How to Prevent Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease is a type of inflammation that occurs along the gum line. Also known as gum disease, this condition can be very dangerous and painful. If left untreated, it can result in tooth loss, and a growing amount of medical research is showing that the inflammation and infection of gum disease can lead to heart problems and diabetes. Periodontal disease might sound scary, but you will be happy to learn that it is entirely preventable. Follow these steps to keep your gum line as healthy as possible.


Make Sure You Brush Your Teeth the Right Way

Of course the most obvious step to preventing periodontal disease is simply brushing your teeth twice a day. However, this can actually be a little trickier than it sounds. You need to make sure you are brushing your teeth for two minutes, which is a little longer than it might seem, so it is a good idea to set a timer. Many dentists find that their patients are not paying enough attention to the gumline while they brush their teeth. You need to put your brush at a 45 degree angle where the brush is half on the teeth and half on the gums. Then you need to gently move it back and forth to clean the gumline. This is important because most of the bacteria that cause gum disease collect along the gumline.


Never Forget the Importance of Flossing

Though regular tooth brushing may be the most important way of preventing gum disease, it cannot thoroughly clean your entire mouth. Flossing is essential because it cleans the spaces in between your teeth that cannot be reached by a brush. It is best to floss first and then brush, so your toothbrush can remove the debris loosened by flossing. You only need to floss once a day to get the gum disease prevention benefits of flossing. Keep in mind that it is not normal for the gums to bleed heavily while flossing. If they do, this is a sign that you are already in the early stages of gum disease.


Use the Right Type of Toothbrush

While brushing your teeth, it is absolutely essential that you are using the correct type of toothbrush. A brush with stiff bristles can cause degredations and microscopic scratching along the gums that further advances disease. You need a very soft brush to clean the gums without causing your gum line to recede. It is important to use a toothbrush that has time to dry in between uses because a constantly damp toothbrush can harbor bacteria that worsen gum disease. If you are brushing your teeth more than twice a day, like many dentists recommend, you may need to buy two toothbrushes and alternate between them.


Eat a Mouth Healthy Diet

Gum disease is so dangerous because the infection easily reaches your jawbone and causes the bones in the jaw to decay until they cannot properly hold onto the teeth. You can help to avoid this dangerous part of gum disease by making sure that your jawbone is as healthy as possible. To do this, eat a diet high in calcium and vitamin D. Calcium, which helps to build more bone cells, can be found in dairy, nuts, seeds, and leafy green vegetables. Vitamin D helps the body to absorb calcium properly, and you can find it in eggs, fatty fish, and other animal proteins. Vitamin D is also helpful because it has anti-inflammatory effects. A study from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that subjects with high vitamin D levels were 20 percent less likely to have gingivitis. Another helpful nutrient for preventing periodontal disease is vitamin C which helps to reduce inflammation and keep your gums from bleeding while you floss.


Find a Proper Mouthwash

You can further ensure that your mouth is clear of the plaque and buildup that cause gum disease by swishing a mouthwash around your mouth after you brush your teeth. This helps to kill any bacteria that you miss, and it can dislodge bits of food that are still stuck in the mouth after brushing and flossing. Mouthwashes that contain either domiphen bromide or cetylpyridinium chloride are most likely to reduce dental plaque.


Realize the Dangers of Tobacco

One of the biggest risk factors for gum disease is using tobacco in any form. Smokers have twice as high a risk of periodontal disease as nonsmokers. Smoking tobacco is so dangerous because it impairs circulation throughout the body. Without the ability to get nutrient and oxygen rich blood cells, the gums struggle to fight off infections. Once your body’s weakened immune system is defeated, bacteria that cause gum disease can flourish in the mouth. Because people who use tobacco heal so much slower, normal treatments for periodontal disease may not be as effective. It can be hard for some people to stop smoking, but many people find that modern e-cigarettes are helpful because they can slowly reduce nicotine levels over time.


