listed above and so many others. Are you ready to become a brand new you? Perhaps all that takes is traveling a little bit more.

China Tells Tourists to Stay Home

China announced the temporary closure of most touristic attractions in the country, as the government launches an aggressive plan to contain and defeat the coronavirus before summer.

According to China travel experts, most of scenic spots are closed in China to prevent the virus from spreading. The annual holiday has been extended to February 9th, and tourists, both local and foreign, are encouraged to stay home and avoid crowded places. It would be an unwise decision to travel to China for tourism these days given that the virus still hasn’t been fully contained and the tourist hotspots are closed anyways. The experts suggest tourists wait at least 2-3 months before booking a China tour or trip.

The coronavirus has already caused a substantial impact on the tourism sector of countries popular among Chinese tourists such as Japan, Australia and Thailand as Chinese tourists have been urged by their government to stay home. The virus is also impacting the local Chinese tourism sector as some of the most popular tourist attractions like the Great Wall, the Terracotta Warriors, the Potala Palace and many others are now closed. Several countries are also ordering their airlines to halt flights to China, in an effort to minimize the chances of the virus making it to their lands.

Chinese government announced the deployment of 52 medical teams and over 6,000 doctors and nurses to Wuhan to help fight with the virus and care for the infected people. Chinese government is making every effort to develop the vaccine to fight against the virus. China has a rich experience in this matter since the SARS outbreak back in 2003.

Via ETurbo News

5 Best Places to Visit in UAE

The following is a guest post. All opinions are those of the author.

United Arab Emirates, also known as Emirates, Abu Dhabi is its capital city. UAE is located at Western Asia at the northeast end of the Arabian Peninsula on the Persian Gulf. UAE is surrounded by Oman to the east and Saudi Arabia to the south and west, as well as sharing maritime borders with Qatar to the west and Iran to the north. Its official currency is dirham which is equal to $0.27 US dollar. 

In this article, we are presenting 5 best places to visit in UAE which you can add in your travel list so that once you get chance to travel to UAE, you can also enjoy. Let’s start with first –

  1. Burj Khalifa, Dubai

The Burj Khalifa in Dubai city of UAE has been the tallest structure and building in the world since its topping out in 2009. It has total height of 829.8 m and a roof height of 828 m. It is a skyscraper in Dubai, UAE. It has more than 160 stories and holds the following records: Tallest building in the world, Tallest free-standing structure in the world, Highest number of stories in the world. 

  1. Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque Center, Abu Dhabi

It is the largest mosque in the UAE and key place of worship for daily, Friday and Eid prayers. On Eid, the ratio of visiting is more than 41000 people. It is also free to enter as you don’t need tickets. Saturday-Thursday from 9am to 10pm are General visiting times and the mosque is closed on Friday mornings for tourists (but open to worshippers). It reopens for tourists after 4.30pm. It is one of the most beautiful chief holy place to make visit in UAE Capital City Abu Dhabi.

  1. Emirates Palace, Abu Dhabi

It is one of the most famous luxury five star hotel in Abu Dhabi which operated by Mandarin Oriental as of 1 January 2020. In this luxury hotel, Admission is free, but you will be only able to access lobbies and exhibitions. The gardens, private beach (photo) and the rooms, yet beautiful and breathtaking, are only reserved for hotel guests. 

  1. Yas Island, Abu Dhabi

It is an Island for multi-purpose leisure, shopping and entertainment. There are many wonderful places such as Yas Marina Circuit, Ferrari World, Yas Waterworld, Yas Mall, Yas Beach, Yas Marina, Du Arena, The Fountains, Captain Tony’s, Yas Links and etcetera. 

  1. Jebel Hafeet, Al Ain

This is a mountain region which is quite popular for hiking and picnics.


How to Mix and Match an Asymmetric Kurti for a Refreshing Look

The new-age of Indian fashion has come with many styling options for the Indian woman. Whether she is a housewife or a working-class woman. They are free-spirited and want to try every fashionable piece that they can get. As from the trendy styles, chic looks and ethnic pieces they love adorning to the colorful outfits that are all the craze in town. The women love transforming their ethnic pieces to more contemporary looks to upgrade their traditional pieces and flaunt their fashionable tastes. Hence with the various types of Kurtis available, the asymmetric Kurti has become a popular look that you can see with most women. Here are some of the various ways that you can mix and match this asymmetric kurtis to boost your style game.

