Springfloat from Swimways Review and Giveaway

It is way too hot, and has been for too long. Pretty much every part of the countryhas felt the heat this summer. Crops drying up in the mid west, streets melting in the south, people melting in the north east. Fires in the southwest. Its been a warm summer to say the least. The best way to beat the heat?

Water, and lots of it. Pools, oceans, lakes, ponds, puddles. Anything you can dip into and cool down with. 😛

This will only last so long, until its time to doze off. So why not get a pool toy to lounge in? Check out the Spring Float. These are the nifty floats made by SwimWays, they fold up small and bounce up to fully useable in no time. There is a small inflatable portion of the floats, but they are easy to fill. They also come in different sizes and types, from sun seats to canopies for the little ones. The Spingfloats are all great fun.

Little Man used one as a baby, and they have adult sizes and even one for doggies! Swimways recently launched a new website, specifically created to aid in the development of children’s swimming. Check out the resources, which include tip sheets and facts from TeachMetoSwim.com if you are teaching your little ones to swim, like I am this summer 🙂

Swimways has coupon available for $2 off the purchase of any two Swimways products. https://www.swimways.com/Documents/sw_coupon.pdf So you can start saving right away.

One of you can win a Swimways Springfloat- here is how to enter!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Hop Along Friday- Blog Hop

Welcome to the Hop Along Friday!
As most of you may be aware of, GFC will no
longer be available to self hosted blogs and non blogger blogs
shortly. We don’t want to leave all of those people out! So, we are
adjusting our hop to include everyone! There are other ways to
follow blogs such as Google+, Networked Blogs, and various other
options. We want everyone to link up!

Here is what we would love for you to do. Please link up your blog and
at the end of it, leave how you would like to be followed.

Example: Chubby Cheeks Thinks *Google+”

This way, readers aren’t coming to your blog and are at a loss for how
to follow you. It is simple and easy and the same as it [Read more…]

Mattel Toys- Batman Dark Knight Rises Review and Giveaway

Step inside and take a a look at something brand new and awesome.
As many of you know, there is a new Batman movie that just came out, July 20, 2012 to be exact. This movie is going to be the final of Christopher Nolan’s Batman. The movie looks great, the trailers are action packed and the cast is star studded. Christian Bale as Batman, Anna Hathaway as Cat Woman and Tom Hardy as Bane. That’s right Bane, as in back breaking Bane. This movie has so much potential it is mind boggling.

Bane is one of Batman’s most feared enemies, with the help of a drug which resembles a mix of steroids and human growth hormones, and a healthy dose of radiation- Bane is a formidable foe. Also, as an icing on the cake, Cat Woman is this movie as well. Cat Woman is always nice to see on the big screen. I know what some of you are saying- that is not Bane, and that is definitely not the Cat Woman we all know. But as with Joker in the previous film, Mr. Nolan changed some costumes [Read more…]

Playmobile Vet Clinic Review and Giveaway

I have always enjoyed Playmobile toys. Their creativity the ability to tack onto other play sets and include the spies in with the farm, who have sick pets and must go to vet clinic, of course. Wait- if you have no vet clinic, that means none of the tools or equipment needed to heal that chicken’s wing. Oh No! LOL

Take a look at the new Playmobile Pet Clinic Play set. This play set is packed to the brim with accessories, like the scalpel, injection needle, desks chairs computer, animal cages and of course and operating table. The set also includes a few pets to fix up, including guinea pigs, rabbits, and cats. Another awesome feature of this play set is is portability. All the accessories and critters all fit inside the vet clinic which seals up and has an easy carry handle. I love it when toys are their own clean up. Little Man really likes that too. He doesn’t like when something is [Read more…]

Salsa Chicken Quesadilla

This is one of my all time favorite summer quesadillas. The kids don’t like the peppers or green onions so you don’t have to add those in there. Find a salsa you like, if you like spicy go for it, you want mild have at it. Make it up as you go! This makes a wonderful appetizer or lunch for busy summers.




about 2 cups of shredded chicken which had slow cooked in the crock pot the day before.

1/2 cup or more of homemade salsa

1 shredded cheese of choice (provolone, swiss and pepper jack work great in this spicy meal)

1/2 cup chopped green onions

1/4 cup chopped sun dried tomatoes

1/4 cup chopped roasted red bell peppers

flour tortillas



Mix up the shredded chicken with salsa. Add in shredded [Read more…]

Shopping at Home with Spiegel

Who doesn’t love some internet shopping? Today we are going to check out www.spiegel.com. Spiegel specializes in fashion for women, and online shopping made easy. Spiegel started out in 1905, with a catalog which included women’s clothing and furniture. After 20 years of meeting the mail order needs of America, Spiegel began to branch out into European fashion, becoming the first catalog to bring European fashion into American homes.

Since that time, Spiegel has grown to mean work place fashion meets about town fashion, shoes, accessories and all the needs of the everyday woman. Ever changing and evolving to meet the needs of modern women, Spiegel is always a great catalog to browse, especially [Read more…]

Daily Deals

FREE MAKEUP GIFT – $30 VALUE! Enter code SunOnTheRun at checkout on orders over $39. HURRY – Offer ends 7/29 [Read more…]

Finding New Friends Blog Hop

Welcome back to week 68 of Finding New Friends Weekend Blog Hop hosted by Shelly from My Saving Game, Sam from Have Sippy Will Travel and Jeannette from The Adventures of J-Man and MillerBug! We missed you last week but were enjoying a bloggy vacation! But we’re back now and ready to hop! Thank you all for helping make this hop so successful! We love you tons! Now what are you waiting for? Let’s get to hopping! We are finding some fabulous blogs through this hop and having a great time getting to know so many of you! So thank you for linking up again this week to those of you who are hop veterans and welcome to those who are new! Let’s continue to make new bloggy friends and increase our traffic! We do have a few simple rules for you – nothing [Read more…]