Hosted By 3 Princes and a Princess 2
Win a Brand New AFA Mali Series Futon!
AFA Mali Futon Features:
- Mali Flex Futon Frame
- 6″ [Read more…]
AFA Mali Futon Features:
Time is a difficult concept to wrap your mind around. You can measure it but not with a ruler, you can lose it but will never find it. Oh, and it makes your hair grey 😛
When you are having fun it flies, but when you are not it drags on by- and of course it will continue on until…. well…. the end of time. Let’s get all the little guys and gals involved in all the ticking fun with Watch It! The elapsed time clock. This clock will help kids thinking hours and minutes instead of 5 minutes, 5 minutes. The clock itself is big and tough for little kids to play with. It is also well built and easy to use. The stopwatch in the middle tells the difference between the two clock on either side of the apparatus. Both clocks display the clock on both their faces and the numerical display below. This [Read more…]
Are you ready for some 80’s nostalgia? Bring yourself back to the days of dropping quarter after quarter into the arcades. Now kids arcades were dark rooms where people would go to play video games together in a public setting on arcade machines. These places were full of loud music and electronic sounds, flashing lights, and kids running around. For a kid with a pocket full of quarters, there was no better place to spend an afternoon.
In order to truly appreciate Double Dragon Neon, one needs to understand Double Dragon.
The first Double Dragon was released in 1987 and was a great side scrolling beat’em up game. You played the part of Billy or Jimmy Lee on their quest to save Marian, their common love interest. The music memorable and the game play now classic.
Neon takes the underlying concepts of the arcade Double Dragon and undated them with new graphics and soundtracks, while keeping the same feel of the original. The game play is the same, punch, kick, throw repeat. But now there are more special moves which make things a bit more interesting.
The game itself [Read more…]
KFC is re-launching the new and improved Chicken Littles, which are now back on the menu and available for the little price of $1.29. KFC has not sold Chicken Littles in more than 20 years, but it is back by popular demand. A recent poll on the KFC Facebook page revealed that Chicken Littles was the overwhelming favorite among items they’d like back on the menu.
Chicken Littles feature a freshly-breaded Extra Crispy Strip sandwiched in a sweet bun topped with pickle slices and KFC’s signature Colonel’s Mayo. The soft, sweet bun complements [Read more…]
I recently went to the newly opened Rookie USA store, located at 808 Columbus on the Upper West Side. Rookie USA was in a super convenient location, with lots of other stores and shopping nearby, on street parking and parking garages available. It was a beautiful day, on a beautiful street- AND I even found a parking space, and successfully parallel parked 🙂 Hey- sometimes it’s the little things!
Rookie USA is beautifully set up, with wide open spaces (easy for pushing strollers in) and racks that are not overcrowded with clothes. The employees were friendly, and the store itself was clean and had a nice atmosphere- no loud music or flashing lights that make me want to run out as fast as I can, LOL.
The store sells clothing and accessories such as backpacks and baseball hats for infants through teenagers. They carry brands like Nike, Levi’s, Converse and Air Jordan, and even have very small jerseys. There is an entire wall of sneakers as well.
There [Read more…]
I love making this dish for several reasons, one of course it feeds a large hungry family, second it’s super easy and third you can freeze it and re-heat or cook it at a later date. It’s been super busy with school and activities which most of you can relate too. This dish is hearty, and believe it or not easy to set up.
My favorite way to make this is with garden vegetables, but you can use meat, I used peppers, zucchini and eggplant for a vegetarian dish. I have never used no boil lasagna noddles before but have been told by many they use my easy recipe with it and it comes out even quicker, you choose what you’d like!
I make it extra cheesy. 🙂
1lb of your choice vegetables washed, skinned and sliced (eggplant, zucchini and red bell peppers fit nicely together. Make sure they are not sliced thickly, or it will take longer to cook.
2-3 cups of your favorite tomato sauce or 3 pint jars homemade tomato sauce.
Lasagna noddles either oven ready (no boil) or cook regular lasagna noddles as directed on package.
2 teaspoons Italian seasonings
couple [Read more…]
There is a discussion going on over the usefulness of supplements. Some swear by them, swallowing entire cups of vitamins and minerals with every meal, morning noon and night. Others think all you are doing is making expensive waste, or as Sheldon from Big Bang Theory put it, “What you’re buying here are the ingredients for very expensive urine.” Whatever your opinion of supplements is, without trying something first, an opinion is little more then a fairy tale.
Taking suplements on their own is not very helpful. The trick to supplements is supplementing (see? see how that works? LOL) you regular meals and dietary intake. Let’s say you are having a particularly stressful day and just want to sleep, but there is no way the sandman is visiting tonight with your mind running around in circles. So instead of taking a sedative or a sleep aide, why not try an herbal supplement. Melatonin does wonders as does Valerian. Plus in general [Read more…]
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