These methods can all help to prevent gum disease from happening in the first place, but it is still important to seek medical treatment if you are dealing with periodontal issues. If you want a happier and pain free smile, look no further than King of Prussia Periodontics and Dental Implants. Our talented team of doctors is led by Dr. Melissa Cruz, a leading expert in periodontal surgery and dental implant therapy. Call us today at 610-783-7800 or reach us at to learn more about how we can help you achieve your best possible smile.

Dental Amalgam: Is it a Health risk?

An amalgam in dental terms is a silver filling. It is actually not silver but a mixture of silver, mercury, tin and copper. Approximately 50% of this compound is mercury; this is the substance which binds the others together and creates a strong filling.

The Problem With Mercury

Unfortunately, research shows that mercury can be very dangerous for your health. Although it is a naturally occurring element it can have a toxic effect on your nervous system, lings, kidneys and even your eyes.

Your first thought will be to check your local amalgam removal service. But before you rush to your dentist it is important to understand the true effects of mercury:

The Form Of Mercury

Mercury can exist in a variety of different forms; the seriousness of your exposure will depend upon the type of mercury you are consuming. There are 3 main forms of mercury:


  • Elemental Mercury


In its standard form mercury is actually a liquid. It has been used in this form in a variety of items, including fluorescent lamps and thermometers.


  • Inorganic Mercury Salts


Mercury can be dissolved in water which creates a salt, but it is still filled with mercury. If these are swallowed they can cause intestinal distress and kidney damage.


  • Organic Mercury


This is the worst form of mercury, you can actually experience mercury poisoning just by having a few drops land on your skin. The effect will be poor balance and your speech will suffer. IT can kill you in just a few months!

Why Have Amalgam Fillings?

If mercury is such a dangerous substance then you must question why it is included in fillings. The answer lies in toxicity levels and the way this mineral changes when mixed with others.

In effect, because the mercury has been mixed with other minerals to create your filling it has been rendered harmless.

A little mercury will be released under the daily pressure of chewing your food and grinding your teeth. This amount has been shown to be less than you would be exposed to in the normal course of a day through the air, food and even water.


It is also worth noting that dental amalgam has been used for in excess of 150 years and it is considered the safest, most cost effective and durable material to work with.

In addition, it is much easier to work with that other filling materials; it can be easily added to your tooth cavity and shaped to ensure a perfect repair in minutes.

The alternatives

There are alternatives. These include gold or porcelain. However, these materials are much more expensive and difficult to deal with. They will also take longer to make and require at least two visits to your dentists.

The other option is a composite filling can be used to match the appearance of your teeth. This is becoming the most popular solution although it is not as strong as an amalgam. However, it does not carry the associated health risks and is a good reason to have your amalgam fillings replaced.

What Are the Downsides of Too Much Screen-time?

Screens are everywhere, and it’s almost impossible to avoid them in your daily routine. There are reasons why people need to get a good night of sleep, and then there are reasons why people need to monitor the amount of screen time that they use. If you work with computers and are constantly looking at a monitor, you’re at risk of many different problems associated with too much screen time. It can be unavoidable at times, but it’s always nice to know the side effects of using your electrical devices. They can make life easier, but they can also come with some pretty severe consequences.


If you don’t wear glasses to read, watch out – your eyes aren’t completely safe when you’re getting too much screen time. It never hurts to get outside and get a little active, and if you’re a bit past your physical prime, just do something light. People will deal with it in different ways, but this article is going to be talking about the downsides of too much screen time (and not how you can lower the amount you’re getting).


Infant Attachment


This is the era of putting an iPod in the hands of your kid and watching them work their magic. Kids are becoming more competent with modern technology, and the proof is in the pudding – just take a look at all of the strange kid-related channels that have been blowing up on YouTube. Research has shown that when you’re putting your kids in front of a screen at younger ages, they become less attached to the parent themselves. The parent isn’t there to oversee the early developmental stages of their child in its entirety, which wasn’t the case “back in the day”. Technology such as an iPod has only been available for a few years now, so if something isn’t done soon, this may be a larger problem than initially anticipated.


