History is one of those subjects in school that some of us loved, and that others just couldn’t help sleeping through.
Whether or not history seems exciting and interesting to a child will be affected by their temperament and innate interests, but also by the way in which the subject is taught. Endless lists of dates to memorise is unlikely to as fascinating as visiting a reenactment site or hearing an adventurous tale set in the past.
While kids generally enjoy fantasy games such as https://finalfantasyxvapp.com/#home, history can be no less exciting and engaging, not to mention educational and informative.
Here are some reasons why you should get your kids interested in history if possible, and nurture that interest when it arises.
History contains timeless lessons for the present and the future
History isn’t just a record of stuff that happened in the past, it is, to a large degree, also a record of the causes and effects of different events, as well as a series of lessons about the ways in which life can unfold and how to live it meaningfully and productively.
The events in history may have occurred a long time ago, society may have changed in various ways, and technology may have advanced more than anyone could ever have imagined, but people are fundamentally not very different, and the lessons which applied to the people of yesteryear will likely still apply to people living today.
What philosophies did Ancient Greeks and Romans develop to help them face the world courageously? Which ideological viewpoints caused civilisations to fall rather than rise?
History is rich with applicable lessons for the present day.
History can offer great fuel for the imagination
It’s no surprise that the authors of so many great works of fiction (and for that matter, great TV shows) have been ardent fans and students of history. History is, by its very nature, full of incredible sources of inspiration for the imagination to latch onto.
When looking back at history, you can see events so strange and wondrous that they’re almost impossible to comprehend. You can hear tales of people living lives uncannily similar to our own, but with the social fabric altered in essential ways.
You can read myths and legends of strange creatures that still find their way into popular entertainment today.
For any child with an active imagination, studying history can be a great thing.
History can help people to appreciate and respect their roots
As modern people, often living in relatively peaceful and stable societies, it can be very easy for us to take things for granted, to feel that the blessings we enjoy just fell out of the sky, and to become apathetic about the world, and careless about our responsibilities to our societies.
Studying history, however, can teach people to respect their roots and honour the incredible labours and sacrifices of their ancestors — imperfect as they may have been — to create those things that we enjoy today.
Not only can this reflection on history help to boost self-esteem, but it can also help to deepen a sense of social responsibility, and the understanding that society can only be maintained through careful effort.