Style with fitting churidar

Firstly, fitting churidar is an ideal choice to style an asymmetric high low KurtisThis brings out a vintage look with a chic touch. When wearing these bottoms ensure that it has enough churis and the pants are fitting to achieve a good look. Choose a print asymmetric Kurti to style with cream, white or black churidar. Alternatively, you can decide to wear a color block combination of a blue asymmetric kurta paired with a brown churidar which is perfect for a casual day out. When you choose this as your mix and match option complete the look with a beautiful statement neckpiece, wedges and hold your hair up into a loose braid for that playful look.

Pair with skirts   

Do you want to achieve a carefree bohemian look with your asymmetric Kurti? Pair it with a lungi skirt and you will love the outcome. This look helps you embrace the bohemian look and not all women can pull it off. It requires women with a bold sense of fashion and those who love experimenting with different looks. Choose one option of your asymmetric Kurtis that has large motifs on a colorful print with a contrasting skirt. This is an indo-western look that you can adorn to social gatherings, casual parties among other events. Accessorize with a tote bag, earthy makeup and a pair of pencil heels. Try this look and shine your inner bohemian diva.

Mix and match with cigarette pants

If you need a professional look with an asymmetric Kurtis. A pair of cigarette pants to match this Kurti is the right option for that descent and traditional look. These pants are also known as straight pants and they are comfortable especially during the summer season. Since you are looking for a professional look. A monochrome blend is best, for instance, one of cream color. Optionally, you can style the same cream asymmetric Kurti with brown or black pants which is also an excellent look for such an event. Balance out the embellishments of this ensemble as well. For instance, when the Kurti is embroidered it matches well with a plain linen cigarette pant. Nude makeup, a duffel bag, and flat mojris are great accessories to accentuate this outfit and also to flaunt during the office party. 

Style with palazzo pants 

As for a traditional gathering look. Styling an asymmetric Kurti with palazzo pants is a win for this occasion. Choose comfortable and cool cotton palazzo pants since this is a heavy look. A royal trail of asymmetric Kurti styles with chanderi, georgette or cotton with cotton palazzo pants is an ideal ensemble. The palazzo you choose is best when it has an inner lining since it makes the palazzo more durable. To boost this traditional look and to flaunt out your sassiness. Wear the Indian printed headgear or and embroidered one, a matching embroidered clutch and a traditional chain. Choose nude lips and Smokey eyes for your makeup look and you have a complete ethnic diva look.

Blend with shiny metallic tights 

Although there are many other pants that you can blend with your asymmetric Kurti. For a more vibrant look, the shiny metallic pants are a better option. Choose these shiny tights or neutral leggings for that Sunday brunch look. Plus, consider those that are in a vibrant hue in silver, gold or bright orange color. This looks stunning in a white or jet black asymmetric Kurti that is sleeveless. Additionally, this look is best to add an illusion of sleekness and height for those who aim for it.  It is also proof that an exquisite look lies in minimalisation. Accessorize it with a neutral tone earring, a lovely plain scarf, a bold red lip, and a braided ponytail for your outstanding look.

Pair with denim 

Not only has the kaftan style Kurti paired well with a pair of denim. An asymmetric Kurti that falls on one side is also a great choice that matches a pair of denim. The best denim that will give you that refreshing look is the skinny denim which also gives a beautiful fusion look. This is a good look for college students but also it fits as an office look. Nonetheless, ensure that you wear with minimal accessories. Choose a simple color for the Kurti keeping in mind that pairing style is denim. Hold your hair into a ponytail and pair with flats or wedges and complete your look.

To sum up, the above mix and match looks show some of the best ways to style an asymmetric Kurti. These ways can also work with other types of Kurtis and of course other types of Indian outfits like the Anarkali. Whether you are interested to have a whole traditional look or a fusion look with your asymmetric Kurti all of this is possible. Therefore, know the style that flatters your body type and also you can experiment with some of the above. On the other hand, you can choose to also go bottomless and wear your asymmetric Kurti with no bottoms as a single dress. That you can wear to an evening party or on a date night for it is also a refreshing look.