Taking Care of Your Eyes


You only get one pair of eyes in your lifetime, and it’s up to you to make sure that they are being maintained. When your kids (or anybody, for that matter) are looking at screens for too long, there is potential to damage their eyes during optimal developmental stages. Tablets and laptops seems like the perfect way to keep your kids occupied, but allowing their eyes use to be used for too long could lead to negative effects at some point. It’s better to be safe as opposed to being sorry, especially when dealing with eyesight.


Mental Capacity


Being used to seeing things on a screen and not in real-time can mess with your mental capacity. While spending all day looking for the beste freespins at Rivalo casino may be a nice way to pass the time, it’s important to know your limits. You will be so absorbed with watching things on a screen, that you won’t react as quickly when it comes to the real thing. If you’re busy looking at Instagram and living your life through other people, it could lead to some very serious issues – stuff like anxiety and self-esteem issues could arise if you don’t tread carefully.


How To Teach Children Emotional Intelligence

Children are exceptionally bright and often think they know everything by the time they reach ten. In fact by this age they will have developed many of the life skills they need, with a little help from you that means the ability to talk to others, self-confidence and emotional intelligence.

Part of this can involve choosing an early learning center such as the Star Academy Kids which will really believe in your child and help their inquisitive minds engage with the world round them. Choosing the right early learning centre is an important part of boosting their emotional intelligence. Here are some of the other measures you can do to teach emotional intelligence:


It is important to understand that there are times when your child simply can’t deal with what has happened. You might feel frustrated by their inability but you need to emphasize with them.

A good example of this is dealing with a child that doesn’t want to do what you’ve told them to. Instead of just telling them that’s the way it is accept that they have an opinion. Let them know that you know and understand their perspective but that they need to do it how you’ve asked.

You will be acknowledging their position which will make them feel good; even if they still have to do it your way.


It’s important that your children are allowed to express their emotions. It doesn’t matter of they’re scared or angry or even upset, by allowing them to express themselves you’ll prevent them from repressing emotions throughout their life.

You can build on this by encouraging your child to communicate their feelings, even if you have to wait for them to calm down! You can also use this to bond with them. For example, if they are nervous about speaking in front of their class you can tell them you used to get nervous too and encourage them to talk about their feelings.


It doesn’t matter if you know your child is wrong. When they are angry let them vent and then acknowledge their feelings. What this will show them is that it’s acceptable and good to vent your emotions but that there is a time and place to do this.

In this process you’ll allow them to reach a calm and cooperative place and use healthy expression, this is good for your body and mental health.

Problem Solving

Everyone reacts strongly to certain issues in life. You can teach your child to handle this response from a young age. Allow them to vent and then talk to them regarding their emotions. You should discuss what they can do to deal with the issue in hand and allow them to take the appropriate action.

You’ll teach them that they need to work through their own emotions before dealing with the issue and finding an appropriate solution.

The idea of using emotion to change your approach is one that everything can apply in life; if your child witnesses you doing it then they will certainly copy!


to write love on her arms
On SaturdayApril 14, 2018, To Write Love on Her Arms (TWLOHA) will host its 6th Annual Run For It 5k at the David R. Schechter Center in Satellite Beach, FL. The Run For It 5k started in 2013 as a chance to reach the local community and share a message of hope and help in a new way. Since then, TWLOHA has witnessed hundreds of people running for health, recovery, or in memory of a loved one. Additionally, the Run For It 5k has evolved from several hundred people in Satellite Beach, Florida, to thousands running in all 50 states, and over 10 different countries across the globe.
“I am always in awe of the dedication and passion so many bring to the Run For It 5k every year, from rallying people to create a team to fundraising for hope and help. Whether you’re participating for the first time or the sixth time, we invite you to move for something that matters.” said Elizabeth Wilder, Race Director and TWLOHA staff member.
This year’s local event will offer a delicious pancake breakfast for all registered runners served by Backwater, Downtown Melbourne’s hottest restaurant! TWLOHA will also be presenting awards, supplying family-friendly activities, and offering dozens of raffle prizes to all registered participants as well.
To register for the Run For It 5k, sign up online at
Individual registration costs $27 ($32 on race day). For teams (four runners or more), registration costs $24 per individual-team registration will be unavailable on race day. Children 11 years and under are $17 ($22 on race day). Pancake breakfast is included for all registered runners but meals can be purchased for $5 by friends and family.
For more information about the Run For It 5k, or if you are interested in becoming a sponsor or volunteer, please contact

TWLOHA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit movement dedicated to presenting hope and finding help for people struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury, and suicide. TWLOHA has donated more than $2 million directly into treatment and recovery and responded to more than 200,000 messages from people in more than 100 countries. For more information, visit

Run For It 5k Details
●TWLOHA is hosting its 6th Annual Run For It 5k fundraiser on Saturday, April 14, 2018, at the David R. Schechter Center in Satellite Beach, FL.
● Race begins at 8:00 a.m.
● There is a virtual component to the race, which means people can participate in their own communities.
● Early registration costs $27 for individuals and ends April 13. After, registration is $32. Team registration costs $24 per runner on or before April 13. There must be a minimum of four runners per team. Team sign-up is not available on race day.
●  Maintaining physical health is integral to maintaining positive mental health.
●  TWLOHA is a nonprofit that presents hope and finds help for people struggling with mental illnesses.

Ways to involve your family in your exercise routine

As parents, we all intrinsically know how important daily exercise is. After all, for many of us, we’ve been hearing about exercise’s importance for nearly all of our lives. Despite knowing how important it is, many parents will admit that their daily exercise routine is the first thing to fall to the wayside when life gets busy, tough, and challenging, and as parents, we can all relate that life is rarely not tough.

Isn’t that wild? We all know how important exercise is to our health, but at the end of the day, we’d rather do things for our families and homes than do something positive for our health and livelihood. It often isn’t until we have a major health scare or emergency that we get our acts together and try to reverse years, if not decades, of neglected health.

Probably the singular reason that more parents cite than any other, regarding why they don’t regularly participate in an exercise routine more days than not, is time. We all have the same number of hours available to us in any given day — 24 — yet many of us can’t seem to manage to “find the time” to exercise, even when we know it can make a huge difference for our health.

What’s a parent to do, then?

My solution, I think, is the best one I’ve encountered and one that will benefit everyone in your family, not just you.

What is it, you may be wondering? It’s simple, really: exercise with your family. Involve your partner and children in your exercise routine more often than not. Doing so will not only confer health benefits for you, but it’ll also do the same for the rest of your family, and exercise — in whatever manifestation it takes — can be an excellent way to secure some quality time with your family.

Below, I’ll describe in more detail some additional guidelines that can help you involve your family in your exercise routine. Really, it’s a win-win solution, if you think about it: not only will you finally be able to actually take care of yourself and your own health, but you’ll still be spending quality time with your family and, in the process, model for them positive and healthy behaviors that they can later emulate.

Some tips to involve your family in your exercise routine include the following:

Keep it simple. When you’re exercising with your family, don’t overthink it. In fact, don’t even think of it as exercise, per se. Instead, think of it as “play.” Think back to your own childhood and all the games you used to play with your friends or on the playground at school. Easy, pick-up games like basketball, soccer, tag, or simply playing on the monkey bars or climbing on the playground equipment can be a great workout. Your kids will love that you’re actually playing with them and aren’t simply scrolling mindlessly on your phone, and as an added bonus, you’ll be doing something positive for your health.

Teach your kids something new. Depending on the ages of your children, you may be able to teach them a new game or sport and involve them more in your exercise routine. For example, if your children are old enough to ride bikes, with or without training wheels, you may find that you have a companion for some leisurely bike rides! Similarly, if your children like to go on walks, consider taking them to an area forest preserve or park to go on a nature hike. Again, you don’t have to worry about going fast or traveling far, particularly if your children are little, but if they are old enough and sufficiently mature to handle a challenge, you may want to consider teaching them something new — like learning how to ride a bike or go roller-skating, for example — that can be a great catalyst for parent-family “playtime.”

Train for an event together. There are plenty of kids’ triathlons and running races out there, and it can be a lot of fun to train alongside your child for the same event: the child for the youth event and yourself for the adult version. While there are differing opinions on the appropriate age that children should be before completing such arduous events like 10ks or half marathons, most physicians would agree that children can benefit tremendously — physically, emotionally, and psychologically — from participating in a youth-focused event. Come race day, you will be each other’s loudest and most ardent cheerleaders, just as you were in the weeks and days leading up to the event. It can be an amazing way to bond with your child.

Do something accessible at home, like yoga. Finally, depending on the age of your children, many parents enjoy doing at-home yoga routines with their kids. There are tons of yoga options available for free online, and many of them are catered to families, children, or even pregnant women. The nice thing, of course, with doing something at home is that it will take very little time or energy to prepare in advance, and provided you have a reliable internet connection, you and your family can do it whenever you want — even if it’s late at night and everyone’s in their underwear.

What’s most important to remember when it comes to involving your family in your exercise routine is being patient and being flexible. Things can change in an instant, and sometimes, as parents, we have to go with the flow and adapt. It’s certainly important for your health to develop an exercise routine that you can complete more days than not, but sometimes, even with your best-laid plans and best of intentions, life will intervene and preclude you from hitting your workout goal for the day. That’s ok. Don’t get down on yourself if you can’t do everything that you’d like to in any given day, and hope for the best for the next day. Ultimately, do what’s best for your family and for you, and in time, I’m confident that you’ll be able to develop a routine — and put systems in place — that will allow you to better address your health needs.


Hiker and a sports enthusiast. Performing at the sweet spot between beauty and intellectual purity to craft delightful brand experiences. I sometimes make random things with friends.

Make Sure Your Home Is Healthy for Your Dog

Having a dog at home is an incredible way to ensure companionship and make great memories. However, it can also be challenging. After all, your furry friend will probably be curious and adventurous, and you want to ensure that your dog is not in any danger when he is simply roaming or exploring around.

If you have a pet dog, check out the following tips for ensuring that your house is safe. By taking some steps to make sure your home is good for your dog, you can create a space where you, your family and your dog can have great experiences for years to come.

Make Sure Cabinets Are Latched or Locked

When you have a dog at home, it’s important to make sure reachable cabinets latch or lock. That way, a dog cannot get into the cabinet and eat or tear up whatever is in it. (This includes food, medicine, chemicals and more.) By keeping your dog out of the cabinets, you can ensure that he doesn’t ingest something that will hurt or kill him.

Only Have Non-Toxic Plants

Do you have house plants around your home? If so, make sure they are non-toxic. That way, if your dog takes a bite, he won’t be poisoned. If you’re not sure if your plant is poisonous and you think that your pup may have eaten some of it, call your vet. You may have to bring your dog and the plant into the vet but he or she will be able to tell you if your dog is safe, and if not, treat him for any potential health effects.

Give Your Dog a Comfortable Space

Your dog should have a comfortable space to retreat to especially if he gets stressed or anxious. This means that your dog may want a crate of his own, or he may want a bed in a spot where he can hide away if something scary happens. If your dog’s special place is upstairs and he has aches and pains, a medication like Carprofen may help for inflammation in dogs. It takes away pain from arthritis and hip dysplasia (as well as other joint diseases) and can help make it easier for an older dog to do things like climb stairs or ease into small nooks and crannies.

Keep the Toilet Lid Closed

Your dog may love to drink from the toilet. In reality, though, that’s a bad idea. If you use cleaning products in the toilet, your dog can be poisoned. Or, if your dog is small enough, it’s possible he can crawl into the toilet and drown. Make sure that your toilet lid is closed, and that way you can use the bathroom when you need to and ensure that your dog doesn’t encounter anything hazardous there.

Be Careful With Wires

So many things in your house have wires: your television, your computer and your alarm clocks (etc., etc.). Make sure that you tie up loose or dangling wires and keep them out of the way of the dog. That way, your dog won’t be tempted to chew on them (which can cause shock and damage your electronics) or he won’t trip on them when he is running around.

Having a furry friend at home is a great way to warm up a space and make it feel loving. However, you can’t just bring a dog into your space without first ensuring that you’ve done the proper prep work. If you do the work to make sure that your space is safe and healthy for your dog, your family and your pets can enjoy a fun, stress-free life together.


Fat-Burning Ingredients That Benefit Your Health: Proven by Science

Being overweight or obese increases your risk of developing many dangerous diseases. Therefore, shedding that excess pounds benefits your health by default. However, there are some fat-burning ingredients that have additional positive effects on your wellbeing. Including them into your weight loss program will boost its results overall.

3 Best Fat-Burning Ingredients Your Diet Needs


That morning cup of coffee you love so much is doing great things for your health. Recently, researchers have been working on identifying the health benefits of caffeine and they’ve yet to call a stop on their findings. So far we know that caffeine can:

  • Enhance cognition
  • Reduce the risks of the Parkinson’s disease, throat cancer, and type 2 diabetes
  • Boost the efficiency of your workouts
  • Reduce pain (combined with Ibuprofen)

The Telegraph lists some more proven benefits as well as studies that back up those claims. You can also check out a detailed review of recent human studies on coffee benefits available at Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition. It compiles all most relevant research on various positive health effects of caffeine that range from enhanced cardiovascular health to the prevention of liver disease.

The benefits of caffeine as a fat-burning ingredient are directly connected to its effect on exercise. A study published in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise has shown that regular consumption of caffeine combined with exercise results in a massive increase in fat reduction. This effect also helps with maintaining one’s results after achieving the desired level of weight loss.

Please bear in mind that caffeine is a stimulant and therefore might have some negative effects when taken in excess. In particular, it increases anxiety and can interact with certain medications.


Capsaicin is the element that makes chili peppers taste ‘hot’ and it literally makes your body hotter, hence its presence in the list of fat-burning ingredients. The reasons why capsaicin is present in today’s most effective diet pills are:

  • It burns off fat through oxidation.
    There’s a great study from PLoS One that explains why adding capsaicin to weight loss supplements provides visible effects. Usually, to lose weight you must achieve a negative energy balance (meaning to consume fewer calories than you burn). However, doing this naturally slows down your metabolism. This study shows that capsaicin can prevent this and oxidate the fat cells. As a result, you’ll be getting the maximum benefits of your diet.
  • It helps promote vascular health.
    The increased risk of heart disease is one of the main dangers of obesity. This study published in Open Heart proves that capsaicin isn’t only a fat-burning ingredient. It’s also a heart health booster. This element helps prevent plaque formation and natural flushing of cholesterol. It also achieves the weight loss effects mentioned above without bringing your blood pressure up.
  • Capsaicin-induced fat oxidation is so effective, it helps maintain your weight loss results.
    A study from the British Journal of Nutrition showed that people who ingest capsaicin are more likely to prevent weight regain after completing their fat-burning program. Note that these results can be achieved only by maintaining a well-balanced diet.

Citrus Aurantium (Bitter Orange)

Citrus Aurantium has been used in Chinese traditional medicine and in other cultures for millennia. Its main applications are the treatment of digestive disorders, anxiety, and insomnia. Unfortunately, its effects on health aren’t as well-researched as its efficiency for weight loss.

The latter has been proven beyond any doubt, as you can see from this review of human clinical studies from the International Journal of Medical Sciences. This element performs best when combined with other fat-burning ingredients, especially caffeine. Together they enhance the metabolism helping your body shed excess weight faster. Bitter orange is safe to use in dietary supplements and can be taken by people who aren’t sensitive to this particular element.